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mirror of https://github.com/hercules-ci/flake-parts.git synced 2025-03-09 10:26:49 +00:00
Robert Hensing f427ecf1a0 Repurpose moduleLocation impl for new errorLocation
The difference is that moduleLocation is "guaranteed" reliable data,
whereas errorLocation is the best choice for error messages in the core.

moduleLocation is suitable for the module key attribute.
errorLocation is best for the *ROOT* module _file attribute.

Initially I applied errorLocation in too many places. It is only needed
when the flake output attribute names are strict in it.
To avoid confusion, I'm not exposing errorLocation to the modules, until
we have a concrete use case for it.
2023-10-14 00:03:28 +02:00

190 lines
5.1 KiB

# Run with
# nix build -f dev checks.x86_64-linux.eval-tests
rec {
f-p = builtins.getFlake (toString ../..);
flake-parts = f-p;
devFlake = builtins.getFlake (toString ../.);
nixpkgs = devFlake.inputs.nixpkgs;
f-p-lib = f-p.lib;
inherit (f-p-lib) mkFlake;
inherit (f-p.inputs.nixpkgs-lib) lib;
pkg = system: name: derivation {
name = name;
builder = "no-builder";
system = system;
empty = mkFlake
{ inputs.self = { }; }
systems = [ ];
emptyExposeArgs = mkFlake
{ inputs.self = { outPath = "the self outpath"; }; }
({ config, moduleLocation, errorLocation, ... }: {
flake = {
inherit moduleLocation errorLocation;
emptyExposeArgsNoSelf = mkFlake
{ inputs.self = throw "self won't be available in case of some errors"; }
({ config, moduleLocation, errorLocation, ... }: {
flake = {
inherit moduleLocation errorLocation;
example1 = mkFlake
{ inputs.self = { }; }
systems = [ "a" "b" ];
perSystem = { system, ... }: {
packages.hello = pkg system "hello";
packagesNonStrictInDevShells = mkFlake
{ inputs.self = packagesNonStrictInDevShells; /* approximation */ }
systems = [ "a" "b" ];
perSystem = { system, self', ... }: {
packages.hello = pkg system "hello";
packages.default = self'.packages.hello;
devShells = throw "can't be strict in perSystem.devShells!";
flake.devShells = throw "can't be strict in devShells!";
easyOverlay = mkFlake
{ inputs.self = { }; }
imports = [ flake-parts.flakeModules.easyOverlay ];
systems = [ "a" "aarch64-linux" ];
perSystem = { system, config, final, pkgs, ... }: {
packages.default = config.packages.hello;
packages.hello = pkg system "hello";
packages.hello_new = final.hello;
overlayAttrs = {
hello = config.packages.hello;
hello_old = pkgs.hello;
hello_new = config.packages.hello_new;
flakeModulesDeclare = mkFlake
{ inputs.self = { outPath = ./.; }; }
({ config, ... }: {
imports = [ flake-parts.flakeModules.flakeModules ];
systems = [ ];
flake.flakeModules.default = { lib, ... }: {
options.flake.test123 = lib.mkOption { default = "option123"; };
imports = [ config.flake.flakeModules.extra ];
flake.flakeModules.extra = {
flake.test123 = "123test";
flakeModulesImport = mkFlake
{ inputs.self = { }; }
imports = [ flakeModulesDeclare.flakeModules.default ];
flakeModulesDisable = mkFlake
{ inputs.self = { }; }
imports = [ flakeModulesDeclare.flakeModules.default ];
disabledModules = [ flakeModulesDeclare.flakeModules.extra ];
nixpkgsWithoutEasyOverlay = import nixpkgs {
system = "x86_64-linux";
overlays = [ ];
config = { };
nixpkgsWithEasyOverlay = import nixpkgs {
# non-memoized
system = "x86_64-linux";
overlays = [ easyOverlay.overlays.default ];
config = { };
nixpkgsWithEasyOverlayMemoized = import nixpkgs {
# memoized
system = "aarch64-linux";
overlays = [ easyOverlay.overlays.default ];
config = { };
runTests = ok:
assert empty == {
apps = { };
checks = { };
devShells = { };
formatter = { };
legacyPackages = { };
nixosConfigurations = { };
nixosModules = { };
overlays = { };
packages = { };
assert example1 == {
apps = { a = { }; b = { }; };
checks = { a = { }; b = { }; };
devShells = { a = { }; b = { }; };
formatter = { };
legacyPackages = { a = { }; b = { }; };
nixosConfigurations = { };
nixosModules = { };
overlays = { };
packages = {
a = { hello = pkg "a" "hello"; };
b = { hello = pkg "b" "hello"; };
# - exported package becomes part of overlay.
# - perSystem is invoked for the right system, when system is non-memoized
assert nixpkgsWithEasyOverlay.hello == pkg "x86_64-linux" "hello";
# - perSystem is invoked for the right system, when system is memoized
assert nixpkgsWithEasyOverlayMemoized.hello == pkg "aarch64-linux" "hello";
# - Non-exported package does not become part of overlay.
assert nixpkgsWithEasyOverlay.default or null != pkg "x86_64-linux" "hello";
# - hello_old comes from super
assert nixpkgsWithEasyOverlay.hello_old == nixpkgsWithoutEasyOverlay.hello;
# - `hello_new` shows that the `final` wiring works
assert nixpkgsWithEasyOverlay.hello_new == nixpkgsWithEasyOverlay.hello;
assert flakeModulesImport.test123 == "123test";
assert flakeModulesDisable.test123 == "option123";
assert packagesNonStrictInDevShells.packages.a.default == pkg "a" "hello";
assert emptyExposeArgs.moduleLocation == "the self outpath/flake.nix";
assert emptyExposeArgs.errorLocation == __curPos.file;
assert emptyExposeArgsNoSelf.errorLocation == __curPos.file;
result = runTests "ok";