From edb364538383a54528ef485e182ee4105ebda532 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: midchildan <>
Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2022 23:26:25 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] systemd: remove platform assertion

Allow modules to define systemd services on macOS. It won't actually
have any effect, but it would allow modules to define both systemd
services and launchd agents without boilerplate conditionals.

As a consequence of this change, each module would have to check for
compatibility with the OS target instead.
 modules/systemd.nix | 158 ++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 file changed, 64 insertions(+), 94 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/systemd.nix b/modules/systemd.nix
index e4c36ae42..456b22fd1 100644
--- a/modules/systemd.nix
+++ b/modules/systemd.nix
@@ -10,16 +10,6 @@ let
   mkPathSafeName =
     lib.replaceStrings [ "@" ":" "\\" "[" "]" ] [ "-" "-" "-" "" "" ];
-  enabled = != { } # \
-    || cfg.slices != { } # \
-    || cfg.sockets != { } # \
-    || cfg.targets != { } # \
-    || cfg.timers != { } # \
-    || cfg.paths != { } # \
-    || cfg.mounts != { } # \
-    || cfg.automounts != { } # \
-    || cfg.sessionVariables != { };
   toSystemdIni = lib.generators.toINI {
     listsAsDuplicateKeys = true;
     mkKeyValue = key: value:
@@ -239,92 +229,72 @@ in {
-  config = mkMerge [
-    {
-      assertions = [{
-        assertion = enabled -> pkgs.stdenv.isLinux;
-        message = let
-          names = lib.concatStringsSep ", " (lib.attrNames ( # \
-   # \
-            // cfg.slices # \
-            // cfg.sockets # \
-            // cfg.targets # \
-            // cfg.timers # \
-            // cfg.paths # \
-            // cfg.mounts # \
-            // cfg.sessionVariables));
-        in "Must use Linux for modules that require systemd: " + names;
-      }];
-    }
+  # If we run under a Linux system we assume that systemd is
+  # available, in particular we assume that systemctl is in PATH.
+  # Do not install any user services if username is root.
+  config = mkIf (pkgs.stdenv.isLinux && config.home.username != "root") {
+    xdg.configFile = mkMerge [
+      (lib.listToAttrs ((buildServices "service"
+        ++ (buildServices "slice" cfg.slices)
+        ++ (buildServices "socket" cfg.sockets)
+        ++ (buildServices "target" cfg.targets)
+        ++ (buildServices "timer" cfg.timers)
+        ++ (buildServices "path" cfg.paths)
+        ++ (buildServices "mount" cfg.mounts)
+        ++ (buildServices "automount" cfg.automounts)))
-    # If we run under a Linux system we assume that systemd is
-    # available, in particular we assume that systemctl is in PATH.
-    # Do not install any user services if username is root.
-    (mkIf (pkgs.stdenv.isLinux && config.home.username != "root") {
-      xdg.configFile = mkMerge [
-        (lib.listToAttrs ((buildServices "service"
-          ++ (buildServices "slice" cfg.slices)
-          ++ (buildServices "socket" cfg.sockets)
-          ++ (buildServices "target" cfg.targets)
-          ++ (buildServices "timer" cfg.timers)
-          ++ (buildServices "path" cfg.paths)
-          ++ (buildServices "mount" cfg.mounts)
-          ++ (buildServices "automount" cfg.automounts)))
+      sessionVariables
+    ];
-        sessionVariables
-      ];
-      # Run systemd service reload if user is logged in. If we're
-      # running this from the NixOS module then XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is not
-      # set and systemd commands will fail. We'll therefore have to
-      # set it ourselves in that case.
-      home.activation.reloadSystemd = hm.dag.entryAfter [ "linkGeneration" ]
-        (let
-          cmd = {
-            suggest = ''
-              PATH=${dirOf cfg.systemctlPath}:$PATH \
-              bash ${./} "''${oldGenPath=}" "$newGenPath"
-            '';
-            legacy = ''
-              PATH=${dirOf cfg.systemctlPath}:$PATH \
-              ${pkgs.ruby}/bin/ruby ${./systemd-activate.rb} \
-                "''${oldGenPath=}" "$newGenPath" "${servicesStartTimeoutMs}"
-            '';
-            sd-switch = let
-              timeoutArg = if cfg.servicesStartTimeoutMs != 0 then
-                "--timeout " + servicesStartTimeoutMs
-              else
-                "";
-            in ''
-              ${}/bin/sd-switch \
-                ''${DRY_RUN:+--dry-run} $VERBOSE_ARG ${timeoutArg} \
-                ''${oldGenPath:+--old-units $oldGenPath/home-files/.config/systemd/user} \
-                --new-units $newGenPath/home-files/.config/systemd/user
-            '';
-          };
-          ensureRuntimeDir =
-            "XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=\${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR:-/run/user/$(id -u)}";
-          systemctl = "${ensureRuntimeDir} ${cfg.systemctlPath}";
-        in ''
-          systemdStatus=$(${systemctl} --user is-system-running 2>&1 || true)
-          if [[ $systemdStatus == 'running' || $systemdStatus == 'degraded' ]]; then
-            if [[ $systemdStatus == 'degraded' ]]; then
-              warnEcho "The user systemd session is degraded:"
-              ${systemctl} --user --no-pager --state=failed
-              warnEcho "Attempting to reload services anyway..."
-            fi
-            ${ensureRuntimeDir} \
-              ${getAttr cfg.startServices cmd}
+    # Run systemd service reload if user is logged in. If we're
+    # running this from the NixOS module then XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is not
+    # set and systemd commands will fail. We'll therefore have to
+    # set it ourselves in that case.
+    home.activation.reloadSystemd = hm.dag.entryAfter [ "linkGeneration" ] (let
+      cmd = {
+        suggest = ''
+          PATH=${dirOf cfg.systemctlPath}:$PATH \
+          bash ${./} "''${oldGenPath=}" "$newGenPath"
+        '';
+        legacy = ''
+          PATH=${dirOf cfg.systemctlPath}:$PATH \
+          ${pkgs.ruby}/bin/ruby ${./systemd-activate.rb} \
+            "''${oldGenPath=}" "$newGenPath" "${servicesStartTimeoutMs}"
+        '';
+        sd-switch = let
+          timeoutArg = if cfg.servicesStartTimeoutMs != 0 then
+            "--timeout " + servicesStartTimeoutMs
-            echo "User systemd daemon not running. Skipping reload."
-          fi
+            "";
+        in ''
+          ${}/bin/sd-switch \
+            ''${DRY_RUN:+--dry-run} $VERBOSE_ARG ${timeoutArg} \
+            ''${oldGenPath:+--old-units $oldGenPath/home-files/.config/systemd/user} \
+            --new-units $newGenPath/home-files/.config/systemd/user
+        '';
+      };
-          unset systemdStatus
-        '');
-    })
-  ];
+      ensureRuntimeDir =
+        "XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=\${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR:-/run/user/$(id -u)}";
+      systemctl = "${ensureRuntimeDir} ${cfg.systemctlPath}";
+    in ''
+      systemdStatus=$(${systemctl} --user is-system-running 2>&1 || true)
+      if [[ $systemdStatus == 'running' || $systemdStatus == 'degraded' ]]; then
+        if [[ $systemdStatus == 'degraded' ]]; then
+          warnEcho "The user systemd session is degraded:"
+          ${systemctl} --user --no-pager --state=failed
+          warnEcho "Attempting to reload services anyway..."
+        fi
+        ${ensureRuntimeDir} \
+          ${getAttr cfg.startServices cmd}
+      else
+        echo "User systemd daemon not running. Skipping reload."
+      fi
+      unset systemdStatus
+    '');
+  };