# Advanced Templating v1 !!! warning Templating Engine v1 is **deprecated** and will be removed in the future. Please migrate to engine v2 and take a look at our [upgrade guide](templating.md#migrating-from-v1) for changes. !!! note Templating Engine v1 does NOT support templating the `spec.target.template.metadata` fields, or the keys of the `spec.target.template.data` map, it will treat them as plain strings. To use templates in annotations/labels/data-keys, please use Templating Engine v2. With External Secrets Operator you can transform the data from the external secret provider before it is stored as `Kind=Secret`. You can do this with the `Spec.Target.Template`. Each data value is interpreted as a [Go template](https://golang.org/pkg/text/template/). Please note that referencing a non-existing key in the template will raise an error, instead of being suppressed. ## Examples You can use templates to inject your secrets into a configuration file that you mount into your pod: ``` yaml {% include 'multiline-template-v1-external-secret.yaml' %} ``` You can also use pre-defined functions to extract data from your secrets. Here: extract key/cert from a pkcs12 archive and store it as PEM. ``` yaml {% include 'pkcs12-template-v1-external-secret.yaml' %} ``` ### TemplateFrom You do not have to define your templates inline in an ExternalSecret but you can pull `ConfigMaps` or other Secrets that contain a template. Consider the following example: ``` yaml {% include 'template-v1-from-secret.yaml' %} ``` ## Helper functions We provide a bunch of convenience functions that help you transform your secrets. A secret value is a `[]byte`. | Function | Description | Input | Output | | -------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------- | ------------- | | pkcs12key | extracts the private key from a pkcs12 archive | `[]byte` | `[]byte` | | pkcs12keyPass | extracts the private key from a pkcs12 archive using the provided password | password `string`, data `[]byte` | `[]byte` | | pkcs12cert | extracts the certificate from a pkcs12 archive | `[]byte` | `[]byte` | | pkcs12certPass | extracts the certificate from a pkcs12 archive using the provided password | password `string`, data `[]byte` | `[]byte` | | pemPrivateKey | PEM encodes the provided bytes as private key | `[]byte` | `string` | | pemCertificate | PEM encodes the provided bytes as certificate | `[]byte` | `string` | | jwkPublicKeyPem | takes an json-serialized JWK as `[]byte` and returns an PEM block of type `PUBLIC KEY` that contains the public key ([see here](https://golang.org/pkg/crypto/x509/#MarshalPKIXPublicKey)) for details | `[]byte` | `string` | | jwkPrivateKeyPem | takes an json-serialized JWK as `[]byte` and returns an PEM block of type `PRIVATE KEY` that contains the private key in PKCS #8 format ([see here](https://golang.org/pkg/crypto/x509/#MarshalPKCS8PrivateKey)) for details | `[]byte` | `string` | | base64decode | decodes the provided bytes as base64 | `[]byte` | `[]byte` | | base64encode | encodes the provided bytes as base64 | `[]byte` | `[]byte` | | fromJSON | parses the bytes as JSON so you can access individual properties | `[]byte` | `any` | | toJSON | encodes the provided object as json string | `any` | `string` | | toString | converts bytes to string | `[]byte` | `string` | | toBytes | converts string to bytes | `string` | `[]byte` | | upper | converts all characters to their upper case | `string` | `string` | | lower | converts all character to their lower case | `string` | `string` |