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package ctrl
import (
// // centralAuth
// type centralAuth struct {
// authorization *authorization
// }
// // newCentralAuth
// func newCentralAuth() *centralAuth {
// c := centralAuth{
// authorization: newAuthorization(),
// }
// return &c
// }
// --------------------------------------
type accessLists struct {
// Holds the editable structures for ACL handling.
schemaMain *schemaMain
// Holds the generated based on the editable structures for ACL handling.
schemaGenerated *schemaGenerated
errorKernel *errorKernel
configuration *Configuration
pki *pki
func newAccessLists(pki *pki, errorKernel *errorKernel, configuration *Configuration) *accessLists {
a := accessLists{
schemaMain: newSchemaMain(configuration, errorKernel),
schemaGenerated: newSchemaGenerated(),
errorKernel: errorKernel,
configuration: configuration,
pki: pki,
return &a
// type node string
type command string
type nodeGroup string
type commandGroup string
// schemaMain is the structure that holds the user editable parts for creating ACL's.
type schemaMain struct {
ACLMap map[Node]map[Node]map[command]struct{}
ACLMapFilePath string
NodeGroupMap map[nodeGroup]map[Node]struct{}
CommandGroupMap map[commandGroup]map[command]struct{}
mu sync.Mutex
configuration *Configuration
errorKernel *errorKernel
func newSchemaMain(configuration *Configuration, errorKernel *errorKernel) *schemaMain {
s := schemaMain{
ACLMap: make(map[Node]map[Node]map[command]struct{}),
ACLMapFilePath: filepath.Join(configuration.DatabaseFolder, "central_aclmap.txt"),
NodeGroupMap: make(map[nodeGroup]map[Node]struct{}),
CommandGroupMap: make(map[commandGroup]map[command]struct{}),
configuration: configuration,
errorKernel: errorKernel,
// Load ACLMap from disk if present.
func() {
if _, err := os.Stat(s.ACLMapFilePath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
er := fmt.Errorf("info: newSchemaMain: no file for ACLMap found, will create new one, %v: %v", s.ACLMapFilePath, err)
// If no aclmap is present on disk we just return from this
// function without loading any values.
fh, err := os.Open(s.ACLMapFilePath)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: newSchemaMain: failed to open file for reading %v: %v", s.ACLMapFilePath, err)
b, err := io.ReadAll(fh)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: newSchemaMain: failed to ReadAll file %v: %v", s.ACLMapFilePath, err)
// Unmarshal the data read from disk.
err = json.Unmarshal(b, &s.ACLMap)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: newSchemaMain: failed to unmarshal content from file %v: %v", s.ACLMapFilePath, err)
// Generate the aclGenerated map happens in the function where this function is called.
return &s
// schemaGenerated is the structure that holds all the generated ACL's
// to be sent to nodes.
// The ACL's here are generated from the schemaMain.ACLMap.
type schemaGenerated struct {
ACLsToConvert map[Node]map[Node]map[command]struct{}
GeneratedACLsMap map[Node]HostACLsSerializedWithHash
mu sync.Mutex
func newSchemaGenerated() *schemaGenerated {
s := schemaGenerated{
ACLsToConvert: map[Node]map[Node]map[command]struct{}{},
GeneratedACLsMap: make(map[Node]HostACLsSerializedWithHash),
return &s
// HostACLsSerializedWithHash holds the serialized representation node specific ACL's in the authSchema.
// There is also a sha256 hash of the data.
type HostACLsSerializedWithHash struct {
// data is all the ACL's for a specific node serialized serialized into cbor.
Data []byte
// hash is the sha256 hash of the ACL's.
// With maps the order are not guaranteed, so A sorted appearance
// of the ACL map for a host node is used when creating the hash,
// so the hash stays the same unless the ACL is changed.
Hash [32]byte
// commandAsSlice will convert the given argument into a slice representation.
// If the argument is a group, then all the members of that group will be expanded into
// the slice.
// If the argument is not a group kind of value, then only a slice with that single
// value is returned.
func (a *accessLists) nodeAsSlice(n Node) []Node {
nodes := []Node{}
// Check if we are given a nodeGroup variable, and if we are, get all the
// nodes for that group.
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(string(n), "grp_nodes_"):
for nd := range a.schemaMain.NodeGroupMap[nodeGroup(n)] {
nodes = append(nodes, nd)
case string(n) == "*":
func() {
defer a.pki.nodesAcked.mu.Unlock()
for nd := range a.pki.nodesAcked.keysAndHash.Keys {
nodes = append(nodes, nd)
// No group found meaning a single node was given as an argument.
nodes = []Node{n}
return nodes
// commandAsSlice will convert the given argument into a slice representation.
// If the argument is a group, then all the members of that group will be expanded into
// the slice.
// If the argument is not a group kind of value, then only a slice with that single
// value is returned.
func (a *accessLists) commandAsSlice(c command) []command {
commands := []command{}
// Check if we are given a nodeGroup variable, and if we are, get all the
// nodes for that group.
if strings.HasPrefix(string(c), "grp_commands_") {
for cmd := range a.schemaMain.CommandGroupMap[commandGroup(c)] {
commands = append(commands, cmd)
} else {
// No group found meaning a single node was given as an argument, so we
// just put the single node given as the only value in the slice.
commands = []command{c}
return commands
// aclAddCommand will add a command for a fromNode.
// If the node or the fromNode do not exist they will be created.
// The json encoded schema for a node and the hash of those data
// will also be generated.
func (c *centralAuth) aclAddCommand(host Node, source Node, cmd command) {
defer c.accessLists.schemaMain.mu.Unlock()
// Check if node exists in map.
if _, ok := c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMap[host]; !ok {
// log.Printf("info: did not find node=%v in map, creating map[fromnode]map[command]struct{}\n", n)
c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMap[host] = make(map[Node]map[command]struct{})
// Check if also source node exists in map
if _, ok := c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMap[host][source]; !ok {
// log.Printf("info: did not find node=%v in map, creating map[fromnode]map[command]struct{}\n", fn)
c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMap[host][source] = make(map[command]struct{})
c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMap[host][source][cmd] = struct{}{}
// err := a.generateJSONForHostOrGroup(n)
err := c.generateACLsForAllNodes()
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: addCommandForFromNode: %v", err)
// fmt.Printf(" * DEBUG: aclNodeFromnodeCommandAdd: a.schemaMain.ACLMap=%v\n", a.schemaMain.ACLMap)
// aclDeleteCommand will delete the specified command from the fromnode.
func (c *centralAuth) aclDeleteCommand(host Node, source Node, cmd command) error {
defer c.accessLists.schemaMain.mu.Unlock()
// Check if node exists in map.
if _, ok := c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMap[host]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("authSchema: no such node=%v to delete on in schema exists", host)
if _, ok := c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMap[host][source]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("authSchema: no such fromnode=%v to delete on in schema for node=%v exists", source, host)
if _, ok := c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMap[host][source][cmd]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("authSchema: no such command=%v from fromnode=%v to delete on in schema for node=%v exists", cmd, source, host)
delete(c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMap[host][source], cmd)
err := c.generateACLsForAllNodes()
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: aclNodeFromNodeCommandDelete: %v", err)
return nil
// aclDeleteSource will delete specified source node and all commands specified for it.
func (c *centralAuth) aclDeleteSource(host Node, source Node) error {
defer c.accessLists.schemaMain.mu.Unlock()
// Check if node exists in map.
if _, ok := c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMap[host]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("authSchema: no such node=%v to delete on in schema exists", host)
if _, ok := c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMap[host][source]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("authSchema: no such fromnode=%v to delete on in schema for node=%v exists", source, host)
delete(c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMap[host], source)
err := c.generateACLsForAllNodes()
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: aclNodeFromnodeDelete: %v", err)
return nil
// generateACLsForAllNodes will generate a json encoded representation of the node specific
// map values of authSchema, along with a hash of the data.
// Will range over all the host elements defined in the ACL, create a new authParser for each one,
// and run a small state machine on each element to create the final ACL result to be used at host
// nodes.
// The result will be written to the schemaGenerated.ACLsToConvert map.
func (c *centralAuth) generateACLsForAllNodes() error {
// We first one to save the current main ACLMap.
func() {
fh, err := os.OpenFile(c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMapFilePath, os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC|os.O_RDWR, 0660)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: generateACLsForAllNodes: opening file for writing: %v, err: %v", c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMapFilePath, err)
defer fh.Close()
// a.schemaMain.mu.Lock()
// defer a.schemaMain.mu.Unlock()
enc := json.NewEncoder(fh)
err = enc.Encode(c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMap)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: generateACLsForAllNodes: encoding json to file failed: %v, err: %v", c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMapFilePath, err)
defer c.accessLists.schemaGenerated.mu.Unlock()
c.accessLists.schemaGenerated.ACLsToConvert = make(map[Node]map[Node]map[command]struct{})
// Rangle all ACL's. Both for single hosts, and group of hosts.
// ACL's that are for a group of hosts will be generated split
// out in it's indivial host name, and that current ACL will
// be added to the individual host in the ACLsToConvert map to
// built a complete picture of what the ACL's looks like for each
// individual hosts.
for n := range c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMap {
//a.schemaGenerated.ACLsToConvert = make(map[node]map[node]map[command]struct{})
ap := newAuthParser(n, c.accessLists)
inf := fmt.Errorf("generateACLsFor all nodes, ACLsToConvert contains: %#v", c.accessLists.schemaGenerated.ACLsToConvert)
// ACLsToConvert got the complete picture of what ACL's that
// are defined for each individual host node.
// Range this map, and generate a JSON representation of all
// the ACL's each host.
func() {
// If the map to generate from map is empty we want to also set the generatedACLsMap
// to empty so we can make sure that no more generated ACL's exists to be distributed.
if len(c.accessLists.schemaGenerated.ACLsToConvert) == 0 {
c.accessLists.schemaGenerated.GeneratedACLsMap = make(map[Node]HostACLsSerializedWithHash)
for n, m := range c.accessLists.schemaGenerated.ACLsToConvert {
//fmt.Printf("\n ################ DEBUG: RANGE in generate: n=%v, m=%v\n", n, m)
// cbor marshal the data of the ACL map to store for the host node.
cb, err := cbor.Marshal(m)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: generateACLsForAllNodes: failed to generate cbor for host in schemaGenerated: %v", err)
// Create the hash for the data for the host node.
hash := func() [32]byte {
sns := c.accessLists.nodeMapToSlice(n)
b, err := cbor.Marshal(sns)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: generateACLsForAllNodes: failed to generate cbor for hash: %v", err)
return [32]byte{}
hash := sha256.Sum256(b)
return hash
// Store both the cbor marshaled data and the hash in a structure.
hostSerialized := HostACLsSerializedWithHash{
Data: cb,
Hash: hash,
// and then store the cbor encoded data and the hash in the generated map.
c.accessLists.schemaGenerated.GeneratedACLsMap[n] = hostSerialized
inf = fmt.Errorf("generateACLsFor all nodes, GeneratedACLsMap contains: %#v", c.accessLists.schemaGenerated.GeneratedACLsMap)
return nil
// sourceNode is used to convert the ACL map structure of a host into a slice,
// and we then use the slice representation of the ACL to create the hash for
// a specific host node.
type sourceNode struct {
HostNode Node
SourceCommands []sourceNodeCommands
// sourceNodeCommand is used to convert the ACL map structure of a host into a slice,
// and we then use the slice representation of the ACL to create the hash for
// a specific host node.
type sourceNodeCommands struct {
Source Node
Commands []command
// nodeMapToSlice will return a sourceNode structure, with the map sourceNode part
// of the map converted into a slice. Both the from node, and the commands
// defined for each sourceNode are sorted.
// This function is used when creating the hash of the nodeMap since we can not
// guarantee the order of a hash map, but we can with a slice.
func (a *accessLists) nodeMapToSlice(host Node) sourceNode {
srcNodes := sourceNode{
HostNode: host,
for sn, commandMap := range a.schemaGenerated.ACLsToConvert[host] {
srcC := sourceNodeCommands{
Source: sn,
for cmd := range commandMap {
srcC.Commands = append(srcC.Commands, cmd)
// Sort all the commands.
sort.SliceStable(srcC.Commands, func(i, j int) bool {
return srcC.Commands[i] < srcC.Commands[j]
srcNodes.SourceCommands = append(srcNodes.SourceCommands, srcC)
// Sort all the source nodes.
sort.SliceStable(srcNodes.SourceCommands, func(i, j int) bool {
return srcNodes.SourceCommands[i].Source < srcNodes.SourceCommands[j].Source
// fmt.Printf(" * nodeMapToSlice: fromNodes: %#v\n", fns)
return srcNodes
// groupNodesAddNode adds a node to a group. If the group does
// not exist it will be created.
func (c *centralAuth) groupNodesAddNode(ng nodeGroup, n Node) {
//err := c.accessLists.validator.Var(ng, "startswith=grp_nodes_")
//if err != nil {
// log.Printf("error: group name do not start with grp_nodes_: %v\n", err)
// return
if !strings.HasPrefix(string(ng), "grp_nodes_") {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: group name do not start with grp_nodes_")
defer c.accessLists.schemaMain.mu.Unlock()
if _, ok := c.accessLists.schemaMain.NodeGroupMap[ng]; !ok {
c.accessLists.schemaMain.NodeGroupMap[ng] = make(map[Node]struct{})
c.accessLists.schemaMain.NodeGroupMap[ng][n] = struct{}{}
// fmt.Printf(" * groupNodesAddNode: After adding to group node looks like: %+v\n", a.schemaMain.NodeGroupMap)
err := c.generateACLsForAllNodes()
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: groupNodesAddNode: %v", err)
// groupNodesDeleteNode deletes a node from a group in the map.
func (c *centralAuth) groupNodesDeleteNode(ng nodeGroup, n Node) {
defer c.accessLists.schemaMain.mu.Unlock()
if _, ok := c.accessLists.schemaMain.NodeGroupMap[ng][n]; !ok {
er := fmt.Errorf("info: no such node with name=%v found in group=%v", ng, n)
delete(c.accessLists.schemaMain.NodeGroupMap[ng], n)
//fmt.Printf(" * After deleting nodeGroup map looks like: %+v\n", a.schemaMain.NodeGroupMap)
err := c.generateACLsForAllNodes()
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: groupNodesDeleteNode: %v", err)
// groupNodesDeleteGroup deletes a nodeGroup from map.
func (c *centralAuth) groupNodesDeleteGroup(ng nodeGroup) {
defer c.accessLists.schemaMain.mu.Unlock()
if _, ok := c.accessLists.schemaMain.NodeGroupMap[ng]; !ok {
er := fmt.Errorf("info: no such group found: %v", ng)
delete(c.accessLists.schemaMain.NodeGroupMap, ng)
//fmt.Printf(" * After deleting nodeGroup map looks like: %+v\n", a.schemaMain.NodeGroupMap)
err := c.generateACLsForAllNodes()
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: groupNodesDeleteGroup: %v", err)
// -----
// groupCommandsAddCommand adds a command to a group. If the group does
// not exist it will be created.
func (c *centralAuth) groupCommandsAddCommand(cg commandGroup, cmd command) {
// err := c.accessLists.validator.Var(cg, "startswith=grp_commands_")
// if err != nil {
// log.Printf("error: group name do not start with grp_commands_ : %v\n", err)
// return
// }
if !strings.HasPrefix(string(cg), "grp_commands_") {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: group name do not start with grp_commands_")
defer c.accessLists.schemaMain.mu.Unlock()
if _, ok := c.accessLists.schemaMain.CommandGroupMap[cg]; !ok {
c.accessLists.schemaMain.CommandGroupMap[cg] = make(map[command]struct{})
c.accessLists.schemaMain.CommandGroupMap[cg][cmd] = struct{}{}
//fmt.Printf(" * groupCommandsAddCommand: After adding command=%v to command group=%v map looks like: %+v\n", c, cg, a.schemaMain.CommandGroupMap)
err := c.generateACLsForAllNodes()
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: groupCommandsAddCommand: %v", err)
// groupCommandsDeleteCommand deletes a command from a group in the map.
func (c *centralAuth) groupCommandsDeleteCommand(cg commandGroup, cmd command) {
defer c.accessLists.schemaMain.mu.Unlock()
if _, ok := c.accessLists.schemaMain.CommandGroupMap[cg][cmd]; !ok {
er := fmt.Errorf("info: no such command with name=%v found in group=%v", c, cg)
delete(c.accessLists.schemaMain.CommandGroupMap[cg], cmd)
//fmt.Printf(" * After deleting command=%v from group=%v map looks like: %+v\n", c, cg, a.schemaMain.CommandGroupMap)
err := c.generateACLsForAllNodes()
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: groupCommandsDeleteCommand: %v", err)
// groupCommandDeleteGroup deletes a commandGroup map.
func (c *centralAuth) groupCommandDeleteGroup(cg commandGroup) {
defer c.accessLists.schemaMain.mu.Unlock()
if _, ok := c.accessLists.schemaMain.CommandGroupMap[cg]; !ok {
er := fmt.Errorf("info: no such group found: %v", cg)
delete(c.accessLists.schemaMain.CommandGroupMap, cg)
//fmt.Printf(" * After deleting commandGroup=%v map looks like: %+v\n", cg, a.schemaMain.CommandGroupMap)
err := c.generateACLsForAllNodes()
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: groupCommandDeleteGroup: %v", err)
// exportACLs will export the current content of the main ACLMap in JSON format.
func (c *centralAuth) exportACLs() ([]byte, error) {
defer c.accessLists.schemaMain.mu.Unlock()
js, err := json.Marshal(c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMap)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error: failed to marshal schemaMain.ACLMap: %v", err)
return js, nil
// importACLs will import and replace all current ACL's with the ACL's provided as input.
func (c *centralAuth) importACLs(js []byte) error {
defer c.accessLists.schemaMain.mu.Unlock()
m := make(map[Node]map[Node]map[command]struct{})
err := json.Unmarshal(js, &m)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error: failed to unmarshal into ACLMap: %v", err)
c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMap = m
return nil