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synced 2024-12-14 11:58:02 +00:00
* add acl keys to acl log command * add tests
531 lines
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531 lines
18 KiB
import pytest
import redis
from redis import asyncio as aioredis
from .instance import DflyInstanceFactory
from .utility import disconnect_clients
import tempfile
import asyncio
import os
from . import dfly_args
async def test_acl_setuser(async_client):
await async_client.execute_command("ACL SETUSER kostas")
result = await async_client.execute_command("ACL LIST")
assert 2 == len(result)
assert "user kostas off nopass +@NONE" in result
await async_client.execute_command("ACL SETUSER kostas ON")
result = await async_client.execute_command("ACL LIST")
assert "user kostas on nopass +@NONE" in result
await async_client.execute_command("ACL SETUSER kostas +@list +@string +@admin")
result = await async_client.execute_command("ACL LIST")
# TODO consider printing to lowercase
assert "user kostas on nopass +@LIST +@STRING +@ADMIN" in result
await async_client.execute_command("ACL SETUSER kostas -@list -@admin")
result = await async_client.execute_command("ACL LIST")
assert "user kostas on nopass +@STRING" in result
# mix and match
await async_client.execute_command("ACL SETUSER kostas +@list -@string")
result = await async_client.execute_command("ACL LIST")
assert "user kostas on nopass +@LIST" in result
# mix and match interleaved
await async_client.execute_command("ACL SETUSER kostas +@set -@set +@set")
result = await async_client.execute_command("ACL LIST")
assert "user kostas on nopass +@SET +@LIST" in result
await async_client.execute_command("ACL SETUSER kostas +@all")
result = await async_client.execute_command("ACL LIST")
assert "user kostas on nopass +@ALL" in result
# commands
await async_client.execute_command("ACL SETUSER kostas +set +get +hset")
result = await async_client.execute_command("ACL LIST")
assert "user kostas on nopass +@ALL +SET +GET +HSET" in result
await async_client.execute_command("ACL SETUSER kostas -set -get +hset")
result = await async_client.execute_command("ACL LIST")
assert "user kostas on nopass +@ALL +HSET" in result
# interleaved
await async_client.execute_command("ACL SETUSER kostas -hset +get -get -@all")
result = await async_client.execute_command("ACL LIST")
assert "user kostas on nopass +@NONE" in result
# interleaved with categories
await async_client.execute_command("ACL SETUSER kostas +@string +get -get +set")
result = await async_client.execute_command("ACL LIST")
assert "user kostas on nopass +@STRING +SET" in result
async def test_acl_categories(async_client):
await async_client.execute_command(
"ACL SETUSER vlad ON >mypass +@string +@list +@connection ~*"
result = await async_client.execute_command("AUTH vlad mypass")
assert result == "OK"
result = await async_client.execute_command("SET foo bar")
assert result == "OK"
result = await async_client.execute_command("LPUSH mykey space_monkey")
assert result == 1
# This should fail, vlad does not have @admin
with pytest.raises(redis.exceptions.ResponseError):
await async_client.execute_command("ACL SETUSER vlad ON >mypass")
# This should fail, vlad does not have @sortedset
with pytest.raises(redis.exceptions.ResponseError):
await async_client.execute_command("ZADD myset 1 two")
result = await async_client.execute_command("AUTH default nopass")
assert result == "OK"
# Make vlad an admin
await async_client.execute_command("ACL SETUSER vlad -@string")
assert result == "OK"
result = await async_client.execute_command("AUTH vlad mypass")
assert result == "OK"
with pytest.raises(redis.exceptions.ResponseError):
await async_client.execute_command("GET foo")
result = await async_client.execute_command("AUTH default nopass")
assert result == "OK"
# Vlad goes rogue starts giving admin stats to random users
await async_client.execute_command("ACL SETUSER adi >adi +@admin")
assert result == "OK"
# Vlad can now execute everything
await async_client.execute_command("ACL SETUSER vlad +@all")
assert result == "OK"
await async_client.execute_command("ZADD myset 1 two")
assert result == "OK"
async def test_acl_commands(async_client):
await async_client.execute_command("ACL SETUSER random ON >mypass +@NONE +set +get ~*")
result = await async_client.execute_command("AUTH random mypass")
assert result == "OK"
result = await async_client.execute_command("SET foo bar")
assert result == "OK"
with pytest.raises(redis.exceptions.ResponseError):
await async_client.execute_command("ZADD myset 1 two")
async def test_acl_cat_commands_multi_exec_squash(df_local_factory):
df = df_local_factory.create(multi_exec_squash=True, port=1111)
# Testing acl categories
client = aioredis.Redis(port=df.port)
res = await client.execute_command("ACL SETUSER kk ON >kk +@transaction +@string ~*")
assert res == b"OK"
res = await client.execute_command("AUTH kk kk")
assert res == b"OK"
await client.execute_command("MULTI")
assert res == b"OK"
for x in range(33):
await client.execute_command(f"SET x{x} {x}")
await client.execute_command("EXEC")
client = aioredis.Redis(port=df.port)
await client.close()
# NOPERM while executing multi
await client.execute_command("ACL SETUSER kk -@string")
assert res == b"OK"
await client.execute_command("AUTH kk kk")
assert res == b"OK"
await client.execute_command("MULTI")
assert res == b"OK"
with pytest.raises(redis.exceptions.ResponseError):
await client.execute_command(f"SET x{x} {x}")
await client.close()
# NOPERM between multi and exec
admin_client = aioredis.Redis(port=df.port)
res = await client.execute_command("ACL SETUSER kk +@string")
assert res == b"OK"
client = aioredis.Redis(port=df.port)
res = await client.execute_command("AUTH kk kk")
assert res == b"OK"
# CLIENT has permissions, starts MULTI and issues a bunch of SET commands
await client.execute_command("MULTI")
assert res == b"OK"
for x in range(33):
await client.execute_command(f"SET x{x} {x}")
# ADMIN revokes permissions
res = await admin_client.execute_command("ACL SETUSER kk -@string")
assert res == b"OK"
res = await client.execute_command("EXEC")
# TODO(we need to fix this, basiscally SQUASHED/MULTI transaction commands
# return multiple errors for each command failed. Since the nature of the error
# is the same, that a rule has changed we should squash those error messages into
# one.
assert res[0].args[0] == "NOPERM: kk ACL rules changed between the MULTI and EXEC"
await admin_client.close()
await client.close()
# Testing acl commands
client = aioredis.Redis(port=df.port)
res = await client.execute_command("ACL SETUSER myuser ON >kk +@transaction +set ~*")
assert res == b"OK"
res = await client.execute_command("AUTH myuser kk")
assert res == b"OK"
await client.execute_command("MULTI")
assert res == b"OK"
for x in range(33):
await client.execute_command(f"SET x{x} {x}")
await client.execute_command("EXEC")
# NOPERM between multi and exec
admin_client = aioredis.Redis(port=df.port)
res = await admin_client.execute_command("ACL SETUSER myuser -set")
assert res == b"OK"
# NOPERM while executing multi
await client.execute_command("MULTI")
with pytest.raises(redis.exceptions.ResponseError):
await client.execute_command(f"SET x{x} {x}")
await admin_client.close()
await client.close()
@pytest.mark.skip("Skip because it fails on arm release")
async def test_acl_deluser(df_server):
client = aioredis.Redis(port=df_server.port)
res = await client.execute_command("ACL SETUSER george ON >pass +@transaction +@string")
assert res == b"OK"
res = await client.execute_command("AUTH george pass")
assert res == b"OK"
await client.execute_command("MULTI")
await client.execute_command("SET key 44")
admin_client = aioredis.Redis(port=df_server.port)
await admin_client.execute_command("ACL DELUSER george")
with pytest.raises(redis.exceptions.ConnectionError):
await client.execute_command("EXEC")
await admin_client.close()
script = """
for i = 1, 100000 do
redis.call('SET', 'key', i)
redis.call('SET', 'key1', i)
redis.call('SET', 'key2', i)
redis.call('SET', 'key3', i)
@pytest.mark.skip("Non deterministic")
async def test_acl_del_user_while_running_lua_script(df_server):
client = aioredis.Redis(port=df_server.port)
await client.execute_command("ACL SETUSER kostas ON >kk +@string +@scripting")
await client.execute_command("AUTH kostas kk")
admin_client = aioredis.Redis(port=df_server.port)
with pytest.raises(redis.exceptions.ConnectionError):
await asyncio.gather(
client.eval(script, 4, "key", "key1", "key2", "key3"),
admin_client.execute_command("ACL DELUSER kostas"),
for i in range(1, 4):
res = await admin_client.get(f"key{i}")
assert res == b"100000"
await admin_client.close()
@pytest.mark.skip("Non deterministic")
async def test_acl_with_long_running_script(df_server):
client = aioredis.Redis(port=df_server.port)
await client.execute_command("ACL SETUSER roman ON >yoman +@string +@scripting")
await client.execute_command("AUTH roman yoman")
admin_client = aioredis.Redis(port=df_server.port)
await asyncio.gather(
client.eval(script, 4, "key", "key1", "key2", "key3"),
admin_client.execute_command("ACL SETUSER roman -@string -@scripting"),
for i in range(1, 4):
res = await admin_client.get(f"key{i}")
assert res == b"100000"
await client.close()
await admin_client.close()
def create_temp_file(content, tmp_dir):
file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", dir=tmp_dir, delete=False)
acl = os.path.join(tmp_dir, file.name)
return acl
@dfly_args({"port": 1111})
async def test_bad_acl_file(df_local_factory, tmp_dir):
acl = create_temp_file("ACL SETUSER kostas ON >mypass +@WRONG", tmp_dir)
df = df_local_factory.create(aclfile=acl)
client = aioredis.Redis(port=df.port)
with pytest.raises(redis.exceptions.ResponseError):
await client.execute_command("ACL LOAD")
await client.close()
@dfly_args({"port": 1111})
async def test_good_acl_file(df_local_factory, tmp_dir):
acl = create_temp_file("", tmp_dir)
df = df_local_factory.create(aclfile=acl)
client = aioredis.Redis(port=df.port)
await client.execute_command("ACL SETUSER roy ON >mypass +@STRING +HSET")
await client.execute_command("ACL SETUSER shahar >mypass +@SET")
await client.execute_command("ACL SETUSER vlad +@STRING ~foo ~bar*")
result = await client.execute_command("ACL LIST")
assert 4 == len(result)
assert "user roy on ea71c25a7a60224 +@STRING +HSET" in result
assert "user shahar off ea71c25a7a60224 +@SET" in result
assert "user vlad off nopass +@STRING ~foo ~bar*" in result
assert "user default on nopass +@ALL +ALL ~*" in result
result = await client.execute_command("ACL DELUSER shahar")
assert result == b"OK"
result = await client.execute_command("ACL SAVE")
result = await client.execute_command("ACL LOAD")
result = await client.execute_command("ACL LIST")
assert 3 == len(result)
assert "user roy on ea71c25a7a60224 +@STRING +HSET" in result
assert "user vlad off nopass +@STRING ~foo ~bar*" in result
assert "user default on nopass +@ALL +ALL ~*" in result
await client.close()
async def test_acl_log(async_client):
res = await async_client.execute_command("ACL LOG")
assert [] == res
await async_client.execute_command("ACL SETUSER elon >mars ON +@string +@dangerous ~*")
with pytest.raises(redis.exceptions.AuthenticationError):
await async_client.execute_command("AUTH elon wrong")
res = await async_client.execute_command("ACL LOG")
assert 1 == len(res)
assert res[0]["reason"] == "AUTH"
assert res[0]["object"] == "AUTH"
assert res[0]["username"] == "elon"
await async_client.execute_command("ACL LOG RESET")
res = await async_client.execute_command("ACL LOG")
assert 0 == len(res)
res = await async_client.execute_command("AUTH elon mars")
res = await async_client.execute_command("SET mykey 22")
with pytest.raises(redis.exceptions.ResponseError):
await async_client.execute_command("HSET mk kk 22")
res = await async_client.execute_command("ACL LOG")
assert 1 == len(res)
assert res[0]["reason"] == "COMMAND"
assert res[0]["object"] == "HSET"
assert res[0]["username"] == "elon"
with pytest.raises(redis.exceptions.ResponseError):
await async_client.execute_command("LPUSH mylist 2")
res = await async_client.execute_command("ACL LOG")
assert 2 == len(res)
res = await async_client.execute_command("ACL LOG RESET")
await async_client.execute_command("ACL SETUSER elon resetkeys ~foo")
with pytest.raises(redis.exceptions.ResponseError):
await async_client.execute_command("SET bar val")
res = await async_client.execute_command("ACL LOG")
assert 1 == len(res)
assert res[0]["reason"] == "KEY"
assert res[0]["object"] == "SET"
assert res[0]["username"] == "elon"
@dfly_args({"port": 1111, "admin_port": 1112, "requirepass": "mypass"})
async def test_require_pass(df_local_factory):
df = df_local_factory.create()
client = aioredis.Redis(port=df.port)
with pytest.raises(redis.exceptions.AuthenticationError):
await client.execute_command("AUTH default wrongpass")
client = aioredis.Redis(password="mypass", port=df.port)
res = await client.execute_command("AUTH default mypass")
assert res == b"OK"
res = await client.execute_command("CONFIG SET requirepass newpass")
assert res == b"OK"
res = await client.execute_command("AUTH default newpass")
assert res == b"OK"
client = aioredis.Redis(password="newpass", port=df.admin_port)
await client.execute_command("SET foo 44")
res = await client.execute_command("GET foo")
assert res == b"44"
await client.close()
async def test_set_acl_file(async_client: aioredis.Redis, tmp_dir):
acl_file_content = "USER roy ON #ea71c25a7a602246b4c39824b855678894a96f43bb9b71319c39700a1e045222 +@STRING +@FAST +HSET\nUSER john on nopass +@string"
acl = create_temp_file(acl_file_content, tmp_dir)
await async_client.execute_command(f"CONFIG SET aclfile {acl}")
await async_client.execute_command("ACL LOAD")
result = await async_client.execute_command("ACL LIST")
assert 3 == len(result)
result = await async_client.execute_command("AUTH roy mypass")
assert result == "OK"
result = await async_client.execute_command("AUTH john nopass")
assert result == "OK"
@dfly_args({"proactor_threads": 1})
async def test_set_len_acl_log(async_client):
res = await async_client.execute_command("ACL LOG")
assert [] == res
await async_client.execute_command("ACL SETUSER elon >mars ON +@string +@dangerous")
for x in range(7):
with pytest.raises(redis.exceptions.AuthenticationError):
await async_client.execute_command("AUTH elon wrong")
res = await async_client.execute_command("ACL LOG")
assert 7 == len(res)
await async_client.execute_command(f"CONFIG SET acllog_max_len 3")
res = await async_client.execute_command("ACL LOG")
assert 3 == len(res)
await async_client.execute_command(f"CONFIG SET acllog_max_len 10")
for x in range(7):
with pytest.raises(redis.exceptions.AuthenticationError):
await async_client.execute_command("AUTH elon wrong")
res = await async_client.execute_command("ACL LOG")
assert 10 == len(res)
async def test_acl_keys(async_client):
await async_client.execute_command("ACL SETUSER mrkeys ON >mrkeys allkeys +@admin")
await async_client.execute_command("AUTH mrkeys mrkeys")
with pytest.raises(redis.exceptions.ResponseError):
await async_client.execute_command("SET foo bar")
await async_client.execute_command(
"ACL SETUSER mrkeys ON >mrkeys resetkeys +@string ~foo ~bar* ~dr*gon"
with pytest.raises(redis.exceptions.ResponseError):
await async_client.execute_command("SET random rand")
assert "OK" == await async_client.execute_command("SET foo val")
assert "OK" == await async_client.execute_command("SET bar val")
assert "OK" == await async_client.execute_command("SET barsomething val")
assert "OK" == await async_client.execute_command("SET dragon val")
await async_client.execute_command("ACL SETUSER mrkeys ON >mrkeys allkeys +@sortedset")
assert "OK" == await async_client.execute_command("SET random rand")
await async_client.execute_command(
"ACL SETUSER mrkeys ON >mrkeys resetkeys resetkeys %R~foo %W~bar"
with pytest.raises(redis.exceptions.ResponseError):
await async_client.execute_command("SET foo val")
assert "val" == await async_client.execute_command("GET foo")
with pytest.raises(redis.exceptions.ResponseError):
await async_client.execute_command("GET bar")
assert "OK" == await async_client.execute_command("SET bar val")
await async_client.execute_command("ACL SETUSER mrkeys resetkeys ~bar* +@sortedset")
assert 1 == await async_client.execute_command("ZADD barz1 1 val1")
assert 1 == await async_client.execute_command("ZADD barz2 1 val2")
# reject because bonus key does not match
with pytest.raises(redis.exceptions.ResponseError):
await async_client.execute_command("ZUNIONSTORE destkey 2 barz1 barz2")