mirror of
synced 2024-12-14 11:58:02 +00:00
* separate shard_handler from Heartbeat * add test --------- Signed-off-by: kostas <kostas@dragonflydb.io>
749 lines
25 KiB
749 lines
25 KiB
import asyncio
import functools
import itertools
import logging
import sys
import wrapt
from redis import asyncio as aioredis
import redis
import random
import string
import time
import difflib
import json
import subprocess
import pytest
import os
from typing import Iterable, Union
from enum import Enum
def tmp_file_name():
return "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters, k=10))
def chunked(n, iterable):
"""Transform iterable into iterator of chunks of size n"""
it = iter(iterable)
while True:
chunk = tuple(itertools.islice(it, n))
if not chunk:
yield chunk
def eprint(*args, **kwargs):
"""Print to stderr"""
print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
def gen_test_data(n, start=0, seed=None):
for i in range(start, n):
yield "k-" + str(i), "v-" + str(i) + ("-" + str(seed) if seed else "")
def batch_fill_data(client, gen, batch_size=100):
for group in chunked(batch_size, gen):
client.mset({k: v for k, v, in group})
async def tick_timer(func, timeout=5, step=0.1):
Async generator with automatic break when all asserts pass
for object, breaker in tick_timer():
with breaker:
assert conditions on object
If the generator times out, the last failed assert is raised
class ticker_breaker:
def __init__(self):
self.exc = None
self.entered = False
def __enter__(self):
self.entered = True
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, trace):
if exc_value:
self.exc = exc_value
return True
last_error = None
start = time.time()
while time.time() - start < timeout:
breaker = ticker_breaker()
yield (await func(), breaker)
if breaker.entered and not breaker.exc:
last_error = breaker.exc
await asyncio.sleep(step)
if last_error:
raise RuntimeError("Timed out!") from last_error
raise RuntimeError("Timed out!")
async def info_tick_timer(client: aioredis.Redis, section=None, **kwargs):
async for x in tick_timer(lambda: client.info(section), **kwargs):
yield x
# wait for a process becomes "responsive":
# for a master - waits that it finishes loading a snapshot if it's budy doing so,
# and for replica it waits until it finishes its full sync stage and reaches the stable sync state.
async def wait_available_async(
clients: Union[aioredis.Redis, Iterable[aioredis.Redis]], timeout=120
if not isinstance(clients, aioredis.Redis):
# Syntactic sugar to seamlessly handle an array of clients.
return await asyncio.gather(*(wait_available_async(c) for c in clients))
"""Block until instance exits loading phase"""
# First we make sure that ping passes
start = time.time()
while (time.time() - start) < timeout:
await clients.ping()
except aioredis.BusyLoadingError as e:
assert "Dragonfly is loading the dataset in memory" in str(e)
timeout -= time.time() - start
if timeout <= 0:
raise RuntimeError("Timed out!")
# Secondly for replicas, we make sure they reached stable state replicaton
async for info, breaker in info_tick_timer(clients, "REPLICATION", timeout=timeout):
with breaker:
assert info["role"] == "master" or "slave_repl_offset" in info, info
class SizeChange(Enum):
GROW = 2
class ValueType(Enum):
LIST = 1
SET = 2
HSET = 3
ZSET = 4
JSON = 5
class CommandGenerator:
"""Class for generating complex command sequences"""
def __init__(self, target_keys, val_size, batch_size, max_multikey, unsupported_types=[]):
self.key_cnt_target = target_keys
self.val_size = val_size
self.batch_size = min(batch_size, target_keys)
self.max_multikey = max_multikey
self.unsupported_types = unsupported_types
# Key management
self.key_sets = [set() for _ in ValueType]
self.key_cursor = 0
self.key_cnt = 0
# Grow factors
self.diff_speed = 5
self.base_diff_prob = 0.2
self.min_diff_prob = 0.1
def keys(self):
return itertools.chain(*self.key_sets)
def keys_and_types(self):
return ((k, t) for t in list(ValueType) for k in self.set_for_type(t))
def set_for_type(self, t: ValueType):
return self.key_sets[t.value]
def add_key(self, t: ValueType):
"""Add new key of type t"""
k, self.key_cursor = self.key_cursor, self.key_cursor + 1
return k
def random_type(self):
return random.choice([t for t in ValueType if (t not in self.unsupported_types)])
def randomize_nonempty_set(self):
"""Return random non-empty set and its type"""
if not any(self.key_sets):
return None, None
t = self.random_type()
s = self.set_for_type(t)
if len(s) == 0:
return self.randomize_nonempty_set()
return s, t
def randomize_key(self, t=None, pop=False):
"""Return random key and its type"""
if t is None:
s, t = self.randomize_nonempty_set()
s = self.set_for_type(t)
if s is None or len(s) == 0:
return None, None
k = s.pop()
if not pop:
return k, t
def generate_val(self, t: ValueType):
"""Generate filler value of configured size for type t"""
def rand_str(k=3, s=""):
# Use small k value to reduce mem usage and increase number of ops
return s.join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters, k=k))
if t == ValueType.STRING:
# Random string for MSET
return (rand_str(self.val_size),)
elif t == ValueType.LIST:
# Random sequence k-letter elements for LPUSH
return tuple(rand_str() for _ in range(self.val_size // 4))
elif t == ValueType.SET:
# Random sequence of k-letter elements for SADD
return tuple(rand_str() for _ in range(self.val_size // 4))
elif t == ValueType.HSET:
# Random sequence of k-letter keys + int and two start values for HSET
elements = (
(rand_str(), random.randint(0, self.val_size)) for _ in range(self.val_size // 5)
return ("v0", 0, "v1", 0) + tuple(itertools.chain(*elements))
elif t == ValueType.ZSET:
# Random sequnce of k-letter members and int score for ZADD
# The length of the sequence will vary between val_size/4 and 130.
# This ensures that we test both the ZSET implementation with listpack and the our custom BPtree.
value_sizes = [self.val_size // 4, 130]
probabilities = [8, 1]
value_size = random.choices(value_sizes, probabilities)[0]
elements = ((random.randint(0, self.val_size), rand_str()) for _ in range(value_size))
return tuple(itertools.chain(*elements))
elif t == ValueType.JSON:
# Json object with keys:
# - arr (array of random strings)
# - ints (array of objects {i:random integer})
# - i (random integer)
ints = [{"i": random.randint(0, 100)} for i in range(self.val_size // 6)]
strs = [rand_str() for _ in range(self.val_size // 6)]
return "$", json.dumps({"arr": strs, "ints": ints, "i": random.randint(0, 100)})
assert False, "Invalid ValueType"
def gen_shrink_cmd(self):
Generate command that shrinks data: DEL of random keys or almost immediate <=50ms PEXPIRE.
if random.random() < 0.3:
key, _ = self.randomize_key(pop=True)
if key == None:
return None, 0
return ("PEXPIRE", f"k{key}", f"{random.randint(0, 50)}"), -1
keys_gen = (
self.randomize_key(pop=True) for _ in range(random.randint(1, self.max_multikey))
keys = [f"k{k}" for k, _ in keys_gen if k is not None]
if len(keys) == 0:
return None, 0
return ("DEL", *keys), -len(keys)
("APPEND {k} {val}", ValueType.STRING),
("SETRANGE {k} 10 {val}", ValueType.STRING),
("LPUSH {k} {val}", ValueType.LIST),
("LPOP {k}", ValueType.LIST),
("SADD {k} {val}", ValueType.SET),
("SPOP {k}", ValueType.SET),
("HSETNX {k} v0 {val}", ValueType.HSET),
("HINCRBY {k} v1 1", ValueType.HSET),
("ZPOPMIN {k} 1", ValueType.ZSET),
("ZADD {k} 0 {val}", ValueType.ZSET),
("JSON.NUMINCRBY {k} $..i 1", ValueType.JSON),
("JSON.ARRPOP {k} $.arr", ValueType.JSON),
('JSON.ARRAPPEND {k} $.arr "{val}"', ValueType.JSON),
def gen_update_cmd(self):
Generate command that makes no change to keyset: random of UPDATE_ACTIONS.
cmd, t = random.choice(self.UPDATE_ACTIONS)
k, _ = self.randomize_key(t)
val = "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters, k=3))
return cmd.format(k=f"k{k}", val=val).split() if k is not None else None, 0
ValueType.STRING: "MSET",
ValueType.LIST: "LPUSH",
ValueType.SET: "SADD",
ValueType.HSET: "HMSET",
ValueType.ZSET: "ZADD",
ValueType.JSON: "JSON.MSET",
def gen_grow_cmd(self):
Generate command that grows keyset: Initialize key of random type with filler value.
# TODO: Implement COPY in Dragonfly.
t = self.random_type()
if t in [ValueType.STRING, ValueType.JSON]:
count = random.randint(1, self.max_multikey)
count = 1
keys = (self.add_key(t) for _ in range(count))
payload = itertools.chain(*((f"k{k}",) + self.generate_val(t) for k in keys))
filtered_payload = filter(lambda p: p is not None, payload)
return (self.GROW_ACTINONS[t],) + tuple(filtered_payload), count
def make(self, action):
"""Create command for action and return it together with number of keys added (removed)"""
if action == SizeChange.SHRINK:
return self.gen_shrink_cmd()
elif action == SizeChange.NO_CHANGE:
return self.gen_update_cmd()
return self.gen_grow_cmd()
def reset(self):
self.key_sets = [set() for _ in ValueType]
self.key_cursor = 0
self.key_cnt = 0
def size_change_probs(self):
"""Calculate probabilities of size change actions"""
# Relative distance to key target
dist = (self.key_cnt_target - self.key_cnt) / self.key_cnt_target
# Shrink has a roughly twice as large expected number of changed keys than grow
return [
max(self.base_diff_prob - self.diff_speed * dist, self.min_diff_prob),
max(self.base_diff_prob + 2 * self.diff_speed * dist, self.min_diff_prob),
def generate(self):
"""Generate next batch of commands, return it and ratio of current keys to target"""
changes = []
cmds = []
while len(cmds) < self.batch_size:
# Re-calculating changes in small groups
if len(changes) == 0:
changes = random.choices(list(SizeChange), weights=self.size_change_probs(), k=20)
cmd, delta = self.make(changes.pop())
if cmd is not None:
self.key_cnt += delta
return cmds, self.key_cnt / self.key_cnt_target
class DataCapture:
Captured state of single database.
def __init__(self, entries):
self.entries = entries
def compare(self, other):
if self.entries == other.entries:
return True
return False
def _print_diff(self, other):
eprint("=== DIFF ===")
printed = 0
diff = difflib.ndiff(self.entries, other.entries)
for line in diff:
if line.startswith(" "):
if printed >= 20:
eprint("... omitted ...")
printed += 1
eprint("=== END DIFF ===")
class DflySeeder:
Data seeder with support for multiple types and commands.
Create a seeder with target number of keys (100k) of specified size (200) and work on 5 dbs,
seeder = new DflySeeder(keys=100_000, value_size=200, dbcount=5)
Stop when we are in 5% of target number of keys (i.e. above 95_000)
Because its probabilistic we might never reach exactly 100_000.
await seeder.run(target_deviation=0.05)
Run 3000 commands in stable state, crate a capture and compare it to
replica on port 1112
await seeder.run(target_op=3000)
capture = await seeder.capture()
assert await seeder.compare(capture, port=1112)
def __init__(
if cluster_mode:
max_multikey = 1
multi_transaction_probability = 0
unsupported_types.append(ValueType.JSON) # Cluster aio client doesn't support JSON
self.cluster_mode = cluster_mode
self.gen = CommandGenerator(keys, val_size, batch_size, max_multikey, unsupported_types)
self.port = port
self.dbcount = dbcount
self.multi_transaction_probability = multi_transaction_probability
self.stop_flag = False
self.stop_on_failure = stop_on_failure
self.log_file = log_file
if self.log_file is not None:
open(self.log_file, "w").close()
async def run(self, target_ops=None, target_deviation=None):
Run a seeding cycle on all dbs either until stop(), a fixed number of commands (target_ops)
or until reaching an allowed deviation from the target number of keys (target_deviation)
logging.debug(f"Running ops:{target_ops} deviation:{target_deviation}")
self.stop_flag = False
queues = [asyncio.Queue(maxsize=3) for _ in range(self.dbcount)]
producer = asyncio.create_task(
self._generator_task(queues, target_ops=target_ops, target_deviation=target_deviation)
consumers = [
asyncio.create_task(self._executor_task(i, queue)) for i, queue in enumerate(queues)
time_start = time.time()
cmdcount = await producer
for consumer in consumers:
await consumer
took = time.time() - time_start
qps = round(cmdcount * self.dbcount / took, 2)
logging.debug(f"Filling took: {took}, QPS: {qps}")
def stop(self):
"""Stop all invocations to run"""
self.stop_flag = True
def reset(self):
"""Reset internal state. Needs to be called after flush or restart"""
async def capture(self, port=None):
"""Create DataCapture for all dbs"""
if port is None:
port = self.port
logging.debug(f"Starting capture from {port=}")
keys = sorted(list(self.gen.keys_and_types()))
captures = await asyncio.gather(
*(self._capture_db(port=port, target_db=db, keys=keys) for db in range(self.dbcount))
return captures
async def compare(self, initial_captures, port=6379):
"""Compare data capture with all dbs of instance and return True if all dbs are correct"""
print(f"comparing capture to {port}")
target_captures = await self.capture(port=port)
for db, target_capture, initial_capture in zip(
range(self.dbcount), target_captures, initial_captures
print(f"comparing capture to {port}, db: {db}")
if not initial_capture.compare(target_capture):
eprint(f">>> Inconsistent data on port {port}, db {db}")
return False
return True
def target(self, key_cnt):
self.gen.key_cnt_target = key_cnt
def _make_client(self, **kwargs):
if self.cluster_mode:
return aioredis.RedisCluster(host="", **kwargs)
return aioredis.Redis(**kwargs)
async def _close_client(self, client):
if not self.cluster_mode:
await client.connection_pool.disconnect()
await client.close()
async def _capture_db(self, port, target_db, keys):
client = self._make_client(port=port, db=target_db)
capture = DataCapture(await self._capture_entries(client, keys))
await self._close_client(client)
return capture
async def _generator_task(self, queues, target_ops=None, target_deviation=None):
cpu_time = 0
submitted = 0
batches = 0
deviation = 0.0
file = None
if self.log_file:
file = open(self.log_file, "a")
def should_run():
if self.stop_flag:
return False
if target_ops is not None and submitted >= target_ops:
return False
if target_deviation is not None and (
deviation > 1 or abs(1 - deviation) < target_deviation
return False
return True
def stringify_cmd(cmd):
if isinstance(cmd, tuple):
return " ".join(str(c) for c in cmd)
return str(cmd)
while should_run():
start_time = time.time()
blob, deviation = self.gen.generate()
is_multi_transaction = random.random() < self.multi_transaction_probability
tx_data = (blob, is_multi_transaction)
cpu_time += time.time() - start_time
await asyncio.gather(*(q.put(tx_data) for q in queues))
submitted += len(blob)
batches += 1
if file is not None:
pattern = "MULTI\n{}\nEXEC\n" if is_multi_transaction else "{}\n"
file.write(pattern.format("\n".join(stringify_cmd(cmd) for cmd in blob)))
print(".", end="", flush=True)
await asyncio.sleep(0.0)
print("\ncpu time", cpu_time, "batches", batches, "commands", submitted)
await asyncio.gather(*(q.put(None) for q in queues))
for q in queues:
await q.join()
if file is not None:
return submitted
async def _executor_task(self, db, queue):
client = self._make_client(port=self.port, db=db)
while True:
tx_data = await queue.get()
if tx_data is None:
pipe = client.pipeline(transaction=tx_data[1])
for cmd in tx_data[0]:
await pipe.execute()
except (redis.exceptions.ConnectionError, redis.exceptions.ResponseError) as e:
if self.stop_on_failure:
await self._close_client(client)
raise SystemExit(e)
except Exception as e:
await self._close_client(client)
raise SystemExit(e)
await self._close_client(client)
ValueType.STRING: lambda pipe, k: pipe.get(k),
ValueType.LIST: lambda pipe, k: pipe.lrange(k, 0, -1),
ValueType.SET: lambda pipe, k: pipe.smembers(k),
ValueType.HSET: lambda pipe, k: pipe.hgetall(k),
ValueType.ZSET: lambda pipe, k: pipe.zrange(k, start=0, end=-1, withscores=True),
ValueType.JSON: lambda pipe, k: pipe.execute_command("JSON.GET", k, "$"),
ValueType.STRING: lambda res, tostr: (tostr(res),),
ValueType.LIST: lambda res, tostr: (tostr(s) for s in res),
ValueType.SET: lambda res, tostr: sorted(tostr(s) for s in res),
ValueType.HSET: lambda res, tostr: sorted(
tostr(k) + "=" + tostr(v) for k, v in res.items()
ValueType.ZSET: lambda res, tostr: (tostr(s) + "-" + str(f) for (s, f) in res),
ValueType.JSON: lambda res, tostr: (tostr(res),),
async def _capture_entries(self, client, keys):
def tostr(b):
return b.decode("utf-8") if isinstance(b, bytes) else str(b)
entries = []
for group in chunked(self.gen.batch_size * 2, keys):
pipe = client.pipeline(transaction=False)
for k, t in group:
self.CAPTURE_COMMANDS[t](pipe, f"k{k}")
results = await pipe.execute()
for (k, t), res in zip(group, results):
out = f"{t.name} k{k}: " + " ".join(self.CAPTURE_EXTRACTORS[t](res, tostr))
return entries
class DflySeederFactory:
Used to pass params to a DflySeeder.
def __init__(self, log_file=None):
self.log_file = log_file
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"DflySeederFactory(log_file={self.log_file})"
def create(self, **kwargs):
return DflySeeder(log_file=self.log_file, **kwargs)
def gen_ca_cert(ca_key_path, ca_cert_path):
# We first need to generate the tls certificates to be used by the server
# Generate CA (certificate authority) key and self-signed certificate
# In production, CA should be generated by a third party authority
# Expires in one day and is not encrtypted (-nodes)
# X.509 format for the key
step = rf'openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -days 1 -nodes -keyout {ca_key_path} -out {ca_cert_path} -subj "/C=GR/ST=SKG/L=Thessaloniki/O=KK/OU=AcmeStudios/CN=Gr/emailAddress=acme@gmail.com"'
subprocess.run(step, shell=True)
def gen_certificate(
ca_key_path, ca_certificate_path, certificate_request_path, private_key_path, certificate_path
# Generate Dragonfly's private key and certificate signing request (CSR)
step1 = rf'openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -keyout {private_key_path} -out {certificate_request_path} -subj "/C=GR/ST=SKG/L=Thessaloniki/O=KK/OU=Comp/CN=Gr/emailAddress=does_not_exist@gmail.com"'
subprocess.run(step1, shell=True)
# Use CA's private key to sign dragonfly's CSR and get back the signed certificate
step2 = rf"openssl x509 -req -in {certificate_request_path} -days 1 -CA {ca_certificate_path} -CAkey {ca_key_path} -CAcreateserial -out {certificate_path}"
subprocess.run(step2, shell=True)
class EnvironCntx:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.updates = kwargs
self.undo = {}
def __enter__(self):
for k, v in self.updates.items():
if k in os.environ:
self.undo[k] = os.environ[k]
os.environ[k] = v
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback):
for k, v in self.updates.items():
if k in self.undo:
os.environ[k] = self.undo[k]
del os.environ[k]
async def is_saving(c_client: aioredis.Redis):
return "saving:1" in (await c_client.execute_command("INFO PERSISTENCE"))
def assert_eventually(wrapped=None, *, times=100):
if wrapped is None:
return functools.partial(assert_eventually, times=100)
async def wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
for attempt in range(times):
result = await wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
return result
except AssertionError as e:
if attempt == times - 1:
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
return wrapper(wrapped)
def skip_if_not_in_github():
if os.getenv("GITHUB_ACTIONS") == None:
pytest.skip("Redis server not found")
class ExpirySeeder:
def __init__(self):
self.stop_flag = False
self.i = 0
self.batch_size = 200
async def run(self, client):
while not self.stop_flag:
pipeline = client.pipeline(transaction=True)
for i in range(0, self.batch_size):
pipeline.execute_command(f"SET tmp{self.i} bar{self.i} EX 3")
self.i = self.i + 1
await pipeline.execute()
async def wait_until_n_inserts(self, count):
while not self.i > count:
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
def stop(self):
self.stop_flag = True