FROM as minimal-ubi ARG TARGETOS ARG TARGETARCH RUN dnf update -y && dnf install -y binutils # prep target rootfs for scratch container WORKDIR / RUN mkdir /image && \ ln -s usr/bin /image/bin && \ ln -s usr/sbin /image/sbin && \ ln -s usr/lib64 /image/lib64 && \ ln -s usr/lib /image/lib && \ mkdir -p /image/{usr/bin,usr/lib64,usr/lib,root,home,proc,etc,sys,var,dev} COPY ubi-build-files-${TARGETARCH}.txt /tmp # Copy all the required files from the base UBI image into the image directory # As the go binary is not statically compiled this includes everything needed for CGO to work, cacerts, tzdata and RH release files RUN tar cf /tmp/files.tar -T /tmp/ubi-build-files-${TARGETARCH}.txt && tar xf /tmp/files.tar -C /image/ \ && strip --strip-unneeded /image/usr/lib64/*[0-9].so # Generate a rpm database which contains all the packages that you said were needed in ubi-build-files-*.txt RUN rpm --root /image --initdb \ && PACKAGES=$(rpm -qf $(cat /tmp/ubi-build-files-${TARGETARCH}.txt) | grep -v "is not owned by any package" | sort -u) \ && echo dnf install -y 'dnf-command(download)' \ && dnf download --destdir / ${PACKAGES} \ && rpm --root /image -ivh --justdb --nodeps `for i in ${PACKAGES}; do echo $i.rpm; done` FROM scratch # Copy all required files + rpm database so the image is scannable COPY --from=minimal-ubi /image/ / USER 65534 ARG TARGETOS ARG TARGETARCH COPY bin/external-secrets-${TARGETOS}-${TARGETARCH} /bin/external-secrets ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/external-secrets"]