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import pytest
import re
import json
import redis
from redis import asyncio as aioredis
import asyncio
from .instance import DflyInstanceFactory, DflyInstance
from .utility import *
from .replication_test import check_all_replicas_finished
from . import dfly_args
BASE_PORT = 30001
async def push_config(config, admin_connections):
logging.debug("Pushing config %s", config)
res = await asyncio.gather(
*(c_admin.execute_command("DFLYCLUSTER", "CONFIG", config) for c_admin in admin_connections)
assert all([r == "OK" for r in res])
async def get_node_id(admin_connection):
id = await admin_connection.execute_command("DFLYCLUSTER MYID")
assert isinstance(id, str)
return id
class TestNotEmulated:
async def test_cluster_commands_fails_when_not_emulate(self, async_client: aioredis.Redis):
with pytest.raises(aioredis.ResponseError) as respErr:
await async_client.execute_command("CLUSTER HELP")
assert "cluster_mode" in str(respErr.value)
with pytest.raises(aioredis.ResponseError) as respErr:
await async_client.execute_command("CLUSTER SLOTS")
assert "emulated" in str(respErr.value)
@dfly_args({"cluster_mode": "emulated"})
class TestEmulated:
def test_cluster_slots_command(self, df_server, cluster_client: redis.RedisCluster):
expected = {(0, 16383): {"primary": ("", df_server.port), "replicas": []}}
res = cluster_client.execute_command("CLUSTER SLOTS")
assert expected == res
def test_cluster_help_command(self, cluster_client: redis.RedisCluster):
# `target_nodes` is necessary because CLUSTER HELP is not mapped on redis-py
res = cluster_client.execute_command("CLUSTER HELP", target_nodes=redis.RedisCluster.RANDOM)
assert "HELP" in res
assert "SLOTS" in res
def test_cluster_pipeline(self, cluster_client: redis.RedisCluster):
pipeline = cluster_client.pipeline()
pipeline.set("foo", "bar")
val = pipeline.execute()
assert val == [True, "bar"]
@dfly_args({"cluster_mode": "emulated", "cluster_announce_ip": ""})
class TestEmulatedWithAnnounceIp:
def test_cluster_slots_command(self, df_server, cluster_client: redis.RedisCluster):
expected = {(0, 16383): {"primary": ("", df_server.port), "replicas": []}}
res = cluster_client.execute_command("CLUSTER SLOTS")
assert expected == res
def verify_slots_result(
ip: str, port: int, answer: list, rep_ip: str = None, rep_port: int = None
) -> bool:
def is_local_host(ip: str) -> bool:
return ip == "" or ip == "localhost"
assert answer[0] == 0 # start shard
assert answer[1] == 16383 # last shard
if rep_ip is not None:
assert len(answer) == 4 # the network info
rep_info = answer[3]
assert len(rep_info) == 3
ip_addr = str(rep_info[0], "utf-8")
assert ip_addr == rep_ip or (is_local_host(ip_addr) and is_local_host(ip))
assert rep_info[1] == rep_port
assert len(answer) == 3
info = answer[2]
assert len(info) == 3
ip_addr = str(info[0], "utf-8")
assert ip_addr == ip or (is_local_host(ip_addr) and is_local_host(ip))
assert info[1] == port
return True
@dfly_args({"proactor_threads": 4, "cluster_mode": "emulated"})
async def test_cluster_slots_in_replicas(df_local_factory):
master = df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT)
replica = df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT + 1, logtostdout=True)
df_local_factory.start_all([master, replica])
c_master = aioredis.Redis(port=master.port)
c_replica = aioredis.Redis(port=replica.port)
res = await c_replica.execute_command("CLUSTER SLOTS")
assert len(res) == 1
assert verify_slots_result(ip="", port=replica.port, answer=res[0])
res = await c_master.execute_command("CLUSTER SLOTS")
assert verify_slots_result(ip="", port=master.port, answer=res[0])
# Connect replica to master
rc = await c_replica.execute_command(f"REPLICAOF localhost {master.port}")
assert str(rc, "utf-8") == "OK"
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
res = await c_replica.execute_command("CLUSTER SLOTS")
assert verify_slots_result(
ip="", port=master.port, answer=res[0], rep_ip="", rep_port=replica.port
res = await c_master.execute_command("CLUSTER SLOTS")
assert verify_slots_result(
ip="", port=master.port, answer=res[0], rep_ip="", rep_port=replica.port
await close_clients(c_master, c_replica)
@dfly_args({"cluster_mode": "emulated", "cluster_announce_ip": ""})
async def test_cluster_info(async_client):
res = await async_client.execute_command("CLUSTER INFO")
assert len(res) == 16
assert res == {
"cluster_current_epoch": "1",
"cluster_known_nodes": "1",
"cluster_my_epoch": "1",
"cluster_size": "1",
"cluster_slots_assigned": "16384",
"cluster_slots_fail": "0",
"cluster_slots_ok": "16384",
"cluster_slots_pfail": "0",
"cluster_state": "ok",
"cluster_stats_messages_meet_received": "0",
"cluster_stats_messages_ping_received": "1",
"cluster_stats_messages_ping_sent": "1",
"cluster_stats_messages_pong_received": "1",
"cluster_stats_messages_pong_sent": "1",
"cluster_stats_messages_received": "1",
"cluster_stats_messages_sent": "1",
@dfly_args({"cluster_mode": "emulated", "cluster_announce_ip": ""})
async def test_cluster_nodes(df_server, async_client):
res = await async_client.execute_command("CLUSTER NODES")
assert len(res) == 1
info = res[f"{df_server.port}"]
assert res is not None
assert info["connected"] == True
assert info["epoch"] == "0"
assert info["flags"] == "myself,master"
assert info["last_ping_sent"] == "0"
assert info["slots"] == [["0", "16383"]]
assert info["master_id"] == "-"
Test that slot ownership changes correctly with config changes.
Add a key to node0, then move the slot ownership to node1 and see that they both behave as
Also add keys to each of them that are *not* moved, and see that they are unaffected by the move.
@dfly_args({"proactor_threads": 4, "cluster_mode": "yes"})
async def test_cluster_slot_ownership_changes(df_local_factory: DflyInstanceFactory):
# Start and configure cluster with 2 nodes
nodes = [
df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT + i, admin_port=BASE_PORT + i + 1000)
for i in range(2)
c_nodes = [node.client() for node in nodes]
c_nodes_admin = [node.admin_client() for node in nodes]
node_ids = await asyncio.gather(*(get_node_id(c) for c in c_nodes_admin))
config = f"""
"slot_ranges": [
"start": 0,
"master": {{
"id": "{node_ids[0]}",
"ip": "localhost",
"port": {nodes[0].port}
"replicas": []
"slot_ranges": [
"end": 16383
"master": {{
"id": "{node_ids[1]}",
"ip": "localhost",
"port": {nodes[1].port}
"replicas": []
await push_config(
config.replace("LAST_SLOT_CUTOFF", "5259").replace("NEXT_SLOT_CUTOFF", "5260"),
# Slot for "KEY1" is 5259
# Insert a key that should stay in node0
assert await c_nodes[0].set("KEY0", "value")
# And to node1 (so it happens that 'KEY0' belongs to 0 and 'KEY2' to 1)
assert await c_nodes[1].set("KEY2", "value")
# Insert a key that we will move ownership of to node1 (but without migration yet)
assert await c_nodes[0].set("KEY1", "value")
assert await c_nodes[0].execute_command("DBSIZE") == 2
# Make sure that node0 owns "KEY0"
assert (await c_nodes[0].get("KEY0")) == "value"
# Make sure that "KEY1" is not owned by node1
await c_nodes[1].set("KEY1", "value")
assert False, "Should not be able to set key on non-owner cluster node"
except redis.exceptions.ResponseError as e:
assert e.args[0] == "MOVED 5259 localhost:30001"
# And that node1 only has 1 key ("KEY2")
assert await c_nodes[1].execute_command("DBSIZE") == 1
print("Moving ownership over 5259 ('KEY1') to other node")
await push_config(
config.replace("LAST_SLOT_CUTOFF", "5258").replace("NEXT_SLOT_CUTOFF", "5259"),
# node0 should have removed "KEY1" as it no longer owns it
assert await c_nodes[0].execute_command("DBSIZE") == 1
# node0 should still own "KEY0" though
assert (await c_nodes[0].get("KEY0")) == "value"
# node1 should still have "KEY2"
assert await c_nodes[1].execute_command("DBSIZE") == 1
# Now node0 should reply with MOVED for "KEY1"
await c_nodes[0].set("KEY1", "value")
assert False, "Should not be able to set key on non-owner cluster node"
except redis.exceptions.ResponseError as e:
assert e.args[0] == "MOVED 5259 localhost:30002"
# And node1 should own it and allow using it
assert await c_nodes[1].set("KEY1", "value")
assert await c_nodes[1].execute_command("DBSIZE") == 2
config = f"""
"slot_ranges": [
"start": 0,
"end": 16383
"master": {{
"id": "{node_ids[0]}",
"ip": "localhost",
"port": {nodes[0].port}
"replicas": []
await push_config(config, c_nodes_admin)
assert await c_nodes[0].execute_command("DBSIZE") == 1
assert (await c_nodes[0].get("KEY0")) == "value"
assert await c_nodes[1].execute_command("DBSIZE") == 0
await close_clients(*c_nodes, *c_nodes_admin)
# Tests that master commands to the replica are applied regardless of slot ownership
@dfly_args({"proactor_threads": 4, "cluster_mode": "yes"})
async def test_cluster_replica_sets_non_owned_keys(df_local_factory):
# Start and configure cluster with 1 master and 1 replica, both own all slots
master = df_local_factory.create(admin_port=BASE_PORT + 1000)
replica = df_local_factory.create(admin_port=BASE_PORT + 1001)
df_local_factory.start_all([master, replica])
async with master.client() as c_master, master.admin_client() as c_master_admin, replica.client() as c_replica, replica.admin_client() as c_replica_admin:
master_id = await get_node_id(c_master_admin)
replica_id = await get_node_id(c_replica_admin)
config = f"""
"slot_ranges": [
"start": 0,
"end": 16383
"master": {{
"id": "{master_id}",
"ip": "localhost",
"port": {master.port}
"replicas": [
"id": "{replica_id}",
"ip": "localhost",
"port": {replica.port}
await push_config(config, [c_master_admin, c_replica_admin])
# Setup replication and make sure that it works properly.
await c_master.set("key", "value")
await c_replica.execute_command("REPLICAOF", "localhost", master.port)
await check_all_replicas_finished([c_replica], c_master)
assert (await c_replica.get("key")) == "value"
assert await c_replica.execute_command("dbsize") == 1
# Tell the replica that it and the master no longer own any data, but don't tell that to the
# master. This will allow us to set keys on the master and make sure that they are set in the
# replica.
replica_config = f"""
"slot_ranges": [],
"master": {{
"id": "{master_id}",
"ip": "localhost",
"port": {master.port}
"replicas": [
"id": "{replica_id}",
"ip": "localhost",
"port": {replica.port}
"slot_ranges": [
"start": 0,
"end": 16383
"master": {{
"id": "non-existing-master",
"ip": "localhost",
"port": 1111
"replicas": []
await push_config(replica_config, [c_replica_admin])
# The replica should *not* have deleted the key.
assert await c_replica.execute_command("dbsize") == 1
# Set another key on the master, which it owns but the replica does not own.
await c_master.set("key2", "value")
await check_all_replicas_finished([c_replica], c_master)
# See that the key exists in both replica and master
assert await c_master.execute_command("dbsize") == 2
assert await c_replica.execute_command("dbsize") == 2
# The replica should still reply with MOVED, despite having that key.
await c_replica.get("key2")
assert False, "Should not be able to get key on non-owner cluster node"
except redis.exceptions.ResponseError as e:
assert re.match(r"MOVED \d+ localhost:1111", e.args[0])
await push_config(replica_config, [c_master_admin])
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
assert await c_master.execute_command("dbsize") == 0
assert await c_replica.execute_command("dbsize") == 0
await close_clients(c_master, c_master_admin, c_replica, c_replica_admin)
@dfly_args({"proactor_threads": 4, "cluster_mode": "yes"})
async def test_cluster_flush_slots_after_config_change(df_local_factory: DflyInstanceFactory):
# Start and configure cluster with 1 master and 1 replica, both own all slots
master = df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT, admin_port=BASE_PORT + 1000)
replica = df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT + 1, admin_port=BASE_PORT + 1001)
df_local_factory.start_all([master, replica])
c_master = master.client()
c_master_admin = master.admin_client()
master_id = await get_node_id(c_master_admin)
c_replica = replica.client()
c_replica_admin = replica.admin_client()
replica_id = await get_node_id(c_replica_admin)
config = f"""
"slot_ranges": [
"start": 0,
"end": 16383
"master": {{
"id": "{master_id}",
"ip": "localhost",
"port": {master.port}
"replicas": [
"id": "{replica_id}",
"ip": "localhost",
"port": {replica.port}
await push_config(config, [c_master_admin, c_replica_admin])
await c_master.execute_command("debug", "populate", "100000")
assert await c_master.execute_command("dbsize") == 100_000
# Setup replication and make sure that it works properly.
await c_replica.execute_command("REPLICAOF", "localhost", master.port)
await check_all_replicas_finished([c_replica], c_master)
assert await c_replica.execute_command("dbsize") == 100_000
resp = await c_master_admin.execute_command("dflycluster", "getslotinfo", "slots", "0")
assert resp[0][0] == 0
slot_0_size = resp[0][2]
print(f"Slot 0 size = {slot_0_size}")
assert slot_0_size > 0
config = f"""
"slot_ranges": [
"start": 1,
"end": 16383
"master": {{
"id": "{master_id}",
"ip": "localhost",
"port": {master.port}
"replicas": [
"id": "{replica_id}",
"ip": "localhost",
"port": {replica.port}
"slot_ranges": [
"start": 0,
"end": 0
"master": {{
"id": "other-master",
"ip": "localhost",
"port": 9000
"replicas": [
"id": "other-replica",
"ip": "localhost",
"port": 9001
await push_config(config, [c_master_admin, c_replica_admin])
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
assert await c_master.execute_command("dbsize") == (100_000 - slot_0_size)
assert await c_replica.execute_command("dbsize") == (100_000 - slot_0_size)
await close_clients(c_master, c_master_admin, c_replica, c_replica_admin)
@dfly_args({"proactor_threads": 4, "cluster_mode": "yes", "admin_port": 30001})
async def test_cluster_blocking_command(df_server):
c_master = df_server.client()
c_master_admin = df_server.admin_client()
config = [
"slot_ranges": [{"start": 0, "end": 8000}],
"master": {"id": await get_node_id(c_master_admin), "ip": "", "port": 7000},
"replicas": [],
"slot_ranges": [{"start": 8001, "end": 16383}],
"master": {"id": "other", "ip": "", "port": 7000},
"replicas": [],
assert (
await c_master_admin.execute_command("DFLYCLUSTER", "CONFIG", json.dumps(config))
) == "OK"
assert (await c_master.execute_command("CLUSTER", "KEYSLOT", "keep-local")) == 3479
assert (await c_master.execute_command("CLUSTER", "KEYSLOT", "remove-key-4")) == 6103
v1 = asyncio.create_task(c_master.blpop("keep-local", 2))
v2 = asyncio.create_task(c_master.blpop("remove-key-4", 2))
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
config[0]["slot_ranges"][0]["end"] = 5000
config[1]["slot_ranges"][0]["start"] = 5001
assert (
await c_master_admin.execute_command("DFLYCLUSTER", "CONFIG", json.dumps(config))
) == "OK"
await c_master.lpush("keep-local", "WORKS")
assert (await v1) == ("keep-local", "WORKS")
with pytest.raises(aioredis.ResponseError) as e_info:
await v2
assert "MOVED" in str(e_info.value)
await close_clients(c_master, c_master_admin)
@dfly_args({"proactor_threads": 4, "cluster_mode": "yes"})
async def test_cluster_native_client(
df_local_factory: DflyInstanceFactory,
df_seeder_factory: DflySeederFactory,
# Start and configure cluster with 3 masters and 3 replicas
masters = [
df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT + i, admin_port=BASE_PORT + i + 1000)
for i in range(3)
c_masters = [aioredis.Redis(port=master.port) for master in masters]
c_masters_admin = [master.admin_client() for master in masters]
master_ids = await asyncio.gather(*(get_node_id(c) for c in c_masters_admin))
replicas = [
df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT + 100 + i, admin_port=BASE_PORT + i + 1100)
for i in range(3)
c_replicas = [replica.client() for replica in replicas]
c_replicas_admin = [replica.admin_client() for replica in replicas]
replica_ids = await asyncio.gather(*(get_node_id(c) for c in c_replicas_admin))
config = f"""
"slot_ranges": [
"start": 0,
"end": 5000
"master": {{
"id": "{master_ids[0]}",
"ip": "localhost",
"port": {masters[0].port}
"replicas": [
"id": "{replica_ids[0]}",
"ip": "localhost",
"port": {replicas[0].port}
"slot_ranges": [
"start": 5001,
"end": 10000
"master": {{
"id": "{master_ids[1]}",
"ip": "localhost",
"port": {masters[1].port}
"replicas": [
"id": "{replica_ids[1]}",
"ip": "localhost",
"port": {replicas[1].port}
"slot_ranges": [
"start": 10001,
"end": 16383
"master": {{
"id": "{master_ids[2]}",
"ip": "localhost",
"port": {masters[2].port}
"replicas": [
"id": "{replica_ids[2]}",
"ip": "localhost",
"port": {replicas[2].port}
await push_config(config, c_masters_admin + c_replicas_admin)
seeder = df_seeder_factory.create(port=masters[0].port, cluster_mode=True)
await seeder.run(target_deviation=0.1)
client = aioredis.RedisCluster(decode_responses=True, host="localhost", port=masters[0].port)
assert await client.set("key0", "value") == True
assert await client.get("key0") == "value"
async def test_random_keys():
for i in range(100):
key = "key" + str(random.randint(0, 100_000))
assert await client.set(key, "value") == True
assert await client.get(key) == "value"
await test_random_keys()
await asyncio.gather(*(wait_available_async(c) for c in c_replicas))
# Make sure that getting a value from a replica works as well.
replica_response = await client.execute_command(
"get", "key0", target_nodes=aioredis.RedisCluster.REPLICAS
assert "value" in replica_response.values()
# Push new config
config = f"""
"slot_ranges": [
"start": 0,
"end": 4000
"master": {{
"id": "{master_ids[0]}",
"ip": "localhost",
"port": {masters[0].port}
"replicas": [
"id": "{replica_ids[0]}",
"ip": "localhost",
"port": {replicas[0].port}
"slot_ranges": [
"start": 4001,
"end": 14000
"master": {{
"id": "{master_ids[1]}",
"ip": "localhost",
"port": {masters[1].port}
"replicas": [
"id": "{replica_ids[1]}",
"ip": "localhost",
"port": {replicas[1].port}
"slot_ranges": [
"start": 14001,
"end": 16383
"master": {{
"id": "{master_ids[2]}",
"ip": "localhost",
"port": {masters[2].port}
"replicas": [
"id": "{replica_ids[2]}",
"ip": "localhost",
"port": {replicas[2].port}
await push_config(config, c_masters_admin + c_replicas_admin)
await test_random_keys()
await close_clients(client, *c_masters, *c_masters_admin, *c_replicas, *c_replicas_admin)
@dfly_args({"proactor_threads": 4, "cluster_mode": "yes"})
async def test_cluster_slot_migration(df_local_factory: DflyInstanceFactory):
# Check slot migration from one node to another
nodes = [
df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT + i, admin_port=BASE_PORT + i + 1000)
for i in range(2)
c_nodes = [node.client() for node in nodes]
c_nodes_admin = [node.admin_client() for node in nodes]
node_ids = await asyncio.gather(*(get_node_id(c) for c in c_nodes_admin))
config = f"""
"slot_ranges": [ {{ "start": 0, "end": LAST_SLOT_CUTOFF }} ],
"master": {{ "id": "{node_ids[0]}", "ip": "localhost", "port": {nodes[0].port} }},
"replicas": []
"slot_ranges": [ {{ "start": NEXT_SLOT_CUTOFF, "end": 16383 }} ],
"master": {{ "id": "{node_ids[1]}", "ip": "localhost", "port": {nodes[1].port} }},
"replicas": []
await push_config(
config.replace("LAST_SLOT_CUTOFF", "5259").replace("NEXT_SLOT_CUTOFF", "5260"),
status = await c_nodes_admin[1].execute_command(
"DFLYCLUSTER", "SLOT-MIGRATION-STATUS", "", str(nodes[0].admin_port)
assert "NO_STATE" == status
res = await c_nodes_admin[1].execute_command(
"DFLYCLUSTER", "START-SLOT-MIGRATION", "", str(nodes[0].admin_port), "5200", "5259"
assert 1 == res
while (
await c_nodes_admin[1].execute_command(
"DFLYCLUSTER", "SLOT-MIGRATION-STATUS", "", str(nodes[0].admin_port)
await asyncio.sleep(0.05)
status = await c_nodes_admin[0].execute_command(
"DFLYCLUSTER", "SLOT-MIGRATION-STATUS", "", str(nodes[1].port)
assert "STABLE_SYNC" == status
status = await c_nodes_admin[0].execute_command("DFLYCLUSTER", "SLOT-MIGRATION-STATUS")
assert ["out STABLE_SYNC"] == status
await c_nodes_admin[1].execute_command(
assert False, "Should not be able to start slot migration"
except redis.exceptions.ResponseError as e:
assert e.args[0] == "Can't start the migration, another one is in progress"
await push_config(
config.replace("LAST_SLOT_CUTOFF", "5259").replace("NEXT_SLOT_CUTOFF", "5260"),
await close_clients(*c_nodes, *c_nodes_admin)
@dfly_args({"proactor_threads": 4, "cluster_mode": "yes"})
async def test_cluster_data_migration(df_local_factory: DflyInstanceFactory):
# Check data migration from one node to another
nodes = [
df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT + i, admin_port=BASE_PORT + i + 1000)
for i in range(2)
c_nodes = [node.client() for node in nodes]
c_nodes_admin = [node.admin_client() for node in nodes]
node_ids = await asyncio.gather(*(get_node_id(c) for c in c_nodes_admin))
config = f"""
"slot_ranges": [ {{ "start": 0, "end": LAST_SLOT_CUTOFF }} ],
"master": {{ "id": "{node_ids[0]}", "ip": "localhost", "port": {nodes[0].port} }},
"replicas": []
"slot_ranges": [ {{ "start": NEXT_SLOT_CUTOFF, "end": 16383 }} ],
"master": {{ "id": "{node_ids[1]}", "ip": "localhost", "port": {nodes[1].port} }},
"replicas": []
await push_config(
config.replace("LAST_SLOT_CUTOFF", "9000").replace("NEXT_SLOT_CUTOFF", "9001"),
assert await c_nodes[1].set("KEY2", "value")
assert await c_nodes[1].set("KEY3", "value")
assert await c_nodes[1].set("KEY6", "value")
assert await c_nodes[1].set("KEY7", "value")
assert await c_nodes[0].set("KEY8", "value")
assert await c_nodes[0].set("KEY9", "value")
assert await c_nodes[1].set("KEY10", "value")
assert await c_nodes[1].set("KEY11", "value")
assert await c_nodes[0].set("KEY12", "value")
assert await c_nodes[0].set("KEY13", "value")
assert await c_nodes[1].set("KEY14", "value")
assert await c_nodes[1].set("KEY15", "value")
assert await c_nodes[0].set("KEY16", "value")
assert await c_nodes[0].set("KEY17", "value")
assert await c_nodes[1].set("KEY18", "value")
assert await c_nodes[1].set("KEY19", "value")
res = await c_nodes_admin[1].execute_command(
"DFLYCLUSTER", "START-SLOT-MIGRATION", "", str(nodes[0].admin_port), "3000", "9000"
assert 1 == res
assert await c_nodes[0].set("KEY0", "value")
assert await c_nodes[0].set("KEY1", "value")
while (
await c_nodes_admin[1].execute_command(
"DFLYCLUSTER", "SLOT-MIGRATION-STATUS", "", str(nodes[0].admin_port)
await asyncio.sleep(0.05)
assert await c_nodes[0].set("KEY4", "value")
assert await c_nodes[0].set("KEY5", "value")
assert await c_nodes[0].execute_command("DBSIZE") == 10
# TODO remove when we add slot blocking
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
res = await c_nodes_admin[0].execute_command("DFLYCLUSTER", "SLOT-MIGRATION-FINALIZE", "1")
assert "OK" == res
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
while (
await c_nodes_admin[1].execute_command(
"DFLYCLUSTER", "SLOT-MIGRATION-STATUS", "", str(nodes[0].admin_port)
await asyncio.sleep(0.05)
await push_config(
config.replace("LAST_SLOT_CUTOFF", "2999").replace("NEXT_SLOT_CUTOFF", "3000"),
assert await c_nodes[0].get("KEY0") == "value"
assert await c_nodes[1].get("KEY1") == "value"
assert await c_nodes[1].get("KEY2") == "value"
assert await c_nodes[1].get("KEY3") == "value"
assert await c_nodes[0].get("KEY4") == "value"
assert await c_nodes[1].get("KEY5") == "value"
assert await c_nodes[1].get("KEY6") == "value"
assert await c_nodes[1].get("KEY7") == "value"
assert await c_nodes[0].get("KEY8") == "value"
assert await c_nodes[1].get("KEY9") == "value"
assert await c_nodes[1].get("KEY10") == "value"
assert await c_nodes[1].get("KEY11") == "value"
assert await c_nodes[1].get("KEY12") == "value"
assert await c_nodes[1].get("KEY13") == "value"
assert await c_nodes[1].get("KEY14") == "value"
assert await c_nodes[1].get("KEY15") == "value"
assert await c_nodes[1].get("KEY16") == "value"
assert await c_nodes[1].get("KEY17") == "value"
assert await c_nodes[1].get("KEY18") == "value"
assert await c_nodes[1].get("KEY19") == "value"
assert await c_nodes[1].execute_command("DBSIZE") == 17
await close_clients(*c_nodes, *c_nodes_admin)
from dataclasses import dataclass
class NodeInfo:
instance: DflyInstance
client: aioredis.Redis
admin_client: aioredis.Redis
slots: list
next_slots: list
sync_ids: list
"node_count, segments, keys",
pytest.param(3, 16, 20_000),
pytest.param(5, 20, 30_000, marks=[pytest.mark.slow, pytest.mark.opt_only]),
@dfly_args({"proactor_threads": 4, "cluster_mode": "yes"})
async def test_cluster_fuzzymigration(
df_local_factory: DflyInstanceFactory,
node_count: int,
segments: int,
keys: int,
instances = [
port=BASE_PORT + i,
admin_port=BASE_PORT + i + 1000,
for i in range(node_count)
nodes = [
for instance in instances
async def generate_config():
return [
"slot_ranges": [{"start": s, "end": e} for (s, e) in node.slots],
"master": {
"id": await get_node_id(node.admin_client),
"ip": "",
"port": node.instance.port,
"replicas": [],
for node in nodes
# Generate equally sized ranges and distribute by nodes
step = 16400 // segments
for slot_range in [(s, min(s + step - 1, 16383)) for s in range(0, 16383, step)]:
nodes[random.randint(0, node_count - 1)].slots.append(slot_range)
# Push config to all nodes
await push_config(json.dumps(await generate_config()), [node.admin_client for node in nodes])
# Fill instances with some data
seeder = df_seeder_factory.create(keys=keys, port=nodes[0].instance.port, cluster_mode=True)
await seeder.run(target_deviation=0.1)
fill_task = asyncio.create_task(seeder.run())
# Generate migration plan
for node_idx, node in enumerate(nodes):
# Decide on number of outgoing slot ranges
outgoing = [[] for _ in range(node_count)]
num_outgoing = random.randint(0, len(node.slots))
# Distribute first 0..num_outgoing
for slot_range in node.slots[:num_outgoing]:
dest_idx = random.randint(0, node_count - 1)
while dest_idx == node_idx:
dest_idx = random.randint(0, node_count - 1)
for dest_idx, dest_slots in enumerate(outgoing):
if len(dest_slots) == 0:
print(node_idx, "migrates to", dest_idx, "slots", dest_slots)
sync_id = await nodes[dest_idx].admin_client.execute_command(
keeping = node.slots[num_outgoing:]
# Busy loop for migrations to finish - all in stable state
iterations = 0
while True:
for node in nodes:
states = await node.admin_client.execute_command("DFLYCLUSTER", "SLOT-MIGRATION-STATUS")
if not all(s.endswith("STABLE_SYNC") for s in states) and not states == "NO_STATE":
iterations += 1
assert iterations < 100
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
# Give seeder one more second
await asyncio.sleep(1.0)
# Stop seeder
await fill_task
# Counter that pushes values to a list
async def list_counter(key, client: aioredis.RedisCluster):
for i in itertools.count(start=1):
await client.lpush(key, i)
# Start ten counters
counter_keys = [f"_counter{i}" for i in range(10)]
counter_connections = [
aioredis.RedisCluster(host="localhost", port=nodes[0].instance.port) for _ in range(10)
counters = [
asyncio.create_task(list_counter(key, conn))
for key, conn in zip(counter_keys, counter_connections)
# Generate capture, capture ignores counter keys
capture = await seeder.capture()
# Finalize slot migration
for node in nodes:
for sync_id in node.sync_ids:
assert "OK" == await node.admin_client.execute_command(
# Stop counters
for counter in counters:
# need this sleep to avoid race between finalize and config
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
# Push new config
await push_config(json.dumps(await generate_config()), [node.admin_client for node in nodes])
# Transfer nodes
for node in nodes:
node.slots = node.next_slots
node.new_slots = []
# Check counter consistency
cluster_client = aioredis.RedisCluster(host="localhost", port=nodes[0].instance.port)
for key in counter_keys:
counter_list = await cluster_client.lrange(key, 0, -1)
for i, j in zip(counter_list, counter_list[1:]):
assert int(i) == int(j) + 1, f"Found inconsistent list in {key}: {counter_list}"
# Compare capture
assert await seeder.compare(capture, nodes[0].instance.port)
await asyncio.gather(*[c.close() for c in counter_connections])
await close_clients(
cluster_client, *[node.admin_client for node in nodes], *[node.client for node in nodes]