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synced 2025-03-18 14:28:15 +00:00
This adds a Boolean option `uninstall`. When enabled this option will reset side-effecting configurations to their "empty" state. The intent is that this will cause the activation script to remove all managed files and packages. Doing it this way should hopefully be more robust than the previous solution. It also allows a somewhat more convenient uninstall process when using Flakes; put `uninstall = true` in your existing configuration and then do a switch. Also add simple uninstall test in CI test job.
188 lines
6.7 KiB
Executable file
188 lines
6.7 KiB
Executable file
# Moves the existing profile from /nix or $XDG_STATE_HOME/home-manager to
# $XDG_STATE_HOME/nix to match changed behavior in Nix 2.14. See
# https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/5226.
function migrateProfile() {
declare -r stateHome="${XDG_STATE_HOME:-$HOME/.local/state}"
declare -r userNixStateDir="$stateHome/nix"
declare -r hmStateDir="$stateHome/home-manager"
declare -r globalNixStateDir="${NIX_STATE_DIR:-/nix/var/nix}"
declare -r globalProfilesDir="$globalNixStateDir/profiles/per-user/$USER"
if [[ -e $globalProfilesDir/home-manager ]]; then
declare -r oldProfilesDir="$globalProfilesDir"
elif [[ -e $hmStateDir/profiles/home-manager ]]; then
declare -r oldProfilesDir="$hmStateDir/profiles"
declare -r newProfilesDir="$userNixStateDir/profiles"
if [[ -v oldProfilesDir && -e $newProfilesDir ]]; then
if [[ ! -e $newProfilesDir/home-manager ]]; then
_i 'Migrating profile from %s to %s' "$oldProfilesDir" "$newProfilesDir"
for p in "$oldProfilesDir"/home-manager-*; do
declare name="${p##*/}"
nix-store --realise "$p" --add-root "$newProfilesDir/$name" > /dev/null
cp -P "$oldProfilesDir/home-manager" "$newProfilesDir"
rm "$oldProfilesDir/home-manager" "$oldProfilesDir"/home-manager-*
function setupVars() {
declare -r stateHome="${XDG_STATE_HOME:-$HOME/.local/state}"
declare -r userNixStateDir="$stateHome/nix"
declare -gr hmStatePath="$stateHome/home-manager"
declare -r hmGcrootsDir="$hmStatePath/gcroots"
declare -r globalNixStateDir="${NIX_STATE_DIR:-/nix/var/nix}"
declare -r globalProfilesDir="$globalNixStateDir/profiles/per-user/$USER"
declare -r globalGcrootsDir="$globalNixStateDir/gcroots/per-user/$USER"
# If the user Nix profiles path exists, then place the HM profile there.
# Otherwise, if the global Nix per-user state directory exists then use
# that. If neither exists, then we give up.
# shellcheck disable=2174
if [[ -d $userNixStateDir/profiles ]]; then
declare -r profilesDir="$userNixStateDir/profiles"
elif [[ -d $globalProfilesDir ]]; then
declare -r profilesDir="$globalProfilesDir"
_iError 'Could not find suitable profile directory, tried %s and %s' \
"$userNixStateDir/profiles" "$globalProfilesDir" >&2
exit 1
declare -gr hmDataPath="${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/home-manager"
declare -gr genProfilePath="$profilesDir/home-manager"
declare -gr newGenPath="@GENERATION_DIR@";
declare -gr newGenGcPath="$hmGcrootsDir/current-home"
declare -gr legacyGenGcPath="$globalGcrootsDir/current-home"
declare greatestGenNum
greatestGenNum=$( \
nix-env --list-generations --profile "$genProfilePath" \
| tail -1 \
| sed -E 's/ *([[:digit:]]+) .*/\1/')
if [[ -n $greatestGenNum ]] ; then
declare -gr oldGenNum=$greatestGenNum
declare -gr newGenNum=$((oldGenNum + 1))
declare -gr newGenNum=1
if [[ -e $genProfilePath ]] ; then
declare -g oldGenPath
oldGenPath="$(readlink -e "$genProfilePath")"
$VERBOSE_RUN _i "Sanity checking oldGenNum and oldGenPath"
if [[ -v oldGenNum && ! -v oldGenPath
|| ! -v oldGenNum && -v oldGenPath ]]; then
_i $'The previous generation number and path are in conflict! These\nmust be either both empty or both set but are now set to\n\n \'%s\' and \'%s\'\n\nIf you don\'t mind losing previous profile generations then\nthe easiest solution is probably to run\n\n rm %s/home-manager*\n rm %s/current-home\n\nand trying home-manager switch again. Good luck!' \
"${oldGenNum:-}" "${oldGenPath:-}" \
"$profilesDir" "$hmGcrootsDir"
exit 1
# Helper used to list content of a `nix profile` profile.
function nixProfileList() {
# We attempt to use `--json` first (added in Nix 2.17). Otherwise attempt to
# parse the legacy output format.
nix profile list --json 2>/dev/null \
| jq -r --arg name "$1" '.elements[].storePaths[] | select(endswith($name))'
} || {
nix profile list \
| { grep "$1\$" || test $? = 1; } \
| cut -d ' ' -f 4
# Helper used to remove a package from a Nix profile. Supports both `nix-env`
# and `nix profile`.
function nixProfileRemove() {
# We don't use `cfg.profileDirectory` here because it defaults to
# `/etc/profiles/per-user/<user>` which is constructed by NixOS or
# nix-darwin and won't require uninstalling `home-manager-path`.
if [[ -e $HOME/.nix-profile/manifest.json \
|| -e ${XDG_STATE_HOME:-$HOME/.local/state}/nix/profile/manifest.json ]] ; then
nixProfileList "$1" | xargs -t $DRY_RUN_CMD nix profile remove $VERBOSE_ARG
$DRY_RUN_CMD nix-env -e "$1" > $DRY_RUN_NULL 2>&1
function checkUsername() {
local expectedUser="$1"
if [[ "$USER" != "$expectedUser" ]]; then
_iError 'Error: USER is set to "%s" but we expect "%s"' "$USER" "$expectedUser"
exit 1
function checkHomeDirectory() {
local expectedHome="$1"
if ! [[ $HOME -ef $expectedHome ]]; then
_iError 'Error: HOME is set to "%s" but we expect "%s"' "$HOME" "$expectedHome"
exit 1
if [[ -v VERBOSE ]]; then
export VERBOSE_ECHO=echo
export VERBOSE_ARG="--verbose"
export VERBOSE_RUN=""
export VERBOSE_ECHO=true
export VERBOSE_ARG=""
export VERBOSE_RUN=true
_i "Starting Home Manager activation"
# Verify that we can connect to the Nix store and/or daemon. This will
# also create the necessary directories in profiles and gcroots.
$VERBOSE_RUN _i "Sanity checking Nix"
nix-build --expr '{}' --no-out-link
# Also make sure that the Nix profiles path is created.
nix-env -q > /dev/null 2>&1 || true
if [[ -v DRY_RUN ]] ; then
_i "This is a dry run"
export DRY_RUN_CMD=echo
export DRY_RUN_NULL=/dev/stdout
$VERBOSE_RUN _i "This is a live run"
export DRY_RUN_CMD=""
export DRY_RUN_NULL=/dev/null
if [[ -v VERBOSE ]]; then
_i 'Using Nix version: %s' "$(nix-env --version)"
$VERBOSE_RUN _i "Activation variables:"
if [[ -v oldGenNum ]] ; then
$VERBOSE_ECHO " oldGenNum=$oldGenNum"
$VERBOSE_ECHO " oldGenPath=$oldGenPath"
$VERBOSE_ECHO " oldGenNum undefined (first run?)"
$VERBOSE_ECHO " oldGenPath undefined (first run?)"
$VERBOSE_ECHO " newGenPath=$newGenPath"
$VERBOSE_ECHO " newGenNum=$newGenNum"
$VERBOSE_ECHO " genProfilePath=$genProfilePath"
$VERBOSE_ECHO " newGenGcPath=$newGenGcPath"
$VERBOSE_ECHO " legacyGenGcPath=$legacyGenGcPath"