{ pkgs, ... }: { name = "mu-store-init"; nodes.machine = { ... }: { imports = [ "${pkgs.path}/nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/channel.nix" ]; virtualisation.memorySize = 2048; users.users.alice = { isNormalUser = true; description = "Alice Foobar"; password = "foobar"; uid = 1000; }; }; testScript = '' start_all() machine.wait_for_unit("network.target") machine.wait_for_unit("multi-user.target") home_manager = "${../../../..}" home_config = "/home/alice/.config/home-manager" def login_as_alice(): machine.wait_until_tty_matches("1", "login: ") machine.send_chars("alice\n") machine.wait_until_tty_matches("1", "Password: ") machine.send_chars("foobar\n") machine.wait_until_tty_matches("1", "alice\\@machine") def logout_alice(): machine.send_chars("exit\n") def alice_cmd(cmd): return f"su -l alice --shell /bin/sh -c $'export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/$UID ; {cmd}'" def succeed_as_alice(cmd): return machine.succeed(alice_cmd(cmd)) def fail_as_alice(cmd): return machine.fail(alice_cmd(cmd)) def switch_to(config): succeed_as_alice(f"cp {home_config}/{config}.nix {home_config}/home.nix") return succeed_as_alice("home-manager switch") # succeed_as_alice(". /home/alice/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/hm-session-vars.sh") # Create a persistent login so that Alice has a systemd session. login_as_alice() # Set up a home-manager channel. succeed_as_alice(" ; ".join([ "mkdir -p /home/alice/.nix-defexpr/channels", f"ln -s {home_manager} /home/alice/.nix-defexpr/channels/home-manager" ])) succeed_as_alice("nix-shell \"<home-manager>\" -A install") succeed_as_alice(f"cp -t {home_config} ${./.}/config-*") with subtest("Switch to empty profile"): switch_to("config-no-accounts") actual = succeed_as_alice("mu info store") expected = "/home/alice/Maildir" assert expected in actual, \ f"expected mu info store to contain {expected}, but got {actual}" unexpected = "personal-address" assert not unexpected in actual, \ f"expected mu info store not to contain {unexpected}, but got {actual}" with subtest("Switch to profile with an account"): switch_to("config-one-account") actual = succeed_as_alice("mu info store") expected = "alice@example.com" assert expected in actual, \ f"expected mu info store to contain {expected}, but got {actual}" with subtest("Switch to profile with two accounts"): switch_to("config-two-accounts") actual = succeed_as_alice("mu info store") expected = "alice@example.com" assert expected in actual, \ f"expected mu info store to contain {expected}, but got {actual}" expected = "alice@example2.com" assert expected in actual, \ f"expected mu info store to contain {expected}, but got {actual}" with subtest("Switch back to profile with one account"): switch_to("config-one-account") actual = succeed_as_alice("mu info store") expected = "alice@example.com" assert expected in actual, \ f"expected mu info store to contain {expected}, but got {actual}" unexpected = "alice@example2.com" assert not unexpected in actual, \ f"expected mu info store not to contain {unexpected}, but got {actual}" with subtest("Switch to profile with an alias"): switch_to("config-one-alias") actual = succeed_as_alice("mu info store") expected = "alice@example.com" assert expected in actual, \ f"expected mu info store to contain {expected}, but got {actual}" expected = "alias@example.com" assert expected in actual, \ f"expected mu info store to contain {expected}, but got {actual}" with subtest("Switch to a profile with mu disabled for one account"): switch_to("config-account-without-mu") actual = succeed_as_alice("mu info store") expected = "alice@example.com" assert expected in actual, \ f"expected mu info store to contain {expected}, but got {actual}" unexpected = "alice@example2.com" assert not unexpected in actual, \ f"expected mu info store not to contain {unexpected}, but got {actual}" ''; }