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❄️ Simplify Nix Flakes with the module system
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Robert Hensing d254845ca8 legacyPackages: anything -> raw
The `anything` type is too strict, because it uses `attrsOf`
internally, filtering out `mkIf` attrs and therefore evaluating
attribute values when only the names would be needed.

Furthermore, it is not safe to make assumptions about the objects
in legacyPackages, because while most attributes contain packages
or package sets, anything is allowed, so we don't know for sure how
to merge.

Fixes #52
2022-08-20 17:13:55 +02:00
dev Add hercules-ci-effects doc 2022-05-29 18:30:11 +02:00
modules legacyPackages: anything -> raw 2022-08-20 17:13:55 +02:00
site Write a bit about integrations 2022-05-29 18:42:42 +02:00
template templates: Use flake registry for flake-parts 2022-07-06 12:08:09 +02:00
.gitignore Add .gitignore 2022-05-25 16:38:27 +02:00
all-modules.nix Add withSystem parameter 2022-05-27 17:42:33 +02:00
bors.toml Add bors bot 2022-05-19 09:48:46 +02:00
ChangeLog.md flake.overlay -> flake.overlays (Nix 2.8) 2022-05-25 19:53:10 +02:00
ci.nix dev: Add nixpkgs-fmt to pre-commit 2022-05-17 10:37:27 +02:00
flake.lock Add pre-commit-hooks.nix to the docs 2022-05-29 18:07:43 +02:00
flake.nix flake-modules-core -> flake-parts 2022-05-25 16:38:27 +02:00
lib.nix perSystem: functionTo -> deferredModule 2022-05-25 18:18:50 +02:00
LICENSE Initial commit 2021-10-27 11:03:43 +02:00
README.md README: update flake migration example 2022-06-18 15:59:50 +02:00
shell.nix Add local tooling and CI wiring without bloating flake.nix 2022-05-17 10:12:40 +02:00

Flake Parts

Core of a distributed framework for writing Nix Flakes.

flake-parts provides the options that represent standard flake attributes and establishes a way of working with system. Opinionated features are provided by an ecosystem of modules that you can import.

Why Modules?

Flakes are configuration. The module system lets you refactor configuration into modules that can be shared.

It reduces the proliferation of custom Nix glue code, similar to what the module system has done for NixOS configurations.

Unlike NixOS, but following Flakes' spirit, flake-parts is not a monorepo with the implied goal of absorbing all of open source, but rather a single module that other repositories can build upon, while ensuring a baseline level of compatibility: which core attribute make up a flake and how these are represented as module options.

Getting Started

If your project does not have a flake yet:

nix flake init -t github:hercules-ci/flake-parts

Otherwise, add the input,

    flake-parts.url = "github:hercules-ci/flake-parts";
    flake-parts.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

then slide mkFlake between your outputs function head and body,

  outputs = { self, flake-parts, ... }:
    flake-parts.lib.mkFlake { inherit self; } {
      flake = {
        # Put your original flake attributes here.
      systems = [
        # systems for which you want to build the `perSystem` attributes
        # ...

Now you can add the remaining module attributes like in the the template.


See the template.

Options Reference

See flake.parts

Top-level module parameters

  • config, options, lib, ...: standard module system parameters.

  • getSystem: function from system string to the config of the appropriate perSystem.

  • withSystem: enter the scope of a system. Worked example:

    { withSystem, ... }:
      # perSystem = ...;
      nixosConfigurations.foo = withSystem "x86_64-linux" (ctx@{ pkgs, ... }:
        pkgs.nixos ({ config, lib, packages, pkgs, ... }: {
          _module.args.packages = ctx.config.packages;
          imports = [ ./nixos-configuration.nix ];
          services.nginx.enable = true;
          environment.systemPackages = [

perSystem module parameters

  • pkgs: Defaults to inputs.nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system}. Can be set via config._module.args.pkgs.

  • inputs': The flake inputs parameter, but with system pre-selected. Note the last character of the name, ', pronounced "prime".

    system selection is handled by the extensible function perInput.

  • self': The flake self parameter, but with system pre-selected. This might trigger an infinite recursion (#22), so prefer config.

  • system: The system parameter, describing the architecture and platform of the host system (where the thing will run).


  • Getting the locally defined hello package on/for an x86_64-linux host:
    • nix build #hello (assuming systems has x86_64-linux)
    • config.packages.hello (if config is the perSystem module argument)
    • allSystems."x86_64-linux".packages.hello (assuming systems has x86_64-linux)
    • (getSystem "x86_64-linux").packages.hello)
    • withSystem "x86_64-linux" ({ config, ... }: config.packages.hello)

Why so many ways?

  1. Flakes counterintuitively handles system by enumerating all of them in attribute sets. flake-parts does not impose this restriction, but does need to support it.
  2. flake-parts provides an extensible structure that is richer than the flakes interface alone.