{ config, lib, flake-parts-lib, self, ... }: let inherit (lib) genAttrs mapAttrs mkOption types ; inherit (flake-parts-lib) mkPerSystemType ; rootConfig = config; in { options = { systems = mkOption { description = "All the system types to enumerate in the flake."; type = types.listOf types.str; }; perInput = mkOption { description = "Function from system to function from flake to system-specific attributes."; type = types.functionTo (types.functionTo (types.lazyAttrsOf types.unspecified)); }; perSystem = mkOption { description = "A function from system to flake-like attributes omitting the <system> attribute."; type = mkPerSystemType ({ config, system, ... }: { _file = ./perSystem.nix; config = { _module.args.inputs' = mapAttrs (k: rootConfig.perInput system) self.inputs; _module.args.self' = rootConfig.perInput system self; }; }); apply = modules: system: (lib.evalModules { inherit modules; prefix = [ "perSystem" system ]; specialArgs = { inherit system; }; }).config; }; allSystems = mkOption { type = types.lazyAttrsOf types.unspecified; description = "The system-specific config for each of systems."; internal = true; }; }; config = { allSystems = genAttrs config.systems config.perSystem; # TODO: Sub-optimal error message. Get Nix to support a memoization primop, or get Nix Flakes to support systems properly or get Nix Flakes to add a name to flakes. _module.args.getSystem = system: config.allSystems.${system} or (builtins.trace "using non-memoized system ${system}" config.perSystem system); }; }