Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/dragonflydb/dragonfly.git synced 2024-12-15 17:51:06 +00:00
Kostas Kyrimis 5956275818
chore: replace session wide fixtures with scope (#3251)
* chore: replace session wide fixtures with scope
2024-07-02 10:26:26 +03:00

839 lines
25 KiB
Executable file

import random
import string
import pytest
import asyncio
import time
import socket
import random
import ssl
from redis import asyncio as aioredis
from redis.exceptions import ConnectionError as redis_conn_error, ResponseError
import async_timeout
from dataclasses import dataclass
from aiohttp import ClientSession
from .utility import tick_timer
from . import dfly_args
from .instance import DflyInstance, DflyInstanceFactory
BASE_PORT = 1111
class CollectedRedisMsg:
cmd: str
src: str = "tcp"
def all_from_src(*args, src="tcp"):
return [CollectedRedisMsg(arg, src) for arg in args]
class CollectingMonitor:
"""Tracks all monitor messages between start() and stop()"""
def __init__(self, client):
self.client = client
self.messages = []
self._monitor_task = None
async def _monitor(self):
async with self.client.monitor() as monitor:
async for message in monitor.listen():
self.messages.append(CollectedRedisMsg(message["command"], message["client_type"]))
async def start(self):
if self._monitor_task is None:
self._monitor_task = asyncio.create_task(self._monitor())
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
async def stop(self, timeout=0.1):
if self._monitor_task:
# Wait for Dragonfly to send all async monitor messages
await asyncio.sleep(timeout)
await self._monitor_task
except asyncio.CancelledError:
self._monitor_task = None
def should_exclude(cmd: str):
cmd = cmd.upper()
return "SELECT" in cmd or "CLIENT SETINFO" in cmd
while len(self.messages) > 0 and should_exclude(self.messages[0].cmd):
self.messages = self.messages[1:]
return self.messages
Test MONITOR command with basic use case
@dfly_args({"proactor_threads": 4})
async def test_monitor_command(async_pool):
monitor = CollectingMonitor(aioredis.Redis(connection_pool=async_pool))
await monitor.start()
c = aioredis.Redis(connection_pool=async_pool)
await c.set("a", 1)
await c.get("a")
await c.lpush("l", "V")
await c.lpop("l")
collected = await monitor.stop()
expected = CollectedRedisMsg.all_from_src("SET a 1", "GET a", "LPUSH l V", "LPOP l")
assert expected == collected
Test MONITOR command with MULTI/EXEC transaction with squashing
@dfly_args({"proactor_threads": 4, "multi_exec_squash": "true"})
async def test_monitor_command_multi(async_pool):
monitor = CollectingMonitor(aioredis.Redis(connection_pool=async_pool))
await monitor.start()
c = aioredis.Redis(connection_pool=async_pool)
p = c.pipeline(transaction=True)
expected = []
for i in range(100):
p.lpush(str(i), "V")
expected.append(f"LPUSH {i} V")
await p.execute()
collected = await monitor.stop(0.3)
expected = CollectedRedisMsg.all_from_src(*expected)
# The order is random due to squashing
assert set(expected) == set(collected[2:])
Test MONITOR command with lua script
redis.call('SET', 'A', 1)
redis.call('GET', 'A')
redis.call('SADD', 'S', 1, 2, 3)
redis.call('LPUSH', 'L', 1)
redis.call('LPOP', 'L')
@dfly_args({"proactor_threads": 4, "lua_auto_async": "false"})
async def test_monitor_command_lua(async_pool):
monitor = CollectingMonitor(aioredis.Redis(connection_pool=async_pool))
await monitor.start()
c = aioredis.Redis(connection_pool=async_pool)
await c.eval(TEST_MONITOR_SCRIPT, 3, "A", "S", "L")
collected = await monitor.stop()
expected = CollectedRedisMsg.all_from_src(
"SET A 1", "GET A", "SADD S 1 2 3", "LPUSH L 1", "LPOP L", src="lua"
assert expected == collected[1:]
Run test in pipeline mode.
This is mostly how this is done with python - its more like a transaction that
the connections is running all commands in its context
async def test_pipeline_support(async_client):
def generate(max):
for i in range(max):
yield f"key{i}", f"value={i}"
messages = {a: b for a, b in generate(5)}
assert await run_pipeline_mode(async_client, messages)
async def reader(channel: aioredis.client.PubSub, messages, max: int):
message_count = len(messages)
while message_count > 0:
async with async_timeout.timeout(1):
message = await channel.get_message(ignore_subscribe_messages=True)
if message is not None:
message_count = message_count - 1
if message["data"] not in messages:
return False, f"got unexpected message from pubsub - {message['data']}"
await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
return True, "success"
async def run_pipeline_mode(async_client: aioredis.Redis, messages):
pipe = async_client.pipeline(transaction=False)
for key, val in messages.items():
pipe.set(key, val)
result = await pipe.execute()
print(f"got result from the pipeline of {result} with len = {len(result)}")
if len(result) != len(messages):
return False, f"number of results from pipe {len(result)} != expected {len(messages)}"
elif False in result:
return False, "expecting to successfully get all result good, but some failed"
return True, "all command processed successfully"
Test the pipeline command
Open connection to the subscriber and publish on the other end messages
Make sure that we are able to send all of them and that we are getting the
expected results on the subscriber side
async def test_pubsub_command(async_client):
def generate(max):
for i in range(max):
yield f"message number {i}"
messages = [a for a in generate(5)]
assert await run_pubsub(async_client, messages, "channel-1")
async def run_pubsub(async_client, messages, channel_name):
pubsub = async_client.pubsub()
await pubsub.subscribe(channel_name)
future = asyncio.create_task(reader(pubsub, messages, len(messages)))
success = True
for message in messages:
res = await async_client.publish(channel_name, message)
if not res:
success = False
await future
status, message = future.result()
await pubsub.close()
if status and success:
return True, "successfully completed all"
return (
f"subscriber result: {status}: {message}, publisher publish: success {success}",
async def run_multi_pubsub(async_client, messages, channel_name):
subs = [async_client.pubsub() for i in range(5)]
for s in subs:
await s.subscribe(channel_name)
tasks = [
asyncio.create_task(reader(s, messages, random.randint(0, len(messages)))) for s in subs
success = True
for message in messages:
res = await async_client.publish(channel_name, message)
if not res:
success = False
for f in tasks:
await f
results = [f.result() for f in tasks]
for s in subs:
await s.close()
if success:
for status, message in results:
if not status:
return False, f"failed to process {message}"
return True, "success"
return False, "failed to publish"
Test with multiple subscribers for a channel
We want to stress this to see if we have any issue
with the pub sub code since we are "sharing" the message
across multiple connections internally
async def test_multi_pubsub(async_client):
def generate(max):
for i in range(max):
yield f"this is message number {i} from the publisher on the channel"
messages = [a for a in generate(500)]
state, message = await run_multi_pubsub(async_client, messages, "my-channel")
assert state, message
Test PUBSUB NUMSUB command.
async def test_pubsub_subcommand_for_numsub(async_client: aioredis.Redis):
async def resub(s: "aioredis.PubSub", sub: bool, chan: str):
if sub:
await s.subscribe(chan)
await s.unsubscribe(chan)
# Wait for PUSH message to be parsed to make sure upadte was performed
await s.get_message(timeout=0.1)
# Subscribe 5 times to chan1
subs1 = [async_client.pubsub() for i in range(5)]
await asyncio.gather(*(resub(s, True, "chan1") for s in subs1))
assert await async_client.pubsub_numsub("chan1") == [("chan1", 5)]
# Unsubscribe all from chan1
await asyncio.gather(*(resub(s, False, "chan1") for s in subs1))
# Make sure numsub drops to 0
async for numsub, breaker in tick_timer(lambda: async_client.pubsub_numsub("chan1")):
with breaker:
assert numsub[0][1] == 0
# Check empty numsub
assert await async_client.pubsub_numsub() == []
subs2 = [async_client.pubsub() for i in range(5)]
await asyncio.gather(*(resub(s, True, "chan2") for s in subs2))
subs3 = [async_client.pubsub() for i in range(10)]
await asyncio.gather(*(resub(s, True, "chan3") for s in subs3))
assert await async_client.pubsub_numsub("chan2", "chan3") == [("chan2", 5), ("chan3", 10)]
await asyncio.gather(*(s.unsubscribe() for s in subs2 + subs3))
Test that pubsub clients who are stuck on backpressure from a slow client (the one in the test doesn't read messages at all)
will eventually unblock when it disconnects.
@dfly_args({"proactor_threads": "1", "publish_buffer_limit": "100"})
async def test_publish_stuck(df_server: DflyInstance, async_client: aioredis.Redis):
reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection("", df_server.port, limit=10)
writer.write(b"SUBSCRIBE channel\r\n")
await writer.drain()
async def pub_task():
payload = "msg" * 1000
p = async_client.pipeline()
for _ in range(1000):
p.publish("channel", payload)
await p.execute()
publishers = [asyncio.create_task(pub_task()) for _ in range(20)]
await asyncio.sleep(5)
# Check we reached the limit
pub_bytes = int((await async_client.info())["dispatch_queue_subscriber_bytes"])
assert pub_bytes >= 100
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
# Make sure processing is stalled
new_pub_bytes = int((await async_client.info())["dispatch_queue_subscriber_bytes"])
assert new_pub_bytes == pub_bytes
await writer.drain()
# Make sure all publishers unblock eventually
for pub in asyncio.as_completed(publishers):
await pub
async def test_subscribers_with_active_publisher(df_server: DflyInstance, max_connections=100):
# TODO: I am not how to customize the max connections for the pool.
async_pool = aioredis.ConnectionPool(
async def publish_worker():
client = aioredis.Redis(connection_pool=async_pool)
for i in range(0, 2000):
await client.publish("channel", f"message-{i}")
await client.close()
async def channel_reader(channel: aioredis.client.PubSub):
for i in range(0, 150):
async with async_timeout.timeout(1):
message = await channel.get_message(ignore_subscribe_messages=True)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
async def subscribe_worker():
client = aioredis.Redis(connection_pool=async_pool)
pubsub = client.pubsub()
async with pubsub as p:
await pubsub.subscribe("channel")
await channel_reader(pubsub)
await pubsub.unsubscribe("channel")
# Create a publisher that sends constantly messages to the channel
# Then create subscribers that will subscribe to already active channel
pub_task = asyncio.create_task(publish_worker())
await asyncio.gather(*(subscribe_worker() for _ in range(max_connections - 10)))
await pub_task
await async_pool.disconnect()
@dfly_args({"notify_keyspace_events": "Ex"})
async def test_keyspace_events(async_client: aioredis.Redis):
pclient = async_client.pubsub()
await pclient.subscribe("__keyevent@0__:expired")
keys = []
for i in range(10, 50):
await async_client.set(keys[-1], "X", px=200 + i * 10)
# We don't support immediate expiration:
# keys += ['immediate']
# await async_client.set(keys[-1], 'Y', exat=123) # expired 50 years ago
events = []
async for message in pclient.listen():
if message["type"] == "subscribe":
if len(events) >= len(keys):
assert set(ev["data"] for ev in events) == set(keys)
async def test_big_command(df_server, size=8 * 1024):
reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection("", df_server.port)
writer.write(f"SET a {'v'*size}\n".encode())
await writer.drain()
assert "OK" in (await reader.readline()).decode()
await writer.wait_closed()
async def test_subscribe_pipelined(async_client: aioredis.Redis):
pipe = async_client.pipeline(transaction=False)
pipe.execute_command("subscribe channel").execute_command("subscribe channel")
await pipe.echo("bye bye").execute()
async def test_subscribe_in_pipeline(async_client: aioredis.Redis):
pipe = async_client.pipeline(transaction=False)
pipe.execute_command("SUBSCRIBE ch1")
pipe.execute_command("SUBSCRIBE ch2")
res = await pipe.execute()
assert res == ["one", ["subscribe", "ch1", 1], "two", ["subscribe", "ch2", 2], "three"]
This test makes sure that Dragonfly can receive blocks of pipelined commands even
while a script is still executing. This is a dangerous scenario because both the dispatch fiber
and the connection fiber are actively using the context. What is more, the script execution injects
its own custom reply builder, which can't be used anywhere else, besides the lua script itself.
for i=1,300 do
redis.call('MGET', 'k1', 'k2', 'k3')
PACKET1 = """
MGET s1 s2 s3
EVALSHA {sha} 3 k1 k2 k3
PACKET2 = """
MGET m1 m2 m3
MGET m4 m5 m6
MGET m7 m8 m9\n
* 500
async def test_parser_while_script_running(async_client: aioredis.Redis, df_server: DflyInstance):
sha = await async_client.script_load(BUSY_SCRIPT)
# Use a raw tcp connection for strict control of sent commands
# Below we send commands while the previous ones didn't finish
reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection("localhost", df_server.port)
# Send first pipeline packet, last commands is a long executing script
await writer.drain()
# Give the script some time to start running
await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
# Send another packet that will be received while the script is running
# The last batch has to be big enough, so the script will finish before it is fully consumed
await writer.drain()
await reader.readuntil(b"DONE")
await writer.wait_closed()
This test makes sure that we can migrate while handling pipelined commands and don't keep replies
batched even if the stream suddenly stops.
@dfly_args({"proactor_threads": "4", "pipeline_squash": 0})
async def test_pipeline_batching_while_migrating(
async_client: aioredis.Redis, df_server: DflyInstance
sha = await async_client.script_load("return redis.call('GET', KEYS[1])")
reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection("localhost", df_server.port)
# First, write a EVALSHA that will ask for migration (75% it's on the wrong shard)
# and some more pipelined commands that will keep Dragonfly busy
incrs = "".join("INCR a\r\n" for _ in range(50))
writer.write((f"EVALSHA {sha} 1 a\r\n" + incrs).encode())
await writer.drain()
# We migrate only when the socket wakes up, so send another batch to trigger migration
writer.write("INCR a\r\n".encode())
await writer.drain()
# The data doesn't necessarily arrive in a single batch
async def read():
reply = ""
while not reply.strip().endswith("51"):
reply = (await reader.read(520)).decode()
# Make sure we recived all replies
await asyncio.wait_for(read(), timeout=2.0)
await writer.wait_closed()
@dfly_args({"proactor_threads": 1})
async def test_large_cmd(async_client: aioredis.Redis):
MAX_ARR_SIZE = 65535
res = await async_client.hset(
"foo", mapping={f"key{i}": f"val{i}" for i in range(MAX_ARR_SIZE // 2)}
assert res == MAX_ARR_SIZE // 2
res = await async_client.mset({f"key{i}": f"val{i}" for i in range(MAX_ARR_SIZE // 2)})
assert res
res = await async_client.mget([f"key{i}" for i in range(MAX_ARR_SIZE)])
assert len(res) == MAX_ARR_SIZE
async def test_reject_non_tls_connections_on_tls(with_tls_server_args, df_factory):
server: DflyInstance = df_factory.create(
client = server.client(password="XXX")
with pytest.raises((ResponseError)):
await client.dbsize()
await client.close()
client = server.admin_client(password="XXX")
assert await client.dbsize() == 0
await client.close()
async def test_tls_insecure(with_ca_tls_server_args, with_tls_client_args, df_factory):
server = df_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT, **with_ca_tls_server_args)
client = aioredis.Redis(port=server.port, **with_tls_client_args, ssl_cert_reqs=None)
assert await client.dbsize() == 0
await client.close()
async def test_tls_full_auth(with_ca_tls_server_args, with_ca_tls_client_args, df_factory):
server = df_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT, **with_ca_tls_server_args)
client = aioredis.Redis(port=server.port, **with_ca_tls_client_args)
assert await client.dbsize() == 0
await client.close()
async def test_tls_reject(
with_ca_tls_server_args, with_tls_client_args, df_factory: DflyInstanceFactory
server: DflyInstance = df_factory.create(port=BASE_PORT, **with_ca_tls_server_args)
client = server.client(**with_tls_client_args, ssl_cert_reqs=None)
await client.ping()
await client.close()
client = server.client(**with_tls_client_args)
with pytest.raises(redis_conn_error):
await client.ping()
await client.close()
@dfly_args({"proactor_threads": "4", "pipeline_squash": 10})
async def test_squashed_pipeline(async_client: aioredis.Redis):
p = async_client.pipeline(transaction=False)
for j in range(50):
for i in range(10):
res = await p.execute(raise_on_error=False)
for j in range(50):
assert res[0:10] == [j + 1] * 10
assert isinstance(res[10], aioredis.ResponseError)
res = res[11:]
@dfly_args({"proactor_threads": "4", "pipeline_squash": 10})
async def test_squashed_pipeline_seeder(df_server, df_seeder_factory):
seeder = df_seeder_factory.create(port=df_server.port, keys=10_000)
await seeder.run(target_deviation=0.1)
This test makes sure that multi transactions can be integrated into pipeline squashing
@dfly_args({"proactor_threads": "4", "pipeline_squash": 1})
async def test_squashed_pipeline_multi(async_client: aioredis.Redis):
p = async_client.pipeline(transaction=False)
for _ in range(5):
# Series of squashable commands
for _ in range(5):
p.set("first", "true")
# Non-squashable
# Eval without at tx
p.set("second", "true")
# Finishing sequence
for _ in range(5):
p.set("third", "true")
await p.execute()
async def test_unix_domain_socket(df_factory, tmp_dir):
server = df_factory.create(proactor_threads=1, port=BASE_PORT, unixsocket="./df.sock")
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
r = aioredis.Redis(unix_socket_path=tmp_dir / "df.sock")
assert await r.ping()
async def test_unix_socket_only(df_factory, tmp_dir):
server = df_factory.create(proactor_threads=1, port=0, unixsocket="./df.sock")
await asyncio.sleep(1)
r = aioredis.Redis(unix_socket_path=tmp_dir / "df.sock")
assert await r.ping()
Test nested pauses. Executing CLIENT PAUSE should be possible even if another write-pause is active.
It should prolong the pause for all current commands.
async def test_nested_client_pause(async_client: aioredis.Redis):
async def do_pause():
await async_client.execute_command("CLIENT", "PAUSE", "1000", "WRITE")
async def do_write():
await async_client.execute_command("LPUSH", "l", "1")
p1 = asyncio.create_task(do_pause())
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
p2 = asyncio.create_task(do_write())
assert not p2.done()
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
p3 = asyncio.create_task(do_pause())
await p1
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
assert not p2.done() # blocked by p3 now
await p2
await asyncio.sleep(0.0)
assert p3.done()
await p3
@dfly_args({"proactor_threads": "4"})
async def test_blocking_command_client_pause(async_client: aioredis.Redis):
1. Check client pause success when blocking transaction is running
2. lpush is paused after running client puase
3. once puased is finished lpush will run and blpop will pop the pushed value
async def blpop_command():
res = await async_client.execute_command("blpop dest7 10")
assert res == ["dest7", "value"]
async def brpoplpush_command():
res = await async_client.execute_command("brpoplpush src dest7 2")
assert res == "value"
async def lpush_command():
await async_client.execute_command("lpush src value")
blpop = asyncio.create_task(blpop_command())
brpoplpush = asyncio.create_task(brpoplpush_command())
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
res = await async_client.execute_command("client pause 1000")
assert res == "OK"
lpush = asyncio.create_task(lpush_command())
assert not lpush.done()
await lpush
await brpoplpush
await blpop
async def test_multiple_blocking_commands_client_pause(async_client: aioredis.Redis):
Check running client pause command simultaneously with running multiple blocking command
from multiple connections
async def just_blpop():
key = "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters, k=3))
await async_client.execute_command(f"blpop {key} 2")
async def client_pause():
res = await async_client.execute_command("client pause 1000")
assert res == "OK"
tasks = [just_blpop() for _ in range(20)]
all = asyncio.gather(*tasks)
assert not all.done()
await all
async def test_tls_when_read_write_is_interleaved(
with_ca_tls_server_args, with_ca_tls_client_args, df_factory
This test covers a deadlock bug in helio and TlsSocket when a client connection renegotiated a
handshake without reading its pending data from the socket.
This is a weak test case and from our local experiments it deadlocked 30% of the test runs
server: DflyInstance = df_factory.create(
port=1211, **with_ca_tls_server_args, proactor_threads=1
# TODO(kostas): to fix the deadlock in the test
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
ssl_key = with_ca_tls_client_args["ssl_keyfile"]
ssl_cert = with_ca_tls_client_args["ssl_certfile"]
ssl_ca_cert = with_ca_tls_client_args["ssl_ca_certs"]
ssl_sock = ssl.wrap_socket(
ssl_sock.connect(("", server.port))
tmp = "f" * 1000
message = f"SET foo {tmp}\r\n".encode()
for i in range(0, 100_000):
res = random.randint(1, 4)
message = b""
for j in range(0, res):
message = message + b"GET foo\r\n"
# We might have filled the socket buffer, causing further sending will fail
# This deadlocks
client = aioredis.Redis(port=server.port, **with_ca_tls_client_args)
await client.execute_command("GET foo")
await client.close()