The meta.hydraPlatforms attribute was never intended to mark the package broken; actually lots of packages have `meta.hydraPlatforms = []` while being perfectly usable. Typical reasons for disabling Hydra builds are: - the package build process is so trivial that caching the build results on Hydra won't be useful (this often applies to wrapper packages, or some packages which contain just prebuilt data or binaries); - the package build process exceeds Hydra limits; - the package is impure and depends on some proprietary software installed on the build host (this is the case with some Darwin-specific packages that require Xcode to build); - the package license does not allow redistribution of binaries (which also may need to be modified to work with Nix, and many proprietary licenses don't allow redistribution of such modified binaries); although this should normally be handled with meta.unfree. Especially the first case (wrapper packages) hits some important packages (firefox, neovim). Remove the usage of meta.hydraPlatforms from the filterPackages code, so that the filtering performed by that function would match the actual platform restriction of packages (meta.platforms and meta.badPlatforms). |
.github | ||
examples | ||
.gitignore | ||
check-utils.nix | ||
default.nix | ||
filterPackages.nix | ||
flake.nix | ||
flattenTree.nix | ||
LICENSE | || | ||
simpleFlake.nix |
STATUS: stable
Pure Nix flake utility functions.
The goal of this project is to build a collection of pure Nix functions that don't depend on nixpkgs, and that are useful in the context of writing other Nix flakes.
system -> (<system> -> <system>)
A map from system to system built from allSystems
. It's mainly useful to
detect typos and auto-complete if you use
Eg: instead of typing "x86_64-linux"
, use system.x86_64-linux
allSystems -> [<system>]
A list of all systems defined in nixpkgs. For a smaller list see defaultSystems
defaultSystems -> [<system>]
The list of systems supported by nixpkgs and built by hydra. Useful if you want add additional platforms:
eachSystem (defaultSystems ++ [system.armv7l-linux]) (system: { hello = 42; })
eachSystem -> [<system>] -> (<system> -> attrs)
A common case is to build the same structure for each system. Instead of building the hierarchy manually or per prefix, iterate over each systems and then re-build the hierarchy.
eachSystem [ system.x86_64-linux ] (system: { hello = 42; })
# => { hello = { x86_64-linux = 42; }; }
eachSystem allSystems (system: { hello = 42; })
# => {
hello.aarch64-darwin = 42,
hello.aarch64-genode = 42,
hello.aarch64-linux = 42,
hello.x86_64-redox = 42,
hello.x86_64-solaris = 42,
hello.x86_64-windows = 42
eachDefaultSystem -> (<system> -> attrs)
pre-populated with defaultSystems
$ examples/each-system/flake.nix as nix
description = "Flake utils demo";
inputs.flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils }:
flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system:
let pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system}; in
rec {
packages = flake-utils.lib.flattenTree {
hello = pkgs.hello;
gitAndTools = pkgs.gitAndTools;
defaultPackage = packages.hello;
apps.hello = flake-utils.lib.mkApp { drv = packages.hello; };
defaultApp = apps.hello;
mkApp { drv, name ? drv.pname or, exePath ? drv.passthru.exePath or "/bin/${name}"
A small utility that builds the structure expected by the special apps
and defaultApp
flattenTree -> attrs -> attrs
Nix flakes insists on having a flat attribute set of derivations in
various places like the packages
and checks
This function traverses a tree of attributes (by respecting recurseIntoAttrs) and only returns their derivations, with a flattened key-space.
flattenTree { hello = pkgs.hello; gitAndTools = pkgs.gitAndTools }
hello = «derivation»;
"gitAndTools/git" = «derivation»;
"gitAndTools/hub" = «derivation»;
# ...
simpleFlake -> attrs -> attrs
This function should be useful for most common use-cases where you have a simple flake that builds a package. It takes nixpkgs and a bunch of other parameters and outputs a value that is compatible as a flake output.
# pass an instance of self
, # pass an instance of the nixpkgs flake
, # we assume that the name maps to the project name, and also that the
# overlay has an attribute with the `name` prefix that contains all of the
# project's packages.
, # nixpkgs config
config ? { }
, # pass either a function or a file
overlay ? null
, # use this to load other flakes overlays to supplement nixpkgs
preOverlays ? [ ]
, # maps to the devShell output. Pass in a shell.nix file or function.
shell ? null
, # pass the list of supported systems
systems ? [ system.x86_64-linux ]
}: null
Here is how it looks like in practice:
$ examples/simple-flake/flake.nix as nix
description = "Flake utils demo";
inputs.flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils }:
flake-utils.lib.simpleFlake {
inherit self nixpkgs;
name = "simple-flake";
overlay = ./overlay.nix;
shell = ./shell.nix;
Known issues
$ nix flake check
warning: unknown flake output 'lib'
nixpkgs is currently having the same issue so I assume that it will be eventually standardized.