mirror of
synced 2024-12-14 11:58:02 +00:00
fix: edge cases around mismatched path in json code (#3609)
For legacy mode: 1. For mutate commands, an empty result should throw an error 2. For read commands, it returns nil if path was not found, but if it was matched but only with a wrong types, it will throw an error. For non-legacy mode, objlen should throw an error for non existing key. Simplified JsonCallbackResult a bit and made sure more fakeredis tests are passing. Signed-off-by: Roman Gershman <roman@dragonflydb.io>
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 169 additions and 153 deletions
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
git config --global --add safe.directory ${containerWorkspaceFolder}
git config --global --add safe.directory ${containerWorkspaceFolder}/helio
mkdir -p /root/.local/share/CMakeTools
@ -476,6 +476,7 @@ class RedisReplyBuilder2 : public RedisReplyBuilder2Base {
void SendSimpleStrArr(RedisReplyBuilder::StrSpan arr) override {
void SendStringArr(RedisReplyBuilder::StrSpan arr, CollectionType type = ARRAY) override {
SendBulkStrArr(arr, type);
@ -4,15 +4,17 @@
#pragma once
#include <absl/container/inlined_vector.h>
#include <string_view>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "core/json/json_object.h"
#include "core/json/path.h"
#include "core/string_or_view.h"
#include "facade/op_status.h"
#include "glog/logging.h"
namespace dfly {
@ -25,7 +27,8 @@ template <typename T>
using JsonPathEvaluateCallback = absl::FunctionRef<T(std::string_view, const JsonType&)>;
template <typename T = Nothing> struct MutateCallbackResult {
MutateCallbackResult() = default;
MutateCallbackResult() {
MutateCallbackResult(bool should_be_deleted_, T value_)
: should_be_deleted(should_be_deleted_), value(std::move(value_)) {
@ -41,74 +44,83 @@ using JsonPathMutateCallback =
namespace details {
template <typename T> void OptionalEmplace(T value, std::optional<T>* optional) {
template <typename T>
void OptionalEmplace(bool keep_defined, std::optional<T> src, std::optional<T>* dest) {
if (!keep_defined || !dest->has_value()) {
template <typename T>
void OptionalEmplace(std::optional<T> value, std::optional<std::optional<T>>* optional) {
if (value.has_value()) {
template <typename T> void OptionalEmplace(bool keep_defined, T src, T* dest) {
if (!keep_defined) {
*dest = std::move(src);
} // namespace details
template <typename T> class JsonCallbackResult {
template <typename V> struct is_optional : std::false_type {};
template <typename V> struct is_optional<std::optional<V>> : std::true_type {};
/* In the case of a restricted path (legacy mode), the result consists of a single value */
using JsonV1Result = std::optional<T>;
/* In the case of an enhanced path (starts with $), the result is an array of multiple values */
using JsonV2Result = std::vector<T>;
JsonCallbackResult() = default;
explicit JsonCallbackResult(bool legacy_mode_is_enabled, bool save_first_result = false)
: save_first_result_(save_first_result) {
if (!legacy_mode_is_enabled) {
result_ = JsonV2Result{};
JsonCallbackResult() {
JsonCallbackResult(bool legacy_mode_is_enabled, bool save_first_result, bool empty_is_nil)
: only_save_first_(save_first_result),
empty_is_nil_(empty_is_nil) {
void AddValue(T value) {
if (IsV1()) {
if (!save_first_result_) {
details::OptionalEmplace(std::move(value), &AsV1());
} else {
auto& as_v1 = AsV1();
if (!as_v1.has_value()) {
details::OptionalEmplace(std::move(value), &as_v1);
} else {
if (result_.empty() || !IsV1()) {
details::OptionalEmplace(only_save_first_, std::move(value), &result_.front());
bool IsV1() const {
return std::holds_alternative<JsonV1Result>(result_);
return is_legacy_;
JsonV1Result& AsV1() {
return std::get<JsonV1Result>(result_);
const T& AsV1() const {
return result_.front();
JsonV2Result& AsV2() {
return std::get<JsonV2Result>(result_);
const absl::InlinedVector<T, 2>& AsV2() const {
return std::move(result_);
const JsonV1Result& AsV1() const {
return std::get<JsonV1Result>(result_);
bool Empty() const {
return result_.empty();
const JsonV2Result& AsV2() const {
return std::get<JsonV2Result>(result_);
bool ShouldSendNil() const {
return is_legacy_ && empty_is_nil_ && result_.empty();
bool ShouldSendWrongType() const {
if (is_legacy_) {
if (result_.empty() && !empty_is_nil_)
return true;
if constexpr (is_optional<T>::value) {
return !result_.front().has_value();
return false;
std::variant<JsonV1Result, JsonV2Result> result_;
bool save_first_result_ = false;
absl::InlinedVector<T, 2> result_;
bool only_save_first_ = false;
bool is_legacy_ = false;
bool empty_is_nil_ = false;
class WrappedJsonPath {
@ -137,7 +149,7 @@ class WrappedJsonPath {
template <typename T>
JsonCallbackResult<T> Evaluate(const JsonType* json_entry, JsonPathEvaluateCallback<T> cb,
bool save_first_result, bool legacy_mode_is_enabled) const {
JsonCallbackResult<T> eval_result{legacy_mode_is_enabled, save_first_result};
JsonCallbackResult<T> eval_result{legacy_mode_is_enabled, save_first_result, true};
auto eval_callback = [&cb, &eval_result](std::string_view path, const JsonType& val) {
eval_result.AddValue(cb(path, val));
@ -159,14 +171,17 @@ class WrappedJsonPath {
template <typename T>
OpResult<JsonCallbackResult<T>> Mutate(JsonType* json_entry, JsonPathMutateCallback<T> cb) const {
JsonCallbackResult<T> mutate_result{IsLegacyModePath()};
OpResult<JsonCallbackResult<std::optional<T>>> Mutate(JsonType* json_entry,
JsonPathMutateCallback<T> cb) const {
JsonCallbackResult<std::optional<T>> mutate_result{IsLegacyModePath(), false, false};
auto mutate_callback = [&cb, &mutate_result](std::optional<std::string_view> path,
JsonType* val) -> bool {
auto res = cb(path, val);
if (res.value.has_value()) {
} else if (!mutate_result.IsV1()) {
return res.should_be_deleted;
@ -104,9 +104,7 @@ ParseResult<WrappedJsonPath> ParseJsonPath(std::string_view path) {
namespace reply_generic {
template <typename T> void Send(const std::optional<T>& opt, RedisReplyBuilder* rb);
template <typename T> void Send(const std::vector<T>& vec, RedisReplyBuilder* rb);
template <> void Send(const std::vector<std::string>& vec, RedisReplyBuilder* rb);
template <typename I> void Send(I begin, I end, RedisReplyBuilder* rb);
void Send(bool value, RedisReplyBuilder* rb) {
rb->SendBulkString(value ? "true"sv : "false"sv);
@ -128,6 +126,10 @@ void Send(const std::string& value, RedisReplyBuilder* rb) {
void Send(const std::vector<std::string>& vec, RedisReplyBuilder* rb) {
Send(vec.begin(), vec.end(), rb);
void Send(const JsonType& value, RedisReplyBuilder* rb) {
if (value.is_double()) {
Send(value.as_double(), rb);
@ -164,26 +166,28 @@ template <typename T> void Send(const std::optional<T>& opt, RedisReplyBuilder*
template <typename T> void Send(const std::vector<T>& vec, RedisReplyBuilder* rb) {
if (vec.empty()) {
template <typename I> void Send(I begin, I end, RedisReplyBuilder* rb) {
if (begin == end) {
} else {
for (auto&& x : vec) {
Send(x, rb);
template <> void Send(const std::vector<std::string>& vec, RedisReplyBuilder* rb) {
if (vec.empty()) {
if constexpr (is_same_v<decltype(*begin), const string>) {
rb->SendStringArr(facade::OwnedArgSlice{begin, end});
} else {
rb->StartArray(end - begin);
for (auto i = begin; i != end; ++i) {
Send(*i, rb);
template <typename T> void Send(const JsonCallbackResult<T>& result, RedisReplyBuilder* rb) {
if (result.ShouldSendNil())
return rb->SendNull();
if (result.ShouldSendWrongType())
return rb->SendError(OpStatus::WRONG_JSON_TYPE);
if (result.IsV1()) {
/* The specified path was restricted (JSON legacy mode), then the result consists only of a
* single value */
@ -191,7 +195,8 @@ template <typename T> void Send(const JsonCallbackResult<T>& result, RedisReplyB
} else {
/* The specified path was enhanced (starts with '$'), then the result is an array of multiple
* values */
Send(result.AsV2(), rb);
const auto& arr = result.AsV2();
Send(arr.begin(), arr.end(), rb);
@ -205,6 +210,8 @@ template <typename T> void Send(const OpResult<T>& result, RedisReplyBuilder* rb
} // namespace reply_generic
using OptSize = optional<size_t>;
facade::OpStatus SetJson(const OpArgs& op_args, string_view key, JsonType&& value) {
auto& db_slice = op_args.GetDbSlice();
@ -272,7 +279,7 @@ OpResult<JsonType*> GetJson(const OpArgs& op_args, string_view key) {
// Returns the index of the next right bracket
optional<size_t> GetNextIndex(string_view str) {
OptSize GetNextIndex(string_view str) {
size_t current_idx = 0;
while (current_idx + 1 < str.size()) {
// ignore escaped character after the backslash (e.g. \').
@ -361,7 +368,7 @@ string ConvertToJsonPointer(string_view json_path) {
parts.emplace_back(json_path.substr(0, end_val_idx));
json_path.remove_prefix(end_val_idx + 1);
} else if (is_object) {
optional<size_t> end_val_idx = GetNextIndex(json_path);
OptSize end_val_idx = GetNextIndex(json_path);
if (!end_val_idx) {
invalid_syntax = true;
@ -444,26 +451,9 @@ size_t CountJsonFields(const JsonType& j) {
return res;
template <typename T> struct is_optional : std::false_type {};
template <typename T> struct is_optional<std::optional<T>> : std::true_type {};
template <typename T>
OpResult<JsonCallbackResult<T>> ReturnWrongTypeOnNullOpt(JsonCallbackResult<T> result) {
if constexpr (is_optional<T>::value) {
if (result.IsV1()) {
auto& as_v1 = result.AsV1();
if (!as_v1 || !as_v1.value()) {
return OpStatus::WRONG_JSON_TYPE;
return result;
struct EvaluateOperationOptions {
bool save_first_result = false;
bool return_empty_result_if_key_not_found = false;
bool return_nil_if_key_not_found = false;
template <typename T>
@ -472,16 +462,20 @@ OpResult<JsonCallbackResult<T>> JsonEvaluateOperation(const OpArgs& op_args, std
JsonPathEvaluateCallback<T> cb,
EvaluateOperationOptions options = {}) {
OpResult<JsonType*> result = GetJson(op_args, key);
if (options.return_empty_result_if_key_not_found && result == OpStatus::KEY_NOTFOUND) {
return JsonCallbackResult<T>{};
if (options.return_nil_if_key_not_found && result == OpStatus::KEY_NOTFOUND) {
// GCC 13.1 throws spurious warnings around this code.
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmaybe-uninitialized"
return JsonCallbackResult<T>{true, false, true}; // set legacy mode to return nil
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
return ReturnWrongTypeOnNullOpt(
json_path.Evaluate<T>(result.value(), cb, options.save_first_result));
return json_path.Evaluate<T>(*result, cb, options.save_first_result);
template <typename T>
OpResult<JsonCallbackResult<T>> UpdateEntry(const OpArgs& op_args, std::string_view key,
OpResult<JsonCallbackResult<optional<T>>> UpdateEntry(const OpArgs& op_args, std::string_view key,
const WrappedJsonPath& json_path,
JsonPathMutateCallback<T> cb,
JsonReplaceVerify verify_op = {}) {
@ -507,7 +501,7 @@ OpResult<JsonCallbackResult<T>> UpdateEntry(const OpArgs& op_args, std::string_v
op_args.shard->search_indices()->AddDoc(key, op_args.db_cntx, pv);
return ReturnWrongTypeOnNullOpt(*std::move(mutate_res));
return mutate_res;
bool LegacyModeIsEnabled(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string_view, WrappedJsonPath>>& paths) {
@ -561,6 +555,8 @@ OpResult<std::string> OpJsonGet(const OpArgs& op_args, string_view key,
DCHECK(legacy_mode_is_enabled == eval_result.IsV1());
if (eval_result.IsV1()) {
if (eval_result.Empty())
return nullopt;
return eval_result.AsV1();
@ -598,45 +594,43 @@ auto OpType(const OpArgs& op_args, string_view key, const WrappedJsonPath& json_
return JsonEvaluateOperation<std::string>(op_args, key, json_path, std::move(cb), {false, true});
OpResult<JsonCallbackResult<std::optional<size_t>>> OpStrLen(const OpArgs& op_args, string_view key,
OpResult<JsonCallbackResult<OptSize>> OpStrLen(const OpArgs& op_args, string_view key,
const WrappedJsonPath& json_path) {
auto cb = [](const string_view&, const JsonType& val) -> std::optional<std::size_t> {
auto cb = [](const string_view&, const JsonType& val) -> OptSize {
if (val.is_string()) {
return val.as_string_view().size();
} else {
return std::nullopt;
return nullopt;
return JsonEvaluateOperation<std::optional<std::size_t>>(op_args, key, json_path, std::move(cb),
{true, true});
return JsonEvaluateOperation<OptSize>(op_args, key, json_path, std::move(cb), {true, true});
OpResult<JsonCallbackResult<std::optional<size_t>>> OpObjLen(const OpArgs& op_args, string_view key,
OpResult<JsonCallbackResult<OptSize>> OpObjLen(const OpArgs& op_args, string_view key,
const WrappedJsonPath& json_path) {
auto cb = [](const string_view&, const JsonType& val) -> std::optional<std::size_t> {
auto cb = [](const string_view&, const JsonType& val) -> optional<size_t> {
if (val.is_object()) {
return val.size();
} else {
return std::nullopt;
return nullopt;
return JsonEvaluateOperation<std::optional<std::size_t>>(op_args, key, json_path, std::move(cb),
{true, true});
return JsonEvaluateOperation<OptSize>(op_args, key, json_path, std::move(cb),
{true, json_path.IsLegacyModePath()});
OpResult<JsonCallbackResult<std::optional<size_t>>> OpArrLen(const OpArgs& op_args, string_view key,
OpResult<JsonCallbackResult<OptSize>> OpArrLen(const OpArgs& op_args, string_view key,
const WrappedJsonPath& json_path) {
auto cb = [](const string_view&, const JsonType& val) -> std::optional<std::size_t> {
auto cb = [](const string_view&, const JsonType& val) -> OptSize {
if (val.is_array()) {
return val.size();
} else {
return std::nullopt;
return JsonEvaluateOperation<std::optional<std::size_t>>(op_args, key, json_path, std::move(cb),
{true, true});
return JsonEvaluateOperation<OptSize>(op_args, key, json_path, std::move(cb), {true, true});
template <typename T>
@ -649,7 +643,7 @@ auto OpToggle(const OpArgs& op_args, string_view key,
*val = next_val;
return {false, next_val};
return {false, std::nullopt};
return {};
return UpdateEntry<std::optional<T>>(op_args, key, json_path, std::move(cb));
@ -825,18 +819,16 @@ auto OpObjKeys(const OpArgs& op_args, string_view key, const WrappedJsonPath& js
return vec;
return JsonEvaluateOperation<StringVec>(op_args, key, json_path, std::move(cb), {true, true});
return JsonEvaluateOperation<StringVec>(op_args, key, json_path, std::move(cb),
{true, json_path.IsLegacyModePath()});
using StrAppendResult = std::optional<std::size_t>;
OpResult<JsonCallbackResult<StrAppendResult>> OpStrAppend(const OpArgs& op_args, string_view key,
const WrappedJsonPath& path,
string_view value) {
auto cb = [&](std::optional<std::string_view>,
JsonType* val) -> MutateCallbackResult<StrAppendResult> {
OpResult<JsonCallbackResult<OptSize>> OpStrAppend(const OpArgs& op_args, string_view key,
const WrappedJsonPath& path, string_view value) {
auto cb = [&](optional<string_view>, JsonType* val) -> MutateCallbackResult<size_t> {
if (!val->is_string())
return {false, std::nullopt};
return {};
string new_val = absl::StrCat(val->as_string_view(), value);
size_t len = new_val.size();
@ -844,7 +836,7 @@ OpResult<JsonCallbackResult<StrAppendResult>> OpStrAppend(const OpArgs& op_args,
return {false, len}; // do not delete, new value len
return UpdateEntry<StrAppendResult>(op_args, key, path, std::move(cb));
return UpdateEntry<size_t>(op_args, key, path, std::move(cb));
// Returns the numbers of values cleared.
@ -878,9 +870,9 @@ OpResult<long> OpClear(const OpArgs& op_args, string_view key, const WrappedJson
// Returns string vector that represents the pop out values.
auto OpArrPop(const OpArgs& op_args, string_view key, WrappedJsonPath& path, int index) {
auto cb = [index](std::optional<std::string_view>,
JsonType* val) -> MutateCallbackResult<std::optional<std::string>> {
JsonType* val) -> MutateCallbackResult<std::string> {
if (!val->is_array() || val->empty()) {
return {false, std::nullopt};
return {};
size_t removal_index;
@ -907,16 +899,15 @@ auto OpArrPop(const OpArgs& op_args, string_view key, WrappedJsonPath& path, int
return {false, std::move(str)};
return UpdateEntry<std::optional<std::string>>(op_args, key, path, std::move(cb));
return UpdateEntry<std::string>(op_args, key, path, std::move(cb));
// Returns numeric vector that represents the new length of the array at each path.
auto OpArrTrim(const OpArgs& op_args, string_view key, const WrappedJsonPath& path, int start_index,
int stop_index) {
auto cb = [&](std::optional<std::string_view>,
JsonType* val) -> MutateCallbackResult<std::optional<std::size_t>> {
auto cb = [&](optional<string_view>, JsonType* val) -> MutateCallbackResult<size_t> {
if (!val->is_array()) {
return {false, std::nullopt};
return {};
if (val->empty()) {
@ -950,33 +941,32 @@ auto OpArrTrim(const OpArgs& op_args, string_view key, const WrappedJsonPath& pa
*val = jsoncons::json_array<JsonType>(trim_start_it, trim_end_it);
return {false, val->size()};
return UpdateEntry<std::optional<std::size_t>>(op_args, key, path, std::move(cb));
return UpdateEntry<size_t>(op_args, key, path, std::move(cb));
// Returns numeric vector that represents the new length of the array at each path.
OpResult<JsonCallbackResult<std::optional<std::size_t>>> OpArrInsert(
const OpArgs& op_args, string_view key, const WrappedJsonPath& json_path, int index,
OpResult<JsonCallbackResult<OptSize>> OpArrInsert(const OpArgs& op_args, string_view key,
const WrappedJsonPath& json_path, int index,
const vector<JsonType>& new_values) {
bool out_of_boundaries_encountered = false;
// Insert user-supplied value into the supplied index that should be valid.
// If at least one index isn't valid within an array in the json doc, the operation is discarded.
// Negative indexes start from the end of the array.
auto cb = [&](std::optional<std::string_view>,
JsonType* val) -> MutateCallbackResult<std::optional<std::size_t>> {
auto cb = [&](std::optional<std::string_view>, JsonType* val) -> MutateCallbackResult<size_t> {
if (out_of_boundaries_encountered) {
return {};
if (!val->is_array()) {
return {false, std::nullopt};
return {};
size_t removal_index;
if (index < 0) {
if (val->empty()) {
out_of_boundaries_encountered = true;
return {false, std::nullopt};
return {};
int temp_index = index + val->size();
@ -1003,7 +993,7 @@ OpResult<JsonCallbackResult<std::optional<std::size_t>>> OpArrInsert(
return {false, val->size()};
auto res = UpdateEntry<std::optional<std::size_t>>(op_args, key, json_path, std::move(cb));
auto res = UpdateEntry<size_t>(op_args, key, json_path, std::move(cb));
if (out_of_boundaries_encountered) {
return OpStatus::OUT_OF_RANGE;
@ -1015,7 +1005,7 @@ auto OpArrAppend(const OpArgs& op_args, string_view key, const WrappedJsonPath&
auto cb = [&](std::optional<std::string_view>,
JsonType* val) -> MutateCallbackResult<std::optional<std::size_t>> {
if (!val->is_array()) {
return {false, std::nullopt};
return {};
for (auto& new_val : append_values) {
@ -1316,8 +1306,11 @@ void JsonFamily::Set(CmdArgList args, ConnectionContext* cntx) {
WrappedJsonPath json_path = GET_OR_SEND_UNEXPECTED(ParseJsonPath(path));
bool is_nx_condition = static_cast<bool>(parser.Check("NX"));
bool is_xx_condition = static_cast<bool>(parser.Check("XX"));
int res = parser.HasNext() ? parser.Switch("NX", 1, "XX", 2) : 0;
bool is_xx_condition = (res == 2), is_nx_condition = (res == 1);
if (parser.Error() || parser.HasNext()) // also clear the parser error dcheck
return cntx->SendError(kSyntaxErr);
auto cb = [&](Transaction* t, EngineShard* shard) {
return OpSet(t->GetOpArgs(shard), key, path, json_path, json_str, is_nx_condition,
@ -1472,7 +1465,7 @@ void JsonFamily::MGet(CmdArgList args, ConnectionContext* cntx) {
auto* rb = static_cast<RedisReplyBuilder*>(cntx->reply_builder());
reply_generic::Send(results, rb);
reply_generic::Send(results.begin(), results.end(), rb);
void JsonFamily::ArrIndex(CmdArgList args, ConnectionContext* cntx) {
@ -1908,7 +1901,7 @@ void JsonFamily::Register(CommandRegistry* registry) {
*registry << CI{"JSON.STRLEN", CO::READONLY | CO::FAST, -2, 1, 1, acl::JSON}.HFUNC(StrLen);
*registry << CI{"JSON.OBJLEN", CO::READONLY | CO::FAST, -2, 1, 1, acl::JSON}.HFUNC(ObjLen);
*registry << CI{"JSON.ARRLEN", CO::READONLY | CO::FAST, -2, 1, 1, acl::JSON}.HFUNC(ArrLen);
*registry << CI{"JSON.TOGGLE", CO::WRITE | CO::FAST, -2, 1, 1, acl::JSON}.HFUNC(Toggle);
*registry << CI{"JSON.TOGGLE", CO::WRITE | CO::FAST, 3, 1, 1, acl::JSON}.HFUNC(Toggle);
*registry << CI{"JSON.NUMINCRBY", CO::WRITE | CO::FAST, 4, 1, 1, acl::JSON}.HFUNC(NumIncrBy);
*registry << CI{"JSON.NUMMULTBY", CO::WRITE | CO::FAST, 4, 1, 1, acl::JSON}.HFUNC(NumMultBy);
*registry << CI{"JSON.DEL", CO::WRITE, -2, 1, 1, acl::JSON}.HFUNC(Del);
@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ TEST_F(JsonFamilyTest, Type) {
"object", "array")));
resp = Run({"JSON.TYPE", "json", "$[10]"});
EXPECT_THAT(resp.GetVec(), IsEmpty());
EXPECT_THAT(resp, ArrLen(0));
resp = Run({"JSON.TYPE", "not_exist_key", "$[10]"});
EXPECT_THAT(resp, ArgType(RespExpr::NIL));
@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ TEST_F(JsonFamilyTest, ObjLen) {
EXPECT_THAT(resp, IntArg(3));
resp = Run({"JSON.OBJLEN", "non_existent_key", "$.a"});
EXPECT_THAT(resp, ArgType(RespExpr::NIL));
EXPECT_THAT(resp, ErrArg("no such key"));
Test response from several possible values
@ -515,7 +515,6 @@ TEST_F(JsonFamilyTest, ObjLenLegacy) {
ASSERT_THAT(resp, "OK");
/* Test simple response from only one value */
resp = Run({"JSON.STRLEN", "json"});
EXPECT_THAT(resp, ErrArg("wrong JSON type of path value"));
@ -523,7 +522,7 @@ TEST_F(JsonFamilyTest, ObjLenLegacy) {
EXPECT_THAT(resp, IntArg(0));
resp = Run({"JSON.OBJLEN", "json", ".a.*"});
EXPECT_THAT(resp, ErrArg("wrong JSON type of path value"));
EXPECT_THAT(resp, ArgType(RespExpr::NIL));
resp = Run({"JSON.OBJLEN", "json", ".b"});
EXPECT_THAT(resp, IntArg(1));
@ -540,6 +539,9 @@ TEST_F(JsonFamilyTest, ObjLenLegacy) {
resp = Run({"JSON.OBJLEN", "non_existent_key", ".a"});
EXPECT_THAT(resp, ArgType(RespExpr::NIL));
resp = Run({"JSON.OBJLEN", "json", ".none"});
EXPECT_THAT(resp, ArgType(RespExpr::NIL));
Test response from several possible values
In JSON legacy mode, the response contains only one value - the first object's length.
@ -580,7 +582,7 @@ TEST_F(JsonFamilyTest, ArrLen) {
resp = Run({"JSON.OBJLEN", "non_existent_key", "$[*]"});
EXPECT_THAT(resp, ArgType(RespExpr::NIL));
EXPECT_THAT(resp, ErrArg("no such key"));
TEST_F(JsonFamilyTest, ArrLenLegacy) {
@ -656,7 +658,7 @@ TEST_F(JsonFamilyTest, ToggleLegacy) {
ASSERT_THAT(resp, "OK");
resp = Run({"JSON.TOGGLE", "json"});
EXPECT_THAT(resp, ErrArg("wrong JSON type of path value"));
EXPECT_THAT(resp, ErrArg("wrong number of arguments"));
resp = Run({"JSON.TOGGLE", "json", ".*"});
EXPECT_EQ(resp, "true");
@ -1520,7 +1522,6 @@ TEST_F(JsonFamilyTest, StrAppendLegacyMode) {
resp = Run({"JSON.STRAPPEND", "json", ".b.*", kVal});
ASSERT_THAT(resp, ArgType(RespExpr::INT64));
EXPECT_THAT(resp, IntArg(2));
resp = Run({"JSON.GET", "json"});
@ -549,10 +549,13 @@ def test_type(r: redis.Redis):
data = {k: {"a": meta_data[k]} for k in meta_data}
r.json().set("doc1", "$", data)
# Test multi
assert r.json().type("doc1", "$..a") == [
k.encode() for k in meta_data.keys()
] # noqa: E721
# Dragonfly does not guarantee the traversal order for multi field traversal
# json.type api assumes a predefined order and is not designed very well.
# Test multi by comparing unordered sets
assert set(r.json().type("doc1", "$..a")) == set(
[k.encode() for k in meta_data.keys()]
) # noqa: E721
# Test single
assert r.json().type("doc1", "$.integer.a") == [b"integer"] # noqa: E721
@ -614,7 +617,9 @@ def test_objkeys(r: redis.Redis):
assert exp == keys
r.json().set("obj", Path.root_path(), obj)
assert r.json().objkeys("obj") == list(obj.keys())
# Dragonfly does not guarantee the order (implementation detail)
assert set(r.json().objkeys("obj")) == obj.keys()
assert r.json().objkeys("fakekey") is None
@ -629,10 +634,10 @@ def test_objkeys(r: redis.Redis):
# Test single
assert r.json().objkeys("doc1", "$.nested1.a") == [[b"foo", b"bar"]]
assert set(r.json().objkeys("doc1", "$.nested1.a")[0]) == {b"foo", b"bar"}
# Test legacy
assert r.json().objkeys("doc1", ".*.a") == ["foo", "bar"]
assert set(r.json().objkeys("doc1", ".*.a")) == {"foo", "bar"}
# Test single
assert r.json().objkeys("doc1", ".nested2.a") == ["baz"]
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