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package ctrl
import (
// processes holds all the information about running processes
type processes struct {
// mutex for processes
mu sync.Mutex
// The main context for subscriber processes.
ctx context.Context
// cancel func to send cancel signal to the subscriber processes context.
cancel context.CancelFunc
// The active spawned processes
// server
server *server
active procsMap
// mutex to lock the map
// mu sync.RWMutex
// The last processID created
lastProcessID int
// The instance global prometheus registry.
metrics *metrics
// Waitgroup to keep track of all the processes started.
wg sync.WaitGroup
// errorKernel
errorKernel *errorKernel
// configuration
configuration *Configuration
// Signatures
nodeAuth *nodeAuth
// newProcesses will prepare and return a *processes which
// is map containing all the currently running processes.
func newProcesses(ctx context.Context, server *server) *processes {
p := processes{
server: server,
active: *newProcsMap(),
errorKernel: server.errorKernel,
configuration: server.configuration,
nodeAuth: server.nodeAuth,
metrics: server.metrics,
// Prepare the parent context for the subscribers.
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
// // Start the processes map.
// go func() {
// p.active.run(ctx)
// }()
p.ctx = ctx
p.cancel = cancel
return &p
// ----------------------
// ----------------------
type procsMap struct {
procNames map[processName]process
mu sync.Mutex
func newProcsMap() *procsMap {
cM := procsMap{
procNames: make(map[processName]process),
return &cM
// ----------------------
// Start all the subscriber processes.
// Takes an initial process as it's input. All processes
// will be tied to this single process's context.
func (p *processes) Start(proc process) {
// Set the context for the initial process.
proc.ctx = p.ctx
// --- Subscriber services that can be started via flags
proc.startup.subscriber(proc, OpProcessList, nil)
proc.startup.subscriber(proc, OpProcessStart, nil)
proc.startup.subscriber(proc, OpProcessStop, nil)
proc.startup.subscriber(proc, Test, nil)
if proc.configuration.StartSubFileAppend {
proc.startup.subscriber(proc, FileAppend, nil)
if proc.configuration.StartSubFile {
proc.startup.subscriber(proc, File, nil)
if proc.configuration.StartSubCopySrc {
proc.startup.subscriber(proc, CopySrc, nil)
if proc.configuration.StartSubCopyDst {
proc.startup.subscriber(proc, CopyDst, nil)
if proc.configuration.StartSubHello {
// subREQHello is the handler that is triggered when we are receiving a hello
// message. To keep the state of all the hello's received from nodes we need
// to also start a procFunc that will live as a go routine tied to this process,
// where the procFunc will receive messages from the handler when a message is
// received, the handler will deliver the message to the procFunc on the
// proc.procFuncCh, and we can then read that message from the procFuncCh in
// the procFunc running.
pf := func(ctx context.Context, procFuncCh chan Message) error {
// sayHelloNodes := make(map[Node]struct{})
for {
// Receive a copy of the message sent from the method handler.
var m Message
select {
case m = <-procFuncCh:
case <-ctx.Done():
er := fmt.Errorf("info: stopped handleFunc for: subscriber %v", proc.subject.name())
// sendErrorLogMessage(proc.toRingbufferCh, proc.node, er)
return nil
proc.centralAuth.addPublicKey(proc, m)
// update the prometheus metrics
mapLen := len(proc.server.centralAuth.pki.nodesAcked.keysAndHash.Keys)
proc.metrics.promHelloNodesContactLast.With(prometheus.Labels{"nodeName": string(m.FromNode)}).SetToCurrentTime()
proc.startup.subscriber(proc, Hello, pf)
fmt.Printf("--------------------------------IsCentralErrorLogger = %v------------------------------\n", proc.configuration.IsCentralErrorLogger)
if proc.configuration.IsCentralErrorLogger {
proc.startup.subscriber(proc, ErrorLog, nil)
if proc.configuration.StartSubCliCommand {
proc.startup.subscriber(proc, CliCommand, nil)
if proc.configuration.StartSubConsole {
proc.startup.subscriber(proc, Console, nil)
if proc.configuration.StartPubHello != 0 {
pf := func(ctx context.Context, procFuncCh chan Message) error {
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * time.Duration(p.configuration.StartPubHello))
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
// d := fmt.Sprintf("Hello from %v\n", p.node)
// Send the ed25519 public key used for signing as the payload of the message.
d := proc.server.nodeAuth.SignPublicKey
m := Message{
FileName: "hello.log",
Directory: "hello-messages",
ToNode: Node(p.configuration.CentralNodeName),
FromNode: Node(proc.node),
Data: []byte(d),
Method: Hello,
ACKTimeout: proc.configuration.DefaultMessageTimeout,
Retries: 1,
sam, err := newSubjectAndMessage(m)
if err != nil {
// In theory the system should drop the message before it reaches here.
er := fmt.Errorf("error: ProcessesStart: %v", err)
p.errorKernel.errSend(proc, m, er, logError)
proc.newMessagesCh <- []subjectAndMessage{sam}
select {
case <-ticker.C:
case <-ctx.Done():
er := fmt.Errorf("info: stopped handleFunc for: publisher %v", proc.subject.name())
// sendErrorLogMessage(proc.toRingbufferCh, proc.node, er)
return nil
proc.startup.publisher(proc, Hello, pf)
if proc.configuration.EnableKeyUpdates {
// Define the startup of a publisher that will send KeysRequestUpdate
// to central server and ask for publics keys, and to get them deliver back with a request
// of type KeysDeliverUpdate.
pf := func(ctx context.Context, procFuncCh chan Message) error {
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * time.Duration(p.configuration.KeysUpdateInterval))
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
// Send a message with the hash of the currently stored keys,
// so we would know on the subscriber at central if it should send
// and update with new keys back.
er := fmt.Errorf(" ----> publisher KeysRequestUpdate: sending our current hash: %v", []byte(proc.nodeAuth.publicKeys.keysAndHash.Hash[:]))
m := Message{
FileName: "publickeysget.log",
Directory: "publickeysget",
ToNode: Node(p.configuration.CentralNodeName),
FromNode: Node(proc.node),
Data: []byte(proc.nodeAuth.publicKeys.keysAndHash.Hash[:]),
Method: KeysRequestUpdate,
ReplyMethod: KeysDeliverUpdate,
ACKTimeout: proc.configuration.DefaultMessageTimeout,
Retries: 1,
sam, err := newSubjectAndMessage(m)
if err != nil {
// In theory the system should drop the message before it reaches here.
p.errorKernel.errSend(proc, m, err, logError)
proc.newMessagesCh <- []subjectAndMessage{sam}
select {
case <-ticker.C:
case <-ctx.Done():
er := fmt.Errorf("info: stopped handleFunc for: publisher %v", proc.subject.name())
// sendErrorLogMessage(proc.toRingbufferCh, proc.node, er)
return nil
proc.startup.publisher(proc, KeysRequestUpdate, pf)
proc.startup.subscriber(proc, KeysDeliverUpdate, nil)
if proc.configuration.EnableAclUpdates {
pf := func(ctx context.Context, procFuncCh chan Message) error {
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * time.Duration(p.configuration.AclUpdateInterval))
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
// Send a message with the hash of the currently stored acl's,
// so we would know for the subscriber at central if it should send
// and update with new keys back.
er := fmt.Errorf(" ----> publisher AclRequestUpdate: sending our current hash: %v", []byte(proc.nodeAuth.nodeAcl.aclAndHash.Hash[:]))
m := Message{
FileName: "aclRequestUpdate.log",
Directory: "aclRequestUpdate",
ToNode: Node(p.configuration.CentralNodeName),
FromNode: Node(proc.node),
Data: []byte(proc.nodeAuth.nodeAcl.aclAndHash.Hash[:]),
Method: AclRequestUpdate,
ReplyMethod: AclDeliverUpdate,
ACKTimeout: proc.configuration.DefaultMessageTimeout,
Retries: 1,
sam, err := newSubjectAndMessage(m)
if err != nil {
// In theory the system should drop the message before it reaches here.
p.errorKernel.errSend(proc, m, err, logError)
log.Printf("error: ProcessesStart: %v\n", err)
proc.newMessagesCh <- []subjectAndMessage{sam}
select {
case <-ticker.C:
case <-ctx.Done():
er := fmt.Errorf("info: stopped handleFunc for: publisher %v", proc.subject.name())
// sendErrorLogMessage(proc.toRingbufferCh, proc.node, er)
return nil
proc.startup.publisher(proc, AclRequestUpdate, pf)
proc.startup.subscriber(proc, AclDeliverUpdate, nil)
if proc.configuration.IsCentralAuth {
proc.startup.subscriber(proc, KeysRequestUpdate, nil)
proc.startup.subscriber(proc, KeysAllow, nil)
proc.startup.subscriber(proc, KeysDelete, nil)
proc.startup.subscriber(proc, AclRequestUpdate, nil)
proc.startup.subscriber(proc, AclAddCommand, nil)
proc.startup.subscriber(proc, AclDeleteCommand, nil)
proc.startup.subscriber(proc, AclDeleteSource, nil)
proc.startup.subscriber(proc, AclGroupNodesAddNode, nil)
proc.startup.subscriber(proc, AclGroupNodesDeleteNode, nil)
proc.startup.subscriber(proc, AclGroupNodesDeleteGroup, nil)
proc.startup.subscriber(proc, AclGroupCommandsAddCommand, nil)
proc.startup.subscriber(proc, AclGroupCommandsDeleteCommand, nil)
proc.startup.subscriber(proc, AclGroupCommandsDeleteGroup, nil)
proc.startup.subscriber(proc, AclExport, nil)
proc.startup.subscriber(proc, AclImport, nil)
if proc.configuration.StartSubHttpGet {
proc.startup.subscriber(proc, HttpGet, nil)
if proc.configuration.StartSubTailFile {
proc.startup.subscriber(proc, TailFile, nil)
if proc.configuration.StartSubCliCommandCont {
proc.startup.subscriber(proc, CliCommandCont, nil)
proc.startup.subscriber(proc, PublicKey, nil)
// --------------------------------------------------
// ProcFunc for Jetstream publishers.
// --------------------------------------------------
if proc.configuration.StartJetstreamPublisher {
pfJetstreamPublishers := func(ctx context.Context, procFuncCh chan Message) error {
js, err := jetstream.New(proc.natsConn)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error: jetstream new failed: %v\n", err)
_, err = js.CreateOrUpdateStream(proc.ctx, jetstream.StreamConfig{
Name: "nodes",
Description: "nodes stream",
Subjects: []string{"nodes.>"},
// Discard older messages and keep only the last one.
MaxMsgsPerSubject: 1,
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error: jetstream create or update failed: %v\n", err)
for {
// TODO:
select {
case msg := <-proc.jetstreamOut:
b, err := proc.messageSerializeAndCompress(msg)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error: pfJetstreamPublishers: js failed to marshal message: %v\n", err)
subject := fmt.Sprintf("nodes.%v", msg.JetstreamToNode)
_, err = js.Publish(proc.ctx, subject, b)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error: pfJetstreamPublishers:js failed to publish message: %v\n", err)
case <-ctx.Done():
return fmt.Errorf("%v", "info: pfJetstreamPublishers: got <-ctx.done")
proc.startup.publisher(proc, JetStreamPublishers, pfJetstreamPublishers)
// --------------------------------------------------
// Procfunc for Jetstream consumers.
// --------------------------------------------------
// pfJetstreamConsumers connect to a given nats jetstream, and consume messages
// for the node on specified subjects within that stream.
// After a jetstream message is picked up from the stream, the steward message
// will be extracted from the data field, and the ctrl message will be put
// on the local delivery channel, and handled as a normal ctrl message.
if proc.configuration.StartJetstreamConsumer {
pfJetstreamConsumers := func(ctx context.Context, procFuncCh chan Message) error {
js, err := jetstream.New(proc.natsConn)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error: jetstream new failed: %v\n", err)
stream, err := js.Stream(proc.ctx, "nodes")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error: js.Stream failed: %v\n", err)
// Check for more subjects via flags to listen to, and if defined prefix all
// the values with "nodes."
filterSubjectValues := []string{
fmt.Sprintf("nodes.%v", proc.server.nodeName),
// Check if there are more to consume defined in flags/env.
if proc.configuration.JetstreamsConsume != "" {
splitValues := strings.Split(proc.configuration.JetstreamsConsume, ",")
for i, v := range splitValues {
filterSubjectValues[i] = fmt.Sprintf("nodes.%v", v)
consumer, err := stream.CreateOrUpdateConsumer(proc.ctx, jetstream.ConsumerConfig{
Name: "nodes_processor",
Durable: "nodes_processor",
FilterSubjects: filterSubjectValues,
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error: create or update consumer failed: %v\n", err)
cctx, err := consumer.Consume(func(msg jetstream.Msg) {
stewardMessage := Message{}
stewardMessage, err := proc.messageDeserializeAndUncompress(msg)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error: pfJetstreamConsumers: json.Unmarshal failed: %v\n", err)
log.Printf("Received jetstream message to convert and handle as normal nats message: %v, with ctrl method: %v\n", string(msg.Subject()), string(stewardMessage.Method))
// Messages received here via jetstream are for this node. Put the message into
// a SubjectAndMessage structure, and we use the deliver local from here.
sam, err := newSubjectAndMessage(stewardMessage)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error: pfJetstreamConsumers: newSubjectAndMessage failed: %v\n", err)
proc.server.samSendLocalCh <- []subjectAndMessage{sam}
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error: create or update consumer failed: %v\n", err)
defer cctx.Stop()
return nil
proc.startup.subscriber(proc, JetstreamConsumers, pfJetstreamConsumers)
// --------------------------------------------------
// Stop all subscriber processes.
func (p *processes) Stop() {
log.Printf("info: canceling all subscriber processes...\n")
log.Printf("info: done canceling all subscriber processes.\n")
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper functions, and other
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Startup holds all the startup methods for subscribers.
type startup struct {
server *server
centralAuth *centralAuth
metrics *metrics
func newStartup(server *server) *startup {
s := startup{
server: server,
centralAuth: server.centralAuth,
metrics: server.metrics,
return &s
// subscriber will start a subscriber process. It takes the initial process, request method,
// and a procFunc as it's input arguments. If a procFunc is not needed, use the value nil.
func (s *startup) subscriber(p process, m Method, pf func(ctx context.Context, procFuncCh chan Message) error) {
er := fmt.Errorf("starting %v subscriber: %#v", m, p.node)
var sub Subject
switch {
case m == ErrorLog:
sub = newSubject(m, "errorCentral")
sub = newSubject(m, string(p.node))
fmt.Printf("DEBUG:::startup subscriber, subject: %v\n", sub)
proc := newProcess(p.ctx, p.processes.server, sub, streamInfo{}, processKindSubscriberNats)
proc.procFunc = pf
go proc.Start()
// publisher will start a publisher process. It takes the initial process, request method,
// and a procFunc as it's input arguments. If a procFunc is not needed, use the value nil.
func (s *startup) publisher(p process, m Method, pf func(ctx context.Context, procFuncCh chan Message) error) {
er := fmt.Errorf("starting %v publisher: %#v", m, p.node)
sub := newSubject(m, string(p.node))
proc := newProcess(p.ctx, p.processes.server, sub, streamInfo{}, processKindPublisherNats)
proc.procFunc = pf
proc.isLongRunningPublisher = true
go proc.Start()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Print the content of the processes map.
func (p *processes) printProcessesMap() {
er := fmt.Errorf("output of processes map : ")
for pName, proc := range p.active.procNames {
er := fmt.Errorf("info: proc - pub/sub: %v, procName in map: %v , id: %v, subject: %v", proc.processKind, pName, proc.processID, proc.subject.name())