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synced 2024-12-15 17:51:06 +00:00
Signed-off-by: Vladislav Oleshko <vlad@dragonflydb.io>
554 lines
17 KiB
554 lines
17 KiB
Test compatibility with the redis-py client search module.
Search correctness should be ensured with unit tests.
import pytest
from redis import asyncio as aioredis
from .utility import *
from . import dfly_args
import copy
import numpy as np
from redis.commands.search.query import Query
from redis.commands.search.field import TextField, NumericField, TagField, VectorField
from redis.commands.search.indexDefinition import IndexDefinition, IndexType
"title": "First article",
"content": "Long description",
"views": 100,
"topic": "world, science",
"title": "Second article",
"content": "Small text",
"views": 200,
"topic": "national, policits",
"title": "Third piece",
"content": "Brief description",
"views": 300,
"topic": "health, lifestyle",
"title": "Last piece",
"content": "Interesting text",
"views": 400,
"topic": "world, business",
def fix_schema_naming(itype: IndexType, idx_list: list):
"""Copy all schema fields and for json types, change name to json $.path and add alias"""
if itype == IndexType.HASH:
return idx_list
copies = [copy.copy(idx) for idx in idx_list]
for idx in copies:
idx.as_name = idx.name
idx.name = "$." + idx.name
return copies
async def index_test_data(async_client: aioredis.Redis, itype: IndexType, prefix=""):
for i, e in enumerate(TEST_DATA):
if itype == IndexType.HASH:
await async_client.hset(prefix + str(i), mapping=e)
await async_client.json().set(prefix + str(i), "$", e)
def doc_to_str(index_type, doc):
if not type(doc) is dict:
doc = doc.__dict__
if "json" in doc:
return json.dumps(json.loads(doc["json"]), sort_keys=True)
if index_type == IndexType.JSON:
return json.dumps(doc, sort_keys=True)
doc = dict(doc) # copy to remove fields
doc.pop("id", None)
doc.pop("payload", None)
return "//".join(sorted(doc))
def contains_test_data(itype, res, td_indices):
if res.total != len(td_indices):
return False
docset = {doc_to_str(itype, doc) for doc in res.docs}
for td_entry in (TEST_DATA[tdi] for tdi in td_indices):
if not doc_to_str(itype, td_entry) in docset:
return False
return True
@dfly_args({"proactor_threads": 4})
async def test_management(async_client: aioredis.Redis):
SCHEMA_1 = [TextField("f1"), NumericField("f2", sortable=True)]
SCHEMA_2 = [
NumericField("f3", no_index=True, sortable=True),
attributes={"TYPE": "FLOAT32", "DIM": 1, "DISTANCE_METRIC": "L2", "INITICAL_CAP": 100},
i1 = async_client.ft("i1")
i2 = async_client.ft("i2")
await i1.create_index(SCHEMA_1, definition=IndexDefinition(prefix=["p1"]))
await i2.create_index(SCHEMA_2, definition=IndexDefinition(prefix=["p2"]))
# Fill indices with 10 and 15 docs respectively
for i in range(10):
await async_client.hset(f"p1-{i}", mapping={"f1": "ok", "f2": 11})
for i in range(15):
await async_client.hset(
mapping={"f3": 12, "f4": "hmm", "f5": np.array(0).astype(np.float32).tobytes()},
assert sorted(await async_client.execute_command("FT._LIST")) == ["i1", "i2"]
i1info = await i1.info()
assert i1info["index_definition"] == ["key_type", "HASH", "prefix", "p1"]
assert i1info["num_docs"] == 10
assert sorted(i1info["attributes"]) == [
["identifier", "f1", "attribute", "f1", "type", "TEXT"],
["identifier", "f2", "attribute", "f2", "type", "NUMERIC", "SORTABLE"],
i2info = await i2.info()
assert i2info["index_definition"] == ["key_type", "HASH", "prefix", "p2"]
assert i2info["num_docs"] == 15
assert sorted(i2info["attributes"]) == [
["identifier", "f3", "attribute", "f3", "type", "NUMERIC", "NOINDEX", "SORTABLE"],
["identifier", "f4", "attribute", "f4", "type", "TAG"],
["identifier", "f5", "attribute", "f5", "type", "VECTOR"],
await i1.dropindex()
await i2.dropindex()
assert await async_client.execute_command("FT._LIST") == []
@dfly_args({"proactor_threads": 4})
@pytest.mark.parametrize("index_type", [IndexType.HASH, IndexType.JSON])
async def test_basic(async_client: aioredis.Redis, index_type):
i1 = async_client.ft("i1-" + str(index_type))
await index_test_data(async_client, index_type)
await i1.create_index(
fix_schema_naming(index_type, BASIC_TEST_SCHEMA),
res = await i1.search("article")
assert contains_test_data(index_type, res, [0, 1])
res = await i1.search("text")
assert contains_test_data(index_type, res, [1, 3])
res = await i1.search("brief piece")
assert contains_test_data(index_type, res, [2])
res = await i1.search("@title:(article|last) @content:text")
assert contains_test_data(index_type, res, [1, 3])
res = await i1.search("@views:[200 300]")
assert contains_test_data(index_type, res, [1, 2])
res = await i1.search("@views:[0 150] | @views:[350 500]")
assert contains_test_data(index_type, res, [0, 3])
res = await i1.search("@topic:{world}")
assert contains_test_data(index_type, res, [0, 3])
res = await i1.search("@topic:{business}")
assert contains_test_data(index_type, res, [3])
res = await i1.search("@topic:{world | national}")
assert contains_test_data(index_type, res, [0, 1, 3])
res = await i1.search("@topic:{science | health}")
assert contains_test_data(index_type, res, [0, 2])
await i1.dropindex()
@dfly_args({"proactor_threads": 4})
async def test_big_json(async_client: aioredis.Redis):
i1 = async_client.ft("i1")
gen_arr = lambda base: {"blob": [base + str(i) for i in range(100)]}
await async_client.json().set("k1", "$", gen_arr("alex"))
await async_client.json().set("k2", "$", gen_arr("bob"))
await i1.create_index(
[TextField(name="$.blob", as_name="items")],
res = await i1.search("alex55")
assert res.docs[0].id == "k1"
res = await i1.search("bob77")
assert res.docs[0].id == "k2"
res = await i1.search("alex11 | bob22")
assert res.total == 2
await i1.dropindex()
async def knn_query(idx, query, vector):
params = {"vec": np.array(vector, dtype=np.float32).tobytes()}
result = await idx.search(query, params)
return {doc["id"] for doc in result.docs}
@dfly_args({"proactor_threads": 4})
@pytest.mark.parametrize("index_type", [IndexType.HASH, IndexType.JSON])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("algo_type", ["FLAT", "HNSW"])
async def test_knn(async_client: aioredis.Redis, index_type, algo_type):
i2 = async_client.ft("i2-" + str(index_type))
vector_field = VectorField(
"TYPE": "FLOAT32",
"DIM": 1,
await i2.create_index(
fix_schema_naming(index_type, [TagField("even"), vector_field]),
pipe = async_client.pipeline()
for i in range(100):
even = "yes" if i % 2 == 0 else "no"
if index_type == IndexType.HASH:
pos = np.array(i, dtype=np.float32).tobytes()
pipe.hset(f"k{i}", mapping={"even": even, "pos": pos})
pipe.json().set(f"k{i}", "$", {"even": even, "pos": [float(i)]})
await pipe.execute()
assert await knn_query(i2, "* => [KNN 3 @pos $vec]", [50.0]) == {"k49", "k50", "k51"}
assert await knn_query(i2, "@even:{yes} => [KNN 3 @pos $vec]", [20.0]) == {"k18", "k20", "k22"}
assert await knn_query(i2, "@even:{no} => [KNN 4 @pos $vec]", [30.0]) == {
assert await knn_query(i2, "@even:{yes} => [KNN 3 @pos $vec]", [10.0] == {"k8", "k10", "k12"})
await i2.dropindex()
@dfly_args({"proactor_threads": 4})
@pytest.mark.parametrize("index_type", [IndexType.HASH, IndexType.JSON])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("algo_type", ["HNSW", "FLAT"])
@pytest.mark.skip("Fails on ARM")
async def test_multidim_knn(async_client: aioredis.Redis, index_type, algo_type):
vector_field = VectorField(
"TYPE": "FLOAT32",
i3 = async_client.ft("i3-" + str(index_type))
await i3.create_index(
fix_schema_naming(index_type, [vector_field]),
def rand_point():
return np.random.uniform(0, 10, NUM_DIMS).astype(np.float32)
# Generate points and send to DF
points = [rand_point() for _ in range(NUM_POINTS)]
points = list(enumerate(points))
pipe = async_client.pipeline(transaction=False)
for i, point in points:
if index_type == IndexType.HASH:
pipe.hset(f"k{i}", mapping={"pos": point.tobytes()})
pipe.json().set(f"k{i}", "$", {"pos": point.tolist()})
await pipe.execute()
# Run 10 random queries
for _ in range(10):
center = rand_point()
limit = random.randint(1, NUM_POINTS / 10)
expected_ids = [
for i, point in sorted(points, key=lambda p: np.linalg.norm(center - p[1]))[:limit]
got_ids = await knn_query(i3, f"* => [KNN {limit} @pos $vec]", center)
assert set(expected_ids) == set(got_ids)
await i3.dropindex()
@dfly_args({"proactor_threads": 4})
async def test_knn_score_return(async_client: aioredis.Redis):
i1 = async_client.ft("i1")
vector_field = VectorField(
"DIM": 1,
await i1.create_index(
pipe = async_client.pipeline()
for i in range(100):
pipe.hset(f"k{i}", mapping={"pos": np.array(i, dtype=np.float32).tobytes()})
await pipe.execute()
params = {"vec": np.array([1.0], dtype=np.float32).tobytes()}
result = await i1.search("* => [KNN 3 @pos $vec AS distance]", params)
assert result.total == 3
assert [d["distance"] for d in result.docs] == ["0", "1", "1"]
result = await i1.search(
Query("* => [KNN 3 @pos $vec AS distance]").return_fields("pos"), params
assert not any(hasattr(d, "distance") for d in result.docs)
await i1.dropindex()
@dfly_args({"proactor_threads": 4, "dbfilename": "search-data"})
async def test_index_persistence(df_server):
client = aioredis.Redis(port=df_server.port)
# Build two indices and fill them with data
SCHEMA_1 = [TextField("title"), NumericField("views", sortable=True), TagField("topic")]
SCHEMA_2 = [
NumericField("age", sortable=True),
TagField("job", separator=":", case_sensitive=True),
attributes={"TYPE": "FLOAT32", "DIM": 1, "DISTANCE_METRIC": "L2", "INITICAL_CAP": 100},
i1 = client.ft("i1")
await i1.create_index(
fix_schema_naming(IndexType.JSON, SCHEMA_1),
definition=IndexDefinition(index_type=IndexType.JSON, prefix=["blog-"]),
i2 = client.ft("i2")
await i2.create_index(
fix_schema_naming(IndexType.HASH, SCHEMA_2),
definition=IndexDefinition(index_type=IndexType.HASH, prefix=["people-"]),
for i in range(150):
await client.json().set(
{"title": f"Post {i}", "views": i * 10, "topic": "even" if i % 2 == 0 else "odd"},
for i in range(200):
await client.hset(
"name": f"Name {i}",
"age": i,
"job": "newsagent" if i % 2 == 0 else "writer",
"pos": np.array(i / 200.0).astype(np.float32).tobytes(),
info_1 = await i1.info()
info_2 = await i2.info()
assert info_1["num_docs"] == 150
assert info_2["num_docs"] == 200
# stop & start server
client = aioredis.Redis(port=df_server.port)
await wait_available_async(client)
# Check indices were loaded
assert {i.decode() for i in await client.execute_command("FT._LIST")} == {"i1", "i2"}
i1 = client.ft("i1")
i2 = client.ft("i2")
info_1_new = await i1.info()
info_2_new = await i2.info()
def build_fields_set(info):
fields = set()
for field in info["attributes"]:
return fields
assert build_fields_set(info_1) == build_fields_set(info_1_new)
assert build_fields_set(info_2) == build_fields_set(info_2_new)
assert info_1["index_definition"] == info_1_new["index_definition"]
assert info_2["index_definition"] == info_2_new["index_definition"]
assert info_1["num_docs"] == info_1_new["num_docs"]
assert info_2["num_docs"] == info_2_new["num_docs"]
# Check basic queries run correctly
assert (await i1.search("@views:[0 90]")).total == 10
assert (await i1.search("@views:[100 190] @topic:{even}")).total == 5
assert (await i2.search("@job:{writer}")).total == 100
assert (await i2.search("@job:{writer} @age:[100 200]")).total == 50
assert (await i2.search("@job:{wRiTeR}")).total == 0
# Check fields are sortable
assert (await i1.search(Query("*").sort_by("views", asc=True).paging(0, 1))).docs[0][
] == "blog-0"
assert (await i2.search(Query("*").sort_by("age", asc=False).paging(0, 1))).docs[0][
] == "199"
await i1.dropindex()
await i2.dropindex()
@dfly_args({"proactor_threads": 4})
def test_redis_om(df_server):
import redis_om
except ModuleNotFoundError:
pytest.skip("Redis-om not installed")
client = redis.Redis(port=df_server.port)
class TestCar(redis_om.HashModel):
producer: str = redis_om.Field(index=True)
description: str = redis_om.Field(index=True, full_text_search=True)
speed: int = redis_om.Field(index=True, sortable=True)
class Meta:
database = client
def extract_producers(testset):
return sorted([car.producer for car in testset])
def make_car(producer, description, speed):
return TestCar(producer=producer, description=description, speed=speed)
CARS = [
make_car("BMW", "Very fast and elegant", 200),
make_car("Audi", "Fast & stylish", 170),
make_car("Mercedes", "High class but expensive!", 150),
make_car("Honda", "Good allrounder with flashy looks", 120),
make_car("Peugeot", "Good allrounder for the whole family", 100),
make_car("Mini", "Fashinable cooper for the big city", 80),
make_car("John Deere", "It's not a car, it's a tractor in fact!", 50),
for car in CARS:
# Get all cars
assert extract_producers(TestCar.find().all()) == extract_producers(CARS)
# Get all cars of a specific producer
assert extract_producers(
TestCar.find((TestCar.producer == "Peugeot") | (TestCar.producer == "Mini"))
) == ["Mini", "Peugeot"]
# Get only fast cars
assert extract_producers(TestCar.find(TestCar.speed >= 150).all()) == extract_producers(
[c for c in CARS if c.speed >= 150]
# Get only slow cars
assert extract_producers(TestCar.find(TestCar.speed < 100).all()) == extract_producers(
[c for c in CARS if c.speed < 100]
# Get all cars which are fast based on description
assert extract_producers(TestCar.find(TestCar.description % "fast")) == ["Audi", "BMW"]
# Get all cars which are not marked as extensive by descriptions
assert extract_producers(
TestCar.find(~(TestCar.description % "expensive")).all()
) == extract_producers([c for c in CARS if c.producer != "Mercedes"])
# Get a fast allrounder
assert extract_producers(
TestCar.find((TestCar.speed >= 110) & (TestCar.description % "allrounder"))
) == ["Honda"]
# What's the slowest car
assert extract_producers([TestCar.find().sort_by("speed").first()]) == ["John Deere"]
# What's the fastest car
assert extract_producers([TestCar.find().sort_by("-speed").first()]) == ["BMW"]
for index in client.execute_command("FT._LIST"):