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// Notes:
package steward
import (
type MessageType string
// TODO: Figure it makes sense to have these types at all.
// It might make more sense to implement these as two
// individual subjects.
const (
// shellCommand, command that will just wait for an
// ack, and nothing of the output of the command are
// delivered back in the reply ack message.
// The message should contain the unique ID of the
// command.
Command MessageType = "command"
// shellCommand, wait for and return the output
// of the command in the ACK message. This means
// that the command should be executed immediately
// and that we should get the confirmation that it
// was successful or not.
Event MessageType = "event"
// eventCommand, just wait for the ACK that the
// message is received. What action happens on the
// receiving side is up to the received to decide.
type Message struct {
// The Unique ID of the message
ID int `json:"id" yaml:"id"`
// The actual data in the message
// TODO: Change this to a slice instead...or maybe use an
// interface type here to handle several data types ?
Data []string `json:"data" yaml:"data"`
// The type of the message being sent
MessageType MessageType `json:"messageType" yaml:"messageType"`
// server is the structure that will hold the state about spawned
// processes on a local instance.
type server struct {
natsConn *nats.Conn
// TODO: sessions should probably hold a slice/map of processes ?
processes map[subjectName]process
// The last processID created
lastProcessID int
// The name of the node
nodeName string
mu sync.Mutex
// The channel where we receive new messages from the outside to
// insert into the system for being processed
newMessagesCh chan []jsonFromFile
// errorCh is used to report errors from a process
// NB: Implementing this as an int to report for testing
errorCh chan errProcess
// errorKernel
errorKernel *errorKernel
// newServer will prepare and return a server type
func NewServer(brokerAddress string, nodeName string) (*server, error) {
conn, err := nats.Connect(brokerAddress, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("error: nats.Connect failed: %v\n", err)
s := &server{
nodeName: nodeName,
natsConn: conn,
processes: make(map[subjectName]process),
newMessagesCh: make(chan []jsonFromFile),
errorCh: make(chan errProcess, 2),
// Start the error kernel that will do all the error handling
// not done within a process.
s.errorKernel = newErrorKernel()
return s, nil
func (s *server) PublisherStart() {
// Start the checking the input file for new messages from operator.
go getMessagesFromFile("./", "inmsg.txt", s.newMessagesCh)
// Prepare and start a single process
sub := newSubject("ship1", "command", "shellcommand", "shell")
proc := s.processPrepareNew(sub, s.errorCh)
// fmt.Printf("*** %#v\n", proc)
go s.processSpawnWorker(proc)
// Prepare and start a single process
sub := newSubject("ship2", "command", "shellcommand", "shell")
proc := s.processPrepareNew(sub, s.errorCh)
// fmt.Printf("*** %#v\n", proc)
go s.processSpawnWorker(proc)
select {}
// handleNewOperatorMessages will handle all the new operator messages
// given to the system, and route them to the correct subject queue.
func (s *server) handleNewOperatorMessages() {
// Process the messages that have been received on the incomming
// message pipe. Check and send if there are a specific subject
// for it, and no subject exist throw an error.
// TODO: Later on the only thing that should be checked here is
// that there is a node for the specific message, and the super-
// visor should create the process with the wanted subject on both
// the publishing and the receiving node. If there is no such node
// an error should be generated and processed by the error-kernel.
go func() {
for v := range s.newMessagesCh {
for _, vv := range v {
m := vv.Message
subjName := vv.Subject.name()
fmt.Printf("** handleNewOperatorMessages: message: %v, ** subject: %#v\n", m, vv.Subject)
_, ok := s.processes[subjName]
if ok {
log.Printf("info: found the specific subject: %v\n", subjName)
// Put the message on the correct process's messageCh
s.processes[subjName].subject.messageCh <- m
} else {
log.Printf("info: did not find that specific subject: %v\n", subjName)
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 500)
type node string
// subject contains the representation of a subject to be used with one
// specific process
type Subject struct {
// node, the name of the node
Node string `json:"node" yaml:"node"`
// messageType, command/event
MessageType MessageType `json:"messageType" yaml:"messageType"`
// method, what is this message doing, etc. shellcommand, syslog, etc.
Method string `json:"method" yaml:"method"`
// domain is used to differentiate services. Like there can be more
// logging services, but rarely more logging services for the same
// thing. Domain is here used to differentiate the the services and
// tell with one word what it is for.
Domain string `json:"domain" yaml:"domain"`
// messageCh is the channel for receiving new content to be sent
messageCh chan Message
// newSubject will return a new variable of the type subject, and insert
// all the values given as arguments. It will also create the channel
// to receive new messages on the specific subject.
func newSubject(node string, messageType MessageType, method string, domain string) Subject {
return Subject{
Node: node,
MessageType: messageType,
Method: method,
Domain: domain,
messageCh: make(chan Message),
type subjectName string
func (s Subject) name() subjectName {
return subjectName(fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.%s.%s", s.Node, s.MessageType, s.Method, s.Domain))
// process are represent the communication to one individual host
type process struct {
messageID int
// the subject used for the specific process. One process
// can contain only one sender on a message bus, hence
// also one subject
subject Subject
// Put a node here to be able know the node a process is at.
// NB: Might not be needed later on.
node node
// The processID for the current process
processID int
// errorCh is used to report errors from a process
// NB: Implementing this as an int to report for testing
errorCh chan errProcess
// prepareNewProcess will set the the provided values and the default
// values for a process.
func (s *server) processPrepareNew(subject Subject, errCh chan errProcess) process {
// create the initial configuration for a sessions communicating with 1 host process.
proc := process{
messageID: 0,
subject: subject,
node: node(subject.Node),
processID: s.lastProcessID,
errorCh: errCh,
//messageCh: make(chan Message),
return proc
// spawnProcess will spawn a new process. It will give the process
// the next available ID, and also add the process to the processes
// map.
func (s *server) processSpawnWorker(proc process) {
// We use the full name of the subject to identify a unique
// process. We can do that since a process can only handle
// one message queue.
s.processes[proc.subject.name()] = proc
// TODO: I think it makes most sense that the messages would come to
// here from some other message-pickup-process, and that process will
// give the message to the correct publisher process. A channel that
// is listened on in the for loop below could be used to receive the
// messages from the message-pickup-process.
for {
// Wait and read the next message on the message channel
m := <-proc.subject.messageCh
m.ID = s.processes[proc.subject.name()].messageID
messageDeliver(proc, m, s.natsConn)
// Increment the counter for the next message to be sent.
s.processes[proc.subject.name()] = proc
time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)
// NB: simulate that we get an error, and that we can send that
// out of the process and receive it in another thread.
ep := errProcess{
infoText: "process failed",
process: proc,
message: m,
errorActionCh: make(chan errorAction),
s.errorCh <- ep
// Wait for the response action back from the error kernel, and
// decide what to do. Should we continue, quit, or .... ?
switch <-ep.errorActionCh {
case errActionContinue:
log.Printf("The errAction was continue...so we're continuing\n")
func messageDeliver(proc process, message Message, natsConn *nats.Conn) {
for {
dataPayload, err := gobEncodePayload(message)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("error: createDataPayload: %v\n", err)
msg := &nats.Msg{
Subject: string(proc.subject.name()),
// Subject: fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.%s", proc.node, "command", "shellcommand"),
// Structure of the reply message are:
// reply.<nodename>.<message type>.<method>
Reply: fmt.Sprintf("reply.%s", proc.subject.name()),
Data: dataPayload,
// The SubscribeSync used in the subscriber, will get messages that
// are sent after it started subscribing, so we start a publisher
// that sends out a message every second.
// Create a subscriber for the reply message.
subReply, err := natsConn.SubscribeSync(msg.Reply)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("error: nc.SubscribeSync failed: %v\n", err)
// Publish message
err = natsConn.PublishMsg(msg)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("error: publish failed: %v\n", err)
// Wait up until 10 seconds for a reply,
// continue and resend if to reply received.
msgReply, err := subReply.NextMsg(time.Second * 10)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("error: subRepl.NextMsg failed for node=%v, subject=%v: %v\n", proc.node, proc.subject.name(), err)
// did not receive a reply, continuing from top again
log.Printf("publisher: received ACK: %s\n", msgReply.Data)
// gobEncodePayload will encode the message structure along with its
// valued in gob binary format.
// TODO: Check if it adds value to compress with gzip.
func gobEncodePayload(m Message) ([]byte, error) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
gobEnc := gob.NewEncoder(&buf)
err := gobEnc.Encode(m)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error: gob.Enode failed: %v", err)
return buf.Bytes(), nil