#!/bin/bash # Script to be copied over to the host, and executed. # The script should exit with a line echoing out the # error or success message, and should then be followed # by an error code 0 if ok, and >0 if not ok. ## # The HOSTNAME environmental variable is passed on to # the host when the ssh session are initiated within # the wrapper script. It is read from the hosts.txt # file which should be in the format: #,myhostnamehere workdir=/usr/local/steward # ------- Generate steward config mkdir -p $workdir/etc touch $workdir/etc/config.toml # The ${NODENAME} is exported directly in the ssh command in the loop-wrapper script cat >$workdir/etc/config.toml </dev/null 2>&1; then echo "*" error: systemctl disable progName.service exit 1 fi if ! systemctl stop $progName.service >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "*" error: systemctl stop $progName.service exit 1 fi if ! rm $systemctlFile >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "*" error: removing $systemctlFile service file exit 1 fi fi #echo "*" creating systemd $progName.service cat >$systemctlFile <${progName} service Documentation=https://github.com/postmannen/ctrl After=network-online.target nss-lookup.target Requires=network-online.target nss-lookup.target [Service] ExecStart=env CONFIG_FOLDER=/usr/local/steward/etc /usr/local/steward/steward [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF # ------- generate nats keys errorMessage=$( # Redirect stderr to stdout for all command with the closure. { # Generate private nk key /usr/local/bin/nk -gen user >$workdir/seed.txt && # Generate public nk key /usr/local/bin/nk -inkey $workdir/seed.txt -pubout >$workdir/user.txt && chmod 600 $workdir/seed.txt && chmod 600 $workdir/user.txt && systemctl enable $progName.service && systemctl start $progName.service } 2>&1 ) # ------- We're done, send output back to ssh client # Check if all went ok with the previous command sequence, or if any errors happened. # We return any result back to the ssh sessions which called this script by echoing # the result, and do an exit . # We can return one line back, so if more values are needed to be returned, they have # to be formated into the same line. # # All went ok. if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then user=$(cat $workdir/user.txt) echo "nkey-user=$user" exit 0 # An error happened. else echo "failed executing script: $errorMessage" exit 1 fi