mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 06:46:48 +00:00
removed example for no longer existing relay messages cleaned up comments Removed some remaings after REQToFileNACK Implemented env variables for all flags, and removed config flag. Also added use of .env file. removed configuration as input argument from all the loggers replaced logging of new messages in read folder with a logDebug so we don't send those messages to the error kernel
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1019 lines
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package ctrl
import (
// "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors"
// processKind are either kindSubscriber or kindPublisher, and are
// used to distinguish the kind of process to spawn and to know
// the process kind put in the process map.
type processKind string
const (
processKindSubscriber processKind = "subscriber"
processKindPublisher processKind = "publisher"
// process holds all the logic to handle a message type and it's
// method, subscription/publishin messages for a subject, and more.
type process struct {
// isSubProcess is used to indentify subprocesses spawned by other processes.
isSubProcess bool
// isLongRunningPublisher is set to true for a publisher service that should not
// be auto terminated like a normal autospawned publisher would be when the the
// inactivity timeout have expired
isLongRunningPublisher bool
// server
server *server
// messageID
messageID int
// the subject used for the specific process. One process
// can contain only one sender on a message bus, hence
// also one subject
subject Subject
// Put a node here to be able know the node a process is at.
node Node
// The processID for the current process
processID int
processKind processKind
// methodsAvailable
methodsAvailable MethodsAvailable
// procFunc is a function that will be started when a worker process
// is started. If a procFunc is registered when creating a new process
// the procFunc will be started as a go routine when the process is started,
// and stopped when the process is stopped.
// A procFunc can be started both for publishing and subscriber processes.
// When used with a subscriber process the usecase is most likely to handle
// some kind of state needed for a request type. The handlers themselves
// can not hold state since they are only called once per message received,
// and exits when the message is handled leaving no state behind. With a procfunc
// we can have a process function running at all times tied to the process, and
// this function can be able to hold the state needed in a certain scenario.
// With a subscriber handler you generally take the message in the handler and
// pass it on to the procFunc by putting it on the procFuncCh<-, and the
// message can then be read from the procFuncCh inside the procFunc, and we
// can do some further work on it, for example update registry for metrics that
// is needed for that specific request type.
// With a publisher process you can attach a static function that will do some
// work to a request type, and publish the result.
// procFunc's can also be used to wrap in other types which we want to
// work with. An example can be handling of metrics which the message
// have no notion of, but a procFunc can have that wrapped in from when it was constructed.
procFunc func(ctx context.Context, procFuncCh chan Message) error
// The channel to send a messages to the procFunc go routine.
// This is typically used within the methodHandler for so we
// can pass messages between the procFunc and the handler.
procFuncCh chan Message
// copy of the configuration from server
configuration *Configuration
// The new messages channel copied from *Server
toRingbufferCh chan<- []subjectAndMessage
// The structure who holds all processes information
processes *processes
// nats connection
natsConn *nats.Conn
// natsSubscription returned when calling natsConn.Subscribe
natsSubscription *nats.Subscription
// context
ctx context.Context
// context cancelFunc
ctxCancel context.CancelFunc
// Process name
processName processName
// handler is used to directly attach a handler to a process upon
// creation of the process, like when a process is spawning a sub
// process like REQCopySrc do. If we're not spawning a sub process
// and it is a regular process the handler to use is found with the
// getHandler method
handler func(proc process, message Message, node string) ([]byte, error)
// startup holds the startup functions for starting up publisher
// or subscriber processes
startup *startup
// Signatures
nodeAuth *nodeAuth
// centralAuth
centralAuth *centralAuth
// errorKernel
errorKernel *errorKernel
// metrics
metrics *metrics
// prepareNewProcess will set the the provided values and the default
// values for a process.
func newProcess(ctx context.Context, server *server, subject Subject, processKind processKind) process {
// create the initial configuration for a sessions communicating with 1 host process.
pid := server.processes.lastProcessID
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
var method Method
proc := process{
server: server,
messageID: 0,
subject: subject,
node: Node(server.configuration.NodeName),
processID: pid,
processKind: processKind,
methodsAvailable: method.GetMethodsAvailable(),
toRingbufferCh: server.samToSendCh,
configuration: server.configuration,
processes: server.processes,
natsConn: server.natsConn,
ctx: ctx,
ctxCancel: cancel,
startup: newStartup(server),
nodeAuth: server.nodeAuth,
centralAuth: server.centralAuth,
errorKernel: server.errorKernel,
metrics: server.metrics,
// We use the full name of the subject to identify a unique
// process. We can do that since a process can only handle
// one message queue.
if proc.processKind == processKindPublisher {
proc.processName = processNameGet(proc.subject.name(), processKindPublisher)
if proc.processKind == processKindSubscriber {
proc.processName = processNameGet(proc.subject.name(), processKindSubscriber)
return proc
// The purpose of this function is to check if we should start a
// publisher or subscriber process, where a process is a go routine
// that will handle either sending or receiving messages on one
// subject.
// It will give the process the next available ID, and also add the
// process to the processes map in the server structure.
func (p process) spawnWorker() {
// Add prometheus metrics for the process.
if !p.isSubProcess {
p.metrics.promProcessesAllRunning.With(prometheus.Labels{"processName": string(p.processName)})
// Start a publisher worker, which will start a go routine (process)
// That will take care of all the messages for the subject it owns.
if p.processKind == processKindPublisher {
// Start a subscriber worker, which will start a go routine (process)
// That will take care of all the messages for the subject it owns.
if p.processKind == processKindSubscriber {
// Add information about the new process to the started processes map.
p.processes.active.procNames[p.processName] = p
er := fmt.Errorf("successfully started process: %v", p.processName)
func (p process) startPublisher() {
// If there is a procFunc for the process, start it.
if p.procFunc != nil {
// Initialize the channel for communication between the proc and
// the procFunc.
p.procFuncCh = make(chan Message)
// Start the procFunc in it's own anonymous func so we are able
// to get the return error.
go func() {
err := p.procFunc(p.ctx, p.procFuncCh)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: spawnWorker: start procFunc failed: %v", err)
p.errorKernel.errSend(p, Message{}, er, logError)
go p.publishMessages(p.natsConn)
func (p process) startSubscriber() {
// If there is a procFunc for the process, start it.
if p.procFunc != nil {
// Initialize the channel for communication between the proc and
// the procFunc.
p.procFuncCh = make(chan Message)
// Start the procFunc in it's own anonymous func so we are able
// to get the return error.
go func() {
err := p.procFunc(p.ctx, p.procFuncCh)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: spawnWorker: start procFunc failed: %v", err)
p.errorKernel.errSend(p, Message{}, er, logError)
p.natsSubscription = p.subscribeMessages()
// We also need to be able to remove all the information about this process
// when the process context is canceled.
go func() {
err := p.natsSubscription.Unsubscribe()
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: spawnWorker: got <-ctx.Done, but unable to unsubscribe natsSubscription failed: %v", err)
p.errorKernel.errSend(p, Message{}, er, logError)
delete(p.processes.active.procNames, p.processName)
er := fmt.Errorf("successfully stopped process: %v", p.processName)
var (
ErrACKSubscribeRetry = errors.New("ctrl: retrying to subscribe for ack message")
// messageDeliverNats will create the Nats message with headers and payload.
// It will also take care of the delivering the message that is converted to
// gob or cbor format as a nats.Message. It will also take care of checking
// timeouts and retries specified for the message.
func (p process) messageDeliverNats(natsMsgPayload []byte, natsMsgHeader nats.Header, natsConn *nats.Conn, message Message) {
retryAttempts := 0
if message.RetryWait <= 0 {
message.RetryWait = 0
// The for loop will run until the message is delivered successfully,
// or that retries are reached.
for {
msg := &nats.Msg{
Subject: string(p.subject.name()),
// Subject: fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.%s", proc.node, "command", "CLICommandRequest"),
// Structure of the reply message are:
// <nodename>.<message type>.<method>.reply
Reply: fmt.Sprintf("%s.reply", p.subject.name()),
Data: natsMsgPayload,
Header: natsMsgHeader,
er := fmt.Errorf("info: preparing to send nats message with subject %v, id: %v", msg.Subject, message.ID)
var err error
switch {
// If it is a NACK message we just deliver the message and return
// here so we don't create a ACK message and then stop waiting for it.
case message.ACKTimeout < 1:
err = func() error {
err := natsConn.PublishMsg(msg)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: nats publish for message with subject failed: %v", err)
return ErrACKSubscribeRetry
// The remaining logic is for handling ACK messages, so we return here
// since it was a NACK message, and all or now done.
return nil
case message.ACKTimeout >= 1:
// The function below will return nil if the message should not be retried.
// All other errors happening will return ErrACKSubscribeRetry which will lead
// to a 'continue' for the for loop when checking the error directly after this
// function is called
err = func() error {
defer func() { retryAttempts++ }()
if retryAttempts > message.Retries {
// max retries reached
er := fmt.Errorf("info: toNode: %v, fromNode: %v, subject: %v, methodArgs: %v: max retries reached, check if node is up and running and if it got a subscriber started for the given REQ type", message.ToNode, message.FromNode, msg.Subject, message.MethodArgs)
// We do not want to send errorLogs for REQErrorLog type since
// it will just cause an endless loop.
if message.Method != REQErrorLog {
p.errorKernel.infoSend(p, message, er)
return nil
er := fmt.Errorf("send attempt:%v, max retries: %v, ack timeout: %v, message.ID: %v, method: %v, toNode: %v", retryAttempts, message.Retries, message.ACKTimeout, message.ID, message.Method, message.ToNode)
// The SubscribeSync used in the subscriber, will get messages that
// are sent after it started subscribing.
// Create a subscriber for the ACK reply message.
subReply, err := natsConn.SubscribeSync(msg.Reply)
defer func() {
err := subReply.Unsubscribe()
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: nats SubscribeSync: failed when unsubscribing for ACK: %v", err)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: nats SubscribeSync failed: failed to create reply message for subject: %v, error: %v", msg.Reply, err)
// sendErrorLogMessage(p.toRingbufferCh, node(p.node), er)
er = fmt.Errorf("%v, waiting equal to RetryWait %ds before retrying", er, message.RetryWait)
time.Sleep(time.Second * time.Duration(message.RetryWait))
return ErrACKSubscribeRetry
// Publish message
err = natsConn.PublishMsg(msg)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: nats publish failed: %v, waiting equal to RetryWait of %ds before retrying", err, message.RetryWait)
// sendErrorLogMessage(p.toRingbufferCh, node(p.node), er)
time.Sleep(time.Second * time.Duration(message.RetryWait))
return ErrACKSubscribeRetry
// Wait up until ACKTimeout specified for a reply,
// continue and resend if no reply received,
// or exit if max retries for the message reached.
// The nats.Msg returned is discarded with '_' since
// we don't use it.
_, err = subReply.NextMsg(time.Second * time.Duration(message.ACKTimeout))
if err != nil {
switch {
case err == nats.ErrNoResponders || err == nats.ErrTimeout:
er := fmt.Errorf("error: ack receive failed: waiting for %v seconds before retrying: subject=%v: %v", message.RetryWait, p.subject.name(), err)
time.Sleep(time.Second * time.Duration(message.RetryWait))
return ErrACKSubscribeRetry
case err == nats.ErrBadSubscription || err == nats.ErrConnectionClosed:
er := fmt.Errorf("error: ack receive failed: conneciton closed or bad subscription, will not retry message: subject=%v: %v", p.subject.name(), err)
return er
er := fmt.Errorf("error: ack receive failed: the error was not defined, check if nats client have been updated with new error values, and update ctrl to handle the new error type: subject=%v: %v", p.subject.name(), err)
return er
return nil
if err == ErrACKSubscribeRetry {
if err != nil {
// All error printing are handled within the function that returns
// the error, so we do nothing and return.
// No more trying to deliver the message
// Message were delivered successfully.
er = fmt.Errorf("info: sent nats message with subject %v, id: %v", msg.Subject, message.ID)
// messageSubscriberHandler will deserialize the message when a new message is
// received, check the MessageType field in the message to decide what
// kind of message it is and then it will check how to handle that message type,
// and then call the correct method handler for it.
// This handler function should be started in it's own go routine,so
// one individual handler is started per message received so we can keep
// the state of the message being processed, and then reply back to the
// correct sending process's reply, meaning so we ACK back to the correct
// publisher.
func (p process) messageSubscriberHandler(natsConn *nats.Conn, thisNode string, msg *nats.Msg, subject string) {
// Variable to hold a copy of the message data, so we don't mess with
// the original data since the original is a pointer value.
msgData := make([]byte, len(msg.Data))
copy(msgData, msg.Data)
// fmt.Printf(" * DEBUG: header value on subscriberHandler: %v\n", msg.Header)
// If debugging is enabled, print the source node name of the nats messages received.
if val, ok := msg.Header["fromNode"]; ok {
er := fmt.Errorf("info: nats message received from %v, with subject %v ", val, subject)
// If compression is used, decompress it to get the gob data. If
// compression is not used it is the gob encoded data we already
// got in msgData so we do nothing with it.
if val, ok := msg.Header["cmp"]; ok {
switch val[0] {
case "z":
zr, err := zstd.NewReader(nil)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: zstd NewReader failed: %v", err)
p.errorKernel.errSend(p, Message{}, er, logWarning)
msgData, err = zr.DecodeAll(msg.Data, nil)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: zstd decoding failed: %v", err)
p.errorKernel.errSend(p, Message{}, er, logWarning)
case "g":
r := bytes.NewReader(msgData)
gr, err := gzip.NewReader(r)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: gzip NewReader failed: %v", err)
p.errorKernel.errSend(p, Message{}, er, logError)
b, err := io.ReadAll(gr)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: gzip ReadAll failed: %v", err)
p.errorKernel.errSend(p, Message{}, er, logWarning)
msgData = b
message := Message{}
// Check if serialization is specified.
// Will default to gob serialization if nothing or non existing value is specified.
if val, ok := msg.Header["serial"]; ok {
// fmt.Printf(" * DEBUG: ok = %v, map = %v, len of val = %v\n", ok, msg.Header, len(val))
switch val[0] {
case "cbor":
err := cbor.Unmarshal(msgData, &message)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: cbor decoding failed, subject: %v, header: %v, error: %v", subject, msg.Header, err)
p.errorKernel.errSend(p, message, er, logError)
default: // Deaults to gob if no match was found.
r := bytes.NewReader(msgData)
gobDec := gob.NewDecoder(r)
err := gobDec.Decode(&message)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: gob decoding failed, subject: %v, header: %v, error: %v", subject, msg.Header, err)
p.errorKernel.errSend(p, message, er, logError)
} else {
// Default to gob if serialization flag was not specified.
r := bytes.NewReader(msgData)
gobDec := gob.NewDecoder(r)
err := gobDec.Decode(&message)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: gob decoding failed, subject: %v, header: %v, error: %v", subject, msg.Header, err)
p.errorKernel.errSend(p, message, er, logError)
// Check if it is an ACK or NACK message, and do the appropriate action accordingly.
// With ACK messages ctrl will keep the state of the message delivery, and try to
// resend the message if an ACK is not received within the timeout/retries specified
// in the message.
// When a process sends an ACK message, it will stop and wait for the nats-reply message
// for the time specified in the replyTimeout value. If no reply message is received
// within the given timeout the publishing process will try to resend the message for
// number of times specified in the retries field of the ctrl message.
// When receiving a ctrl-message with ACK enabled we send a message back the the
// node where the message originated using the msg.Reply subject field of the nats-message.
// With NACK messages we do not send a nats reply message, so the message will only be
// sent from the publisher once, and if it is not delivered it will not be retried.
switch {
// Check for ACK type Event.
case message.ACKTimeout >= 1:
er := fmt.Errorf("subscriberHandler: received ACK message: %v, from: %v, id:%v", message.Method, message.FromNode, message.ID)
// When spawning sub processes we can directly assign handlers to the process upon
// creation. We here check if a handler is already assigned, and if it is nil, we
// lookup and find the correct handler to use if available.
if p.handler == nil {
// Look up the method handler for the specified method.
mh, ok := p.methodsAvailable.CheckIfExists(message.Method)
p.handler = mh
if !ok {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: subscriberHandler: no such method type: %v", p.subject.Method)
p.errorKernel.errSend(p, message, er, logWarning)
//var err error
_ = p.callHandler(message, thisNode)
// Send a confirmation message back to the publisher to ACK that the
// message was received by the subscriber. The reply should be sent
// no matter if the handler was executed successfully or not
natsConn.Publish(msg.Reply, []byte{})
case message.ACKTimeout < 1:
er := fmt.Errorf("subscriberHandler: received NACK message: %v, from: %v, id:%v", message.Method, message.FromNode, message.ID)
// When spawning sub processes we can directly assign handlers to the process upon
// creation. We here check if a handler is already assigned, and if it is nil, we
// lookup and find the correct handler to use if available.
if p.handler == nil {
// Look up the method handler for the specified method.
mh, ok := p.methodsAvailable.CheckIfExists(message.Method)
p.handler = mh
if !ok {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: subscriberHandler: no such method type: %v", p.subject.Method)
p.errorKernel.errSend(p, message, er, logWarning)
// We do not send reply messages for EventNACL, so we can discard the output.
_ = p.callHandler(message, thisNode)
er := fmt.Errorf("info: did not find that specific type of event: %#v", p.subject.Method)
p.errorKernel.infoSend(p, message, er)
// callHandler will call the handler for the Request type defined in the message.
// If checking signatures and/or acl's are enabled the signatures they will be
// verified, and if OK the handler is called.
func (p process) callHandler(message Message, thisNode string) []byte {
//out := []byte{}
// Call the handler if ACL/signature checking returns true.
// If the handler is to be called in a scheduled manner, we we take care of that too.
go func() {
switch p.verifySigOrAclFlag(message) {
case true:
executeHandler(p, message, thisNode)
case false:
// ACL/Signature checking failed.
er := fmt.Errorf("error: subscriberHandler: ACL were verified not-OK, doing nothing")
p.errorKernel.errSend(p, message, er, logWarning)
return []byte{}
// executeHandler will call the handler for the Request type defined in the message.
func executeHandler(p process, message Message, thisNode string) {
var err error
// Check if it is a message to run scheduled.
var interval int
var totalTime int
var runAsScheduled bool
switch {
case len(message.Schedule) < 2:
// Not at scheduled message,
case len(message.Schedule) == 2:
interval = message.Schedule[0]
totalTime = message.Schedule[1]
case interval > 0 && totalTime > 0:
runAsScheduled = true
if p.configuration.EnableAclCheck {
// Either ACL were verified OK, or ACL/Signature check was not enabled, so we call the handler.
er := fmt.Errorf("info: subscriberHandler: Either ACL were verified OK, or ACL/Signature check was not enabled, so we call the handler: %v", true)
switch {
case !runAsScheduled:
go func() {
_, err = p.handler(p, message, thisNode)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: subscriberHandler: handler method failed: %v", err)
p.errorKernel.errSend(p, message, er, logError)
case runAsScheduled:
// Create two tickers to use for the scheduling.
intervalTicker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * time.Duration(interval))
totalTimeTicker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * time.Duration(totalTime))
defer intervalTicker.Stop()
defer totalTimeTicker.Stop()
// Run the handler once, so we don't have to wait for the first ticker.
go func() {
_, err := p.handler(p, message, thisNode)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: subscriberHandler: handler method failed: %v", err)
p.errorKernel.errSend(p, message, er, logError)
for {
select {
case <-p.ctx.Done():
er := fmt.Errorf("info: subscriberHandler: proc ctx done: toNode=%v, fromNode=%v, method=%v, methodArgs=%v", message.ToNode, message.FromNode, message.Method, message.MethodArgs)
case <-totalTimeTicker.C:
// Total time reached. End the process.
er := fmt.Errorf("info: subscriberHandler: schedule totalTime done: toNode=%v, fromNode=%v, method=%v, methodArgs=%v", message.ToNode, message.FromNode, message.Method, message.MethodArgs)
case <-intervalTicker.C:
go func() {
_, err := p.handler(p, message, thisNode)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: subscriberHandler: handler method failed: %v", err)
p.errorKernel.errSend(p, message, er, logError)
// verifySigOrAclFlag will do signature and/or acl checking based on which of
// those features are enabled, and then call the handler.
// The handler will also be called if neither signature or acl checking is enabled
// since it is up to the subscriber to decide if it want to use the auth features
// or not.
func (p process) verifySigOrAclFlag(message Message) bool {
doHandler := false
switch {
// If no checking enabled we should just allow the message.
case !p.nodeAuth.configuration.EnableSignatureCheck && !p.nodeAuth.configuration.EnableAclCheck:
//log.Printf(" * DEBUG: verify acl/sig: no acl or signature checking at all is enabled, ALLOW the message, method=%v\n", message.Method)
doHandler = true
// If only sig check enabled, and sig OK, we should allow the message.
case p.nodeAuth.configuration.EnableSignatureCheck && !p.nodeAuth.configuration.EnableAclCheck:
sigOK := p.nodeAuth.verifySignature(message)
er := fmt.Errorf("verifySigOrAclFlag: verify acl/sig: Only signature checking enabled, ALLOW the message if sigOK, sigOK=%v, method %v", sigOK, message.Method)
if sigOK {
doHandler = true
// If both sig and acl check enabled, and sig and acl OK, we should allow the message.
case p.nodeAuth.configuration.EnableSignatureCheck && p.nodeAuth.configuration.EnableAclCheck:
sigOK := p.nodeAuth.verifySignature(message)
aclOK := p.nodeAuth.verifyAcl(message)
er := fmt.Errorf("verifySigOrAclFlag: verify acl/sig:both signature and acl checking enabled, allow the message if sigOK and aclOK, or method is not REQCliCommand, sigOK=%v, aclOK=%v, method=%v", sigOK, aclOK, message.Method)
if sigOK && aclOK {
doHandler = true
// none of the verification options matched, we should keep the default value
// of doHandler=false, so the handler is not done.
er := fmt.Errorf("verifySigOrAclFlag: verify acl/sig: None of the verify flags matched, not doing handler for message, method=%v", message.Method)
return doHandler
// SubscribeMessage will register the Nats callback function for the specified
// nats subject. This allows us to receive Nats messages for a given subject
// on a node.
func (p process) subscribeMessages() *nats.Subscription {
subject := string(p.subject.name())
// natsSubscription, err := p.natsConn.Subscribe(subject, func(msg *nats.Msg) {
natsSubscription, err := p.natsConn.QueueSubscribe(subject, subject, func(msg *nats.Msg) {
//_, err := p.natsConn.Subscribe(subject, func(msg *nats.Msg) {
// Start up the subscriber handler.
go p.messageSubscriberHandler(p.natsConn, p.configuration.NodeName, msg, subject)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: Subscribe failed: %v", err)
return nil
return natsSubscription
// publishMessages will do the publishing of messages for one single
// process. The function should be run as a goroutine, and will run
// as long as the process it belongs to is running.
func (p process) publishMessages(natsConn *nats.Conn) {
var once sync.Once
var zEnc *zstd.Encoder
// Prepare a zstd encoder if enabled. By enabling it here before
// looping over the messages to send below, we can reuse the zstd
// encoder for all messages.
switch p.configuration.Compression {
case "z": // zstd
// enc, err := zstd.NewWriter(nil, zstd.WithEncoderLevel(zstd.SpeedBestCompression))
enc, err := zstd.NewWriter(nil, zstd.WithEncoderConcurrency(1))
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: zstd new encoder failed: %v", err)
zEnc = enc
defer zEnc.Close()
// Adding a timer that will be used for when to remove the sub process
// publisher. The timer is reset each time a message is published with
// the process, so the sub process publisher will not be removed until
// it have not received any messages for the given amount of time.
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * time.Duration(p.configuration.KeepPublishersAliveFor))
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
// Wait and read the next message on the message channel, or
// exit this function if Cancel are received via ctx.
select {
case <-ticker.C:
if p.isLongRunningPublisher {
er := fmt.Errorf("info: isLongRunningPublisher, will not cancel publisher: %v", p.processName)
//sendErrorLogMessage(p.toRingbufferCh, Node(p.node), er)
// We only want to remove subprocesses
// REMOVED 120123: Removed if so all publishers should be canceled if inactive.
//if p.isSubProcess {
delete(p.processes.active.procNames, p.processName)
er := fmt.Errorf("info: canceled publisher: %v", p.processName)
//sendErrorLogMessage(p.toRingbufferCh, Node(p.node), er)
case m := <-p.subject.messageCh:
ticker.Reset(time.Second * time.Duration(p.configuration.KeepPublishersAliveFor))
// Sign the methodArgs, and add the signature to the message.
m.ArgSignature = p.addMethodArgSignature(m)
// fmt.Printf(" * DEBUG: add signature, fromNode: %v, method: %v, len of signature: %v\n", m.FromNode, m.Method, len(m.ArgSignature))
go p.publishAMessage(m, zEnc, &once, natsConn)
case <-p.ctx.Done():
er := fmt.Errorf("info: canceling publisher: %v", p.processName)
//sendErrorLogMessage(p.toRingbufferCh, Node(p.node), er)
func (p process) addMethodArgSignature(m Message) []byte {
argsString := argsToString(m.MethodArgs)
sign := ed25519.Sign(p.nodeAuth.SignPrivateKey, []byte(argsString))
return sign
func (p process) publishAMessage(m Message, zEnc *zstd.Encoder, once *sync.Once, natsConn *nats.Conn) {
// Create the initial header, and set values below depending on the
// various configuration options chosen.
natsMsgHeader := make(nats.Header)
natsMsgHeader["fromNode"] = []string{string(p.node)}
// The serialized value of the nats message payload
var natsMsgPayloadSerialized []byte
// encode the message structure into gob binary format before putting
// it into a nats message.
// Prepare a gob encoder with a buffer before we start the loop
switch p.configuration.Serialization {
case "cbor":
b, err := cbor.Marshal(m)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: messageDeliverNats: cbor encode message failed: %v", err)
natsMsgPayloadSerialized = b
natsMsgHeader["serial"] = []string{p.configuration.Serialization}
var bufGob bytes.Buffer
gobEnc := gob.NewEncoder(&bufGob)
err := gobEnc.Encode(m)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: messageDeliverNats: gob encode message failed: %v", err)
natsMsgPayloadSerialized = bufGob.Bytes()
natsMsgHeader["serial"] = []string{"gob"}
// Get the process name so we can look up the process in the
// processes map, and increment the message counter.
pn := processNameGet(p.subject.name(), processKindPublisher)
// The compressed value of the nats message payload. The content
// can either be compressed or in it's original form depening on
// the outcome of the switch below, and if compression were chosen
// or not.
var natsMsgPayloadCompressed []byte
// Compress the data payload if selected with configuration flag.
// The compression chosen is later set in the nats msg header when
// calling p.messageDeliverNats below.
switch p.configuration.Compression {
case "z": // zstd
natsMsgPayloadCompressed = zEnc.EncodeAll(natsMsgPayloadSerialized, nil)
natsMsgHeader["cmp"] = []string{p.configuration.Compression}
// p.zEncMutex.Lock()
// zEnc.Reset(nil)
// p.zEncMutex.Unlock()
case "g": // gzip
var buf bytes.Buffer
func() {
gzipW := gzip.NewWriter(&buf)
defer gzipW.Close()
defer gzipW.Flush()
_, err := gzipW.Write(natsMsgPayloadSerialized)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: failed to write gzip: %v", err)
natsMsgPayloadCompressed = buf.Bytes()
natsMsgHeader["cmp"] = []string{p.configuration.Compression}
case "": // no compression
natsMsgPayloadCompressed = natsMsgPayloadSerialized
natsMsgHeader["cmp"] = []string{"none"}
default: // no compression
// Allways log the error to console.
er := fmt.Errorf("error: publishing: compression type not defined, setting default to no compression")
// We only wan't to send the error message to errorCentral once.
once.Do(func() {
// No compression, so we just assign the value of the serialized
// data directly to the variable used with messageDeliverNats.
natsMsgPayloadCompressed = natsMsgPayloadSerialized
natsMsgHeader["cmp"] = []string{"none"}
// Create the Nats message with headers and payload, and do the
// sending of the message.
p.messageDeliverNats(natsMsgPayloadCompressed, natsMsgHeader, natsConn, m)
// Increment the counter for the next message to be sent.
p.processes.active.procNames[pn] = p
// // Handle the error.
// //
// // NOTE: None of the processes above generate an error, so the the
// // if clause will never be triggered. But keeping it here as an example
// // for now for how to handle errors.
// if err != nil {
// // Create an error type which also creates a channel which the
// // errorKernel will send back the action about what to do.
// ep := errorEvent{
// //errorType: logOnly,
// process: p,
// message: m,
// errorActionCh: make(chan errorAction),
// }
// p.errorCh <- ep
// // Wait for the response action back from the error kernel, and
// // decide what to do. Should we continue, quit, or .... ?
// switch <-ep.errorActionCh {
// case errActionContinue:
// // Just log and continue
// log.Printf("The errAction was continue...so we're continuing\n")
// case errActionKill:
// log.Printf("The errAction was kill...so we're killing\n")
// // ....
// default:
// log.Printf("Info: publishMessages: The errAction was not defined, so we're doing nothing\n")
// }
// }