import time import pytest import asyncio from redis import asyncio as aioredis import subprocess from .utility import * from .instance import DflyInstanceFactory from .proxy import Proxy # Checks that master redis and dragonfly replica are synced by writing a random key to master # and waiting for it to exist in replica. Foreach db in 0..dbcount-1. async def await_synced(c_master: aioredis.Redis, c_replica: aioredis.Redis, dbcount=1): rnd_str = "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters, k=10)) key = "sync_key/" + rnd_str for db in range(dbcount): await c_master.set(key, "dummy") logging.debug(f"set {key} MASTER db = {db}") timeout = 30 while timeout > 0: v = await c_replica.get(key) logging.debug(f"get {key} from REPLICA db = {db} got {v}") if v is not None: break repl_state = await"replication") logging.debug(f"replication info: {repl_state}") await asyncio.sleep(1) timeout -= 1 await c_master.close() await c_replica.close() assert timeout > 0, "Timeout while waiting for replica to sync" async def await_synced_all(c_master, c_replicas): for c_replica in c_replicas: await await_synced(c_master, c_replica) async def check_data(seeder, replicas, c_replicas): capture = await seeder.capture() for replica, c_replica in zip(replicas, c_replicas): await wait_available_async(c_replica) assert await, port=replica.port) # Start replication async def run_replication(client: aioredis.Redis, port): res = await client.execute_command("REPLICAOF localhost " + str(port)) assert res == "OK" await wait_available_async(client) async def replicate_all(replicas, port): await asyncio.gather(*(asyncio.create_task(run_replication(c, port)) for c in replicas)) full_sync_replication_specs = [ ([1], dict(keys=100, dbcount=1, unsupported_types=[ValueType.JSON])), ([1], dict(keys=5000, dbcount=2, unsupported_types=[ValueType.JSON])), ([2], dict(keys=5000, dbcount=4, unsupported_types=[ValueType.JSON])), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("t_replicas, seeder_config", full_sync_replication_specs) async def test_replication_full_sync( df_factory, df_seeder_factory, redis_server, t_replicas, seeder_config, port_picker ): master = redis_server c_master = aioredis.Redis(port=master.port) assert await seeder = df_seeder_factory.create(port=master.port, **seeder_config) await replica = df_factory.create( port=port_picker.get_available_port(), proactor_threads=t_replicas[0] ) replica.start() c_replica = replica.client() assert await await run_replication(c_replica, master.port) await await_synced(c_master, c_replica, seeder_config["dbcount"]) capture = await seeder.capture() assert await, port=replica.port) stable_sync_replication_specs = [ ([1], dict(keys=100, dbcount=1, unsupported_types=[ValueType.JSON])), ([1], dict(keys=10_000, dbcount=2, unsupported_types=[ValueType.JSON])), ([2], dict(keys=10_000, dbcount=1, unsupported_types=[ValueType.JSON])), ([2], dict(keys=10_000, dbcount=2, unsupported_types=[ValueType.JSON])), ([8], dict(keys=10_000, dbcount=4, unsupported_types=[ValueType.JSON])), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("t_replicas, seeder_config", stable_sync_replication_specs) async def test_replication_stable_sync( df_factory, df_seeder_factory, redis_server, t_replicas, seeder_config, port_picker ): master = redis_server c_master = aioredis.Redis(port=master.port) assert await replica = df_factory.create( port=port_picker.get_available_port(), proactor_threads=t_replicas[0] ) replica.start() c_replica = replica.client() assert await await c_replica.execute_command("REPLICAOF", "localhost", master.port) await wait_available_async(c_replica) seeder = df_seeder_factory.create(port=master.port, **seeder_config) await await await_synced(c_master, c_replica, seeder_config["dbcount"]) capture = await seeder.capture() assert await, port=replica.port) # Threads for each dragonfly replica, Seeder Config. replication_specs = [ ([1], dict(keys=1000, dbcount=1, unsupported_types=[ValueType.JSON])), ([6, 6, 6], dict(keys=4_000, dbcount=2, unsupported_types=[ValueType.JSON])), ([2, 2], dict(keys=4_000, dbcount=2, unsupported_types=[ValueType.JSON])), ([8, 8], dict(keys=4_000, dbcount=2, unsupported_types=[ValueType.JSON])), ([1] * 8, dict(keys=500, dbcount=1, unsupported_types=[ValueType.JSON])), ([1], dict(keys=100, dbcount=4, unsupported_types=[ValueType.JSON])), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("t_replicas, seeder_config", replication_specs) async def test_redis_replication_all( df_factory: DflyInstanceFactory, df_seeder_factory, redis_server, t_replicas, seeder_config, port_picker, ): master = redis_server c_master = aioredis.Redis(port=master.port) assert await replicas = [ df_factory.create(port=port_picker.get_available_port(), proactor_threads=t) for i, t in enumerate(t_replicas) ] # Fill master with test data seeder = df_seeder_factory.create(port=master.port, **seeder_config) await # Start replicas df_factory.start_all(replicas) c_replicas = [replica.client() for replica in replicas] # Start data stream stream_task = asyncio.create_task( await asyncio.sleep(0.0) await replicate_all(c_replicas, master.port) # Wait for streaming to finish assert ( not stream_task.done() ), "Weak testcase. Increase number of streamed iterations to surpass full sync" seeder.stop() await stream_task # Check data after full sync await await_synced_all(c_master, c_replicas) await check_data(seeder, replicas, c_replicas) # Stream more data in stable state await # Check data after stable state stream await await_synced_all(c_master, c_replicas) await check_data(seeder, replicas, c_replicas) master_disconnect_cases = [ ([6], 1, dict(keys=4_000, dbcount=1, unsupported_types=[ValueType.JSON])), ([1, 4, 6], 3, dict(keys=1_000, dbcount=2, unsupported_types=[ValueType.JSON])), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("t_replicas, t_disconnect, seeder_config", master_disconnect_cases) async def test_redis_master_restart( df_factory, df_seeder_factory, redis_server, t_replicas, t_disconnect, seeder_config, port_picker, ): master = redis_server c_master = aioredis.Redis(port=master.port) assert await replicas = [ df_factory.create(port=port_picker.get_available_port(), proactor_threads=t) for i, t in enumerate(t_replicas) ] # Fill master with test data seeder = df_seeder_factory.create(port=master.port, **seeder_config) await # Start replicas df_factory.start_all(replicas) c_replicas = [replica.client() for replica in replicas] # Start data stream stream_task = asyncio.create_task( await asyncio.sleep(0.0) await replicate_all(c_replicas, master.port) # Wait for streaming to finish assert ( not stream_task.done() ), "Weak testcase. Increase number of streamed iterations to surpass full sync" seeder.stop() await stream_task for _ in range(t_disconnect): master.stop() await asyncio.sleep(1) master.start() await asyncio.sleep(1) # fill master with data await # Check data after stable state stream await wait_available_async(c_replicas) await await_synced_all(c_master, c_replicas) await check_data(seeder, replicas, c_replicas) master_disconnect_cases = [ ([6], dict(keys=4_000, dbcount=1, unsupported_types=[ValueType.JSON])), pytest.param( [1, 4, 6], dict(keys=1_000, dbcount=2, unsupported_types=[ValueType.JSON]), marks=pytest.mark.slow, ), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("t_replicas, seeder_config", master_disconnect_cases) async def test_disconnect_master( df_factory, df_seeder_factory, redis_server, t_replicas, seeder_config, port_picker, ): master = redis_server c_master = aioredis.Redis(port=master.port) assert await proxy = Proxy("", 1114, "", master.port) await proxy.start() proxy_task = asyncio.create_task(proxy.serve()) replicas = [ df_factory.create(port=port_picker.get_available_port(), proactor_threads=t) for i, t in enumerate(t_replicas) ] # Fill master with test data seeder = df_seeder_factory.create(port=master.port, **seeder_config) await # Start replicas df_factory.start_all(replicas) c_replicas = [replica.client() for replica in replicas] # Start data stream stream_task = asyncio.create_task( await asyncio.sleep(0.5) await replicate_all(c_replicas, proxy.port) # Break the connection between master and replica await proxy.close(proxy_task) await asyncio.sleep(2) await proxy.start() proxy_task = asyncio.create_task(proxy.serve()) # finish streaming data await asyncio.sleep(1) seeder.stop() await stream_task # Check data after stable state stream await wait_available_async(c_replicas) await await_synced_all(c_master, c_replicas) await check_data(seeder, replicas, c_replicas) await proxy.close(proxy_task)