mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 06:46:48 +00:00
removed example for no longer existing relay messages cleaned up comments Removed some remaings after REQToFileNACK Implemented env variables for all flags, and removed config flag. Also added use of .env file. removed configuration as input argument from all the loggers replaced logging of new messages in read folder with a logDebug so we don't send those messages to the error kernel
637 lines
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637 lines
20 KiB
package ctrl
import (
// // centralAuth
// type centralAuth struct {
// authorization *authorization
// }
// // newCentralAuth
// func newCentralAuth() *centralAuth {
// c := centralAuth{
// authorization: newAuthorization(),
// }
// return &c
// }
// --------------------------------------
type accessLists struct {
// Holds the editable structures for ACL handling.
schemaMain *schemaMain
// Holds the generated based on the editable structures for ACL handling.
schemaGenerated *schemaGenerated
errorKernel *errorKernel
configuration *Configuration
pki *pki
func newAccessLists(pki *pki, errorKernel *errorKernel, configuration *Configuration) *accessLists {
a := accessLists{
schemaMain: newSchemaMain(configuration, errorKernel),
schemaGenerated: newSchemaGenerated(),
errorKernel: errorKernel,
configuration: configuration,
pki: pki,
return &a
// type node string
type command string
type nodeGroup string
type commandGroup string
// schemaMain is the structure that holds the user editable parts for creating ACL's.
type schemaMain struct {
ACLMap map[Node]map[Node]map[command]struct{}
ACLMapFilePath string
NodeGroupMap map[nodeGroup]map[Node]struct{}
CommandGroupMap map[commandGroup]map[command]struct{}
mu sync.Mutex
configuration *Configuration
errorKernel *errorKernel
func newSchemaMain(configuration *Configuration, errorKernel *errorKernel) *schemaMain {
s := schemaMain{
ACLMap: make(map[Node]map[Node]map[command]struct{}),
ACLMapFilePath: filepath.Join(configuration.DatabaseFolder, "central_aclmap.txt"),
NodeGroupMap: make(map[nodeGroup]map[Node]struct{}),
CommandGroupMap: make(map[commandGroup]map[command]struct{}),
configuration: configuration,
errorKernel: errorKernel,
// Load ACLMap from disk if present.
func() {
if _, err := os.Stat(s.ACLMapFilePath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
er := fmt.Errorf("info: newSchemaMain: no file for ACLMap found, will create new one, %v: %v", s.ACLMapFilePath, err)
// If no aclmap is present on disk we just return from this
// function without loading any values.
fh, err := os.Open(s.ACLMapFilePath)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: newSchemaMain: failed to open file for reading %v: %v", s.ACLMapFilePath, err)
b, err := io.ReadAll(fh)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: newSchemaMain: failed to ReadAll file %v: %v", s.ACLMapFilePath, err)
// Unmarshal the data read from disk.
err = json.Unmarshal(b, &s.ACLMap)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: newSchemaMain: failed to unmarshal content from file %v: %v", s.ACLMapFilePath, err)
// Generate the aclGenerated map happens in the function where this function is called.
return &s
// schemaGenerated is the structure that holds all the generated ACL's
// to be sent to nodes.
// The ACL's here are generated from the schemaMain.ACLMap.
type schemaGenerated struct {
ACLsToConvert map[Node]map[Node]map[command]struct{}
GeneratedACLsMap map[Node]HostACLsSerializedWithHash
mu sync.Mutex
func newSchemaGenerated() *schemaGenerated {
s := schemaGenerated{
ACLsToConvert: map[Node]map[Node]map[command]struct{}{},
GeneratedACLsMap: make(map[Node]HostACLsSerializedWithHash),
return &s
// HostACLsSerializedWithHash holds the serialized representation node specific ACL's in the authSchema.
// There is also a sha256 hash of the data.
type HostACLsSerializedWithHash struct {
// data is all the ACL's for a specific node serialized serialized into cbor.
Data []byte
// hash is the sha256 hash of the ACL's.
// With maps the order are not guaranteed, so A sorted appearance
// of the ACL map for a host node is used when creating the hash,
// so the hash stays the same unless the ACL is changed.
Hash [32]byte
// commandAsSlice will convert the given argument into a slice representation.
// If the argument is a group, then all the members of that group will be expanded into
// the slice.
// If the argument is not a group kind of value, then only a slice with that single
// value is returned.
func (a *accessLists) nodeAsSlice(n Node) []Node {
nodes := []Node{}
// Check if we are given a nodeGroup variable, and if we are, get all the
// nodes for that group.
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(string(n), "grp_nodes_"):
for nd := range a.schemaMain.NodeGroupMap[nodeGroup(n)] {
nodes = append(nodes, nd)
case string(n) == "*":
func() {
defer a.pki.nodesAcked.mu.Unlock()
for nd := range a.pki.nodesAcked.keysAndHash.Keys {
nodes = append(nodes, nd)
// No group found meaning a single node was given as an argument.
nodes = []Node{n}
return nodes
// commandAsSlice will convert the given argument into a slice representation.
// If the argument is a group, then all the members of that group will be expanded into
// the slice.
// If the argument is not a group kind of value, then only a slice with that single
// value is returned.
func (a *accessLists) commandAsSlice(c command) []command {
commands := []command{}
// Check if we are given a nodeGroup variable, and if we are, get all the
// nodes for that group.
if strings.HasPrefix(string(c), "grp_commands_") {
for cmd := range a.schemaMain.CommandGroupMap[commandGroup(c)] {
commands = append(commands, cmd)
} else {
// No group found meaning a single node was given as an argument, so we
// just put the single node given as the only value in the slice.
commands = []command{c}
return commands
// aclAddCommand will add a command for a fromNode.
// If the node or the fromNode do not exist they will be created.
// The json encoded schema for a node and the hash of those data
// will also be generated.
func (c *centralAuth) aclAddCommand(host Node, source Node, cmd command) {
defer c.accessLists.schemaMain.mu.Unlock()
// Check if node exists in map.
if _, ok := c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMap[host]; !ok {
// log.Printf("info: did not find node=%v in map, creating map[fromnode]map[command]struct{}\n", n)
c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMap[host] = make(map[Node]map[command]struct{})
// Check if also source node exists in map
if _, ok := c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMap[host][source]; !ok {
// log.Printf("info: did not find node=%v in map, creating map[fromnode]map[command]struct{}\n", fn)
c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMap[host][source] = make(map[command]struct{})
c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMap[host][source][cmd] = struct{}{}
// err := a.generateJSONForHostOrGroup(n)
err := c.generateACLsForAllNodes()
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: addCommandForFromNode: %v", err)
// fmt.Printf(" * DEBUG: aclNodeFromnodeCommandAdd: a.schemaMain.ACLMap=%v\n", a.schemaMain.ACLMap)
// aclDeleteCommand will delete the specified command from the fromnode.
func (c *centralAuth) aclDeleteCommand(host Node, source Node, cmd command) error {
defer c.accessLists.schemaMain.mu.Unlock()
// Check if node exists in map.
if _, ok := c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMap[host]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("authSchema: no such node=%v to delete on in schema exists", host)
if _, ok := c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMap[host][source]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("authSchema: no such fromnode=%v to delete on in schema for node=%v exists", source, host)
if _, ok := c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMap[host][source][cmd]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("authSchema: no such command=%v from fromnode=%v to delete on in schema for node=%v exists", cmd, source, host)
delete(c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMap[host][source], cmd)
err := c.generateACLsForAllNodes()
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: aclNodeFromNodeCommandDelete: %v", err)
return nil
// aclDeleteSource will delete specified source node and all commands specified for it.
func (c *centralAuth) aclDeleteSource(host Node, source Node) error {
defer c.accessLists.schemaMain.mu.Unlock()
// Check if node exists in map.
if _, ok := c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMap[host]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("authSchema: no such node=%v to delete on in schema exists", host)
if _, ok := c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMap[host][source]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("authSchema: no such fromnode=%v to delete on in schema for node=%v exists", source, host)
delete(c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMap[host], source)
err := c.generateACLsForAllNodes()
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: aclNodeFromnodeDelete: %v", err)
return nil
// generateACLsForAllNodes will generate a json encoded representation of the node specific
// map values of authSchema, along with a hash of the data.
// Will range over all the host elements defined in the ACL, create a new authParser for each one,
// and run a small state machine on each element to create the final ACL result to be used at host
// nodes.
// The result will be written to the schemaGenerated.ACLsToConvert map.
func (c *centralAuth) generateACLsForAllNodes() error {
// We first one to save the current main ACLMap.
func() {
fh, err := os.OpenFile(c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMapFilePath, os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC|os.O_RDWR, 0660)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: generateACLsForAllNodes: opening file for writing: %v, err: %v", c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMapFilePath, err)
defer fh.Close()
// a.schemaMain.mu.Lock()
// defer a.schemaMain.mu.Unlock()
enc := json.NewEncoder(fh)
err = enc.Encode(c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMap)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: generateACLsForAllNodes: encoding json to file failed: %v, err: %v", c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMapFilePath, err)
defer c.accessLists.schemaGenerated.mu.Unlock()
c.accessLists.schemaGenerated.ACLsToConvert = make(map[Node]map[Node]map[command]struct{})
// Rangle all ACL's. Both for single hosts, and group of hosts.
// ACL's that are for a group of hosts will be generated split
// out in it's indivial host name, and that current ACL will
// be added to the individual host in the ACLsToConvert map to
// built a complete picture of what the ACL's looks like for each
// individual hosts.
for n := range c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMap {
//a.schemaGenerated.ACLsToConvert = make(map[node]map[node]map[command]struct{})
ap := newAuthParser(n, c.accessLists)
inf := fmt.Errorf("generateACLsFor all nodes, ACLsToConvert contains: %#v", c.accessLists.schemaGenerated.ACLsToConvert)
// ACLsToConvert got the complete picture of what ACL's that
// are defined for each individual host node.
// Range this map, and generate a JSON representation of all
// the ACL's each host.
func() {
// If the map to generate from map is empty we want to also set the generatedACLsMap
// to empty so we can make sure that no more generated ACL's exists to be distributed.
if len(c.accessLists.schemaGenerated.ACLsToConvert) == 0 {
c.accessLists.schemaGenerated.GeneratedACLsMap = make(map[Node]HostACLsSerializedWithHash)
for n, m := range c.accessLists.schemaGenerated.ACLsToConvert {
//fmt.Printf("\n ################ DEBUG: RANGE in generate: n=%v, m=%v\n", n, m)
// cbor marshal the data of the ACL map to store for the host node.
cb, err := cbor.Marshal(m)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: generateACLsForAllNodes: failed to generate cbor for host in schemaGenerated: %v", err)
// Create the hash for the data for the host node.
hash := func() [32]byte {
sns := c.accessLists.nodeMapToSlice(n)
b, err := cbor.Marshal(sns)
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: generateACLsForAllNodes: failed to generate cbor for hash: %v", err)
return [32]byte{}
hash := sha256.Sum256(b)
return hash
// Store both the cbor marshaled data and the hash in a structure.
hostSerialized := HostACLsSerializedWithHash{
Data: cb,
Hash: hash,
// and then store the cbor encoded data and the hash in the generated map.
c.accessLists.schemaGenerated.GeneratedACLsMap[n] = hostSerialized
inf = fmt.Errorf("generateACLsFor all nodes, GeneratedACLsMap contains: %#v", c.accessLists.schemaGenerated.GeneratedACLsMap)
return nil
// sourceNode is used to convert the ACL map structure of a host into a slice,
// and we then use the slice representation of the ACL to create the hash for
// a specific host node.
type sourceNode struct {
HostNode Node
SourceCommands []sourceNodeCommands
// sourceNodeCommand is used to convert the ACL map structure of a host into a slice,
// and we then use the slice representation of the ACL to create the hash for
// a specific host node.
type sourceNodeCommands struct {
Source Node
Commands []command
// nodeMapToSlice will return a sourceNode structure, with the map sourceNode part
// of the map converted into a slice. Both the from node, and the commands
// defined for each sourceNode are sorted.
// This function is used when creating the hash of the nodeMap since we can not
// guarantee the order of a hash map, but we can with a slice.
func (a *accessLists) nodeMapToSlice(host Node) sourceNode {
srcNodes := sourceNode{
HostNode: host,
for sn, commandMap := range a.schemaGenerated.ACLsToConvert[host] {
srcC := sourceNodeCommands{
Source: sn,
for cmd := range commandMap {
srcC.Commands = append(srcC.Commands, cmd)
// Sort all the commands.
sort.SliceStable(srcC.Commands, func(i, j int) bool {
return srcC.Commands[i] < srcC.Commands[j]
srcNodes.SourceCommands = append(srcNodes.SourceCommands, srcC)
// Sort all the source nodes.
sort.SliceStable(srcNodes.SourceCommands, func(i, j int) bool {
return srcNodes.SourceCommands[i].Source < srcNodes.SourceCommands[j].Source
// fmt.Printf(" * nodeMapToSlice: fromNodes: %#v\n", fns)
return srcNodes
// groupNodesAddNode adds a node to a group. If the group does
// not exist it will be created.
func (c *centralAuth) groupNodesAddNode(ng nodeGroup, n Node) {
//err := c.accessLists.validator.Var(ng, "startswith=grp_nodes_")
//if err != nil {
// log.Printf("error: group name do not start with grp_nodes_: %v\n", err)
// return
if !strings.HasPrefix(string(ng), "grp_nodes_") {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: group name do not start with grp_nodes_")
defer c.accessLists.schemaMain.mu.Unlock()
if _, ok := c.accessLists.schemaMain.NodeGroupMap[ng]; !ok {
c.accessLists.schemaMain.NodeGroupMap[ng] = make(map[Node]struct{})
c.accessLists.schemaMain.NodeGroupMap[ng][n] = struct{}{}
// fmt.Printf(" * groupNodesAddNode: After adding to group node looks like: %+v\n", a.schemaMain.NodeGroupMap)
err := c.generateACLsForAllNodes()
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: groupNodesAddNode: %v", err)
// groupNodesDeleteNode deletes a node from a group in the map.
func (c *centralAuth) groupNodesDeleteNode(ng nodeGroup, n Node) {
defer c.accessLists.schemaMain.mu.Unlock()
if _, ok := c.accessLists.schemaMain.NodeGroupMap[ng][n]; !ok {
er := fmt.Errorf("info: no such node with name=%v found in group=%v", ng, n)
delete(c.accessLists.schemaMain.NodeGroupMap[ng], n)
//fmt.Printf(" * After deleting nodeGroup map looks like: %+v\n", a.schemaMain.NodeGroupMap)
err := c.generateACLsForAllNodes()
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: groupNodesDeleteNode: %v", err)
// groupNodesDeleteGroup deletes a nodeGroup from map.
func (c *centralAuth) groupNodesDeleteGroup(ng nodeGroup) {
defer c.accessLists.schemaMain.mu.Unlock()
if _, ok := c.accessLists.schemaMain.NodeGroupMap[ng]; !ok {
er := fmt.Errorf("info: no such group found: %v", ng)
delete(c.accessLists.schemaMain.NodeGroupMap, ng)
//fmt.Printf(" * After deleting nodeGroup map looks like: %+v\n", a.schemaMain.NodeGroupMap)
err := c.generateACLsForAllNodes()
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: groupNodesDeleteGroup: %v", err)
// -----
// groupCommandsAddCommand adds a command to a group. If the group does
// not exist it will be created.
func (c *centralAuth) groupCommandsAddCommand(cg commandGroup, cmd command) {
// err := c.accessLists.validator.Var(cg, "startswith=grp_commands_")
// if err != nil {
// log.Printf("error: group name do not start with grp_commands_ : %v\n", err)
// return
// }
if !strings.HasPrefix(string(cg), "grp_commands_") {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: group name do not start with grp_commands_")
defer c.accessLists.schemaMain.mu.Unlock()
if _, ok := c.accessLists.schemaMain.CommandGroupMap[cg]; !ok {
c.accessLists.schemaMain.CommandGroupMap[cg] = make(map[command]struct{})
c.accessLists.schemaMain.CommandGroupMap[cg][cmd] = struct{}{}
//fmt.Printf(" * groupCommandsAddCommand: After adding command=%v to command group=%v map looks like: %+v\n", c, cg, a.schemaMain.CommandGroupMap)
err := c.generateACLsForAllNodes()
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: groupCommandsAddCommand: %v", err)
// groupCommandsDeleteCommand deletes a command from a group in the map.
func (c *centralAuth) groupCommandsDeleteCommand(cg commandGroup, cmd command) {
defer c.accessLists.schemaMain.mu.Unlock()
if _, ok := c.accessLists.schemaMain.CommandGroupMap[cg][cmd]; !ok {
er := fmt.Errorf("info: no such command with name=%v found in group=%v", c, cg)
delete(c.accessLists.schemaMain.CommandGroupMap[cg], cmd)
//fmt.Printf(" * After deleting command=%v from group=%v map looks like: %+v\n", c, cg, a.schemaMain.CommandGroupMap)
err := c.generateACLsForAllNodes()
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: groupCommandsDeleteCommand: %v", err)
// groupCommandDeleteGroup deletes a commandGroup map.
func (c *centralAuth) groupCommandDeleteGroup(cg commandGroup) {
defer c.accessLists.schemaMain.mu.Unlock()
if _, ok := c.accessLists.schemaMain.CommandGroupMap[cg]; !ok {
er := fmt.Errorf("info: no such group found: %v", cg)
delete(c.accessLists.schemaMain.CommandGroupMap, cg)
//fmt.Printf(" * After deleting commandGroup=%v map looks like: %+v\n", cg, a.schemaMain.CommandGroupMap)
err := c.generateACLsForAllNodes()
if err != nil {
er := fmt.Errorf("error: groupCommandDeleteGroup: %v", err)
// exportACLs will export the current content of the main ACLMap in JSON format.
func (c *centralAuth) exportACLs() ([]byte, error) {
defer c.accessLists.schemaMain.mu.Unlock()
js, err := json.Marshal(c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMap)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error: failed to marshal schemaMain.ACLMap: %v", err)
return js, nil
// importACLs will import and replace all current ACL's with the ACL's provided as input.
func (c *centralAuth) importACLs(js []byte) error {
defer c.accessLists.schemaMain.mu.Unlock()
m := make(map[Node]map[Node]map[command]struct{})
err := json.Unmarshal(js, &m)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error: failed to unmarshal into ACLMap: %v", err)
c.accessLists.schemaMain.ACLMap = m
return nil