# Release 24.11 {#sec-release-24.11}

The 24.11 release branch became stable in November, 2024.

## Highlights {#sec-release-24.11-highlights}

This release has the following notable changes:

- The swayidle module behavior has changed. Specifically, swayidle was
  previously always called with a `-w` flag. This flag is now moved to
  the default
  value to make it optional.

  Your configuration may break if you already set this option and also
  rely on the flag being automatically added. To resolve this, please
  add `-w` to your assignment of

- Support for Boolean values in the option
  [programs.eza.icons](#opt-programs.eza.icons) is deprecated for
  future removal. The new value for `true` is `"auto"`, and for
  `false` it is `null`.

## State Version Changes {#sec-release-24.11-state-version-changes}

The state version in this release includes the changes below. These
changes are only active if the `home.stateVersion` option is set to
\"24.11\" or later.

- There was no state version change in this release.