== Release 20.09 (unreleased)

This is the current unstable branch and the information in this
section is therefore not final.

=== Highlights

This release has the following notable changes:

* Nothing has happened.

=== State Version Changes

The state version in this release includes the changes below. These
changes are only active if the `home.stateVersion` option is set to
"20.09" or later.

* The options <<opt-home.homeDirectory>> and <<opt-home.username>> no
longer have default values and must therefore be provided in your
configuration. Previously their values would default to the content of
the environment variables `HOME` and `USER`, respectively.
Further, the options <<opt-xdg.cacheHome>>, <<opt-xdg.configHome>>,
and <<opt-xdg.dataHome>> will no longer be affected by the
variables. They now unconditionally default to

- `"${config.home.homeDirectory}/.cache"`,
- `"${config.home.homeDirectory}/.config"`, and
- `"${config.home.homeDirectory}/.local/share"`.

If you choose to switch to state version 20.09 then you must set these
options if you use non-default XDG base directory paths.

The initial configuration generated by

$ nix-shell '<home-manager>' -A install

will automatically include these options, when necessary.