def notifySlack(String buildStatus = 'STARTED') { // Build status of null means success. buildStatus = buildStatus ?: 'SUCCESS' def color if (buildStatus == 'STARTED') { color = '#D4DADF' } else if (buildStatus == 'SUCCESS') { color = '#BDFFC3' } else if (buildStatus == 'UNSTABLE') { color = '#FFFE89' } else { color = '#FF9FA1' } def msg = "${buildStatus}: `${env.JOB_NAME}` #${env.BUILD_NUMBER}: ${env.GIT_COMMIT}\n${env.BUILD_URL}" slackSend(color: color, channel: '#status-k8s', message: msg) } def fetchParamsFromGitLog() { def myParams = [:]; // Copy configured params for (entry in params) { println("Fetching entry from params: ${entry}"); println("Fetching entry from params: key=${entry.key}, value=${entry.value}"); myParams[entry.key] = entry.value; } // Fetch params configured in git commit messages // Syntax: [ci OPT=value] // Example: [ci TESTOPTIONS=" ^TestSimpleSingle$"] def options = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git log --reverse remotes/origin/master..HEAD | grep -o \'\\[ci[^\\[]*\\]\' | sed -E \'s/\\[ci (.*)\\]/\\1/\'").trim().split("\n") for (opt in options) { println("Processing option ${opt}"); def idx = opt.indexOf('='); println("Processing option ${opt} with idx=${idx}"); if (idx > 0) { def key = opt.substring(0, idx); def value = opt.substring(idx+1); myParams[key] = value; println("Overwriting myParams.${key} with ${value}"); } } return myParams; } def kubeConfigRoot = "/home/jenkins/.kube" def buildTestSteps(Map myParams, String kubeConfigRoot, String kubeconfig) { return { timestamps { withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'ENTERPRISEIMAGE', variable: 'DEFAULTENTERPRISEIMAGE')]) { withEnv([ "DEPLOYMENTNAMESPACE=${myParams['TESTNAMESPACE']}-${env.GIT_COMMIT}", "DOCKERNAMESPACE=${myParams['DOCKERNAMESPACE']}", "ENTERPRISEIMAGE=${myParams['ENTERPRISEIMAGE']}", "IMAGETAG=jenkins-test", "KUBECONFIG=${kubeConfigRoot}/${kubeconfig}", "LONG=${myParams['LONG'] ? 1 : 0}", "TESTOPTIONS=${myParams['TESTOPTIONS']}", ]) { sh "make run-tests" } } } } } def buildCleanupSteps(Map myParams, String kubeConfigRoot, String kubeconfig) { return { timestamps { withEnv([ "DEPLOYMENTNAMESPACE=${myParams['TESTNAMESPACE']}-${env.GIT_COMMIT}", "DOCKERNAMESPACE=${myParams['DOCKERNAMESPACE']}", "KUBECONFIG=${kubeConfigRoot}/${kubeconfig}", ]) { sh "make cleanup-tests" } } } } pipeline { options { buildDiscarder(logRotator(daysToKeepStr: '7', numToKeepStr: '10')) lock resource: 'kube-arangodb' } agent any parameters { booleanParam(name: 'LONG', defaultValue: false, description: 'Execute long running tests') string(name: 'DOCKERNAMESPACE', defaultValue: 'arangodb', description: 'DOCKERNAMESPACE sets the docker registry namespace in which the operator docker image will be pushed', ) string(name: 'KUBECONFIGS', defaultValue: 'kube-ams1,scw-183a3b', description: 'KUBECONFIGS is a comma separated list of Kubernetes configuration files (relative to /home/jenkins/.kube) on which the tests are run', ) string(name: 'TESTNAMESPACE', defaultValue: 'jenkins', description: 'TESTNAMESPACE sets the kubernetes namespace to ru tests in (this must be short!!)', ) string(name: 'ENTERPRISEIMAGE', defaultValue: '', description: 'ENTERPRISEIMAGE sets the docker image used for enterprise tests)', ) } def myParams; stages { stage("Prepare") { steps { script { myParams = fetchParamsFromGitLog(); } } } stage('Build') { steps { timestamps { withEnv([ "DEPLOYMENTNAMESPACE=${myParams['TESTNAMESPACE']}-${env.GIT_COMMIT}", "DOCKERNAMESPACE=${myParams['DOCKERNAMESPACE']}", "IMAGETAG=jenkins-test", "LONG=${myParams['LONG'] ? 1 : 0}", "TESTOPTIONS=${myParams['TESTOPTIONS']}", ]) { sh "make" sh "make run-unit-tests" sh "make docker-test" } } } } stage('Test') { steps { script { def configs = "${myParams['KUBECONFIGS']}".split(",") def testTasks = [:] for (kubeconfig in configs) { testTasks["${kubeconfig}"] = buildTestSteps(myParams, kubeConfigRoot, kubeconfig) } parallel testTasks } } } } post { always { script { def configs = "${myParams['KUBECONFIGS']}".split(",") def cleanupTasks = [:] for (kubeconfig in configs) { cleanupTasks["${kubeconfig}"] = buildCleanupSteps(myParams, kubeConfigRoot, kubeconfig) } parallel cleanupTasks } } failure { notifySlack('FAILURE') } success { notifySlack('SUCCESS') } } }