# set the shell to bash always SHELL := /bin/bash # set make and shell flags to exit on errors MAKEFLAGS += --warn-undefined-variables .SHELLFLAGS := -euo pipefail -c ARCH ?= amd64 arm64 BUILD_ARGS ?= CGO_ENABLED=0 DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS ?= DOCKERFILE ?= Dockerfile # default target is build .DEFAULT_GOAL := all .PHONY: all all: $(addprefix build-,$(ARCH)) # Image registry for build/push image targets export IMAGE_REGISTRY ?= ghcr.io export IMAGE_REPO ?= external-secrets/external-secrets export IMAGE_NAME ?= $(IMAGE_REGISTRY)/$(IMAGE_REPO) BUNDLE_DIR ?= deploy/crds CRD_DIR ?= config/crds HELM_DIR ?= deploy/charts/external-secrets TF_DIR ?= terraform OUTPUT_DIR ?= bin # Get the currently used golang install path (in GOPATH/bin, unless GOBIN is set) ifeq (,$(shell go env GOBIN)) GOBIN=$(shell go env GOPATH)/bin else GOBIN=$(shell go env GOBIN) endif # check if there are any existing `git tag` values ifeq ($(shell git tag),) # no tags found - default to initial tag `v0.0.0` export VERSION := $(shell echo "v0.0.0-$$(git rev-list HEAD --count)-g$$(git describe --dirty --always)" | sed 's/-/./2' | sed 's/-/./2') else # use tags export VERSION := $(shell git describe --dirty --always --tags --exclude 'helm*' | sed 's/-/./2' | sed 's/-/./2') endif TAG_SUFFIX ?= export IMAGE_TAG ?= $(VERSION)$(TAG_SUFFIX) # ==================================================================================== # Colors BLUE := $(shell printf "\033[34m") YELLOW := $(shell printf "\033[33m") RED := $(shell printf "\033[31m") GREEN := $(shell printf "\033[32m") CNone := $(shell printf "\033[0m") # ==================================================================================== # Logger TIME_LONG = `date +%Y-%m-%d' '%H:%M:%S` TIME_SHORT = `date +%H:%M:%S` TIME = $(TIME_SHORT) INFO = echo ${TIME} ${BLUE}[ .. ]${CNone} WARN = echo ${TIME} ${YELLOW}[WARN]${CNone} ERR = echo ${TIME} ${RED}[FAIL]${CNone} OK = echo ${TIME} ${GREEN}[ OK ]${CNone} FAIL = (echo ${TIME} ${RED}[FAIL]${CNone} && false) # ==================================================================================== # Conformance reviewable: generate docs manifests helm.generate helm.docs lint ## Ensure a PR is ready for review. @go mod tidy @cd e2e/ && go mod tidy check-diff: reviewable ## Ensure branch is clean. @$(INFO) checking that branch is clean @test -z "$$(git status --porcelain)" || (echo "$$(git status --porcelain)" && $(FAIL)) @$(OK) branch is clean update-deps: go get -u cd e2e && go get -u @go mod tidy @cd e2e/ && go mod tidy # ==================================================================================== # Golang .PHONY: test test: generate envtest ## Run tests @$(INFO) go test unit-tests KUBEBUILDER_ASSETS="$(shell $(ENVTEST) use $(KUBERNETES_VERSION) -p path --bin-dir $(LOCALBIN))" go test -race -v $(shell go list ./... | grep -v e2e) -coverprofile cover.out @$(OK) go test unit-tests .PHONY: test.e2e test.e2e: generate ## Run e2e tests @$(INFO) go test e2e-tests $(MAKE) -C ./e2e test @$(OK) go test e2e-tests .PHONY: test.e2e.managed test.e2e.managed: generate ## Run e2e tests managed @$(INFO) go test e2e-tests-managed $(MAKE) -C ./e2e test.managed @$(OK) go test e2e-tests-managed .PHONY: build build: $(addprefix build-,$(ARCH)) ## Build binary .PHONY: build-% build-%: generate ## Build binary for the specified arch @$(INFO) go build $* $(BUILD_ARGS) GOOS=linux GOARCH=$* \ go build -o '$(OUTPUT_DIR)/external-secrets-linux-$*' main.go @$(OK) go build $* lint: golangci-lint ## Run golangci-lint @if ! $(GOLANGCI_LINT) run; then \ echo -e "\033[0;33mgolangci-lint failed: some checks can be fixed with \`\033[0;32mmake fmt\033[0m\033[0;33m\`\033[0m"; \ exit 1; \ fi @$(OK) Finished linting fmt: golangci-lint ## Ensure consistent code style @go mod tidy @cd e2e/ && go mod tidy @go fmt ./... @$(GOLANGCI_LINT) run --fix @$(OK) Ensured consistent code style generate: ## Generate code and crds @./hack/crd.generate.sh $(BUNDLE_DIR) $(CRD_DIR) @$(OK) Finished generating deepcopy and crds # ==================================================================================== # Local Utility # This is for running out-of-cluster locally, and is for convenience. # For more control, try running the binary directly with different arguments. run: generate ## Run app locally (without a k8s cluster) go run ./main.go manifests: helm.generate ## Generate manifests from helm chart mkdir -p $(OUTPUT_DIR)/deploy/manifests helm template external-secrets $(HELM_DIR) -f deploy/manifests/helm-values.yaml > $(OUTPUT_DIR)/deploy/manifests/external-secrets.yaml crds.install: generate ## Install CRDs into a cluster. This is for convenience kubectl apply -f $(BUNDLE_DIR) crds.uninstall: ## Uninstall CRDs from a cluster. This is for convenience kubectl delete -f $(BUNDLE_DIR) # ==================================================================================== # Helm Chart helm.docs: ## Generate helm docs @cd $(HELM_DIR); \ docker run --rm -v $(shell pwd)/$(HELM_DIR):/helm-docs -u $(shell id -u) jnorwood/helm-docs:v1.5.0 HELM_VERSION ?= $(shell helm show chart $(HELM_DIR) | grep 'version:' | sed 's/version: //g') helm.build: helm.generate ## Build helm chart @$(INFO) helm package @helm package $(HELM_DIR) --dependency-update --destination $(OUTPUT_DIR)/chart @mv $(OUTPUT_DIR)/chart/external-secrets-$(HELM_VERSION).tgz $(OUTPUT_DIR)/chart/external-secrets.tgz @$(OK) helm package helm.generate: ./hack/helm.generate.sh $(BUNDLE_DIR) $(HELM_DIR) @$(OK) Finished generating helm chart files helm.test: helm.generate @helm unittest --file tests/*.yaml --file 'tests/**/*.yaml' deploy/charts/external-secrets/ helm.test.update: helm.generate @helm unittest -u --file tests/*.yaml --file 'tests/**/*.yaml' deploy/charts/external-secrets/ helm.update.appversion: @chartversion=$$(yq .version ./deploy/charts/external-secrets/Chart.yaml) ; \ chartappversion=$$(yq .appVersion ./deploy/charts/external-secrets/Chart.yaml) ; \ chartname=$$(yq .name ./deploy/charts/external-secrets/Chart.yaml) ; \ $(INFO) Update chartname and chartversion string in test snapshots.; \ sed -s -i "s/^\([[:space:]]\+helm\.sh\/chart:\).*/\1 $${chartname}-$${chartversion}/" ./deploy/charts/external-secrets/tests/__snapshot__/*.yaml.snap ; \ sed -s -i "s/^\([[:space:]]\+app\.kubernetes\.io\/version:\).*/\1 $${chartappversion}/" ./deploy/charts/external-secrets/tests/__snapshot__/*.yaml.snap ; \ sed -s -i "s/^\([[:space:]]\+image: ghcr\.io\/external-secrets\/external-secrets:\).*/\1$${chartappversion}/" ./deploy/charts/external-secrets/tests/__snapshot__/*.yaml.snap ; \ $(OK) "Version strings updated" # ==================================================================================== # Documentation .PHONY: docs docs: generate ## Generate docs $(MAKE) -C ./hack/api-docs build .PHONY: docs.publish docs.publish: generate ## Generate and deploys docs $(MAKE) -C ./hack/api-docs build.publish .PHONY: docs.serve docs.serve: ## Serve docs $(MAKE) -C ./hack/api-docs serve # ==================================================================================== # Build Artifacts .PHONY: build.all build.all: docker.build helm.build ## Build all artifacts (docker image, helm chart) .PHONY: docker.image docker.image: ## Emit IMAGE_NAME:IMAGE_TAG @echo $(IMAGE_NAME):$(IMAGE_TAG) .PHONY: docker.imagename docker.imagename: ## Emit IMAGE_NAME @echo $(IMAGE_NAME) .PHONY: docker.tag docker.tag: ## Emit IMAGE_TAG @echo $(IMAGE_TAG) .PHONY: docker.build docker.build: $(addprefix build-,$(ARCH)) ## Build the docker image @$(INFO) docker build echo docker build -f $(DOCKERFILE) . $(DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS) -t $(IMAGE_NAME):$(IMAGE_TAG) docker build -f $(DOCKERFILE) . $(DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS) -t $(IMAGE_NAME):$(IMAGE_TAG) @$(OK) docker build .PHONY: docker.push docker.push: ## Push the docker image to the registry @$(INFO) docker push @docker push $(IMAGE_NAME):$(IMAGE_TAG) @$(OK) docker push # RELEASE_TAG is tag to promote. Default is promoting to main branch, but can be overriden # to promote a tag to a specific version. RELEASE_TAG ?= $(IMAGE_TAG) SOURCE_TAG ?= $(VERSION)$(TAG_SUFFIX) .PHONY: docker.promote docker.promote: ## Promote the docker image to the registry @$(INFO) promoting $(SOURCE_TAG) to $(RELEASE_TAG) docker manifest inspect --verbose $(IMAGE_NAME):$(SOURCE_TAG) > .tagmanifest for digest in $$(jq -r 'if type=="array" then .[].Descriptor.digest else .Descriptor.digest end' < .tagmanifest); do \ docker pull $(IMAGE_NAME)@$$digest; \ done docker manifest create $(IMAGE_NAME):$(RELEASE_TAG) \ $$(jq -j '"--amend $(IMAGE_NAME)@" + if type=="array" then .[].Descriptor.digest else .Descriptor.digest end + " "' < .tagmanifest) docker manifest push $(IMAGE_NAME):$(RELEASE_TAG) @$(OK) docker push $(RELEASE_TAG) \ # ==================================================================================== # Terraform tf.plan.%: ## Runs terrform plan for a provider @cd $(TF_DIR)/$*; \ terraform init; \ terraform plan tf.apply.%: ## Runs terrform apply for a provider @cd $(TF_DIR)/$*; \ terraform init; \ terraform apply -auto-approve tf.destroy.%: ## Runs terrform destroy for a provider @cd $(TF_DIR)/$*; \ terraform init; \ terraform destroy -auto-approve tf.show.%: ## Runs terrform show for a provider and outputs to a file @cd $(TF_DIR)/$*; \ terraform init; \ terraform plan -out tfplan.binary; \ terraform show -json tfplan.binary > plan.json # ==================================================================================== # Help .PHONY: help # only comments after make target name are shown as help text help: ## Displays this help message @echo -e "$$(grep -hE '^\S+:.*##' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sed -e 's/:.*##\s*/|/' -e 's/^\(.\+\):\(.*\)/\\x1b[36m\1\\x1b[m:\2/' | column -c2 -t -s'|' | sort)" .PHONY: clean clean: ## Clean bins @$(INFO) clean @rm -f $(OUTPUT_DIR)/external-secrets-linux-* @$(OK) go build $* # ==================================================================================== # Build Dependencies ## Location to install dependencies to LOCALBIN ?= $(shell pwd)/bin $(LOCALBIN): mkdir -p $(LOCALBIN) ## Tool Binaries ENVTEST ?= $(LOCALBIN)/setup-envtest GOLANGCI_LINT ?= $(LOCALBIN)/golangci-lint ## Tool Versions GOLANGCI_VERSION := 1.52.2 KUBERNETES_VERSION := 1.24.x .PHONY: envtest envtest: $(ENVTEST) ## Download envtest-setup locally if necessary. $(ENVTEST): $(LOCALBIN) test -s $(LOCALBIN)/setup-envtest || GOBIN=$(LOCALBIN) go install sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/tools/setup-envtest@latest .PHONY: golangci-lint .PHONY: $(GOLANGCI_LINT) golangci-lint: $(GOLANGCI_LINT) ## Download golangci-lint locally if necessary. $(GOLANGCI_LINT): $(LOCALBIN) test -s $(LOCALBIN)/golangci-lint && $(LOCALBIN)/golangci-lint version --format short | grep -q $(GOLANGCI_VERSION) || \ curl -sSfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golangci/golangci-lint/master/install.sh | sh -s -- -b $(LOCALBIN) v$(GOLANGCI_VERSION)