A list of blogs written by people all over the community. Feel free to let us know if you are writing about ESO at some place! We would be happy to mention you here!
## [Tutorial: How to Set External-Secrets with Azure KeyVault](https://blog.container-solutions.com/tutorial-external-secrets-with-azure-keyvault)
Gustavo writes about how to setup ESO with Azure Key Vault and adds an guide on how to make it a bit more secure with OPA (Open Policy Agent). [How to Set External-Secrets with Azure KeyVault](https://blog.container-solutions.com/tutorial-external-secrets-with-azure-keyvault)
## [Tutorial: How to Set External-Secrets with GCP Secret Manager](https://blog.container-solutions.com/tutorial-how-to-set-external-secrets-with-gcp-secret-manager)
Gustavo writes about how to setup ESO with GCP Secret Manager. He also shows you how to make a simple multi tenant setup with a ClusterSecretStore. [How to Set External-Secrets with GCP Secret Manager](https://blog.container-solutions.com/tutorial-how-to-set-external-secrets-with-gcp-secret-manager)
## [Tutorial: How to Set External-Secrets with Hashicorp Vault](https://blog.container-solutions.com/tutorialexternal-secrets-with-hashicorp-vault)
Gustavo writes about how to setup ESO with Hashicorp Vault. He also shows you how to make this scale with multiple replicas of the operator and leader election enabled to lead balance handling synchronization work. [How to Set External-Secrets with Hashicorp Vault](https://blog.container-solutions.com/tutorialexternal-secrets-with-hashicorp-vault)
## [Tutorial: How to Set External-Secrets with AWS](https://blog.container-solutions.com/tutorial-how-to-set-external-secrets-with-aws)
Gustavo writes about how to setup ESO with AWS Secrets Manager. He also shows you how to limit access and give granular permissions with better policies and roles for your service accounts to use. [How to Set External-Secrets with AWS](https://blog.container-solutions.com/tutorial-how-to-set-external-secrets-with-aws)
## [Tutorial: How to Set External-Secrets with IBM Secrets Manager](https://0x58.medium.com/ibm-cloud-secrets-manager-and-the-external-secrets-operator-1c94234993b6)
In this multi-articles series, Xavier writes about how to setup ESO with IBM Secrets Manager using the web user-interface. Xavier also shares how it is integrated into his pipeline scripts. [How to Set External-Secrets with IBM Secrets Manager](https://0x58.medium.com/ibm-cloud-secrets-manager-and-the-external-secrets-operator-1c94234993b6)
Tiexin Guo Writes about Kubernetes hardening in this series of blogs. He mentions ESO as one of the convenient options when dealing with secrets in Kubernetes, and how to use it with AWS Secret Manager using AWS credentials. [Kubernetes Hardening Tutorial Part 2: Network](https://blog.gitguardian.com/kubernetes-tutorial-part-2-network/)
## [Tutorial: How to manage secrets in OpenShift using Vault and External Secrets Operator](https://youtu.be/PgiXKBTel1E)
Balkrishna Pandey published a video tutorial and a [blog post](https://goglides.io/how-to-manage-secrets-in-openshift-using-vault-and-external-secrets/1164/) on integrating HashiCorp Vault and External Secret Operator (ESO) to manage application secrets on OpenShift Cluster. In this blog, he demonstrates the strength of the `ClusterSecretStore` functionality, a cluster scoped SecretStore and is global to the Cluster that all `ExternalSecrets` can reference from all namespaces.