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synced 2024-12-14 11:58:02 +00:00
676 lines
18 KiB
676 lines
18 KiB
// Copyright 2022, Roman Gershman. All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE for licensing terms.
#include "core/interpreter.h"
#include <absl/strings/str_cat.h>
#include <openssl/sha.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <optional>
extern "C" {
#include <lauxlib.h>
#include <lua.h>
#include <lualib.h>
#include <absl/strings/str_format.h>
#include "base/logging.h"
namespace dfly {
using namespace std;
namespace {
class RedisTranslator : public ObjectExplorer {
RedisTranslator(lua_State* lua) : lua_(lua) {
void OnBool(bool b) final;
void OnString(std::string_view str) final;
void OnDouble(double d) final;
void OnInt(int64_t val) final;
void OnArrayStart(unsigned len) final;
void OnArrayEnd() final;
void OnNil() final;
void OnStatus(std::string_view str) final;
void OnError(std::string_view str) final;
void ArrayPre() {
void ArrayPost() {
if (!array_index_.empty()) {
lua_rawseti(lua_, -2, array_index_.back()++); /* set table at key `i' */
vector<unsigned> array_index_;
lua_State* lua_;
void RedisTranslator::OnBool(bool b) {
CHECK(!b) << "Only false (nil) supported";
lua_pushboolean(lua_, 0);
void RedisTranslator::OnString(std::string_view str) {
lua_pushlstring(lua_, str.data(), str.size());
// Doubles are not supported by Redis, however we can support them.
// Here is the use-case:
// local foo = redis.call('zscore', 'myzset', 'one')
// assert(type(foo) == "number")
void RedisTranslator::OnDouble(double d) {
lua_pushnumber(lua_, d);
void RedisTranslator::OnInt(int64_t val) {
lua_pushinteger(lua_, val);
void RedisTranslator::OnNil() {
lua_pushboolean(lua_, 0);
void RedisTranslator::OnStatus(std::string_view str) {
CHECK(array_index_.empty()) << "unexpected status";
lua_pushstring(lua_, "ok");
lua_pushlstring(lua_, str.data(), str.size());
lua_settable(lua_, -3);
void RedisTranslator::OnError(std::string_view str) {
CHECK(array_index_.empty()) << "unexpected error";
lua_pushstring(lua_, "err");
lua_pushlstring(lua_, str.data(), str.size());
lua_settable(lua_, -3);
void RedisTranslator::OnArrayStart(unsigned len) {
void RedisTranslator::OnArrayEnd() {
DCHECK(lua_istable(lua_, -1));
void RunSafe(lua_State* lua, string_view buf, const char* name) {
CHECK_EQ(0, luaL_loadbuffer(lua, buf.data(), buf.size(), name));
int err = lua_pcall(lua, 0, 0, 0);
if (err) {
const char* errstr = lua_tostring(lua, -1);
LOG(FATAL) << "Error running " << name << " " << errstr;
void Require(lua_State* lua, const char* name, lua_CFunction openf) {
luaL_requiref(lua, name, openf, 1);
lua_pop(lua, 1); /* remove lib */
string_view TopSv(lua_State* lua) {
return string_view{lua_tostring(lua, -1), lua_rawlen(lua, -1)};
optional<int> FetchKey(lua_State* lua, const char* key) {
lua_pushstring(lua, key);
int type = lua_gettable(lua, -2);
if (type == LUA_TNIL) {
lua_pop(lua, 1);
return nullopt;
return type;
void SetGlobalArrayInternal(lua_State* lua, const char* name, MutSliceSpan args) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < args.size(); j++) {
lua_pushlstring(lua, args[j].data(), args[j].size());
lua_rawseti(lua, -2, j + 1);
lua_setglobal(lua, name);
/* This function is used in order to push an error on the Lua stack in the
* format used by redis.pcall to return errors, which is a lua table
* with a single "err" field set to the error string. Note that this
* table is never a valid reply by proper commands, since the returned
* tables are otherwise always indexed by integers, never by strings. */
void PushError(lua_State* lua, const char* error) {
lua_Debug dbg;
lua_pushstring(lua, "err");
/* Attempt to figure out where this function was called, if possible */
if (lua_getstack(lua, 1, &dbg) && lua_getinfo(lua, "nSl", &dbg)) {
string msg = absl::StrCat(dbg.source, ": ", dbg.currentline, ": ", error);
lua_pushstring(lua, msg.c_str());
} else {
lua_pushstring(lua, error);
lua_settable(lua, -3);
/* In case the error set into the Lua stack by PushError() was generated
* by the non-error-trapping version of redis.pcall(), which is redis.call(),
* this function will raise the Lua error so that the execution of the
* script will be halted. */
int RaiseError(lua_State* lua) {
lua_pushstring(lua, "err");
lua_gettable(lua, -2);
return lua_error(lua);
void InitLua(lua_State* lua) {
Require(lua, "", luaopen_base);
Require(lua, LUA_TABLIBNAME, luaopen_table);
Require(lua, LUA_STRLIBNAME, luaopen_string);
Require(lua, LUA_MATHLIBNAME, luaopen_math);
Require(lua, LUA_DBLIBNAME, luaopen_debug);
/* Add a helper function we use for pcall error reporting.
* Note that when the error is in the C function we want to report the
* information about the caller, that's what makes sense from the point
* of view of the user debugging a script. */
const char errh_func[] =
"local dbg = debug\n"
"function __redis__err__handler(err)\n"
" local i = dbg.getinfo(2,'nSl')\n"
" if i and i.what == 'C' then\n"
" i = dbg.getinfo(3,'nSl')\n"
" end\n"
" if i then\n"
" return i.source .. ':' .. i.currentline .. ': ' .. err\n"
" else\n"
" return err\n"
" end\n"
RunSafe(lua, errh_func, "@err_handler_def");
const char code[] = R"(
local dbg=debug
local mt = {}
setmetatable(_G, mt)
mt.__newindex = function (t, n, v)
if dbg.getinfo(2) then
local w = dbg.getinfo(2, "S").what
if w ~= "main" and w ~= "C" then
error("Script attempted to create global variable '"..tostring(n).."'", 2)
rawset(t, n, v)
mt.__index = function (t, n)
if dbg.getinfo(2) and dbg.getinfo(2, "S").what ~= "C" then
error("Script attempted to access nonexistent global variable '"..tostring(n).."'", 2)
return rawget(t, n)
debug = nil
RunSafe(lua, code, "@enable_strict_lua");
lua_setglobal(lua, "loadfile");
lua_setglobal(lua, "dofile");
void ToHex(const uint8_t* src, char* dest) {
const char cset[] = "0123456789abcdef";
for (size_t j = 0; j < 20; j++) {
dest[j * 2] = cset[((src[j] & 0xF0) >> 4)];
dest[j * 2 + 1] = cset[(src[j] & 0xF)];
dest[40] = '\0';
int RedisSha1Command(lua_State* lua) {
int argc = lua_gettop(lua);
if (argc != 1) {
lua_pushstring(lua, "wrong number of arguments");
return lua_error(lua);
size_t len;
const char* s = lua_tolstring(lua, 1, &len);
SHA_CTX ctx;
uint8_t buf[20];
char digest[41];
SHA1_Update(&ctx, s, len);
SHA1_Final(buf, &ctx);
ToHex(buf, digest);
lua_pushstring(lua, digest);
return 1;
/* Returns a table with a single field 'field' set to the string value
* passed as argument. This helper function is handy when returning
* a Redis Protocol error or status reply from Lua:
* return redis.error_reply("ERR Some Error")
* return redis.status_reply("ERR Some Error")
int SingleFieldTable(lua_State* lua, const char* field) {
if (lua_gettop(lua) != 1 || lua_type(lua, -1) != LUA_TSTRING) {
PushError(lua, "wrong number or type of arguments");
return 1;
lua_pushstring(lua, field);
lua_pushvalue(lua, -3);
lua_settable(lua, -3);
return 1;
int RedisErrorReplyCommand(lua_State* lua) {
return SingleFieldTable(lua, "err");
int RedisStatusReplyCommand(lua_State* lua) {
return SingleFieldTable(lua, "ok");
// const char* kInstanceKey = "_INSTANCE";
} // namespace
Interpreter::Interpreter() {
lua_ = luaL_newstate();
void** ptr = static_cast<void**>(lua_getextraspace(lua_));
*ptr = this;
// SaveOnRegistry(lua_, kInstanceKey, this);
/* Register the redis commands table and fields */
/* redis.call */
lua_pushstring(lua_, "call");
lua_pushcfunction(lua_, RedisCallCommand);
lua_settable(lua_, -3);
/* redis.pcall */
lua_pushstring(lua_, "pcall");
lua_pushcfunction(lua_, RedisPCallCommand);
lua_settable(lua_, -3);
lua_pushstring(lua_, "sha1hex");
lua_pushcfunction(lua_, RedisSha1Command);
lua_settable(lua_, -3);
/* redis.error_reply and redis.status_reply */
lua_pushstring(lua_, "error_reply");
lua_pushcfunction(lua_, RedisErrorReplyCommand);
lua_settable(lua_, -3);
lua_pushstring(lua_, "status_reply");
lua_pushcfunction(lua_, RedisStatusReplyCommand);
lua_settable(lua_, -3);
/* Finally set the table as 'redis' global var. */
lua_setglobal(lua_, "redis");
CHECK(lua_checkstack(lua_, 64));
Interpreter::~Interpreter() {
void Interpreter::FuncSha1(string_view body, char* fp) {
SHA_CTX ctx;
uint8_t buf[20];
SHA1_Update(&ctx, body.data(), body.size());
SHA1_Final(buf, &ctx);
ToHex(buf, fp);
auto Interpreter::AddFunction(string_view body, string* result) -> AddResult {
char funcname[43];
funcname[0] = 'f';
funcname[1] = '_';
FuncSha1(body, funcname + 2);
funcname[42] = '\0';
int type = lua_getglobal(lua_, funcname);
lua_pop(lua_, 1);
if (type == LUA_TNIL && !AddInternal(funcname, body, result))
result->assign(funcname + 2);
return type == LUA_TNIL ? ADD_OK : ALREADY_EXISTS;
bool Interpreter::Exists(string_view sha) const {
if (sha.size() != 40)
return false;
char fname[43];
fname[0] = 'f';
fname[1] = '_';
fname[42] = '\0';
memcpy(fname + 2, sha.data(), 40);
int type = lua_getglobal(lua_, fname);
lua_pop(lua_, 1);
return type == LUA_TFUNCTION;
auto Interpreter::RunFunction(string_view sha, std::string* error) -> RunResult {
DCHECK_EQ(40u, sha.size());
lua_getglobal(lua_, "__redis__err__handler");
char fname[43];
fname[0] = 'f';
fname[1] = '_';
memcpy(fname + 2, sha.data(), 40);
fname[42] = '\0';
int type = lua_getglobal(lua_, fname);
if (type != LUA_TFUNCTION) {
lua_pop(lua_, 2);
return NOT_EXISTS;
/* We have zero arguments and expect
* a single return value. */
int err = lua_pcall(lua_, 0, 1, -2);
if (err) {
*error = lua_tostring(lua_, -1);
return err == 0 ? RUN_OK : RUN_ERR;
void Interpreter::SetGlobalArray(const char* name, MutSliceSpan args) {
SetGlobalArrayInternal(lua_, name, args);
bool Interpreter::IsResultSafe() const {
int top = lua_gettop(lua_);
if (top >= 128)
return false;
int t = lua_type(lua_, -1);
if (t != LUA_TTABLE)
return true;
bool res = IsTableSafe();
lua_settop(lua_, top);
return res;
bool Interpreter::AddInternal(const char* f_id, string_view body, string* error) {
string script = absl::StrCat("function ", f_id, "() \n");
absl::StrAppend(&script, body, "\nend");
int res = luaL_loadbuffer(lua_, script.data(), script.size(), "@user_script");
if (res == 0) {
res = lua_pcall(lua_, 0, 0, 0); // run func definition code
if (res) {
error->assign(lua_tostring(lua_, -1));
lua_pop(lua_, 1); // Remove the error.
return false;
return true;
bool Interpreter::IsTableSafe() const {
auto fres = FetchKey(lua_, "err");
if (fres && *fres == LUA_TSTRING) {
return true;
fres = FetchKey(lua_, "ok");
if (fres && *fres == LUA_TSTRING) {
return true;
vector<pair<unsigned, unsigned>> lens;
unsigned len = lua_rawlen(lua_, -1);
unsigned i = 0;
// implement dfs traversal
while (true) {
while (i < len) {
DVLOG(1) << "Stack " << lua_gettop(lua_) << "/" << i << "/" << len;
int t = lua_rawgeti(lua_, -1, i + 1); // push table element
if (t == LUA_TTABLE) {
if (lens.size() >= 127) // reached depth 128
return false;
CHECK(lua_checkstack(lua_, 1));
lens.emplace_back(i + 1, len); // save the parent state.
// reset to iterate on the next table.
i = 0;
len = lua_rawlen(lua_, -1);
} else {
lua_pop(lua_, 1); // pop table element
if (lens.empty()) // exit criteria
// unwind to the state before we went down the stack.
tie(i, len) = lens.back();
lua_pop(lua_, 1);
DCHECK_EQ(1, lua_gettop(lua_));
return true;
void Interpreter::SerializeResult(ObjectExplorer* serializer) {
int t = lua_type(lua_, -1);
switch (t) {
serializer->OnBool(lua_toboolean(lua_, -1));
if (lua_isinteger(lua_, -1)) {
serializer->OnInt(lua_tointeger(lua_, -1));
} else {
serializer->OnDouble(lua_tonumber(lua_, -1));
case LUA_TTABLE: {
auto fres = FetchKey(lua_, "err");
if (fres && *fres == LUA_TSTRING) {
lua_pop(lua_, 1);
fres = FetchKey(lua_, "ok");
if (fres && *fres == LUA_TSTRING) {
lua_pop(lua_, 1);
unsigned len = lua_rawlen(lua_, -1);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
t = lua_rawgeti(lua_, -1, i + 1); // push table element
// TODO: we should make sure that we have enough stack space
// to traverse each object. This can be done as a dry-run before doing real serialization.
// Once we are sure we are safe we can simplify the serialization flow and
// remove the error factor.
SerializeResult(serializer); // pops the element
case LUA_TNIL:
LOG(ERROR) << "Unsupported type " << lua_typename(lua_, t);
lua_pop(lua_, 1);
void Interpreter::ResetStack() {
lua_settop(lua_, 0);
// Returns number of results, which is always 1 in this case.
// Please note that lua resets the stack once the function returns so no need
// to unwind the stack manually in the function (though lua allows doing this).
int Interpreter::RedisGenericCommand(bool raise_error) {
/* By using Lua debug hooks it is possible to trigger a recursive call
* to luaRedisGenericCommand(), which normally should never happen.
* To make this function reentrant is futile and makes it slower, but
* we should at least detect such a misuse, and abort. */
if (cmd_depth_) {
const char* recursion_warning =
"luaRedisGenericCommand() recursive call detected. "
"Are you doing funny stuff with Lua debug hooks?";
PushError(lua_, recursion_warning);
return 1;
if (!redis_func_) {
PushError(lua_, "internal error - redis function not defined");
return raise_error ? RaiseError(lua_) : 1;
int argc = lua_gettop(lua_);
/* Require at least one argument */
if (argc == 0) {
PushError(lua_, "Please specify at least one argument for redis.call()");
return raise_error ? RaiseError(lua_) : 1;
size_t blob_len = 0;
char tmpbuf[64];
for (int j = 0; j < argc; j++) {
unsigned idx = j + 1;
if (lua_isinteger(lua_, idx)) {
absl::AlphaNum an(lua_tointeger(lua_, idx));
blob_len += an.size();
} else if (lua_isnumber(lua_, idx)) {
// fmt_len does not include '\0'.
int fmt_len = absl::SNPrintF(tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf), "%.17g", lua_tonumber(lua_, idx));
CHECK_GT(fmt_len, 0);
blob_len += fmt_len;
} else if (lua_isstring(lua_, idx)) {
blob_len += lua_rawlen(lua_, idx); // lua_rawlen does not include '\0'.
} else {
PushError(lua_, "Lua redis() command arguments must be strings or integers");
return raise_error ? RaiseError(lua_) : 1;
// backing storage.
unique_ptr<char[]> blob(new char[blob_len + 8]); // 8 safety.
vector<absl::Span<char>> cmdargs;
char* cur = blob.get();
char* end = cur + blob_len;
for (int j = 0; j < argc; j++) {
unsigned idx = j + 1;
size_t len = 0;
if (lua_isinteger(lua_, idx)) {
char* next = absl::numbers_internal::FastIntToBuffer(lua_tointeger(lua_, idx), cur);
len = next - cur;
} else if (lua_isnumber(lua_, idx)) {
int fmt_len = absl::SNPrintF(cur, end - cur, "%.17g", lua_tonumber(lua_, idx));
CHECK_GT(fmt_len, 0);
len = fmt_len;
} else if (lua_isstring(lua_, idx)) {
len = lua_rawlen(lua_, idx);
memcpy(cur, lua_tostring(lua_, idx), len); // copy \0 as well.
cmdargs.emplace_back(cur, len);
cur += len;
/* Pop all arguments from the stack, we do not need them anymore
* and this way we guaranty we will have room on the stack for the result. */
lua_pop(lua_, argc);
RedisTranslator translator(lua_);
redis_func_(MutSliceSpan{cmdargs}, &translator);
DCHECK_EQ(1, lua_gettop(lua_));
return 1;
int Interpreter::RedisCallCommand(lua_State* lua) {
void** ptr = static_cast<void**>(lua_getextraspace(lua));
return reinterpret_cast<Interpreter*>(*ptr)->RedisGenericCommand(true);
int Interpreter::RedisPCallCommand(lua_State* lua) {
void** ptr = static_cast<void**>(lua_getextraspace(lua));
return reinterpret_cast<Interpreter*>(*ptr)->RedisGenericCommand(false);
} // namespace dfly