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2020-06-26 06:53:24 +00:00
// Copyright 2020 ArangoDB GmbH, Cologne, Germany
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Copyright holder is ArangoDB GmbH, Cologne, Germany
// Author Adam Janikowski
package reconcile
import (
2020-07-21 07:32:02 +00:00
2020-06-26 06:53:24 +00:00
core "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
api "github.com/arangodb/kube-arangodb/pkg/apis/deployment/v1"
func createJWTKeyUpdate(ctx context.Context,
log zerolog.Logger, apiObject k8sutil.APIObject,
spec api.DeploymentSpec, status api.DeploymentStatus,
cachedStatus inspector.Inspector, context PlanBuilderContext) api.Plan {
if folder, err := ensureJWTFolderSupport(spec, status); err != nil || !folder {
return nil
folder, ok := cachedStatus.Secret(pod.JWTSecretFolder(apiObject.GetName()))
if !ok {
log.Error().Msgf("Unable to get JWT folder info")
return nil
s, ok := cachedStatus.Secret(spec.Authentication.GetJWTSecretName())
if !ok {
log.Info().Msgf("JWT Secret is missing, no rotation will take place")
return nil
jwt, ok := s.Data[constants.SecretKeyToken]
if !ok {
log.Warn().Msgf("JWT Secret is invalid, no rotation will take place")
return addJWTPropagatedPlanAction(status)
jwtSha := util.SHA256(jwt)
if _, ok := folder.Data[jwtSha]; !ok {
2020-07-21 07:32:02 +00:00
return addJWTPropagatedPlanAction(status, api.NewAction(api.ActionTypeJWTAdd, api.ServerGroupUnknown, "", "Add JWTRotation key").AddParam(checksum, jwtSha))
2020-06-26 06:53:24 +00:00
activeKey, ok := folder.Data[pod.ActiveJWTKey]
if !ok {
return addJWTPropagatedPlanAction(status, api.NewAction(api.ActionTypeJWTSetActive, api.ServerGroupUnknown, "", "Set active key").AddParam(checksum, jwtSha))
tokenKey, ok := folder.Data[constants.SecretKeyToken]
if !ok || util.SHA256(activeKey) != util.SHA256(tokenKey) {
return addJWTPropagatedPlanAction(status, api.NewAction(api.ActionTypeJWTSetActive, api.ServerGroupUnknown, "", "Set active key and add token field").AddParam(checksum, jwtSha))
2020-06-26 06:53:24 +00:00
plan, failed := areJWTTokensUpToDate(ctx, log, apiObject, spec, status, cachedStatus, context, folder)
if len(plan) > 0 {
return plan
if failed {
log.Info().Msgf("JWT Failed on one pod, no rotation will take place")
return nil
if util.SHA256(activeKey) != jwtSha {
return addJWTPropagatedPlanAction(status, api.NewAction(api.ActionTypeJWTSetActive, api.ServerGroupUnknown, "", "Set active key").AddParam(checksum, jwtSha))
for key := range folder.Data {
if key == pod.ActiveJWTKey || key == constants.SecretKeyToken {
2020-06-26 06:53:24 +00:00
if key == jwtSha {
return addJWTPropagatedPlanAction(status, api.NewAction(api.ActionTypeJWTClean, api.ServerGroupUnknown, "", "Remove old key").AddParam(checksum, key))
return addJWTPropagatedPlanAction(status)
func createJWTStatusUpdate(ctx context.Context,
log zerolog.Logger, apiObject k8sutil.APIObject,
spec api.DeploymentSpec, status api.DeploymentStatus,
cachedStatus inspector.Inspector, context PlanBuilderContext) api.Plan {
if _, err := ensureJWTFolderSupport(spec, status); err != nil {
return nil
if createJWTStatusUpdateRequired(ctx, log, apiObject, spec, status, cachedStatus, context) {
return addJWTPropagatedPlanAction(status, api.NewAction(api.ActionTypeJWTStatusUpdate, api.ServerGroupUnknown, "", "Update status"))
return nil
func createJWTStatusUpdateRequired(ctx context.Context,
log zerolog.Logger, apiObject k8sutil.APIObject,
spec api.DeploymentSpec, status api.DeploymentStatus,
cachedStatus inspector.Inspector, context PlanBuilderContext) bool {
folder, err := ensureJWTFolderSupport(spec, status)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msgf("Action not supported")
return false
if !folder {
if status.Hashes.JWT.Passive != nil {
return true
f, ok := cachedStatus.Secret(spec.Authentication.GetJWTSecretName())
if !ok {
log.Error().Msgf("Unable to get JWT secret info")
return false
key, ok := f.Data[constants.SecretKeyToken]
if !ok {
log.Error().Msgf("JWT Token is invalid")
return false
keySha := fmt.Sprintf("sha256:%s", util.SHA256(key))
if status.Hashes.JWT.Active != keySha {
log.Error().Msgf("JWT Token is invalid")
return true
return false
f, ok := cachedStatus.Secret(pod.JWTSecretFolder(apiObject.GetName()))
if !ok {
log.Error().Msgf("Unable to get JWT folder info")
return false
activeKeyData, active := f.Data[pod.ActiveJWTKey]
activeKeyShort := util.SHA256(activeKeyData)
activeKey := fmt.Sprintf("sha256:%s", activeKeyShort)
if active {
if status.Hashes.JWT.Active != activeKey {
return true
if len(f.Data) == 0 {
if status.Hashes.JWT.Passive != nil {
return true
return false
var keys []string
for key := range f.Data {
if key == pod.ActiveJWTKey || key == activeKeyShort || key == constants.SecretKeyToken {
2020-06-26 06:53:24 +00:00
keys = append(keys, key)
if len(keys) == 0 {
if status.Hashes.JWT.Passive != nil {
return true
return false
keys = util.PrefixStringArray(keys, "sha256:")
if !util.CompareStringArray(keys, status.Hashes.JWT.Passive) {
return true
return false
func areJWTTokensUpToDate(ctx context.Context,
log zerolog.Logger, apiObject k8sutil.APIObject,
spec api.DeploymentSpec, status api.DeploymentStatus,
cachedStatus inspector.Inspector, context PlanBuilderContext,
folder *core.Secret) (plan api.Plan, failed bool) {
status.Members.ForeachServerGroup(func(group api.ServerGroup, list api.MemberStatusList) error {
for _, m := range list {
if updateRequired, failedMember := isJWTTokenUpToDate(ctx, log, apiObject, spec, status, cachedStatus, context, group, m, folder); failedMember {
failed = true
} else if updateRequired {
plan = append(plan, api.NewAction(api.ActionTypeJWTRefresh, group, m.ID))
return nil
func isJWTTokenUpToDate(ctx context.Context,
log zerolog.Logger, apiObject k8sutil.APIObject,
spec api.DeploymentSpec, status api.DeploymentStatus,
cachedStatus inspector.Inspector, context PlanBuilderContext,
group api.ServerGroup, m api.MemberStatus,
folder *core.Secret) (updateRequired bool, failed bool) {
if m.Phase != api.MemberPhaseCreated {
return false, true
2020-07-21 07:32:02 +00:00
if i, ok := status.Images.GetByImageID(m.ImageID); !ok || !features.JWTRotation().Supported(i.ArangoDBVersion, i.Enterprise) {
2020-06-26 06:53:24 +00:00
return false, false
mlog := log.With().Str("group", group.AsRole()).Str("member", m.ID).Logger()
c, err := context.GetServerClient(ctx, group, m.ID)
if err != nil {
mlog.Warn().Err(err).Msg("Unable to get client")
return false, true
if updateRequired, err := isMemberJWTTokenInvalid(ctx, client.NewClient(c.Connection()), folder.Data, false); err != nil {
2020-07-21 07:32:02 +00:00
mlog.Warn().Err(err).Msg("JWT UpToDate Check failed")
2020-06-26 06:53:24 +00:00
return false, true
} else if updateRequired {
return true, false
return false, false
func addJWTPropagatedPlanAction(s api.DeploymentStatus, actions ...api.Action) api.Plan {
got := len(actions) != 0
cond := conditionFalse
if !got {
cond = conditionTrue
if s.Hashes.JWT.Propagated == got {
p := api.Plan{api.NewAction(api.ActionTypeJWTPropagated, api.ServerGroupUnknown, "", "Change propagated flag").AddParam(propagated, cond)}
return append(p, actions...)
return actions
func isMemberJWTTokenInvalid(ctx context.Context, c client.Client, data map[string][]byte, refresh bool) (bool, error) {
cmd := c.GetJWT
if refresh {
cmd = c.RefreshJWT
e, err := cmd(ctx)
if err != nil {
return false, errors.Wrapf(err, "Unable to fetch JWT tokens")
if e.Result.Active == nil {
return false, errors.Wrapf(err, "There is no active JWT Token")
if jwtActive, ok := data[pod.ActiveJWTKey]; !ok {
return false, errors.Errorf("Missing Active JWT Token in folder")
} else if util.SHA256(jwtActive) != e.Result.Active.GetSHA().Checksum() {
log.Info().Str("active", e.Result.Active.GetSHA().Checksum()).Str("expected", util.SHA256(jwtActive)).Msgf("Active key is invalid")
return true, nil
if !compareJWTKeys(e.Result.Passive, data) {
return true, nil
return false, nil
func compareJWTKeys(e client.Entries, keys map[string][]byte) bool {
for k := range keys {
if k == pod.ActiveJWTKey || k == constants.SecretKeyToken {
2020-06-26 06:53:24 +00:00
if !e.Contains(k) {
log.Info().Msgf("Missing JWT Key")
return false
for _, entry := range e {
if entry.GetSHA() == "" {
if _, ok := keys[entry.GetSHA().Checksum()]; !ok {
return false
return true