# ArangoDB Kubernetes Operator ArangoDB Kubernetes Operator helps do run ArangoDB deployments on Kubernetes clusters. To get started, follow the Installation instructions below and/or read the [tutorial](./docs/Manual/Tutorials/Kubernetes/README.md). ## State The ArangoDB Kubernetes Operator is still in **heavy development**. Running ArangoDB deployments (single, active-failover or cluster) is becoming reasonably stable, but you should **not yet use it for production environments**. The feature set of the ArangoDB Kubernetes Operator is close to what it is intended to be, with the exeption of Datacenter to Datacenter replication support. That is still completely missing. [Documentation](./docs/README.md) ## Installation of latest release ```bash kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arangodb/kube-arangodb/0.2.1/manifests/crd.yaml kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arangodb/kube-arangodb/0.2.1/manifests/arango-deployment.yaml # To use `ArangoLocalStorage`, also run kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arangodb/kube-arangodb/0.2.1/manifests/arango-storage.yaml ``` ## Building ```bash DOCKERNAMESPACE= make kubectl apply -f manifests/crd.yaml kubectl apply -f manifests/arango-deployment-dev.yaml # To use `ArangoLocalStorage`, also run kubectl apply -f manifests/arango-storage-dev.yaml ```