2023-11-07 18:50:23 +00:00
# How to collect debug data
2023-08-25 10:28:56 +00:00
## Agency dump
To collect only agency dump, run:
kubectl exec -ti {POD_kube-arangodb-operator} -- /usr/bin/arangodb_operator admin agency dump > agency_dump.json
## Deployment debug package
To collect debug package, which contains things like:
- deployment pod logs
- operator pod logs
- kubernetes events
- deployment yaml files
- agency dump
Ensure you have debug mode enabled in the operator deployment:
helm upgrade --install kube-arangodb \
https://github.com/arangodb/kube-arangodb/releases/download/$VER/kube-arangodb-$VER.tgz \
--set "rbac.extensions.debug=true"
Then run:
kubectl exec -ti {POD_kube-arangodb-operator} -- /usr/bin/arangodb_operator debugPackage --namespace {namespace} -o - > db.tar.gz