{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.programs.gradle; defaultHomeDirectory = ".gradle"; settingsFormat = pkgs.formats.javaProperties { }; initScript = types.submodule ({ name, config, ... }: { options = { text = mkOption { type = types.nullOr types.lines; default = null; description = '' Text of the init script file. if this option is null then `source` must be set. ''; }; source = mkOption { type = types.path; description = '' Path of the init script file. If `text` is non-null then this option will automatically point to a file containing that text. ''; }; }; config.source = mkIf (config.text != null) (mkDefault (pkgs.writeTextFile { inherit (config) text; name = hm.strings.storeFileName name; })); }); in { meta.maintainers = [ hm.maintainers.britter ]; options.programs.gradle = { enable = mkEnableOption "Gradle Build Tool"; home = mkOption { type = types.str; default = defaultHomeDirectory; description = '' The Gradle home directory, relative to [](#opt-home.homeDirectory). If set, the {env}`GRADLE_USER_HOME` environment variable will be set accordingly. Defaults to {file}`.gradle`. ''; }; package = mkPackageOption pkgs "gradle" { nullable = true; example = "pkgs.gradle_7"; }; settings = mkOption { type = types.submodule { freeformType = settingsFormat.type; }; default = { }; example = literalExpression '' { "org.gradle.caching" = true; "org.gradle.parallel" = true; "org.gradle.jvmargs" = "-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=384m"; "org.gradle.home" = pkgs.jdk17; }; ''; description = '' Key value pairs to write to {file}`gradle.properties` in the Gradle home directory. ''; }; initScripts = mkOption { type = with types; attrsOf initScript; default = { }; example = literalExpression '' { "maven-local.gradle".text = ''' allProject { repositories { mavenLocal() } } '''; "another.init.gradle.kts".source = ./another.init.gradle.kts; } ''; description = '' Definition of init scripts to link into the Gradle home directory. For more information about init scripts, including naming conventions see https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/init_scripts.html. ''; }; }; config = let gradleHome = "${config.home.homeDirectory}/${cfg.home}"; in mkIf cfg.enable { home.packages = lib.mkIf (cfg.package != null) [ cfg.package ]; home.file = mkMerge ([{ "${cfg.home}/gradle.properties" = mkIf (cfg.settings != { }) { source = settingsFormat.generate "gradle.properties" cfg.settings; }; }] ++ mapAttrsToList (k: v: { "${cfg.home}/init.d/${k}".source = v.source; }) cfg.initScripts); home.sessionVariables = mkIf (cfg.home != defaultHomeDirectory) { GRADLE_USER_HOME = gradleHome; }; }; }