The External Secrets Operator manages the lifecycle of secrets in Kubernetes. With `creationPolicy` and `deletionPolicy` you get fine-grained control of its lifecycle.
!!! note "Creation/Deletion Policy Combinations"
Some combinations of creationPolicy/deletionPolicy are not allowed as they would delete existing secrets:
The External Secret Operator creates secret and sets the `ownerReference` field on the Secret. This secret is subject to [garbage collection]( if the initial `ExternalSecret` is absent. If a secret with the same name already exists that is not owned by the controller it will result in a conflict. The operator will just error out, not claiming the ownership.
The operator creates the secret but does not set the `ownerReference` on the Secret. That means the Secret will not be subject to garbage collection. If a secret with the same name already exists it will be updated.
The operator does not create a secret. Instead, it expects the secret to already exist. Values from the secret provider will be merged into the existing secret. Note: the controller takes ownership of a field even if it is owned by a different entity. Multiple ExternalSecrets can use `creationPolicy=Merge` with a single secret as long as the fields don't collide - otherwise you end up in an oscillating state.
### None
The operator does not create or update the secret, this is basically a no-op.
## Deletion Policy
DeletionPolicy defines what should happen if a given secret gets deleted **from the provider**.