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mirror of https://github.com/hercules-ci/flake-parts.git synced 2025-03-14 12:48:45 +00:00
Robert Hensing f5b6209441 flakeModules: Support disabledModules
Requires Nixpkgs > 2023-03-09
2023-03-09 17:24:06 +01:00

154 lines
3.9 KiB

# Run with
# nix build -f dev checks.x86_64-linux.eval-tests
rec {
f-p = builtins.getFlake (toString ../..);
flake-parts = f-p;
devFlake = builtins.getFlake (toString ../.);
nixpkgs = devFlake.inputs.nixpkgs;
f-p-lib = f-p.lib;
inherit (f-p-lib) mkFlake;
inherit (f-p.inputs.nixpkgs-lib) lib;
pkg = system: name: derivation {
name = name;
builder = "no-builder";
system = system;
empty = mkFlake
{ inputs.self = { }; }
systems = [ ];
example1 = mkFlake
{ inputs.self = { }; }
systems = [ "a" "b" ];
perSystem = { system, ... }: {
packages.hello = pkg system "hello";
easyOverlay = mkFlake
{ inputs.self = { }; }
imports = [ flake-parts.flakeModules.easyOverlay ];
systems = [ "a" "aarch64-linux" ];
perSystem = { system, config, final, pkgs, ... }: {
packages.default = config.packages.hello;
packages.hello = pkg system "hello";
packages.hello_new = final.hello;
overlayAttrs = {
hello = config.packages.hello;
hello_old = pkgs.hello;
hello_new = config.packages.hello_new;
flakeModulesDeclare = mkFlake
{ inputs.self = { outPath = ./.; }; }
({ config, ... }: {
imports = [ flake-parts.flakeModules.flakeModules ];
systems = [ ];
flake.flakeModules.default = { lib, ... }: {
options.flake.test123 = lib.mkOption { default = "option123"; };
imports = [ config.flake.flakeModules.extra ];
flake.flakeModules.extra = {
flake.test123 = "123test";
flakeModulesImport = mkFlake
{ inputs.self = { }; }
imports = [ flakeModulesDeclare.flakeModules.default ];
flakeModulesDisable = mkFlake
{ inputs.self = { }; }
imports = [ flakeModulesDeclare.flakeModules.default ];
disabledModules = [ flakeModulesDeclare.flakeModules.extra ];
nixpkgsWithoutEasyOverlay = import nixpkgs {
system = "x86_64-linux";
overlays = [ ];
config = { };
nixpkgsWithEasyOverlay = import nixpkgs {
# non-memoized
system = "x86_64-linux";
overlays = [ easyOverlay.overlays.default ];
config = { };
nixpkgsWithEasyOverlayMemoized = import nixpkgs {
# memoized
system = "aarch64-linux";
overlays = [ easyOverlay.overlays.default ];
config = { };
runTests = ok:
assert empty == {
apps = { };
checks = { };
devShells = { };
formatter = { };
legacyPackages = { };
nixosConfigurations = { };
nixosModules = { };
overlays = { };
packages = { };
assert example1 == {
apps = { a = { }; b = { }; };
checks = { a = { }; b = { }; };
devShells = { a = { }; b = { }; };
formatter = { };
legacyPackages = { a = { }; b = { }; };
nixosConfigurations = { };
nixosModules = { };
overlays = { };
packages = {
a = { hello = pkg "a" "hello"; };
b = { hello = pkg "b" "hello"; };
# - exported package becomes part of overlay.
# - perSystem is invoked for the right system, when system is non-memoized
assert nixpkgsWithEasyOverlay.hello == pkg "x86_64-linux" "hello";
# - perSystem is invoked for the right system, when system is memoized
assert nixpkgsWithEasyOverlayMemoized.hello == pkg "aarch64-linux" "hello";
# - Non-exported package does not become part of overlay.
assert nixpkgsWithEasyOverlay.default or null != pkg "x86_64-linux" "hello";
# - hello_old comes from super
assert nixpkgsWithEasyOverlay.hello_old == nixpkgsWithoutEasyOverlay.hello;
# - `hello_new` shows that the `final` wiring works
assert nixpkgsWithEasyOverlay.hello_new == nixpkgsWithEasyOverlay.hello;
assert flakeModulesImport.test123 == "123test";
assert flakeModulesDisable.test123 == "option123";
result = runTests "ok";