{ config, lib, flake-modules-core-lib, ... }: let inherit (lib) filterAttrs genAttrs mapAttrs mkOption optionalAttrs types ; inherit (flake-modules-core-lib) mkSubmoduleOptions ; in { options = { flake = mkSubmoduleOptions { devShell = mkOption { type = types.lazyAttrsOf types.package; default = { }; description = '' For each system a derivation that nix develop bases its environment on. ''; }; }; }; config = { flake.devShell = mapAttrs (k: v: v.devShell) (filterAttrs (k: v: v.devShell != null) (genAttrs config.systems config.perSystem) ); perInput = system: flake: optionalAttrs (flake?devShell.${system}) { devShell = flake.devShell.${system}; }; perSystem = system: { config, ... }: { _file = ./devShell.nix; options = { devShell = mkOption { type = types.nullOr types.package; description = '' A derivation that nix develop bases its environment on. ''; }; }; }; }; }