Can generate the config without installing application through home-manager. Helpful when a package is broken (or not provided) on a specific platform through nixpkgs and needs to be installed through other means but you still can benefit from the declarative configuration.
The gradle package from nixpkgs will install a default Java version and
pass it to the gradle executable without polluting the global env.
Users can customize this by overriding the gradle package like so:
programs.gradle = {
package = (pkgs.gradle.override {
java = pkgs.jdk21;
Introduces a new program called gradle for managing files stored in
the home directory by the [Gradle Build Tool](
Gradle uses the $HOME/.gradle folder for all it's configuration.
Features of the new program module are:
- Automatically setting = true to make a Java
installation available for running Gradle.
- Specifying an alternate Gradle home directory
- Setting of abitrary values for stored inside the
Gradle home directory.
- Defining init scripts that will be linked into the init.d inside
the Gradle home directory.
Co-authored-by: Olli Helenius <>
Co-authored-by: Robert Helgesson <>