mirror of
synced 2024-12-15 17:51:06 +00:00
* introduce `--replicaof` flag Closes #1381. The behvaiour of `--replicaof` is similar to `REPLICAOF`. On startup, the instance continuously attempts to connect to master. Stop using the normal `REPLICAOF NO ONE` command. The flag expects format `<IPv4/host>:<port>` or `[<IPv6>]:<port>`. --------- Signed-off-by: talbii <ido@dragonflydb.io> Signed-off-by: talbii <41526934+talbii@users.noreply.github.com>
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1503 lines
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import random
from itertools import chain, repeat
import re
import pytest
import asyncio
import redis
from redis import asyncio as aioredis
from .utility import *
from . import DflyInstanceFactory, dfly_args
import logging
BASE_PORT = 1111
Test full replication pipeline. Test full sync with streaming changes and stable state streaming.
# 1. Number of master threads
# 2. Number of threads for each replica
# 3. Seeder config
# 4. Admin port
replication_cases = [
(8, [8], dict(keys=10_000, dbcount=4), False),
(6, [6, 6, 6], dict(keys=4_000, dbcount=4), False),
(8, [2, 2, 2, 2], dict(keys=4_000, dbcount=4), False),
(4, [8, 8], dict(keys=4_000, dbcount=4), False),
(4, [1] * 8, dict(keys=500, dbcount=2), False),
(1, [1], dict(keys=100, dbcount=2), False),
(6, [6, 6, 6], dict(keys=500, dbcount=4), True),
(1, [1], dict(keys=100, dbcount=2), True),
@pytest.mark.parametrize("t_master, t_replicas, seeder_config, from_admin_port", replication_cases)
async def test_replication_all(
df_local_factory, df_seeder_factory, t_master, t_replicas, seeder_config, from_admin_port
master = df_local_factory.create(
port=BASE_PORT, admin_port=ADMIN_PORT, proactor_threads=t_master
replicas = [
port=BASE_PORT + i + 1, admin_port=ADMIN_PORT + i + 1, proactor_threads=t
for i, t in enumerate(t_replicas)
# Start master
c_master = aioredis.Redis(port=master.port)
# Fill master with test data
seeder = df_seeder_factory.create(port=master.port, **seeder_config)
await seeder.run(target_deviation=0.1)
# Start replicas
c_replicas = [aioredis.Redis(port=replica.port) for replica in replicas]
# Start data stream
stream_task = asyncio.create_task(seeder.run(target_ops=3000))
await asyncio.sleep(0.0)
# Start replication
master_port = master.port if not from_admin_port else master.admin_port
async def run_replication(c_replica):
await c_replica.execute_command("REPLICAOF localhost " + str(master_port))
await asyncio.gather(*(asyncio.create_task(run_replication(c)) for c in c_replicas))
# Wait for streaming to finish
assert (
not stream_task.done()
), "Weak testcase. Increase number of streamed iterations to surpass full sync"
await stream_task
# Check data after full sync
await check_all_replicas_finished(c_replicas, c_master)
await check_data(seeder, replicas, c_replicas)
# Stream more data in stable state
await seeder.run(target_ops=2000)
# Check data after stable state stream
await check_all_replicas_finished(c_replicas, c_master)
await check_data(seeder, replicas, c_replicas)
async def check_replica_finished_exec(c_replica, c_master):
syncid, r_offset = await c_replica.execute_command("DEBUG REPLICA OFFSET")
m_offset = await c_master.execute_command("DFLY REPLICAOFFSET")
print(" offset", syncid.decode(), r_offset, m_offset)
return r_offset == m_offset
async def check_all_replicas_finished(c_replicas, c_master):
print("Waiting for replicas to finish")
waiting_for = list(c_replicas)
while len(waiting_for) > 0:
await asyncio.sleep(1.0)
tasks = (asyncio.create_task(check_replica_finished_exec(c, c_master)) for c in waiting_for)
finished_list = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
# Remove clients that finished from waiting list
waiting_for = [c for (c, finished) in zip(waiting_for, finished_list) if not finished]
async def check_data(seeder, replicas, c_replicas):
capture = await seeder.capture()
for replica, c_replica in zip(replicas, c_replicas):
await wait_available_async(c_replica)
assert await seeder.compare(capture, port=replica.port)
Test disconnecting replicas during different phases while constantly streaming changes to master.
This test is targeted at the master cancellation mechanism that should qickly stop operations for a
disconnected replica.
Three types are tested:
1. Replicas crashing during full sync state
2. Replicas crashing during stable sync state
3. Replicas disconnecting normally with REPLICAOF NO ONE during stable state
# 1. Number of master threads
# 2. Number of threads for each replica that crashes during full sync
# 3. Number of threads for each replica that crashes during stable sync
# 4. Number of threads for each replica that disconnects normally
# 5. Number of distinct keys that are constantly streamed
disconnect_cases = [
# balanced
(8, [4, 4], [4, 4], [4], 4_000),
(4, [2] * 4, [2] * 4, [2, 2], 2_000),
# full sync heavy
(8, [4] * 4, [], [], 4_000),
# stable state heavy
(8, [], [4] * 4, [], 4_000),
# disconnect only
(8, [], [], [4] * 4, 4_000),
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="Failing on github regression action")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("t_master, t_crash_fs, t_crash_ss, t_disonnect, n_keys", disconnect_cases)
async def test_disconnect_replica(
df_local_factory: DflyInstanceFactory,
master = df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT, proactor_threads=t_master)
replicas = [
(df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT + i + 1, proactor_threads=t), crash_fs)
for i, (t, crash_fs) in enumerate(
zip(t_crash_fs, repeat(DISCONNECT_CRASH_FULL_SYNC)),
zip(t_crash_ss, repeat(DISCONNECT_CRASH_STABLE_SYNC)),
zip(t_disonnect, repeat(DISCONNECT_NORMAL_STABLE_SYNC)),
# Start master
c_master = aioredis.Redis(port=master.port, single_connection_client=True)
# Start replicas and create clients
df_local_factory.start_all([replica for replica, _ in replicas])
c_replicas = [
(replica, aioredis.Redis(port=replica.port), crash_type) for replica, crash_type in replicas
def replicas_of_type(tfunc):
return [args for args in c_replicas if tfunc(args[2])]
# Start data fill loop
seeder = df_seeder_factory.create(port=master.port, keys=n_keys, dbcount=2)
fill_task = asyncio.create_task(seeder.run())
# Run full sync
async def full_sync(replica, c_replica, crash_type):
c_replica = aioredis.Redis(port=replica.port)
await c_replica.execute_command("REPLICAOF localhost " + str(master.port))
if crash_type == 0:
await asyncio.sleep(random.random() / 100 + 0.01)
await c_replica.connection_pool.disconnect()
await wait_available_async(c_replica)
await asyncio.gather(*(full_sync(*args) for args in c_replicas))
# Wait for master to stream a bit more
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
# Check master survived full sync crashes
assert await c_master.ping()
# Check phase-2 replicas survived
for _, c_replica, _ in replicas_of_type(lambda t: t > 0):
assert await c_replica.ping()
# Run stable state crashes
async def stable_sync(replica, c_replica, crash_type):
await asyncio.sleep(random.random() / 100)
await c_replica.connection_pool.disconnect()
await asyncio.gather(*(stable_sync(*args) for args in replicas_of_type(lambda t: t == 1)))
# Check master survived all crashes
assert await c_master.ping()
# Check phase 3 replica survived
for _, c_replica, _ in replicas_of_type(lambda t: t > 1):
assert await c_replica.ping()
# Stop streaming
await fill_task
# Check master survived all crashes
assert await c_master.ping()
# Check phase 3 replicas are up-to-date and there is no gap or lag
await seeder.run(target_ops=2000)
await asyncio.sleep(1.0)
capture = await seeder.capture()
for replica, _, _ in replicas_of_type(lambda t: t > 1):
assert await seeder.compare(capture, port=replica.port)
# Check disconnects
async def disconnect(replica, c_replica, crash_type):
await asyncio.sleep(random.random() / 100)
await c_replica.execute_command("REPLICAOF NO ONE")
await asyncio.gather(*(disconnect(*args) for args in replicas_of_type(lambda t: t == 2)))
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
# Check phase 3 replica survived
for replica, c_replica, _ in replicas_of_type(lambda t: t == 2):
assert await c_replica.ping()
assert await seeder.compare(capture, port=replica.port)
await c_replica.connection_pool.disconnect()
# Check master survived all disconnects
assert await c_master.ping()
await c_master.close()
Test stopping master during different phases.
This test is targeted at the replica cancellation mechanism that should quickly abort a failed operation
and revert to connection retry state.
Three types are tested:
1. Master crashing during full sync state
2. Master crashing in a random state.
3. Master crashing during stable sync state
# 1. Number of master threads
# 2. Number of threads for each replica
# 3. Number of times a random crash happens
# 4. Number of keys transferred (the more, the higher the propability to not miss full sync)
master_crash_cases = [
(6, [6], 3, 2_000),
(4, [4, 4, 4], 3, 2_000),
@pytest.mark.parametrize("t_master, t_replicas, n_random_crashes, n_keys", master_crash_cases)
async def test_disconnect_master(
df_local_factory, df_seeder_factory, t_master, t_replicas, n_random_crashes, n_keys
master = df_local_factory.create(port=1111, proactor_threads=t_master)
replicas = [
df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT + i + 1, proactor_threads=t)
for i, t in enumerate(t_replicas)
c_replicas = [aioredis.Redis(port=replica.port) for replica in replicas]
seeder = df_seeder_factory.create(port=master.port, keys=n_keys, dbcount=2)
async def crash_master_fs():
await asyncio.sleep(random.random() / 10)
async def start_master():
await asyncio.sleep(0.2)
c_master = aioredis.Redis(port=master.port)
assert await c_master.ping()
await seeder.run(target_deviation=0.1)
await start_master()
# Crash master during full sync, but with all passing initial connection phase
await asyncio.gather(
c_replica.execute_command("REPLICAOF localhost " + str(master.port))
for c_replica in c_replicas
await crash_master_fs()
await asyncio.sleep(1 + len(replicas) * 0.5)
for _ in range(n_random_crashes):
await start_master()
await asyncio.sleep(random.random() + len(replicas) * random.random() / 10)
# Crash master in some random state for each replica
await start_master()
await asyncio.sleep(1 + len(replicas) * 0.5) # Replicas check every 500ms.
capture = await seeder.capture()
for replica, c_replica in zip(replicas, c_replicas):
await wait_available_async(c_replica)
assert await seeder.compare(capture, port=replica.port)
# Crash master during stable state
await start_master()
await asyncio.sleep(1 + len(replicas) * 0.5)
capture = await seeder.capture()
for c_replica in c_replicas:
await wait_available_async(c_replica)
assert await seeder.compare(capture, port=replica.port)
Test re-connecting replica to different masters.
rotating_master_cases = [(4, [4, 4, 4, 4], dict(keys=2_000, dbcount=4))]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("t_replica, t_masters, seeder_config", rotating_master_cases)
async def test_rotating_masters(
df_local_factory, df_seeder_factory, t_replica, t_masters, seeder_config
replica = df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT, proactor_threads=t_replica)
masters = [
df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT + i + 1, proactor_threads=t)
for i, t in enumerate(t_masters)
seeders = [df_seeder_factory.create(port=m.port, **seeder_config) for m in masters]
df_local_factory.start_all([replica] + masters)
c_replica = aioredis.Redis(port=replica.port)
await asyncio.gather(*(seeder.run(target_deviation=0.1) for seeder in seeders))
fill_seeder = None
fill_task = None
for master, seeder in zip(masters, seeders):
if fill_task is not None:
await c_replica.execute_command(f"REPLICAOF localhost {master.port}")
await wait_available_async(c_replica)
capture = await seeder.capture()
assert await seeder.compare(capture, port=replica.port)
fill_task = asyncio.create_task(seeder.run())
fill_seeder = seeder
if fill_task is not None:
async def test_cancel_replication_immediately(df_local_factory, df_seeder_factory):
Issue 40 replication commands randomally distributed over 10 seconds. This
checks that the replication state machine can handle cancellation well.
We assert that at least one command was cancelled during start and at least
one command one successfull.
After we finish the 'fuzzing' part, replicate the first master and check that
all the data is correct.
replica = df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT)
masters = [df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT + i + 1) for i in range(4)]
seeders = [df_seeder_factory.create(port=m.port) for m in masters]
df_local_factory.start_all([replica] + masters)
c_replica = aioredis.Redis(port=replica.port)
await asyncio.gather(*(seeder.run(target_deviation=0.1) for seeder in seeders))
replication_commands = []
async def replicate(index):
await asyncio.sleep(10.0 * random.random())
start = time.time()
await c_replica.execute_command(f"REPLICAOF localhost {masters[index].port}")
# Giving replication commands shouldn't hang.
assert time.time() - start < 2.0
return True
except redis.exceptions.ResponseError as e:
assert e.args[0] == "replication cancelled"
return False
for i in range(COMMANDS_TO_ISSUE):
index = random.choice(range(len(masters)))
results = await asyncio.gather(*replication_commands)
num_successes = sum(results)
assert COMMANDS_TO_ISSUE > num_successes, "At least one REPLICAOF must be cancelled"
assert num_successes > 0, "At least one REPLICAOF must be succeed"
await c_replica.execute_command(f"REPLICAOF localhost {masters[0].port}")
await wait_available_async(c_replica)
capture = await seeders[0].capture()
assert await seeders[0].compare(capture, replica.port)
Test flushall command. Set data to master send flashall and set more data.
Check replica keys at the end.
async def test_flushall(df_local_factory):
master = df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT, proactor_threads=4)
replica = df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT + 1, proactor_threads=2)
# Connect replica to master
c_replica = aioredis.Redis(port=replica.port)
await c_replica.execute_command(f"REPLICAOF localhost {master.port}")
n_keys = 1000
def gen_test_data(start, end):
for i in range(start, end):
yield f"key-{i}", f"value-{i}"
c_master = aioredis.Redis(port=master.port)
pipe = c_master.pipeline(transaction=False)
# Set simple keys 0..n_keys on master
batch_fill_data(client=pipe, gen=gen_test_data(0, n_keys), batch_size=3)
# flushall
# Set simple keys n_keys..n_keys*2 on master
batch_fill_data(client=pipe, gen=gen_test_data(n_keys, n_keys * 2), batch_size=3)
await pipe.execute()
# Check replica finished executing the replicated commands
await check_all_replicas_finished([c_replica], c_master)
# Check replica keys 0..n_keys-1 dont exist
pipe = c_replica.pipeline(transaction=False)
for i in range(n_keys):
vals = await pipe.execute()
assert all(v is None for v in vals)
# Check replica keys n_keys..n_keys*2-1 exist
for i in range(n_keys, n_keys * 2):
vals = await pipe.execute()
assert all(v is not None for v in vals)
Test journal rewrites.
@dfly_args({"proactor_threads": 4})
async def test_rewrites(df_local_factory):
CLOSE_TIMESTAMP = int(time.time()) + 100
master = df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT)
replica = df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT + 1)
# Connect clients, connect replica to master
c_master = aioredis.Redis(port=master.port)
c_replica = aioredis.Redis(port=replica.port)
await c_replica.execute_command(f"REPLICAOF localhost {master.port}")
await wait_available_async(c_replica)
# Create monitor and bind utility functions
m_replica = c_replica.monitor()
async def get_next_command():
mcmd = (await m_replica.next_command())["command"]
# skip select command
if mcmd == "SELECT 0":
print("Got:", mcmd)
mcmd = (await m_replica.next_command())["command"]
print("Got:", mcmd)
return mcmd
async def is_match_rsp(rx):
mcmd = await get_next_command()
print("Regex:", rx)
return re.match(rx, mcmd)
async def skip_cmd():
await is_match_rsp(r".*")
async def check(cmd, rx):
await c_master.execute_command(cmd)
match = await is_match_rsp(rx)
assert match
async def check_list(cmd, rx_list):
print("master cmd:", cmd)
await c_master.execute_command(cmd)
for rx in rx_list:
match = await is_match_rsp(rx)
assert match
async def check_list_ooo(cmd, rx_list):
print("master cmd:", cmd)
await c_master.execute_command(cmd)
expected_cmds = len(rx_list)
for i in range(expected_cmds):
mcmd = await get_next_command()
# check command matches one regex from list
match_rx = list(filter(lambda rx: re.match(rx, mcmd), rx_list))
assert len(match_rx) == 1
async def check_expire(key):
ttl1 = await c_master.ttl(key)
ttl2 = await c_replica.ttl(key)
await skip_cmd()
assert abs(ttl1 - ttl2) <= 1
async with m_replica:
await c_master.set("k-exp", "v")
await skip_cmd()
await check("EXPIRE k-exp 100", r"PEXPIREAT k-exp (.*?)")
await check_expire("k-exp")
await check("PEXPIRE k-exp 50000", r"PEXPIREAT k-exp (.*?)")
await check_expire("k-exp")
# Check SPOP turns into SREM or SDEL
await c_master.sadd("k-set", "v1", "v2", "v3")
await skip_cmd()
await check("SPOP k-set 1", r"SREM k-set (v1|v2|v3)")
await check("SPOP k-set 2", r"DEL k-set")
# Check SET + {EX/PX/EXAT} + {XX/NX/GET} arguments turns into SET PXAT
await check(f"SET k v EX 100 NX GET", r"SET k v PXAT (.*?)")
await check_expire("k")
await check(f"SET k v PX 50000", r"SET k v PXAT (.*?)")
await check_expire("k")
# Exact expiry is skewed
await check(f"SET k v XX EXAT {CLOSE_TIMESTAMP}", rf"SET k v PXAT (.*?)")
await check_expire("k")
# Check SET + KEEPTTL doesn't loose KEEPTTL
await check(f"SET k v KEEPTTL", r"SET k v KEEPTTL")
# Check SETEX/PSETEX turn into SET PXAT
await check("SETEX k 100 v", r"SET k v PXAT (.*?)")
await check_expire("k")
await check("PSETEX k 500000 v", r"SET k v PXAT (.*?)")
await check_expire("k")
# Check GETEX turns into PEXPIREAT or PERSIST
await check("GETEX k PERSIST", r"PERSIST k")
await check_expire("k")
await check("GETEX k EX 100", r"PEXPIREAT k (.*?)")
await check_expire("k")
# Check SDIFFSTORE turns into DEL and SADD
await c_master.sadd("set1", "v1", "v2", "v3")
await c_master.sadd("set2", "v1", "v2")
await skip_cmd()
await skip_cmd()
await check_list("SDIFFSTORE k set1 set2", [r"DEL k", r"SADD k v3"])
# Check SINTERSTORE turns into DEL and SADD
await check_list("SINTERSTORE k set1 set2", [r"DEL k", r"SADD k (.*?)"])
# Check SMOVE turns into SREM and SADD
await check_list_ooo("SMOVE set1 set2 v3", [r"SREM set1 v3", r"SADD set2 v3"])
# Check SUNIONSTORE turns into DEL and SADD
await check_list_ooo("SUNIONSTORE k set1 set2", [r"DEL k", r"SADD k (.*?)"])
await c_master.set("k1", "1000")
await c_master.set("k2", "1100")
await skip_cmd()
await skip_cmd()
# Check BITOP turns into SET
await check("BITOP OR kdest k1 k2", r"SET kdest 1100")
# Check there is no rewrite for LMOVE on single shard
await c_master.lpush("list", "v1", "v2", "v3", "v4")
await skip_cmd()
await check("LMOVE list list LEFT RIGHT", r"LMOVE list list LEFT RIGHT")
# Check there is no rewrite for RPOPLPUSH on single shard
await check("RPOPLPUSH list list", r"RPOPLPUSH list list")
# Check BRPOPLPUSH on single shard turns into LMOVE
await check("BRPOPLPUSH list list 0", r"LMOVE list list RIGHT LEFT")
# Check BLPOP turns into LPOP
await check("BLPOP list list1 0", r"LPOP list")
# Check BRPOP turns into RPOP
await check("BRPOP list 0", r"RPOP list")
await c_master.lpush("list1s", "v1", "v2", "v3", "v4")
await skip_cmd()
# Check LMOVE turns into LPUSH LPOP on multi shard
await check_list_ooo("LMOVE list1s list2s LEFT LEFT", [r"LPUSH list2s v4", r"LPOP list1s"])
# Check RPOPLPUSH turns into LPUSH RPOP on multi shard
await check_list_ooo("RPOPLPUSH list1s list2s", [r"LPUSH list2s v1", r"RPOP list1s"])
# Check BRPOPLPUSH turns into LPUSH RPOP on multi shard
await check_list_ooo("BRPOPLPUSH list1s list2s 0", [r"LPUSH list2s v2", r"RPOP list1s"])
# MOVE runs as global command, check only one journal entry is sent
await check("MOVE list2s 2", r"MOVE list2s 2")
await c_master.set("renamekey", "1000", px=50000)
await skip_cmd()
# Check RENAME turns into DEL SET and PEXPIREAT
await check_list_ooo(
"RENAME renamekey renamed",
[r"DEL renamekey", r"SET renamed 1000", r"PEXPIREAT renamed (.*?)"],
await check_expire("renamed")
# Check RENAMENX turns into DEL SET and PEXPIREAT
await check_list_ooo(
"RENAMENX renamed renamekey",
[r"DEL renamed", r"SET renamekey 1000", r"PEXPIREAT renamekey (.*?)"],
await check_expire("renamekey")
Test automatic replication of expiry.
@dfly_args({"proactor_threads": 4})
async def test_expiry(df_local_factory, n_keys=1000):
master = df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT)
replica = df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT + 1, logtostdout=True)
df_local_factory.start_all([master, replica])
c_master = aioredis.Redis(port=master.port)
c_replica = aioredis.Redis(port=replica.port)
# Connect replica to master
await c_replica.execute_command(f"REPLICAOF localhost {master.port}")
# Set keys
pipe = c_master.pipeline(transaction=False)
batch_fill_data(pipe, gen_test_data(n_keys))
await pipe.execute()
# Check replica finished executing the replicated commands
await check_all_replicas_finished([c_replica], c_master)
# Check keys are on replica
res = await c_replica.mget(k for k, _ in gen_test_data(n_keys))
assert all(v is not None for v in res)
# Set key different expries times in ms
pipe = c_master.pipeline(transaction=True)
for k, _ in gen_test_data(n_keys):
ms = random.randint(20, 500)
pipe.pexpire(k, ms)
await pipe.execute()
# send more traffic for differnt dbs while keys are expired
for i in range(8):
is_multi = i % 2
c_master_db = aioredis.Redis(port=master.port, db=i)
pipe = c_master_db.pipeline(transaction=is_multi)
# Set simple keys n_keys..n_keys*2 on master
start_key = n_keys * (i + 1)
end_key = start_key + n_keys
batch_fill_data(client=pipe, gen=gen_test_data(end_key, start_key), batch_size=20)
await pipe.execute()
# Wait for master to expire keys
await asyncio.sleep(3.0)
# Check all keys with expiry have been deleted
res = await c_master.mget(k for k, _ in gen_test_data(n_keys))
assert all(v is None for v in res)
# Check replica finished executing the replicated commands
await check_all_replicas_finished([c_replica], c_master)
res = await c_replica.mget(k for k, _ in gen_test_data(n_keys))
assert all(v is None for v in res)
# Set expired keys again
pipe = c_master.pipeline(transaction=False)
batch_fill_data(pipe, gen_test_data(n_keys))
for k, _ in gen_test_data(n_keys):
pipe.pexpire(k, 500)
await pipe.execute()
await asyncio.sleep(1.0)
# Disconnect from master
await c_replica.execute_command("REPLICAOF NO ONE")
# Check replica expires keys on its own
await asyncio.sleep(1.0)
res = await c_replica.mget(k for k, _ in gen_test_data(n_keys))
assert all(v is None for v in res)
Test script replication.
Fill multiple lists with values and rotate them one by one with LMOVE until they're at the same place again.
# t_master, t_replicas, num_ops, num_keys, num_parallel, flags
script_cases = [
(4, [4, 4, 4], 50, 5, 5, ""),
(4, [4, 4, 4], 50, 5, 5, "disable-atomicity"),
script_test_s1 = """
local N = ARGV[1]
-- fill each list with its k value
for i, k in pairs(KEYS) do
for j = 1, N do
redis.call('LPUSH', k, i-1)
-- rotate #KEYS times
for l = 1, #KEYS do
for j = 1, N do
for i, k in pairs(KEYS) do
redis.call('LMOVE', k, KEYS[i%#KEYS+1], 'LEFT', 'RIGHT')
return 'OK'
@pytest.mark.parametrize("t_master, t_replicas, num_ops, num_keys, num_par, flags", script_cases)
async def test_scripts(df_local_factory, t_master, t_replicas, num_ops, num_keys, num_par, flags):
master = df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT, proactor_threads=t_master)
replicas = [
df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT + i + 1, proactor_threads=t)
for i, t in enumerate(t_replicas)
df_local_factory.start_all([master] + replicas)
c_master = aioredis.Redis(port=master.port)
c_replicas = [aioredis.Redis(port=replica.port) for replica in replicas]
for c_replica in c_replicas:
await c_replica.execute_command(f"REPLICAOF localhost {master.port}")
await wait_available_async(c_replica)
script = script_test_s1.format(flags=f"#!lua flags={flags}" if flags else "")
sha = await c_master.script_load(script)
key_sets = [[f"{i}-{j}" for j in range(num_keys)] for i in range(num_par)]
rsps = await asyncio.gather(
*(c_master.evalsha(sha, len(keys), *keys, num_ops) for keys in key_sets)
assert rsps == [b"OK"] * num_par
await check_all_replicas_finished(c_replicas, c_master)
for c_replica in c_replicas:
for key_set in key_sets:
for j, k in enumerate(key_set):
l = await c_replica.lrange(k, 0, -1)
assert l == [f"{j}".encode()] * num_ops
@dfly_args({"proactor_threads": 4})
async def test_auth_master(df_local_factory, n_keys=20):
masterpass = "requirepass"
replicapass = "replicapass"
master = df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT, requirepass=masterpass)
replica = df_local_factory.create(
port=BASE_PORT + 1, logtostdout=True, masterauth=masterpass, requirepass=replicapass
df_local_factory.start_all([master, replica])
c_master = aioredis.Redis(port=master.port, password=masterpass)
c_replica = aioredis.Redis(port=replica.port, password=replicapass)
# Connect replica to master
await c_replica.execute_command(f"REPLICAOF localhost {master.port}")
# Set keys
pipe = c_master.pipeline(transaction=False)
batch_fill_data(pipe, gen_test_data(n_keys))
await pipe.execute()
# Check replica finished executing the replicated commands
await check_all_replicas_finished([c_replica], c_master)
# Check keys are on replica
res = await c_replica.mget(k for k, _ in gen_test_data(n_keys))
assert all(v is not None for v in res)
await c_master.connection_pool.disconnect()
await c_replica.connection_pool.disconnect()
SCRIPT_TEMPLATE = "return {}"
@dfly_args({"proactor_threads": 2})
async def test_script_transfer(df_local_factory):
master = df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT)
replica = df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT + 1)
df_local_factory.start_all([master, replica])
c_master = aioredis.Redis(port=master.port)
c_replica = aioredis.Redis(port=replica.port)
# Load some scripts into master ahead
scripts = []
for i in range(0, 10):
sha = await c_master.script_load(SCRIPT_TEMPLATE.format(i))
await c_replica.execute_command(f"REPLICAOF localhost {master.port}")
await wait_available_async(c_replica)
# transfer in stable state
for i in range(10, 20):
sha = await c_master.script_load(SCRIPT_TEMPLATE.format(i))
await check_all_replicas_finished([c_replica], c_master)
await c_replica.execute_command("REPLICAOF NO ONE")
for i, sha in enumerate(scripts):
assert await c_replica.evalsha(sha, 0) == i
await c_master.connection_pool.disconnect()
await c_replica.connection_pool.disconnect()
@dfly_args({"proactor_threads": 4})
async def test_role_command(df_local_factory, n_keys=20):
master = df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT)
replica = df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT + 1, logtostdout=True)
df_local_factory.start_all([master, replica])
c_master = aioredis.Redis(port=master.port)
c_replica = aioredis.Redis(port=replica.port)
assert await c_master.execute_command("role") == [b"master", []]
await c_replica.execute_command(f"REPLICAOF localhost {master.port}")
await wait_available_async(c_replica)
assert await c_master.execute_command("role") == [
[[b"", bytes(str(replica.port), "ascii"), b"stable_sync"]],
assert await c_replica.execute_command("role") == [
bytes(str(master.port), "ascii"),
# This tests that we react fast to socket shutdowns and don't hang on
# things like the ACK or execution fibers.
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
assert await c_replica.execute_command("role") == [
bytes(str(master.port), "ascii"),
await c_master.connection_pool.disconnect()
await c_replica.connection_pool.disconnect()
def parse_lag(replication_info: bytes):
lags = re.findall(b"lag=([0-9]+)\r\n", replication_info)
assert len(lags) == 1
return int(lags[0])
async def assert_lag_condition(inst, client, condition):
Since lag is a bit random, and we want stable tests, we check
10 times in quick succession and validate that the condition
is satisfied at least once.
We check both `INFO REPLICATION` redis protocol and the `/metrics`
prometheus endpoint.
for _ in range(10):
lag = (await inst.metrics())["dragonfly_connected_replica_lag_records"].samples[0].value
if condition(lag):
print("current prometheus lag =", lag)
await asyncio.sleep(0.05)
assert False, "Lag from prometheus metrics has never satisfied condition!"
for _ in range(10):
lag = parse_lag(await client.execute_command("info replication"))
if condition(lag):
print("current lag =", lag)
await asyncio.sleep(0.05)
assert False, "Lag has never satisfied condition!"
@dfly_args({"proactor_threads": 2})
async def test_replication_info(df_local_factory, df_seeder_factory, n_keys=2000):
master = df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT)
replica = df_local_factory.create(
port=BASE_PORT + 1, logtostdout=True, replication_acks_interval=100
df_local_factory.start_all([master, replica])
c_master = aioredis.Redis(port=master.port)
c_replica = aioredis.Redis(port=replica.port)
await c_replica.execute_command(f"REPLICAOF localhost {master.port}")
await wait_available_async(c_replica)
await assert_lag_condition(master, c_master, lambda lag: lag == 0)
seeder = df_seeder_factory.create(port=master.port, keys=n_keys, dbcount=2)
fill_task = asyncio.create_task(seeder.run(target_ops=3000))
await assert_lag_condition(master, c_master, lambda lag: lag > 30)
await fill_task
await wait_available_async(c_replica)
await assert_lag_condition(master, c_master, lambda lag: lag == 0)
await c_master.connection_pool.disconnect()
await c_replica.connection_pool.disconnect()
Test flushall command that's invoked while in full sync mode.
This can cause an issue because it will be executed on each shard independently.
More details in https://github.com/dragonflydb/dragonfly/issues/1231
async def test_flushall_in_full_sync(df_local_factory, df_seeder_factory):
master = df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT, proactor_threads=4, logtostdout=True)
replica = df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT + 1, proactor_threads=2, logtostdout=True)
# Start master
c_master = aioredis.Redis(port=master.port)
# Fill master with test data
seeder = df_seeder_factory.create(port=master.port, keys=100_000, dbcount=1)
await seeder.run(target_deviation=0.1)
# Start replica
c_replica = aioredis.Redis(port=replica.port)
await c_replica.execute_command(f"REPLICAOF localhost {master.port}")
async def get_sync_mode(c_master):
result = await c_master.execute_command("role")
# result[1]->replicas info [0]->first replica info [2]->replication state
return result[1][0][2]
async def is_full_sync_mode(c_master):
return await get_sync_mode(c_master) == b"full_sync"
# Wait for full sync to start
while not await is_full_sync_mode(c_master):
await asyncio.sleep(0.0)
syncid, _ = await c_replica.execute_command("DEBUG REPLICA OFFSET")
# Issue FLUSHALL and push some more entries
await c_master.execute_command("FLUSHALL")
if not await is_full_sync_mode(c_master):
logging.error("!!! Full sync finished too fast. Adjust test parameters !!!")
post_seeder = df_seeder_factory.create(port=master.port, keys=10, dbcount=1)
await post_seeder.run(target_deviation=0.1)
await check_all_replicas_finished([c_replica], c_master)
await check_data(post_seeder, [replica], [c_replica])
# Make sure that a new sync ID is present, meaning replication restarted following FLUSHALL.
new_syncid, _ = await c_replica.execute_command("DEBUG REPLICA OFFSET")
assert new_syncid != syncid
await c_master.close()
await c_replica.close()
Test read-only scripts work with replication. EVAL_RO and the 'no-writes' flags are currently not supported.
redis.call('GET', 'A')
redis.call('EXISTS', 'B')
return redis.call('GET', 'WORKS')
redis.call('SET', 'A', 'ErrroR')
async def test_readonly_script(df_local_factory):
master = df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT, proactor_threads=2, logtostdout=True)
replica = df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT + 1, proactor_threads=2, logtostdout=True)
df_local_factory.start_all([master, replica])
c_master = aioredis.Redis(port=master.port)
c_replica = aioredis.Redis(port=replica.port)
await c_master.set("WORKS", "YES")
await c_replica.execute_command(f"REPLICAOF localhost {master.port}")
await wait_available_async(c_replica)
await c_replica.eval(READONLY_SCRIPT, 3, "A", "B", "WORKS") == "YES"
await c_replica.eval(WRITE_SCRIPT, 1, "A")
assert False
except aioredis.ResponseError as roe:
assert "READONLY " in str(roe)
take_over_cases = [
[2, 2],
[2, 4],
[4, 2],
[8, 8],
@pytest.mark.parametrize("master_threads, replica_threads", take_over_cases)
async def test_take_over_counters(df_local_factory, master_threads, replica_threads):
master = df_local_factory.create(
# vmodule="journal_slice=2,dflycmd=2,main_service=1",
replica1 = df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT + 1, proactor_threads=replica_threads)
replica2 = df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT + 2, proactor_threads=replica_threads)
replica3 = df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT + 3, proactor_threads=replica_threads)
df_local_factory.start_all([master, replica1, replica2, replica3])
c_master = master.client()
c1 = replica1.client()
c_blocking = master.client()
c2 = replica2.client()
c3 = replica3.client()
await c1.execute_command(f"REPLICAOF localhost {master.port}")
await c2.execute_command(f"REPLICAOF localhost {master.port}")
await c3.execute_command(f"REPLICAOF localhost {master.port}")
await wait_available_async(c1)
async def counter(key):
value = 0
await c_master.execute_command(f"SET {key} 0")
start = time.time()
while time.time() - start < 20:
value = await c_master.execute_command(f"INCR {key}")
except (redis.exceptions.ConnectionError, redis.exceptions.ResponseError) as e:
assert False, "The incrementing loop should be exited with a connection error"
return key, value
async def block_during_takeover():
"Add a blocking command during takeover to make sure it doesn't block it."
start = time.time()
# The command should just be canceled
assert await c_blocking.execute_command("BLPOP BLOCKING_KEY1 BLOCKING_KEY2 100") is None
# And it should happen in reasonable amount of time.
assert time.time() - start < 10
async def delayed_takeover():
await asyncio.sleep(1)
await c1.execute_command(f"REPLTAKEOVER 5")
_, _, *results = await asyncio.gather(
delayed_takeover(), block_during_takeover(), *[counter(f"key{i}") for i in range(16)]
assert await c1.execute_command("role") == [b"master", []]
for key, client_value in results:
replicated_value = await c1.get(key)
assert client_value == int(replicated_value)
await disconnect_clients(c_master, c1, c_blocking, c2, c3)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("master_threads, replica_threads", take_over_cases)
async def test_take_over_seeder(
request, df_local_factory, df_seeder_factory, master_threads, replica_threads
tmp_file_name = "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters, k=10))
master = df_local_factory.create(
replica = df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT + 1, proactor_threads=replica_threads)
df_local_factory.start_all([master, replica])
seeder = df_seeder_factory.create(port=master.port, keys=1000, dbcount=5, stop_on_failure=False)
c_master = master.client()
c_replica = replica.client()
await c_replica.execute_command(f"REPLICAOF localhost {master.port}")
await wait_available_async(c_replica)
async def seed():
await seeder.run(target_ops=3000)
fill_task = asyncio.create_task(seed())
# Give the seeder a bit of time.
await asyncio.sleep(1)
await c_replica.execute_command(f"REPLTAKEOVER 5")
assert await c_replica.execute_command("role") == [b"master", []]
# Need to wait a bit to give time to write the shutdown snapshot
await asyncio.sleep(1)
assert master.proc.poll() == 0, "Master process did not exit correctly."
await wait_available_async(c_master)
capture = await seeder.capture()
assert await seeder.compare(capture, port=replica.port)
await disconnect_clients(c_master, c_replica)
async def test_take_over_timeout(df_local_factory, df_seeder_factory):
master = df_local_factory.create(proactor_threads=2, port=BASE_PORT, logtostderr=True)
replica = df_local_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT + 1, proactor_threads=2)
df_local_factory.start_all([master, replica])
seeder = df_seeder_factory.create(port=master.port, keys=1000, dbcount=5, stop_on_failure=False)
c_master = master.client()
c_replica = replica.client()
await c_replica.execute_command(f"REPLICAOF localhost {master.port}")
await wait_available_async(c_replica)
fill_task = asyncio.create_task(seeder.run(target_ops=3000))
# Give the seeder a bit of time.
await asyncio.sleep(1)
await c_replica.execute_command(f"REPLTAKEOVER 0.00001")
except redis.exceptions.ResponseError as e:
assert str(e) == "Couldn't execute takeover"
assert False, "Takeover should not succeed."
await fill_task
assert await c_master.execute_command("role") == [
[[b"", bytes(str(replica.port), "ascii"), b"stable_sync"]],
assert await c_replica.execute_command("role") == [
bytes(str(master.port), "ascii"),
await disconnect_clients(c_master, c_replica)
# 1. Number of master threads
# 2. Number of threads for each replica
replication_cases = [(8, 8)]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("t_master, t_replica", replication_cases)
async def test_no_tls_on_admin_port(
df_local_factory, df_seeder_factory, t_master, t_replica, with_tls_server_args
# 1. Spin up dragonfly without tls, debug populate
master = df_local_factory.create(
c_master = aioredis.Redis(port=master.admin_port, password="XXX")
await c_master.execute_command("DEBUG POPULATE 100")
db_size = await c_master.execute_command("DBSIZE")
assert 100 == db_size
# 2. Spin up a replica and initiate a REPLICAOF
replica = df_local_factory.create(
admin_port=ADMIN_PORT + 1,
port=BASE_PORT + 1,
c_replica = aioredis.Redis(port=replica.admin_port, password="XXX")
res = await c_replica.execute_command("REPLICAOF localhost " + str(master.admin_port))
assert b"OK" == res
await check_all_replicas_finished([c_replica], c_master)
# 3. Verify that replica dbsize == debug populate key size -- replication works
db_size = await c_replica.execute_command("DBSIZE")
assert 100 == db_size
await c_replica.close()
await c_master.close()
# 1. Number of master threads
# 2. Number of threads for each replica
# 3. Admin port
replication_cases = [(8, 8, False), (8, 8, True)]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("t_master, t_replica, test_admin_port", replication_cases)
async def test_tls_replication(
# 1. Spin up dragonfly tls enabled, debug populate
master = df_local_factory.create(
c_master = aioredis.Redis(port=master.port, **with_ca_tls_client_args)
await c_master.execute_command("DEBUG POPULATE 100")
db_size = await c_master.execute_command("DBSIZE")
assert 100 == db_size
# 2. Spin up a replica and initiate a REPLICAOF
replica = df_local_factory.create(
port=BASE_PORT + 1,
c_replica = aioredis.Redis(port=replica.port, **with_ca_tls_client_args)
port = master.port if not test_admin_port else master.admin_port
res = await c_replica.execute_command("REPLICAOF localhost " + str(port))
assert b"OK" == res
await check_all_replicas_finished([c_replica], c_master)
# 3. Verify that replica dbsize == debug populate key size -- replication works
db_size = await c_replica.execute_command("DBSIZE")
assert 100 == db_size
# 4. Kill master, spin it up and see if replica reconnects
await asyncio.sleep(3)
c_master = aioredis.Redis(port=master.port, **with_ca_tls_client_args)
# Master doesn't load the snapshot, therefore dbsize should be 0
await c_master.execute_command("SET MY_KEY 1")
db_size = await c_master.execute_command("DBSIZE")
assert 1 == db_size
await check_all_replicas_finished([c_replica], c_master)
db_size = await c_replica.execute_command("DBSIZE")
assert 1 == db_size
await c_replica.close()
await c_master.close()
# busy wait for 'replica' instance to have replication status 'status'
async def wait_for_replica_status(replica: aioredis.Redis, status: str, wait_for_seconds=0.01):
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(wait_for_seconds)
info = await replica.info("replication")
if info["master_link_status"] == status:
async def test_replicaof_flag(df_local_factory):
# tests --replicaof works under normal conditions
master = df_local_factory.create(
# set up master
c_master = aioredis.Redis(port=master.port)
await c_master.set("KEY", b"VALUE")
db_size = await c_master.dbsize()
assert 1 == db_size
replica = df_local_factory.create(
port=BASE_PORT + 1,
replicaof=f"localhost:{BASE_PORT}", # start to replicate master
# set up replica. check that it is replicating
c_replica = aioredis.Redis(port=replica.port)
await wait_available_async(c_replica) # give it time to startup
await wait_for_replica_status(c_replica, status="up") # wait until we have a connection
dbsize = await c_replica.dbsize()
assert 1 == dbsize
val = await c_replica.get("KEY")
assert b"VALUE" == val
async def test_replicaof_flag_replication_waits(df_local_factory):
# tests --replicaof works when we launch replication before the master
replica = df_local_factory.create(
port=BASE_PORT + 1,
replicaof=f"localhost:{BASE_PORT}", # start to replicate master
# set up replica first
c_replica = aioredis.Redis(port=replica.port)
await wait_for_replica_status(c_replica, status="down")
# check that it is in replica mode, yet status is down
info = await c_replica.info("replication")
assert info["role"] == "replica"
assert info["master_host"] == "localhost"
assert info["master_port"] == BASE_PORT
assert info["master_link_status"] == "down"
# set up master
master = df_local_factory.create(
c_master = aioredis.Redis(port=master.port)
await c_master.set("KEY", b"VALUE")
db_size = await c_master.dbsize()
assert 1 == db_size
# check that replication works now
await wait_for_replica_status(c_replica, status="up")
dbsize = await c_replica.dbsize()
assert 1 == dbsize
val = await c_replica.get("KEY")
assert b"VALUE" == val
async def test_replicaof_flag_disconnect(df_local_factory):
# test stopping replication when started using --replicaof
master = df_local_factory.create(
# set up master
c_master = aioredis.Redis(port=master.port)
await wait_available_async(c_master)
await c_master.set("KEY", b"VALUE")
db_size = await c_master.dbsize()
assert 1 == db_size
replica = df_local_factory.create(
port=BASE_PORT + 1,
replicaof=f"localhost:{BASE_PORT}", # start to replicate master
# set up replica. check that it is replicating
c_replica = aioredis.Redis(port=replica.port)
await wait_available_async(c_replica)
await wait_for_replica_status(c_replica, status="up")
dbsize = await c_replica.dbsize()
assert 1 == dbsize
val = await c_replica.get("KEY")
assert b"VALUE" == val
await c_replica.replicaof("no", "one") # disconnect
role = await c_replica.role()
assert role[0] == b"master"