This is a proposal to standardize the External Secret Kubernetes operator CRDs in an combined effort through all projects that deal with syncing external secrets. This proposal aims to do find the _common denominator_ for all users of an External Secrets project.
There are a lot of different projects in the wild that essentially do the same thing: sync secrets with Kubernetes. The idea is to unify efforts into a single project that serves the needs of all users in this problem space.
As a starting point I (@moolen) would like to define a **common denominator** for a Custom Resource Definition that serves all known use-cases. This CRD should follow the standard alpha -> beta -> GA feature process.
* KES `instance`: A single entity that runs a control loop
* Provider: Is a **source** for secrets. The Provider is external to KES. It can be a hosted service like Alibaba Cloud SecretsManager, AWS SystemsManager, Azure KeyVault etc
* SecretStore `ST`: A Custom Resource to authenticate and configure the connection between the KES instance and the Provider
* ExternalSecret `ES`: A Custom Resource that declares which secrets should be synced
* Frontend: A **sink** for the synced secrets, usually a `Secret` resource
* Secret: Credentials that act as a key to sensitive information
From that we can derive the following requirements or user stories:
1. As a KES operator I want to run multiple KES instances per cluster (e.g. one KES instance per DEV/PROD)
1. As a KES operator or user I want to integrate **multiple SecretStores** with a **single KES instance** (e.g. dev namespace has access only to dev secrets)
1. As a KES user I want to control the Frontend for the secrets, usually a `Secret` resource
1. As a KES user I want to fetch **from multiple** Providers and store the secrets **in a single** Frontend
1. As a KES operator I want to limit the access to certain stores or sub resources (e.g. having one central KES instance that handles all ES - similar to `` annotation per namespace)
1. As a KES user I want to provide an application with a configuration that contains a secret
# * Pending | ES created, controller did not yet sync the ES or other dependencies are missing (e.g. secret store or configmap template)
# * Syncing | ES is being actively synced according to spec
# * Failing | Secret can not be synced, this might require user intervention
# * Failed | ES can not be synced right now and will not able to
# * Completed | ES was synced successfully (one-time use only)
phase: Syncing
- type: InSync
status: "True" # False if last sync was not successful
reason: "SecretSynced"
message: "Secret was synced"
lastTransitionTime: "2019-08-12T12:33:02Z"
lastSyncTime: "2020-09-23T16:27:53Z"
#### Behavior
The ExternalSecret control loop **ensures** that the target resource exists and stays up to date with the upstream provider. Because most upstream APIs are limited in throughput the control loop must implement some sort of jitter and retry/backoff mechanic.