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synced 2025-03-13 20:28:41 +00:00
: Document _file
infinite recursion
This infinite recursion first appeared in
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 141 additions and 10 deletions
@ -47,6 +47,10 @@ in
exhibitingInfiniteRecursion = false;
exhibitInfiniteRecursion = evalTests.extendEvalTests
(finalEvalTest: prevEvalTests: { exhibitingInfiniteRecursion = true; });
pkg = system: name: derivation {
name = name;
builder = "no-builder";
@ -79,6 +83,61 @@ in
sourceInfo.outPath = "/unknown_eval-tests_flake";
result = outputs // sourceInfo // { inherit _type inputs outputs sourceInfo; };
in result;
runEmptyTests = ok:
assert evalTests.empty == evalTests.emptyResult;
emptyTestsResult = evalTests.runEmptyTests "ok";
tooEmpty = evalTests.callFlake {
inputs.flake-parts = evalTests.flake-parts;
inputs.self = { };
outputs = inputs: inputs.flake-parts.lib.mkFlake { inherit inputs; } {
# Shallow evaluation is successful…
weakEvalTests.tooEmptyResultTried0.success = true;
weakEvalTests.tooEmptyResultTried0.value = { };
weakEvalTests.tooEmptyResultTried0TestTried.success = true;
weakEvalTests.tooEmptyResultTried0TestTried.value = false;
# …including for flake outputs…
strongEvalTests.tooEmptyResultTried0 = evalTests.weakEvalTests.tooEmptyResultTried0;
strongEvalTests.tooEmptyResultTried0TestTried = evalTests.weakEvalTests.tooEmptyResultTried0TestTried;
# …but any evaluations of attribute values (flake output values) are not.
weakEvalTests.tooEmptyResultTried1.success = true;
weakEvalTests.tooEmptyResultTried1.value = {
apps = { };
checks = { };
devShells = { };
formatter = { };
legacyPackages = { };
nixosConfigurations = { };
nixosModules = { };
overlays = { };
packages = { };
weakEvalTests.tooEmptyResultTried1TestTried.success = false;
weakEvalTests.tooEmptyResultTried1TestTried.value = false;
strongEvalTests.tooEmptyResultTried1.success = true;
strongEvalTests.tooEmptyResultTried1.value = let
_type = "flake";
inputs.flake-parts = evalTests.flake-parts;
inputs.self = { };
outputs = evalTests.weakEvalTests.tooEmptyResultTried1.value;
sourceInfo.outPath = "/unknown_eval-tests_flake";
result = outputs // sourceInfo // { inherit _type inputs outputs sourceInfo; };
in result;
strongEvalTests.tooEmptyResultTried1TestTried.success = false;
strongEvalTests.tooEmptyResultTried1TestTried.value = false;
runTooEmptyTests = ok:
tooEmptyResultTried = builtins.tryEval evalTests.tooEmpty;
tooEmptyResultTried0TestTried = builtins.tryEval (tooEmptyResultTried == evalTests.tooEmptyResultTried0);
tooEmptyResultTried1TestTried = builtins.tryEval (tooEmptyResultTried == evalTests.tooEmptyResultTried1);
assert tooEmptyResultTried0TestTried == evalTests.tooEmptyResultTried0TestTried;
assert tooEmptyResultTried1TestTried == evalTests.tooEmptyResultTried1TestTried;
tooEmptyTestsResult = evalTests.runTooEmptyTests "ok";
example1 = evalTests.callFlake {
inputs.flake-parts = evalTests.flake-parts;
@ -112,6 +171,64 @@ in
sourceInfo.outPath = "/unknown_eval-tests_flake";
result = outputs // sourceInfo // { inherit _type inputs outputs sourceInfo; };
in result;
runExample1Tests = ok:
assert evalTests.example1 == evalTests.example1Result;
example1TestsResult = evalTests.runExample1Tests "ok";
# This test case is a fun one. In the REPL, try `exhibitInfiniteRecursion.*`.
# In the case that `mkFlake` *isn't* called from a flake, `inputs.self` is
# unlikely to refer to the result of the `mkFlake` evaluation. If
# `inputs.self` isn't actually self-referential, evaluating attribute values
# of `self` is not divergent. Evaluation of `self.outPath` is useful for
# paths in documentation & error messages. However, if that evaluation occurs
# in a `builtins.addErrorContext` message forced by an erroring `self`, both
# `self` will never evaluate *and* `builtins.toString self.outPath` must
# evaluate, causing Nix to instead throw an infinite recursion error. Even
# just `inputs.self ? outPath` throws an infinite recursion error.
# (`builtins.tryEval` can only catch errors created by `builtins.throw` or
# `builtins.assert`, so evaluation is guarded with
# `exhibitingInfiniteRecursion` here to keep `runTests` from diverging.)
# In this particular case, `mkFlake` evaluates `self ? outPath` to know if the
# default module location it provides should be generic or specific. As
# explained, this evaluation is unsafe under an uncatchably divergent `self`.
# Thus, `outPath` cannot be safely sourced from `self` at the top-level.
# When tests are exhibititing infinite recursion, the abnormally correct
# `self` is provided.
weakEvalTests.nonexistentOption = let result = evalTests.callFlake {
inputs.flake-parts = evalTests.flake-parts;
inputs.self = if !evalTests.exhibitingInfiniteRecursion then { } else result;
outputs = inputs: inputs.flake-parts.lib.mkFlake { inherit inputs; } {
config.systems = [ ];
config.nonexistentOption = null;
}; in result;
# When using actual flakes, this test always diverges. Unless tests are
# exhibiting infinite recursion, the flake is made equivalent to `empty`.
strongEvalTests.nonexistentOption = evalTests.callFlake {
inputs.flake-parts = evalTests.flake-parts;
inputs.self = { };
outputs = inputs: inputs.flake-parts.lib.mkFlake { inherit inputs; } ({
config.systems = [ ];
} // (if !evalTests.exhibitingInfiniteRecursion then { } else {
config.nonexistentOption = null;
weakEvalTests.nonexistentOptionResultTried0.success = true;
weakEvalTests.nonexistentOptionResultTried0.value = { };
weakEvalTests.nonexistentOptionResultTried0TestTried.success = true;
weakEvalTests.nonexistentOptionResultTried0TestTried.value = false;
strongEvalTests.nonexistentOptionResultTried0 = evalTests.weakEvalTests.nonexistentOptionResultTried0;
strongEvalTests.nonexistentOptionResultTried0TestTried = evalTests.weakEvalTests.nonexistentOptionResultTried0TestTried;
runNonexistentOptionTests = ok:
nonexistentOptionResultTried = builtins.tryEval evalTests.nonexistentOption;
nonexistentOptionResultTried0TestTried = builtins.tryEval (nonexistentOptionResultTried == evalTests.nonexistentOptionResultTried0);
assert nonexistentOptionResultTried0TestTried == evalTests.nonexistentOptionResultTried0TestTried;
nonexistentOptionTestsResult = evalTests.runNonexistentOptionTests "ok";
packagesNonStrictInDevShells = evalTests.callFlake {
inputs.flake-parts = evalTests.flake-parts;
@ -170,6 +287,10 @@ in
imports = [ inputs.flakeModulesDeclare.flakeModules.default ];
runFlakeModulesImportTests = ok:
assert evalTests.flakeModulesImport.test123 == "123test";
flakeModulesImportTestsResult = evalTests.runFlakeModulesImportTests "ok";
flakeModulesDisable = evalTests.callFlake {
inputs.flake-parts = evalTests.flake-parts;
@ -180,6 +301,10 @@ in
disabledModules = [ inputs.flakeModulesDeclare.flakeModules.extra ];
runFlakeModulesDisableTests = ok:
assert evalTests.flakeModulesDisable.test123 == "option123";
flakeModulesDisableTestsResult = evalTests.runFlakeModulesDisableTests "ok";
nixpkgsWithoutEasyOverlay = import evalTests.nixpkgs {
system = "x86_64-linux";
@ -201,11 +326,17 @@ in
config = { };
tryEvalOutputs = outputs: builtins.seq (builtins.attrNames outputs) outputs;
runTests = ok:
assert evalTests.empty == evalTests.emptyResult;
assert evalTests.runEmptyTests true;
assert evalTests.example1 == evalTests.example1Result;
assert evalTests.runTooEmptyTests true;
assert evalTests.runExample1Tests true;
assert evalTests.runNonexistentOptionTests true;
# - exported package becomes part of overlay.
# - perSystem is invoked for the right system, when system is non-memoized
@ -223,9 +354,9 @@ in
# - `hello_new` shows that the `final` wiring works
assert evalTests.nixpkgsWithEasyOverlay.hello_new == evalTests.nixpkgsWithEasyOverlay.hello;
assert evalTests.flakeModulesImport.test123 == "123test";
assert evalTests.runFlakeModulesImportTests true;
assert evalTests.flakeModulesDisable.test123 == "option123";
assert evalTests.runFlakeModulesDisableTests true;
assert evalTests.packagesNonStrictInDevShells.packages.a.default == evalTests.pkg "a" "hello";
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{ config, lib, flake-parts-lib, self, ... }:
{ config, lib, flake-parts-lib, inputs, self, ... }:
inherit (lib)
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ in
type = mkPerSystemType ({ config, system, ... }: {
_file = ./perSystem.nix;
config = {
_module.args.inputs' = mapAttrs (k: rootConfig.perInput system) self.inputs;
_module.args.inputs' = mapAttrs (k: rootConfig.perInput system) inputs;
_module.args.self' = rootConfig.perInput system self;
# Custom error messages
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Definitions can be imported from a separate file like this one
{ self, lib, ... }: {
perSystem = { config, self', inputs', pkgs, ... }: {
{ config, lib, inputs, ... }: {
perSystem = { config, inputs', pkgs, ... }: {
# Definitions like this are entirely equivalent to the ones
# you may have directly in flake.nix.
packages.hello = pkgs.hello;
@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
flake = {
nixosModules.hello = { pkgs, ... }: {
environment.systemPackages = [
# or self.inputs.nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.system}.hello
# or inputs.nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.system}.hello
Add table
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