{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:

  cfg = config.targets.darwin;

  mkActivationCmds = isLocal: settings:
      toDefaultsFile = domain: attrs:
        pkgs.writeText "${domain}.plist" (lib.generators.toPlist { } attrs);

      cliFlags = lib.optionalString isLocal "-currentHost";

      toActivationCmd = domain: attrs:
        "run /usr/bin/defaults ${cliFlags} import ${
          lib.escapeShellArg domain
        } ${toDefaultsFile domain attrs}";

      nonNullDefaults =
        lib.mapAttrs (domain: attrs: (lib.filterAttrs (n: v: v != null) attrs))

      writableDefaults =
        lib.filterAttrs (domain: attrs: attrs != { }) nonNullDefaults;
    in lib.mapAttrsToList toActivationCmd writableDefaults;

  defaultsCmds = mkActivationCmds false cfg.defaults;
  currentHostDefaultsCmds = mkActivationCmds true cfg.currentHostDefaults;

  activationCmds = defaultsCmds ++ currentHostDefaultsCmds;
in {
  meta.maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.midchildan ];

  options.targets.darwin.defaults = lib.mkOption {
    type = lib.types.submodule ./opts-allhosts.nix;
    default = { };
    example = {
      "com.apple.desktopservices" = {
        DSDontWriteNetworkStores = true;
        DSDontWriteUSBStores = true;
    description = ''
      Set macOS user defaults. Values set to `null` are

      ::: {.warning}
      Some settings might require a re-login to take effect.

      ::: {.warning}
      Some settings are only read from

  options.targets.darwin.currentHostDefaults = lib.mkOption {
    type = lib.types.submodule ./opts-currenthost.nix;
    default = { };
    example = {
      "com.apple.controlcenter" = { BatteryShowPercentage = true; };
    description = ''
      Set macOS user defaults. Unlike {option}`targets.darwin.defaults`,
      the preferences will only be applied to the currently logged-in host. This
      distinction is important for networked accounts.

      Values set to `null` are ignored.

      ::: {.warning}
      Some settings might require a re-login to take effect.

  config = lib.mkIf (activationCmds != [ ]) {
    assertions = [
      (lib.hm.assertions.assertPlatform "targets.darwin.defaults" pkgs

    warnings = let
      batteryOptionName = ''
      batteryPercentage =
        lib.attrByPath [ "com.apple.menuextra.battery" "ShowPercent" ] null
      webkitDevExtras = lib.attrByPath [
      ] null cfg.defaults;
    in lib.optional (batteryPercentage != null) ''
      The option 'com.apple.menuextra.battery.ShowPercent' no longer works on
      macOS 11 and later. Instead, use '${batteryOptionName}'.
    '' ++ lib.optional (webkitDevExtras != null) ''
      The option 'com.apple.Safari.com.apple.Safari.ContentPageGroupIdentifier.WebKit2DeveloperExtrasEnabled'
      is no longer present in recent versions of Safari.

    home.activation.setDarwinDefaults =
      lib.hm.dag.entryAfter [ "writeBoundary" ] ''
        verboseEcho "Configuring macOS user defaults"
        ${lib.concatStringsSep "\n" activationCmds}