#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd ) BUNDLE_DIR="${1}" HELM_DIR="${2}" if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then SEDPRG="gsed" else SEDPRG="sed" fi cd "${SCRIPT_DIR}"/../ # Split the generated bundle yaml file to inject control flags yq e -Ns "\"${HELM_DIR}/templates/crds/\" + .spec.names.singular" ${BUNDLE_DIR}/bundle.yaml # Add helm if statement for controlling the install of CRDs for i in "${HELM_DIR}"/templates/crds/*.yml; do export CRDS_FLAG_NAME="create$(yq e '.spec.names.kind' $i)" cp "$i" "$i.bkp" if [[ "$CRDS_FLAG_NAME" == *"Cluster"* ]]; then echo "{{- if and (.Values.installCRDs) (.Values.crds.$CRDS_FLAG_NAME) }}" > "$i" elif [[ "$CRDS_FLAG_NAME" == *"PushSecret"* ]]; then echo "{{- if and (.Values.installCRDs) (.Values.crds.$CRDS_FLAG_NAME) }}" > "$i" else echo "{{- if .Values.installCRDs }}" > "$i" fi cat "$i.bkp" >> "$i" echo "{{- end }}" >> "$i" rm "$i.bkp" $SEDPRG -i 's/name: kubernetes/name: {{ include "external-secrets.fullname" . }}-webhook/g' "$i" $SEDPRG -i 's/namespace: default/namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace | quote }}/g' "$i" $SEDPRG -i '0,/annotations/!b;//a\ {{- with .Values.crds.annotations }}\n {{- toYaml . | nindent 4}}\n {{- end }}\n {{- if and .Values.crds.conversion.enabled .Values.webhook.certManager.enabled .Values.webhook.certManager.addInjectorAnnotations }}\n cert-manager.io/inject-ca-from: {{ .Release.Namespace }}/{{ include "external-secrets.fullname" . }}-webhook\n {{- end }}' "$i" $SEDPRG -i '/ conversion:/i{{- if .Values.crds.conversion.enabled }}' "$i" echo "{{- end }}" >> "$i" mv "$i" "${i%.yml}.yaml" done