{ config, lib, flake-parts-lib, ... }: let inherit (lib) filterAttrs mapAttrs mkOption optionalAttrs types ; inherit (flake-parts-lib) mkSubmoduleOptions mkPerSystemOption ; programType = lib.types.coercedTo derivationType getExe lib.types.str; derivationType = lib.types.package // { check = lib.isDerivation; }; getExe = x: "${lib.getBin x}/bin/${x.meta.mainProgram or (throw ''Package ${x.name or ""} does not have meta.mainProgram set, so I don't know how to find the main executable. You can set meta.mainProgram, or pass the full path to executable, e.g. program = "''${pkg}/bin/foo"'')}"; getBin = x: if !x?outputSpecified || !x.outputSpecified then x.bin or x.out or x else x; appType = lib.types.submodule { options = { type = mkOption { type = lib.types.enum [ "app" ]; default = "app"; description = '' A type tag for apps consumers. ''; }; program = mkOption { type = programType; description = '' A path to an executable or a derivation with meta.mainProgram. ''; }; }; }; in { options = { flake = mkSubmoduleOptions { apps = mkOption { type = types.lazyAttrsOf (types.lazyAttrsOf appType); default = { }; description = '' Programs runnable with nix run .#<name>. ''; example = lib.literalExpression or lib.literalExample '' { x86_64-linux.default.program = "''${config.packages.hello}/bin/hello"; } ''; }; }; perSystem = mkPerSystemOption ({ config, system, ... }: { options = { apps = mkOption { type = types.lazyAttrsOf appType; default = { }; description = '' Programs runnable with nix run .#<name>. ''; example = lib.literalExpression or lib.literalExample '' { default.program = "''${config.packages.hello}/bin/hello"; } ''; }; }; }); }; config = { flake.apps = mapAttrs (k: v: v.apps) (filterAttrs (k: v: v.apps != null) config.allSystems ); perInput = system: flake: optionalAttrs (flake?apps.${system}) { apps = flake.apps.${system}; }; }; }