import asyncio import async_timeout from redis import asyncio as aioredis import time import json import logging import pytest import random import itertools import random import string from .instance import DflyInstance from . import dfly_args, dfly_multi_test_args DJANGO_CACHEOPS_SCRIPT = """ local prefix = KEYS[1] local key = KEYS[2] local precall_key = KEYS[3] local data = ARGV[1] local dnfs = cjson.decode(ARGV[2]) local timeout = tonumber(ARGV[3]) if precall_key ~= prefix and'exists', precall_key) == 0 then -- Cached data was invalidated during the function call. The data is -- stale and should not be cached. return end -- Write data to cache'setex', key, timeout, data) -- A pair of funcs -- NOTE: we depend here on keys order being stable local conj_schema = function (conj) local parts = {} for field, _ in pairs(conj) do table.insert(parts, field) end return table.concat(parts, ',') end local conj_cache_key = function (db_table, conj) local parts = {} for field, val in pairs(conj) do table.insert(parts, field .. '=' .. tostring(val)) end return prefix .. 'conj:' .. db_table .. ':' .. table.concat(parts, '&') end -- Update schemes and invalidators for db_table, disj in pairs(dnfs) do for _, conj in ipairs(disj) do -- Ensure scheme is known redis.acall('sadd', prefix .. 'schemes:' .. db_table, conj_schema(conj)) -- Add new cache_key to list of dependencies local conj_key = conj_cache_key(db_table, conj) redis.acall('sadd', conj_key, key) -- NOTE: an invalidator should live longer than any key it references. -- So we update its ttl on every key if needed. -- NOTE: if CACHEOPS_LRU is True when invalidators should be left persistent, -- so we strip next section from this script. -- TOSTRIP local conj_ttl ='ttl', conj_key) if conj_ttl < timeout then -- We set conj_key life with a margin over key life to call expire rarer -- And add few extra seconds to be extra safe'expire', conj_key, timeout * 2 + 10) end -- /TOSTRIP end end return 'OK' """ def DJANGO_CACHEOPS_SCHEMA(vs): return { "table_1": [{"f-1": f"v-{vs[0]}"}, {"f-2": f"v-{vs[1]}"}], "table_2": [{"f-1": f"v-{vs[2]}"}, {"f-2": f"v-{vs[3]}"}], } """ Test the main caching script of The script accesses undeclared keys (that are built based on argument data), so Dragonfly must run in global (1) or non-atomic (4) multi eval mode. """ @dfly_multi_test_args( {"default_lua_flags": "allow-undeclared-keys", "proactor_threads": 4}, {"default_lua_flags": "allow-undeclared-keys disable-atomicity", "proactor_threads": 4}, ) async def test_django_cacheops_script(async_client, num_keys=500): script = async_client.register_script(DJANGO_CACHEOPS_SCRIPT) data = [(f"k-{k}", [random.randint(0, 10) for _ in range(4)]) for k in range(num_keys)] for k, vs in data: schema = DJANGO_CACHEOPS_SCHEMA(vs) assert ( await script(keys=["", k, ""], args=["a" * 10, json.dumps(schema, sort_keys=True), 100]) == "OK" ) # Check schema was built correctly base_schema = DJANGO_CACHEOPS_SCHEMA([0] * 4) for table, fields in base_schema.items(): schema = await async_client.smembers(f"schemes:{table}") fields = set.union(*(set(part.keys()) for part in fields)) assert schema == fields # Check revese mapping is correct for k, vs in data: assert await async_client.exists(k) for table, fields in DJANGO_CACHEOPS_SCHEMA(vs).items(): for sub_schema in fields: conj_key = f"conj:{table}:" + "&".join( "{}={}".format(f, v) for f, v in sub_schema.items() ) assert await async_client.sismember(conj_key, k) ASYNQ_ENQUEUE_SCRIPT = """ if"EXISTS", KEYS[1]) == 1 then return 0 end"HSET", KEYS[1], "msg", ARGV[1], "state", "pending", "pending_since", ARGV[3])"LPUSH", KEYS[2], ARGV[2]) return 1 """ ASYNQ_DEQUE_SCRIPT = """ if"EXISTS", KEYS[2]) == 0 then local id ="RPOPLPUSH", KEYS[1], KEYS[3]) if id then local key = ARGV[2] .. id"HSET", key, "state", "active")"HDEL", key, "pending_since")"ZADD", KEYS[4], ARGV[1], id) return"HGET", key, "msg") end end return nil """ """ Test the main queueing scripts of The deque script accesses undeclared keys (that are popped from a list), so Dragonfly must run in global (1) or non-atomic (4) multi eval mode. Running the deque script in non-atomic mode can introduce inconsistency to an outside observer. For example, an item can be already placed into the active queue (RPUSH KEYS[3]), buts its state in the hash wasn't yet updated to active. Because we only access keys that we popped from the list (RPOPLPUSH is still atomic by itself), the task system should work reliably. """ @dfly_multi_test_args( {"default_lua_flags": "allow-undeclared-keys", "proactor_threads": 4}, {"default_lua_flags": "allow-undeclared-keys disable-atomicity", "proactor_threads": 4}, ) async def test_golang_asynq_script(async_pool, num_queues=10, num_tasks=100): async def enqueue_worker(queue): client = aioredis.Redis(connection_pool=async_pool) enqueue = client.register_script(ASYNQ_ENQUEUE_SCRIPT) task_ids = 2 * list(range(num_tasks)) random.shuffle(task_ids) res = [ await enqueue( keys=[f"asynq:{{{queue}}}:t:{task_id}", f"asynq:{{{queue}}}:pending"], args=[f"{task_id}", task_id, int(time.time())], ) for task_id in task_ids ] assert sum(res) == num_tasks # Start filling the queues jobs = [asyncio.create_task(enqueue_worker(f"q-{queue}")) for queue in range(num_queues)] collected = 0 async def dequeue_worker(): nonlocal collected client = aioredis.Redis(connection_pool=async_pool) dequeue = client.register_script(ASYNQ_DEQUE_SCRIPT) while collected < num_tasks * num_queues: # pct = round(collected/(num_tasks*num_queues), 2) # print(f'\r \r{pct}', end='', flush=True) for queue in (f"q-{queue}" for queue in range(num_queues)): prefix = f"asynq:{{{queue}}}:t:" msg = await dequeue( keys=[ f"asynq:{{{queue}}}:" + t for t in ["pending", "paused", "active", "lease"] ], args=[int(time.time()), prefix], ) if msg is not None: collected += 1 assert await client.hget(prefix + msg, "state") == "active" # Run many contending workers await asyncio.gather(*(dequeue_worker() for _ in range(num_queues * 2))) for job in jobs: await job ERROR_CALL_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE = [ "redis.{}('LTRIM', 'l', 'a', 'b')", # error only on evaluation "redis.{}('obviously wrong')", # error immediately on preprocessing ] @dfly_args({"proactor_threads": 1}) @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_eval_error_propagation(async_client): CMDS = ["call", "pcall", "acall", "apcall"] for cmd, template in itertools.product(CMDS, ERROR_CALL_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE): does_abort = "p" not in cmd try: await async_client.eval(template.format(cmd), 1, "l") if does_abort: assert False, "Eval must have thrown an error: " + cmd except aioredis.RedisError as e: if not does_abort: assert False, "Error should have been ignored: " + cmd @dfly_args({"proactor_threads": 1, "default_lua_flags": "allow-undeclared-keys"}) async def test_global_eval_in_multi(async_client: aioredis.Redis): GLOBAL_SCRIPT = """ return'GET', 'any-key'); """ await async_client.set("any-key", "works") pipe = async_client.pipeline(transaction=True) pipe.set("another-key", "ok") pipe.eval(GLOBAL_SCRIPT, 0) res = await pipe.execute() print(res) assert res[1] == "works" @dfly_args({"proactor_threads": 4, "lua_auto_async": None}) async def test_lua_auto_async(async_client: aioredis.Redis): TEST_SCRIPT = """ for i = 1, 100 do'LPUSH', KEYS[(i % 4) + 1], 'W') end """ await async_client.eval(TEST_SCRIPT, 4, "a", "b", "c", "d") flushes = (await"transaction"))["eval_squashed_flushes"] assert 1 <= flushes <= 3 # all 100 commands are executed in at most 3 batches """ Ensure liveness even with only a single interpreter in scenarios where EVAL and EVAL inside multi run concurrently while also contending for keys """ @dfly_args({"proactor_threads": 2, "interpreter_per_thread": 1}) async def test_one_interpreter(async_client: aioredis.Redis): sha = await async_client.script_load("'GET', KEYS[1])") all_keys = [string.ascii_lowercase[i] for i in range(5)] total_runs = 100 async def run(transaction): for _ in range(total_runs): p = async_client.pipeline(transaction=transaction) pkeys = random.choices(all_keys, k=3) for key in pkeys: p.evalsha(sha, 1, key) await p.execute() max_blocked = 0 async def measure_blocked(): nonlocal max_blocked while True: max_blocked = max( max_blocked, (await"STATS"))["blocked_on_interpreter"] ) await asyncio.sleep(0.01) tm = [asyncio.create_task(run(True)) for _ in range(10)] ts = [asyncio.create_task(run(False)) for _ in range(10)] # block_measure = asyncio.create_task(measure_blocked()) async with async_timeout.timeout(5): await asyncio.gather(*(tm + ts)) # block_measure.cancel() # At least some connection was seen blocked # Flaky: release build is too fast and never blocks # assert max_blocked > 0 """ Tests migrate/close interaction for the connection Reproduces #2569 """ @dfly_args({"proactor_threads": "4", "pipeline_squash": 0}) async def test_migrate_close_connection(async_client: aioredis.Redis, df_server: DflyInstance): sha = await async_client.script_load("return'GET', KEYS[1])") async def run(): reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection("localhost", df_server.port) # write a EVALSHA that will ask for migration (75% it's on the wrong shard) writer.write((f"EVALSHA {sha} 1 a\r\n").encode()) await writer.drain() # disconnect the client connection writer.close() await writer.wait_closed() tasks = [asyncio.create_task(run()) for _ in range(50)] await asyncio.gather(*tasks) @pytest.mark.opt_only @dfly_args({"proactor_threads": 4, "interpreter_per_thread": 4}) async def test_fill_memory_gc(async_client: aioredis.Redis): SCRIPT = """ local res = {{}} for j = 1, 100 do for i = 1, 10000 do table.insert(res, tostring(i) .. 'data') end end """ await asyncio.gather(*(async_client.eval(SCRIPT, 0) for _ in range(5))) info = await"memory") # if this assert fails, we likely run gc after script invocations, remove this test assert info["used_memory_lua"] > 50 * 1e6 await async_client.execute_command("SCRIPT GC") info = await"memory") assert info["used_memory_lua"] < 10 * 1e6