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// The error kernel shall handle errors for a given process.
// This will be cases where the process itself were unable
// to handle the error on it's own, and we might need to
// restart the process, or send a message back to the operator
// that the action which the message where supposed to trigger
// failed, or that an event where unable to be processed.
package steward
import (
// errorKernel is the structure that will hold all the error
// handling values and logic.
type errorKernel struct {
// NOTE: The errorKernel should probably have a concept
// of error-state which is a map of all the processes,
// how many times a process have failed over the same
// message etc...
// errorCh is used to report errors from a process
errorCh chan errorEvent
// testCh is used within REQTest for receving data for tests.
testCh chan []byte
ctx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
metrics *metrics
// newErrorKernel will initialize and return a new error kernel
func newErrorKernel(ctx context.Context, m *metrics) *errorKernel {
ctxC, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
return &errorKernel{
errorCh: make(chan errorEvent, 2),
testCh: make(chan []byte),
ctx: ctxC,
cancel: cancel,
metrics: m,
// startErrorKernel will start the error kernel and check if there
// have been reveived any errors from any of the processes, and
// handle them appropriately.
// NOTE: Since a process will be locked while waiting to send the error
// on the errorCh maybe it makes sense to have a channel inside the
// processes error handling with a select so we can send back to the
// process if it should continue or not based not based on how severe
// the error where. This should be right after sending the error
// sending in the process.
func (e *errorKernel) start(ringBufferBulkInCh chan<- []subjectAndMessage) error {
// NOTE: For now it will just print the error messages to the
// console.
for {
var errEvent errorEvent
select {
case errEvent = <-e.errorCh:
case <-e.ctx.Done():
return fmt.Errorf("info: stopping errorKernel")
sendErrorOrInfo := func(errEvent errorEvent) {
var er string
// Decide what extra information to add to the error message.
switch {
case errEvent.message.RelayFromNode != "":
er = fmt.Sprintf("%v, node: %v, relayFromNode: %v, %v\n", time.Now().Format("Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006"), errEvent.process.node, errEvent.message.RelayFromNode, errEvent.err)
er = fmt.Sprintf("%v, node: %v, %v\n", time.Now().Format("Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006"), errEvent.process.node, errEvent.err)
sam := subjectAndMessage{
Subject: newSubject(REQErrorLog, "errorCentral"),
Message: Message{
Directory: "errorLog",
ToNode: "errorCentral",
FromNode: errEvent.process.node,
FileName: "error.log",
Data: []byte(er),
Method: REQErrorLog,
ACKTimeout: errEvent.process.configuration.ErrorMessageTimeout,
Retries: errEvent.process.configuration.ErrorMessageRetries,
// Put the message on the channel to the ringbuffer.
ringBufferBulkInCh <- []subjectAndMessage{sam}
if errEvent.process.configuration.EnableDebug {
log.Printf("%v\n", er)
// Check the type of the error to decide what to do.
// We should be able to handle each error individually and
// also concurrently, so each handler is started in it's
// own go routine
// Here we should check the severity of the error,
// and also possibly the the error-state of the process
// that fails.
switch errEvent.errorType {
case errTypeSendError:
// Just log the error by creating a message and send it
// to the errorCentral log server.
go func() {
case errTypeSendInfo:
// Just log the error by creating a message and send it
// to the errorCentral log server.
go func() {
case errTypeWithAction:
// Just print the error, and tell the process to continue. The
// process who sent the error should block and wait for receiving
// an errActionContinue message.
go func() {
log.Printf("TESTING, we received and error from the process, but we're telling the process back to continue\n")
// Send a message back to where the errWithAction function
// was called on the errorActionCh so the caller can decide
// what to do based on the response.
select {
case errEvent.errorActionCh <- errActionContinue:
case <-e.ctx.Done():
log.Printf("info: errorKernel: got ctx.Done, will stop waiting for errAction\n")
// We also want to log the error.
e.errSend(errEvent.process, errEvent.message, errEvent.err)
// fmt.Printf(" * case default\n")
func (e *errorKernel) stop() {
// errSend will just send an error message to the errorCentral.
func (e *errorKernel) errSend(proc process, msg Message, err error) {
ev := errorEvent{
err: err,
errorType: errTypeSendError,
process: proc,
message: msg,
// We don't want to create any actions when just
// sending errors.
// errorActionCh: make(chan errorAction),
e.errorCh <- ev
// infoSend will just send an info message to the errorCentral.
func (e *errorKernel) infoSend(proc process, msg Message, err error) {
ev := errorEvent{
err: err,
errorType: errTypeSendInfo,
process: proc,
message: msg,
// We don't want to create any actions when just
// sending errors.
// errorActionCh: make(chan errorAction),
e.errorCh <- ev
func (e *errorKernel) logConsoleOnlyIfDebug(err error, c *Configuration) {
if c.EnableDebug {
log.Printf("%v\n", err)
// // TODO: Needs more work.
// //
// // errWithAction
// //
// // Will prepare an errorEvent to send to the errorKernel that
// // contains a channel of type errorAction.
// // The errorActionCh are returned from the function and are used
// // to create a channel between where this function is called and
// // the go routine started in the errorKernel. From where the
// // function was called we can read the channel for a response
// // given from the errorKernel, and then decide what to do based
// // on the errorAction value.
// func (e *errorKernel) errWithAction(proc process, msg Message, err error) chan errorAction {
// // Create the channel where to receive what action to do.
// errActionCh := make(chan errorAction)
// ev := errorEvent{
// err: err,
// errorType: errTypeWithAction,
// process: proc,
// message: msg,
// errorActionCh: errActionCh,
// }
// e.errorCh <- ev
// return errActionCh
// }
// errorAction is used to tell the process who sent the error
// what it shall do. The process who sends the error will
// have to block and wait for the response on the errorActionCh.
type errorAction int
const (
// errActionContinue is ment to be used when the a process
// can just continue without taking any special care.
errActionContinue errorAction = iota
// TODO:
// errActionKill should log the error,
// stop the current worker process, and spawn a new.
// errActionKill errorAction = iota
// errorType
type errorType int
const (
// errSend will just send the content of the error to the
// central error logger.
errTypeSendError errorType = iota
errTypeSendInfo errorType = iota
errTypeWithAction errorType = iota
type errorEvent struct {
// The actual error
err error
// Channel for communicating the action to take back to
// to the process who triggered the error
errorActionCh chan errorAction
// Some informational text
errorType errorType
// The process structure that belongs to a given process
process process
// The message that where in progress when error occured
message Message
func (e errorEvent) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("worker error: proc = %#v, message = %#v", e.process, e.message)