# Tests {#sec-tests} Home Manager includes a basic test suite and it is highly recommended to include at least one test when adding a module. Tests are typically in the form of \"golden tests\" where, for example, a generated configuration file is compared to a known correct file. It is relatively easy to create tests by modeling the existing tests, found in the `tests` project directory. For a full reference to the functions available in test scripts, you can look at NMT's [bash-lib](https://git.sr.ht/~rycee/nmt/tree/master/item/bash-lib). The full Home Manager test suite can be run by executing ``` shell $ nix-shell --pure tests -A run.all ``` in the project root. List all test cases through ``` shell $ nix-shell --pure tests -A list ``` and run an individual test, for example `alacritty-empty-settings`, through ``` shell $ nix-shell --pure tests -A run.alacritty-empty-settings ``` However, those invocations will impurely source the system's Nixpkgs, and may cause failures. To run against the Nixpkgs from the `flake.lock` file, use instead e.g. ``` shell $ nix build --reference-lock-file flake.lock ./tests#test-all ``` or ``` shell $ nix build --reference-lock-file flake.lock ./tests#test-alacritty-empty-settings ```