Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/postmannen/ctrl.git synced 2025-01-07 12:59:15 +00:00
postmannen 2fb43591ce updated readme
removed example for no longer existing relay messages
cleaned up comments
Removed some remaings after REQToFileNACK
Implemented env variables for all flags, and removed config flag. Also added use of .env file.
removed configuration as input argument from all the loggers
replaced logging of new messages in read folder with a logDebug so we don't send those messages to the error kernel
2024-03-27 12:48:17 +01:00

1009 lines
32 KiB

package ctrl
import (
type copyInitialData struct {
UUID string
SrcMethod Method
SrcNode Node
DstMethod Method
DstNode Node
SrcFilePath string
DstDir string
DstFile string
SplitChunkSize int
MaxTotalCopyTime int
FileMode fs.FileMode
FolderPermission uint64
// methodREQCopySrc are handles the initial and first part of
// the message flow for a copy to destination request.
// It's main role is to start up a sub process for the destination
// in which all the actual file copying is done.
// Initialization, Source:
// - Use the REQCopySrc method to handle the initial request from the user.
// - Spawn a REQCopySrc_uid subscriber to receive sync messages from destination.
// - Send the uid, and full-file hash to the destination in a REQCopyDst message.
// Initialization, Destination:
// - Spawn a REQCopyDst-uid from the uid we got from source.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// All below happens in the From-uid and To-uid methods until the copying is done.
// - dst->src, dst sends a REQCopySrc-uid message with status "ready" file receiving to src.
// - src receives the message and start reading the file:
// - src, creates hash of the complete file.
// - src, reads the file in chunks, and create a hash of each chunk.
// - src->dst, send chunk when read.
// - dst->src, wait for status "ready" indicating the chuck was transfered.
// - Loop and read new chunc.
// - src->dst, when last chunch is sent send status back that we are ready for the next message.
// - src->dst, if failure send status "error", abort file copying and clean up on both src and dst.
// - dst, read and store each chunch to tmp folder and verify hash.
// - dst->src, send status "ready" to src when chunch is stored.
// - loop and check for status "last", if last:
// - build original file from chuncs.
// - verify hash when file is built.
// - dst->src, send status "done".
// - We should also be be able to resend a chunk, or restart the copying from where we left of if it seems to hang.
// dataStructure{
// Data []bytes
// Status copyStatus
// id int
// }
// Create a new copy sync process to handle the actual file copying.
// We use the context already created based on the time out specified
// in the requestTimeout field of the message.
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Handle writing to a file. Will truncate any existing data if the file did already
// exist.
func methodREQCopySrc(proc process, message Message, node string) ([]byte, error) {
// If the toNode field is not the same as nodeName of the receiving node
// we should forward the message to that specified toNode. This will allow
// us to initiate a file copy from another node to this node.
if message.ToNode != proc.node {
sam, err := newSubjectAndMessage(message)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: newSubjectAndMessage failed: %v, message=%v", err, message)
proc.errorKernel.errSend(proc, message, er, logWarning)
proc.toRingbufferCh <- []subjectAndMessage{sam}
return nil, fmt.Errorf("info: the copy message was forwarded to %v message, %v", message.ToNode, message)
// Check if the filepaths for the socket a realpaths.
file := filepath.Join(message.Directory, message.FileName)
if strings.HasPrefix(file, "./") || !strings.HasPrefix(file, "/") {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: copySrcSubHandler: path in message started with ./ or no directory at all, only full paths are allowed, path given was : %v", file)
proc.errorKernel.errSend(proc, message, er, logError)
newReplyMessage(proc, message, []byte(er.Error()))
return nil, er
var subProcessName string
go func() {
defer proc.processes.wg.Done()
// Set default split chunk size, will be replaced with value from
// methodArgs[3] if defined.
splitChunkSize := 100000
// Set default max total copy time, will be replaced with value from
// methodArgs[4] if defined.
maxTotalCopyTime := message.MethodTimeout
// Default permission of destination folder if we need to create it.
// The value will be replaced
folderPermission := uint64(0755)
er := fmt.Errorf("info: before switch: FolderPermission defined in message for socket: %04o", folderPermission)
// Verify and check the methodArgs
if len(message.MethodArgs) < 3 {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: methodREQCopySrc: got <3 number methodArgs: want srcfilePath,dstNode,dstFilePath")
proc.errorKernel.errSend(proc, message, er, logWarning)
if len(message.MethodArgs) > 3 {
// Check if split chunk size was set, if not keep default.
var err error
splitChunkSize, err = strconv.Atoi(message.MethodArgs[3])
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: methodREQCopySrc: unble to convert splitChunkSize into int value: %v", err)
proc.errorKernel.errSend(proc, message, er, logWarning)
if len(message.MethodArgs) > 4 {
// Check if maxTotalCopyTime was set, if not keep default.
var err error
maxTotalCopyTime, err = strconv.Atoi(message.MethodArgs[4])
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: methodREQCopySrc: unble to convert maxTotalCopyTime into int value: %v", err)
proc.errorKernel.errSend(proc, message, er, logWarning)
if len(message.MethodArgs) > 5 && message.MethodArgs[5] != "" {
// Check if file permissions were set, if not use default.
var err error
folderPermission, err = strconv.ParseUint(message.MethodArgs[5], 8, 32)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("methodREQCopySrc: failed to parse uint, %v", err)
er := fmt.Errorf("info: FolderPermission defined in message for socket: %v, converted = %v", message.MethodArgs[5], folderPermission)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: methodREQCopySrc: unable to convert folderPermission into int value: %v", err)
proc.errorKernel.errSend(proc, message, er, logWarning)
SrcFilePath := message.MethodArgs[0]
DstNode := message.MethodArgs[1]
DstFilePath := message.MethodArgs[2]
// Create a child context to use with the procFunc with timeout set to the max allowed total copy time
// specified in the message.
var ctx context.Context
var cancel context.CancelFunc
func() {
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(proc.ctx, time.Second*time.Duration(maxTotalCopyTime))
// Create a subject for one copy request
uid := uuid.New()
subProcessName = fmt.Sprintf("REQSUBCopySrc.%v", uid.String())
dstDir := filepath.Dir(DstFilePath)
dstFile := filepath.Base(DstFilePath)
m := Method(subProcessName)
// Also choosing to create the naming for the dst method here so
// we can have all the information in the cia from the beginning
// at both ends.
dstSubProcessName := fmt.Sprintf("REQSUBCopyDst.%v", uid.String())
dstM := Method(dstSubProcessName)
// Get the file permissions
fileInfo, err := os.Stat(SrcFilePath)
if err != nil {
// errCh <- fmt.Errorf("error: methodREQCopySrc: failed to open file: %v, %v", SrcFilePath, err)
er := fmt.Errorf("error: copySrcSubProcFunc: failed to stat file: %v", err)
fileMode := fileInfo.Mode()
cia := copyInitialData{
UUID: uid.String(),
SrcNode: proc.node,
SrcMethod: m,
DstNode: Node(DstNode),
DstMethod: dstM,
SrcFilePath: SrcFilePath,
DstDir: dstDir,
DstFile: dstFile,
SplitChunkSize: splitChunkSize,
MaxTotalCopyTime: maxTotalCopyTime,
FileMode: fileMode,
FolderPermission: folderPermission,
sub := newSubjectNoVerifyHandler(m, node)
// Create a new sub process that will do the actual file copying.
copySrcSubProc := newSubProcess(ctx, proc.server, sub, processKindSubscriber)
// Give the sub process a procFunc so we do the actual copying within a procFunc,
// and not directly within the handler.
copySrcSubProc.procFunc = copySrcSubProcFunc(copySrcSubProc, cia, cancel, message)
// assign a handler to the sub process
copySrcSubProc.handler = copySrcSubHandler()
// The process will be killed when the context expires.
go copySrcSubProc.spawnWorker()
// Send a message over the the node where the destination file will be written,
// to also start up a sub process on the destination node.
// Marshal the data payload to send to the dst.
cb, err := cbor.Marshal(cia)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: newSubjectAndMessage : %v, message: %v", err, message)
proc.errorKernel.errSend(proc, message, er, logWarning)
msg := message
msg.ToNode = Node(DstNode)
//msg.Method = REQToFile
msg.Method = REQCopyDst
msg.Data = cb
msg.ACKTimeout = message.ACKTimeout
msg.Retries = message.Retries
msg.ReplyACKTimeout = message.ReplyACKTimeout
msg.ReplyRetries = message.ReplyRetries
// msg.Directory = dstDir
// msg.FileName = dstFile
sam, err := newSubjectAndMessage(msg)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: newSubjectAndMessage failed: %v, message=%v", err, message)
proc.errorKernel.errSend(proc, message, er, logWarning)
proc.toRingbufferCh <- []subjectAndMessage{sam}
replyData := fmt.Sprintf("info: succesfully initiated copy source process: procName=%v, srcNode=%v, srcPath=%v, dstNode=%v, dstPath=%v, starting sub process=%v for the actual copying", copySrcSubProc.processName, node, SrcFilePath, DstNode, DstFilePath, subProcessName)
newReplyMessage(proc, message, []byte(replyData))
ackMsg := []byte("confirmed from: " + node + ": " + fmt.Sprint(message.ID))
return ackMsg, nil
// newSubProcess is a wrapper around newProcess which sets the isSubProcess value to true.
func newSubProcess(ctx context.Context, server *server, subject Subject, processKind processKind) process {
p := newProcess(ctx, server, subject, processKind)
p.isSubProcess = true
return p
// ----
// methodREQCopyDst are handles the initial and first part of
// the message flow for a copy to destination request.
// It's main role is to start up a sub process for the destination
// in which all the actual file copying is done.
func methodREQCopyDst(proc process, message Message, node string) ([]byte, error) {
var subProcessName string
go func() {
defer proc.processes.wg.Done()
// Get the status message sent from source.
var cia copyInitialData
err := cbor.Unmarshal(message.Data, &cia)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: methodREQCopyDst: failed to cbor Unmarshal data: %v, message=%v", err, message)
proc.errorKernel.errSend(proc, message, er, logWarning)
// Create a child context to use with the procFunc with timeout set to the max allowed total copy time
// specified in the message.
var ctx context.Context
var cancel context.CancelFunc
func() {
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(proc.ctx, time.Second*time.Duration(cia.MaxTotalCopyTime))
// Create a subject for one copy request
sub := newSubjectNoVerifyHandler(cia.DstMethod, node)
// Check if we already got a sub process registered and started with
// the processName. If true, return here and don't start up another
// process for that file.
// This check is put in here if a message for some reason are
// received more than once. The reason that this might happen can be
// that a message for the same copy request was received earlier, but
// was unable to start up within the timeout specified. The Sender of
// that request will then resend the message, but at the time that
// second message is received the subscriber process started for the
// previous message is then fully up and running, so we just discard
// that second message in those cases.
pn := processNameGet(sub.name(), processKindSubscriber)
// fmt.Printf("\n\n *** DEBUG: processNameGet: %v\n\n", pn)
_, ok := proc.processes.active.procNames[pn]
if ok {
er := fmt.Errorf("methodREQCopyDst: subprocesses already existed, will not start another subscriber for %v", pn)
// HERE!!!
// If the process name already existed we return here before any
// new information is registered in the process map and we avoid
// having to clean that up later.
// Create a new sub process that will do the actual file copying.
copyDstSubProc := newSubProcess(ctx, proc.server, sub, processKindSubscriber)
// Give the sub process a procFunc so we do the actual copying within a procFunc,
// and not directly within the handler.
copyDstSubProc.procFunc = copyDstSubProcFunc(copyDstSubProc, cia, message, cancel)
// assign a handler to the sub process
copyDstSubProc.handler = copyDstSubHandler()
// The process will be killed when the context expires.
go copyDstSubProc.spawnWorker()
fp := filepath.Join(cia.DstDir, cia.DstFile)
replyData := fmt.Sprintf("info: succesfully initiated copy source process: procName=%v, srcNode=%v, dstPath=%v, starting sub process=%v for the actual copying", copyDstSubProc.processName, node, fp, subProcessName)
newReplyMessage(proc, message, []byte(replyData))
ackMsg := []byte("confirmed from: " + node + ": " + fmt.Sprint(message.ID))
return ackMsg, nil
func copySrcSubHandler() func(process, Message, string) ([]byte, error) {
h := func(proc process, message Message, node string) ([]byte, error) {
// We should receive a ready message generated by the procFunc of Dst,
// and any messages received we directly route into the procFunc.
select {
case <-proc.ctx.Done():
er := fmt.Errorf(" * copySrcHandler ended: %v", proc.processName)
case proc.procFuncCh <- message:
er := fmt.Errorf("copySrcHandler: passing message over to procFunc: %v", proc.processName)
return nil, nil
return h
func copyDstSubHandler() func(process, Message, string) ([]byte, error) {
h := func(proc process, message Message, node string) ([]byte, error) {
select {
case <-proc.ctx.Done():
er := fmt.Errorf(" * copyDstHandler ended: %v", proc.processName)
case proc.procFuncCh <- message:
er := fmt.Errorf("copyDstHandler: passing message over to procFunc: %v", proc.processName)
return nil, nil
return h
type copyStatus int
const (
copyReady copyStatus = 1
copyData copyStatus = 2
copySrcDone copyStatus = 3
copyResendLast copyStatus = 4
copyDstDone copyStatus = 5
// copySubData is the structure being used between the src and dst while copying data.
type copySubData struct {
CopyStatus copyStatus
CopyData []byte
ChunkNumber int
Hash [32]byte
func copySrcSubProcFunc(proc process, cia copyInitialData, cancel context.CancelFunc, initialMessage Message) func(context.Context, chan Message) error {
pf := func(ctx context.Context, procFuncCh chan Message) error {
// Check if the realpath of the directory and filename specified in the
// message are of type unix socket, and if it is we do not add the extra
// suffix to the filename.
file := filepath.Join(initialMessage.Directory, initialMessage.FileName)
// Check the file is a unix socket, and if it is we write the
// data to the socket instead of writing it to a normal file.
// We don't care about the error.
fi, err := os.Stat(file)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf(" ** DEBUG: STAT ERROR: %v\n", err)
fmt.Printf(" ** DEBUG: fi: %#v\n", fi)
// We want to be able to send the reply message when the copying is done,
// and also for any eventual errors within the subProcFunc. We want to
// write these to the same place as the the reply message for the initial
// request, but we append .sub and .error to be able to write them to
// individual files.
msgForSubReplies := initialMessage
msgForSubErrors := initialMessage
if fi != nil {
if fi.Mode().Type() != fs.ModeSocket {
msgForSubReplies.FileName = msgForSubReplies.FileName + ".copyreply"
msgForSubErrors.FileName = msgForSubErrors.FileName + ".copyerror"
} else {
msgForSubReplies.FileName = msgForSubReplies.FileName + ".copyreply"
msgForSubErrors.FileName = msgForSubErrors.FileName + ".copyerror"
var chunkNumber = 0
var lastReadChunk []byte
var resendRetries int
// Initiate the file copier.
fh, err := os.Open(cia.SrcFilePath)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: copySrcSubProcFunc: failed to open file: %v", err)
proc.errorKernel.errSend(proc, Message{}, er, logWarning)
newReplyMessage(proc, msgForSubErrors, []byte(er.Error()))
return er
defer fh.Close()
// Do action based on copyStatus received.
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
er := fmt.Errorf(" info: canceling copySrcProcFunc : %v", proc.processName)
return nil
// Pick up the message recived by the copySrcSubHandler.
case message := <-procFuncCh:
var csa copySubData
err := cbor.Unmarshal(message.Data, &csa)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: copySrcSubHandler: cbor unmarshal of csa failed: %v", err)
proc.errorKernel.errSend(proc, message, er, logWarning)
newReplyMessage(proc, msgForSubErrors, []byte(er.Error()))
return er
switch csa.CopyStatus {
case copyReady:
err := func() error {
// We set the default status to copyData. If we get an io.EOF we change it to copyDone later.
status := copyData
b := make([]byte, cia.SplitChunkSize)
n, err := fh.Read(b)
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: copySrcSubHandler: failed to read chunk from file: %v", err)
proc.errorKernel.errSend(proc, message, er, logWarning)
newReplyMessage(proc, msgForSubErrors, []byte(er.Error()))
return er
if err == io.EOF {
status = copySrcDone
lastReadChunk = make([]byte, len(b[:n]))
copy(lastReadChunk, b[:n])
//lastReadChunk = b[:n]
// Create a hash of the bytes.
hash := sha256.Sum256(b[:n])
// Create message and send data to dst.
csa := copySubData{
CopyStatus: status,
CopyData: b[:n],
ChunkNumber: chunkNumber,
Hash: hash,
csaSerialized, err := cbor.Marshal(csa)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: copySrcSubProcFunc: cbor marshal of csa failed: %v", err)
proc.errorKernel.errSend(proc, message, er, logWarning)
newReplyMessage(proc, msgForSubErrors, []byte(er.Error()))
return er
// We want to send a message back to src that we are ready to start.
msg := Message{
ToNode: cia.DstNode,
FromNode: cia.SrcNode,
Method: cia.DstMethod,
ReplyMethod: REQNone,
Data: csaSerialized,
IsSubPublishedMsg: true,
ACKTimeout: initialMessage.ACKTimeout,
Retries: initialMessage.Retries,
ReplyACKTimeout: initialMessage.ReplyACKTimeout,
ReplyRetries: initialMessage.ReplyRetries,
sam, err := newSubjectAndMessage(msg)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("copySrcProcSubFunc: newSubjectAndMessage failed: %v", err)
proc.errorKernel.errSend(proc, message, er, logWarning)
newReplyMessage(proc, msgForSubErrors, []byte(er.Error()))
return er
proc.toRingbufferCh <- []subjectAndMessage{sam}
resendRetries = 0
// Testing with contect canceling here.
// proc.ctxCancel()
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
case copyResendLast:
if resendRetries > message.Retries {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: %v: failed to resend the chunk for the %v time, giving up", cia.DstMethod, resendRetries)
proc.errorKernel.errSend(proc, message, er, logWarning)
newReplyMessage(proc, msgForSubErrors, []byte(er.Error()))
// NB: Should we call cancel here, or wait for the timeout ?
b := lastReadChunk
status := copyData
// Create a hash of the bytes
hash := sha256.Sum256(b)
// Create message and send data to dst
csa := copySubData{
CopyStatus: status,
CopyData: b,
ChunkNumber: chunkNumber,
Hash: hash,
csaSerialized, err := cbor.Marshal(csa)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: copyDstSubProcFunc: cbor marshal of csa failed: %v", err)
proc.errorKernel.errSend(proc, message, er, logWarning)
newReplyMessage(proc, msgForSubErrors, []byte(er.Error()))
return er
// We want to send a message back to src that we are ready to start.
msg := Message{
ToNode: cia.DstNode,
FromNode: cia.SrcNode,
Method: cia.DstMethod,
ReplyMethod: REQNone,
Data: csaSerialized,
IsSubPublishedMsg: true,
ACKTimeout: initialMessage.ACKTimeout,
Retries: initialMessage.Retries,
ReplyACKTimeout: initialMessage.ReplyACKTimeout,
ReplyRetries: initialMessage.ReplyRetries,
sam, err := newSubjectAndMessage(msg)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("copyDstProcSubFunc: newSubjectAndMessage failed: %v", err)
proc.errorKernel.errSend(proc, message, er, logWarning)
newReplyMessage(proc, msgForSubErrors, []byte(er.Error()))
return er
proc.toRingbufferCh <- []subjectAndMessage{sam}
case copyDstDone:
d := fmt.Sprintf("copyDstDone,%v,%v", cia.SrcFilePath, filepath.Join(cia.DstDir, cia.DstFile))
newReplyMessage(proc, msgForSubReplies, []byte(d))
return nil
er := fmt.Errorf("error: copySrcSubProcFunc: not valid copyStatus, exiting: %v", csa.CopyStatus)
proc.errorKernel.errSend(proc, message, er, logWarning)
newReplyMessage(proc, msgForSubErrors, []byte(er.Error()))
return er
//return nil
return pf
func copyDstSubProcFunc(proc process, cia copyInitialData, message Message, cancel context.CancelFunc) func(context.Context, chan Message) error {
pf := func(ctx context.Context, procFuncCh chan Message) error {
csa := copySubData{
CopyStatus: copyReady,
csaSerialized, err := cbor.Marshal(csa)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: copyDstSubProcFunc: cbor marshal of csa failed: %v", err)
proc.errorKernel.errSend(proc, message, er, logWarning)
return er
// We want to send a message back to src that we are ready to start.
msg := Message{
ToNode: cia.SrcNode,
FromNode: cia.DstNode,
Method: cia.SrcMethod,
ReplyMethod: REQNone,
Data: csaSerialized,
IsSubPublishedMsg: true,
ACKTimeout: message.ACKTimeout,
Retries: message.Retries,
ReplyACKTimeout: message.ReplyACKTimeout,
ReplyRetries: message.ReplyRetries,
sam, err := newSubjectAndMessage(msg)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("copyDstProcSubFunc: newSubjectAndMessage failed: %v", err)
proc.errorKernel.errSend(proc, message, er, logWarning)
return er
proc.toRingbufferCh <- []subjectAndMessage{sam}
// Open a tmp folder for where to write the received chunks
tmpFolder := filepath.Join(proc.configuration.SocketFolder, cia.DstFile+"-"+cia.UUID)
err = os.Mkdir(tmpFolder, 0770)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("copyDstProcSubFunc: create tmp folder for copying failed: %v", err)
proc.errorKernel.errSend(proc, message, er, logWarning)
return er
defer func() {
err = os.RemoveAll(tmpFolder)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: copyDstSubProcFunc: remove temp dir failed: %v", err)
proc.errorKernel.errSend(proc, message, er, logWarning)
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
er := fmt.Errorf(" * copyDstProcFunc ended: %v", proc.processName)
return nil
case message := <-procFuncCh:
var csa copySubData
err := cbor.Unmarshal(message.Data, &csa)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: copySrcSubHandler: cbor unmarshal of csa failed: %v", err)
proc.errorKernel.errSend(proc, message, er, logWarning)
return er
// Check if the hash matches. If it fails we set the status so we can
// trigger the resend of the last message in the switch below.
hash := sha256.Sum256(csa.CopyData)
if hash != csa.Hash {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: copyDstSubProcFunc: hash of received message is not correct for: %v", cia.DstMethod)
csa.CopyStatus = copyResendLast
switch csa.CopyStatus {
case copyData:
err := func() error {
filePath := filepath.Join(tmpFolder, strconv.Itoa(csa.ChunkNumber)+"."+cia.UUID)
fh, err := os.OpenFile(filePath, os.O_TRUNC|os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_SYNC, 0660)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: copyDstSubProcFunc: open destination chunk file for writing failed: %v", err)
return er
defer fh.Close()
_, err = fh.Write(csa.CopyData)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: copyDstSubProcFunc: writing to chunk file failed: %v", err)
return er
return nil
if err != nil {
proc.errorKernel.errSend(proc, message, err, logWarning)
return err
// Prepare and send a ready message to src for the next chunk.
csa := copySubData{
CopyStatus: copyReady,
csaSer, err := cbor.Marshal(csa)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: copyDstSubProcFunc: cbor marshal of csa failed: %v", err)
proc.errorKernel.errSend(proc, message, er, logWarning)
return er
msg := Message{
ToNode: cia.SrcNode,
FromNode: cia.DstNode,
Method: cia.SrcMethod,
ReplyMethod: REQNone,
Data: csaSer,
IsSubPublishedMsg: true,
ACKTimeout: message.ACKTimeout,
Retries: message.Retries,
ReplyACKTimeout: message.ReplyACKTimeout,
ReplyRetries: message.ReplyRetries,
sam, err := newSubjectAndMessage(msg)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("copyDstProcSubFunc: newSubjectAndMessage failed: %v", err)
proc.errorKernel.errSend(proc, message, er, logWarning)
return er
proc.toRingbufferCh <- []subjectAndMessage{sam}
case copyResendLast:
// The csa already contains copyStatus copyResendLast when reached here,
// so we can just serialize csa, and send a message back to sourcde for
// resend of the last message.
csaSer, err := cbor.Marshal(csa)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: copyDstSubProcFunc: cbor marshal of csa failed: %v", err)
proc.errorKernel.errSend(proc, message, er, logWarning)
return er
msg := Message{
ToNode: cia.SrcNode,
FromNode: cia.DstNode,
Method: cia.SrcMethod,
ReplyMethod: REQNone,
Data: csaSer,
IsSubPublishedMsg: true,
ACKTimeout: message.ACKTimeout,
Retries: message.Retries,
ReplyACKTimeout: message.ReplyACKTimeout,
ReplyRetries: message.ReplyRetries,
sam, err := newSubjectAndMessage(msg)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("copyDstProcSubFunc: newSubjectAndMessage failed: %v", err)
proc.errorKernel.errSend(proc, message, er, logWarning)
return er
proc.toRingbufferCh <- []subjectAndMessage{sam}
case copySrcDone:
err := func() error {
// Open the main file that chunks files will be written into.
filePath := filepath.Join(cia.DstDir, cia.DstFile)
// HERE:
er := fmt.Errorf("info: Before creating folder: cia.FolderPermission: %04o", cia.FolderPermission)
if _, err := os.Stat(cia.DstDir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
// TODO: Add option to set permission here ???
err := os.MkdirAll(cia.DstDir, fs.FileMode(cia.FolderPermission))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error: failed to create destination directory for file copying %v: %v", cia.DstDir, err)
er := fmt.Errorf("info: Created folder: with cia.FolderPermission: %04o", cia.FolderPermission)
// Rename the file so we got a backup.
backupOriginalFileName := filePath + ".bck"
os.Rename(filePath, backupOriginalFileName)
mainfh, err := os.OpenFile(filePath, os.O_TRUNC|os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_SYNC, cia.FileMode)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: copyDstSubProcFunc: open final destination file failed: %v", err)
proc.errorKernel.errSend(proc, message, er, logWarning)
return er
defer mainfh.Close()
type fInfo struct {
name string
dir string
nr int
files := []fInfo{}
// Walk the tmp transfer directory and combine all the chunks into one file.
err = filepath.Walk(tmpFolder, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if !info.IsDir() {
fi := fInfo{}
fi.name = filepath.Base(path)
fi.dir = filepath.Dir(path)
sp := strings.Split(fi.name, ".")
nr, err := strconv.Atoi(sp[0])
if err != nil {
return err
fi.nr = nr
files = append(files, fi)
return nil
// Sort all the source nodes.
sort.SliceStable(files, func(i, j int) bool {
return files[i].nr < files[j].nr
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: copyDstSubProcFunc: creation of slice of chunk paths failed: %v", err)
proc.errorKernel.errSend(proc, message, er, logWarning)
return er
err = func() error {
for _, fInfo := range files {
fp := filepath.Join(fInfo.dir, fInfo.name)
fh, err := os.Open(fp)
if err != nil {
return err
defer fh.Close()
b := make([]byte, cia.SplitChunkSize)
n, err := fh.Read(b)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = mainfh.Write(b[:n])
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: copyDstSubProcFunc: write to final destination file failed: %v", err)
proc.errorKernel.errSend(proc, message, er, logWarning)
// Remove the backup file.
err = os.Remove(backupOriginalFileName)
if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: copyDstSubProcFunc: remove of backup of original file failed: %v", err)
proc.errorKernel.errSend(proc, message, er, logWarning)
er = fmt.Errorf("info: copy: successfully wrote all split chunk files into file=%v", filePath)
// Signal back to src that we are done, so it can cancel the process.
csa := copySubData{
CopyStatus: copyDstDone,
csaSerialized, err := cbor.Marshal(csa)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: copyDstSubProcFunc: cbor marshal of csa failed: %v", err)
proc.errorKernel.errSend(proc, message, er, logWarning)
return er
// We want to send a message back to src that we are ready to start.
msg := Message{
ToNode: cia.SrcNode,
FromNode: cia.DstNode,
Method: cia.SrcMethod,
ReplyMethod: REQNone,
Data: csaSerialized,
IsSubPublishedMsg: true,
ACKTimeout: message.ACKTimeout,
Retries: message.Retries,
ReplyACKTimeout: message.ReplyACKTimeout,
ReplyRetries: message.ReplyRetries,
sam, err := newSubjectAndMessage(msg)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("copyDstProcSubFunc: newSubjectAndMessage failed: %v", err)
proc.errorKernel.errSend(proc, message, er, logWarning)
return er
proc.toRingbufferCh <- []subjectAndMessage{sam}
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
return pf