package ctrl import ( "flag" "log" "os" "strconv" "" ) // Configuration are the structure that holds all the different // configuration options used both with flags and the config file. // If a new field is added to this struct there should also be // added the same field to the ConfigurationFromFile struct, and // an if check should be added to the checkConfigValues function // to set default values when reading from config file. type Configuration struct { // ConfigFolder, the location for the configuration folder on disk ConfigFolder string `comment:"ConfigFolder, the location for the configuration folder on disk"` // The folder where the socket file should live SocketFolder string `comment:"The folder where the socket file should live"` // The folder where the readfolder should live ReadFolder string `comment:"The folder where the readfolder should live"` // EnableReadFolder for enabling the read messages api from readfolder EnableReadFolder bool `comment:"EnableReadFolder for enabling the read messages api from readfolder"` // TCP Listener for sending messages to the system, : TCPListener string `comment:"TCP Listener for sending messages to the system, :"` // HTTP Listener for sending messages to the system, : HTTPListener string `comment:"HTTP Listener for sending messages to the system, :"` // The folder where the database should live DatabaseFolder string `comment:"The folder where the database should live"` // Unique string to identify this Edge unit NodeName string `comment:"Unique string to identify this Edge unit"` // The address of the message broker,
: BrokerAddress string `comment:"The address of the message broker,
:"` // NatsConnOptTimeout the timeout for trying the connect to nats broker NatsConnOptTimeout int `comment:"NatsConnOptTimeout the timeout for trying the connect to nats broker"` // Nats connect retry interval in seconds NatsConnectRetryInterval int `comment:"Nats connect retry interval in seconds"` // NatsReconnectJitter in milliseconds NatsReconnectJitter int `comment:"NatsReconnectJitter in milliseconds"` // NatsReconnectJitterTLS in seconds NatsReconnectJitterTLS int `comment:"NatsReconnectJitterTLS in seconds"` // KeysUpdateInterval in seconds KeysUpdateInterval int `comment:"KeysUpdateInterval in seconds"` // AclUpdateInterval in seconds AclUpdateInterval int `comment:"AclUpdateInterval in seconds"` // The number of the profiling port ProfilingPort string `comment:"The number of the profiling port"` // Host and port for prometheus listener, e.g. localhost:2112 PromHostAndPort string `comment:"Host and port for prometheus listener, e.g. localhost:2112"` // Set to true if this is the node that should receive the error log's from other nodes DefaultMessageTimeout int `comment:"Set to true if this is the node that should receive the error log's from other nodes"` // Default value for how long can a request method max be allowed to run in seconds DefaultMethodTimeout int `comment:"Default value for how long can a request method max be allowed to run in seconds"` // Default amount of retries that will be done before a message is thrown away, and out of the system DefaultMessageRetries int `comment:"Default amount of retries that will be done before a message is thrown away, and out of the system"` // The path to the data folder SubscribersDataFolder string `comment:"The path to the data folder"` // Name of central node to receive logs, errors, key/acl handling CentralNodeName string `comment:"Name of central node to receive logs, errors, key/acl handling"` // The full path to the certificate of the root CA RootCAPath string `comment:"The full path to the certificate of the root CA"` // Full path to the NKEY's seed file NkeySeedFile string `comment:"Full path to the NKEY's seed file"` // The full path to the NKEY user file NkeyPublicKey string `toml:"-"` // NkeyFromED25519SSHKeyFile string `comment:"Full path to the ED25519 SSH private key. Will generate the NKEY Seed from an SSH ED25519 private key file. NB: This option will take precedence over NkeySeedFile if specified"` // NkeySeed NkeySeed string `toml:"-"` // The host and port to expose the data folder, : ExposeDataFolder string `comment:"The host and port to expose the data folder, :"` // Timeout in seconds for error messages ErrorMessageTimeout int `comment:"Timeout in seconds for error messages"` // Retries for error messages ErrorMessageRetries int `comment:"Retries for error messages"` // SetBlockProfileRate for block profiling SetBlockProfileRate int `comment:"SetBlockProfileRate for block profiling"` // EnableSocket for enabling the creation of a ctrl.sock file EnableSocket bool `comment:"EnableSocket for enabling the creation of a ctrl.sock file"` // EnableSignatureCheck to enable signature checking EnableSignatureCheck bool `comment:"EnableSignatureCheck to enable signature checking"` // EnableAclCheck to enable ACL checking EnableAclCheck bool `comment:"EnableAclCheck to enable ACL checking"` // EnableDebug will also enable printing all the messages received in the errorKernel to STDERR. EnableDebug bool `comment:"EnableDebug will also enable printing all the messages received in the errorKernel to STDERR."` // LogLevel LogLevel string `comment:"LogLevel error/info/warning/debug/none."` LogConsoleTimestamps bool `comment:"LogConsoleTimestamps true/false for enabling or disabling timestamps when printing errors and information to stderr"` // KeepPublishersAliveFor number of seconds // Timer that will be used for when to remove the sub process // publisher. The timer is reset each time a message is published with // the process, so the sub process publisher will not be removed until // it have not received any messages for the given amount of time. KeepPublishersAliveFor int `comment:"KeepPublishersAliveFor number of seconds Timer that will be used for when to remove the sub process publisher. The timer is reset each time a message is published with the process, so the sub process publisher will not be removed until it have not received any messages for the given amount of time."` StartProcesses StartProcesses } type StartProcesses struct { // StartPubHello, sets the interval in seconds for how often we send hello messages to central server StartPubHello int `comment:"StartPubHello, sets the interval in seconds for how often we send hello messages to central server"` // Enable the updates of public keys EnableKeyUpdates bool `comment:"Enable the updates of public keys"` // Enable the updates of acl's EnableAclUpdates bool `comment:"Enable the updates of acl's"` // Start the central error logger. IsCentralErrorLogger bool `comment:"Start the central error logger."` // Start subscriber for hello messages StartSubHello bool `comment:"Start subscriber for hello messages"` // Start subscriber for text logging StartSubFileAppend bool `comment:"Start subscriber for text logging"` // Start subscriber for writing to file StartSubFile bool `comment:"Start subscriber for writing to file"` // Start subscriber for reading files to copy StartSubCopySrc bool `comment:"Start subscriber for reading files to copy"` // Start subscriber for writing copied files to disk StartSubCopyDst bool `comment:"Start subscriber for writing copied files to disk"` // Start subscriber for Echo Request StartSubCliCommand bool `comment:"Start subscriber for CLICommand"` // Start subscriber for Console StartSubConsole bool `comment:"Start subscriber for Console"` // Start subscriber for HttpGet StartSubHttpGet bool `comment:"Start subscriber for HttpGet"` // Start subscriber for tailing log files StartSubTailFile bool `comment:"Start subscriber for tailing log files"` // Start subscriber for continously delivery of output from cli commands. StartSubCliCommandCont bool `comment:"Start subscriber for continously delivery of output from cli commands."` // IsCentralAuth, enable to make this instance take the role as the central auth server IsCentralAuth bool `comment:"IsCentralAuth, enable to make this instance take the role as the central auth server"` } // NewConfiguration will return a *Configuration. func NewConfiguration() *Configuration { c := newConfigurationDefaults() err := godotenv.Load() if err != nil { log.Printf("info: no .env file found, will only use env vars or flags: %v\n", err) } //flag.StringVar(&c.ConfigFolder, "configFolder", fc.ConfigFolder, "Defaults to ./usr/local/ctrl/etc/. *NB* This flag is not used, if your config file are located somwhere else than default set the location in an env variable named CONFIGFOLDER") flag.StringVar(&c.SocketFolder, "socketFolder", CheckEnv("SOCKET_FOLDER", c.SocketFolder).(string), "folder who contains the socket file. Defaults to ./tmp/. If other folder is used this flag must be specified at startup.") flag.StringVar(&c.ReadFolder, "readFolder", CheckEnv("READ_FOLDER", c.ReadFolder).(string), "folder who contains the readfolder. Defaults to ./readfolder/. If other folder is used this flag must be specified at startup.") flag.StringVar(&c.TCPListener, "tcpListener", CheckEnv("TCP_LISTENER", c.TCPListener).(string), "start up a TCP listener in addition to the Unix Socket, to give messages to the system. e.g. localhost:8888. No value means not to start the listener, which is default. NB: You probably don't want to start this on any other interface than localhost") flag.StringVar(&c.HTTPListener, "httpListener", CheckEnv("HTTP_LISTENER", c.HTTPListener).(string), "start up a HTTP listener in addition to the Unix Socket, to give messages to the system. e.g. localhost:8888. No value means not to start the listener, which is default. NB: You probably don't want to start this on any other interface than localhost") flag.StringVar(&c.DatabaseFolder, "databaseFolder", CheckEnv("DATABASE_FOLDER", c.DatabaseFolder).(string), "folder who contains the database file. Defaults to ./var/lib/. If other folder is used this flag must be specified at startup.") flag.StringVar(&c.NodeName, "nodeName", CheckEnv("NODE_NAME", c.NodeName).(string), "some unique string to identify this Edge unit") flag.StringVar(&c.BrokerAddress, "brokerAddress", CheckEnv("BROKER_ADDRESS", c.BrokerAddress).(string), "the address of the message broker") flag.IntVar(&c.NatsConnOptTimeout, "natsConnOptTimeout", CheckEnv("NATS_CONN_OPT_TIMEOUT", c.NatsConnOptTimeout).(int), "default nats client conn timeout in seconds") flag.IntVar(&c.NatsConnectRetryInterval, "natsConnectRetryInterval", CheckEnv("NATS_CONNECT_RETRY_INTERVAL", c.NatsConnectRetryInterval).(int), "default nats retry connect interval in seconds.") flag.IntVar(&c.NatsReconnectJitter, "natsReconnectJitter", CheckEnv("NATS_RECONNECT_JITTER", c.NatsReconnectJitter).(int), "default nats ReconnectJitter interval in milliseconds.") flag.IntVar(&c.NatsReconnectJitterTLS, "natsReconnectJitterTLS", CheckEnv("NATS_RECONNECT_JITTER_TLS", c.NatsReconnectJitterTLS).(int), "default nats ReconnectJitterTLS interval in seconds.") flag.IntVar(&c.KeysUpdateInterval, "keysUpdateInterval", CheckEnv("KEYS_UPDATE_INTERVAL", c.KeysUpdateInterval).(int), "default interval in seconds for asking the central for public keys") flag.IntVar(&c.AclUpdateInterval, "aclUpdateInterval", CheckEnv("ACL_UPDATE_INTERVAL", c.AclUpdateInterval).(int), "default interval in seconds for asking the central for acl updates") flag.StringVar(&c.ProfilingPort, "profilingPort", CheckEnv("PROFILING_PORT", c.ProfilingPort).(string), "The number of the profiling port") flag.StringVar(&c.PromHostAndPort, "promHostAndPort", CheckEnv("PROM_HOST_AND_PORT", c.PromHostAndPort).(string), "host and port for prometheus listener, e.g. localhost:2112") flag.IntVar(&c.DefaultMessageTimeout, "defaultMessageTimeout", CheckEnv("DEFAULT_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT", c.DefaultMessageTimeout).(int), "default message timeout in seconds. This can be overridden on the message level") flag.IntVar(&c.DefaultMessageRetries, "defaultMessageRetries", CheckEnv("DEFAULT_MESSAGE_RETRIES", c.DefaultMessageRetries).(int), "default amount of retries that will be done before a message is thrown away, and out of the system") flag.IntVar(&c.DefaultMethodTimeout, "defaultMethodTimeout", CheckEnv("DEFAULT_METHOD_TIMEOUT", c.DefaultMethodTimeout).(int), "default amount of seconds a request method max will be allowed to run") flag.StringVar(&c.SubscribersDataFolder, "subscribersDataFolder", CheckEnv("SUBSCRIBER_DATA_FOLDER", c.SubscribersDataFolder).(string), "The data folder where subscribers are allowed to write their data if needed") flag.StringVar(&c.CentralNodeName, "centralNodeName", CheckEnv("CENTRAL_NODE_NAME", c.CentralNodeName).(string), "The name of the central node to receive messages published by this node") flag.StringVar(&c.RootCAPath, "rootCAPath", CheckEnv("ROOT_CA_PATH", c.RootCAPath).(string), "If TLS, enter the path for where to find the root CA certificate") flag.StringVar(&c.NkeyFromED25519SSHKeyFile, "nkeyFromED25519SSHKeyFile", CheckEnv("NKEY_FROM_ED25519_SSH_KEY_FILE", c.NkeyFromED25519SSHKeyFile).(string), "The full path of the nkeys seed file") flag.StringVar(&c.NkeySeedFile, "nkeySeedFile", CheckEnv("NKEY_SEED_FILE", c.NkeySeedFile).(string), "Full path to the ED25519 SSH private key. Will generate the NKEY Seed from an SSH ED25519 private key file. NB: This option will take precedence over NkeySeedFile if specified") flag.StringVar(&c.NkeySeed, "nkeySeed", CheckEnv("NKEY_SEED", c.NkeySeed).(string), "The actual nkey seed. To use if not stored in file") flag.StringVar(&c.ExposeDataFolder, "exposeDataFolder", CheckEnv("EXPOSE_DATA_FOLDER", c.ExposeDataFolder).(string), "If set the data folder will be exposed on the given host:port. Default value is not exposed at all") flag.IntVar(&c.ErrorMessageTimeout, "errorMessageTimeout", CheckEnv("ERROR_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT", c.ErrorMessageTimeout).(int), "The number of seconds to wait for an error message to time out") flag.IntVar(&c.ErrorMessageRetries, "errorMessageRetries", CheckEnv("ERROR_MESSAGE_RETRIES", c.ErrorMessageRetries).(int), "The number of if times to retry an error message before we drop it") flag.IntVar(&c.SetBlockProfileRate, "setBlockProfileRate", CheckEnv("BLOCK_PROFILE_RATE", c.SetBlockProfileRate).(int), "Enable block profiling by setting the value to f.ex. 1. 0 = disabled") flag.BoolVar(&c.EnableSocket, "enableSocket", CheckEnv("ENABLE_SOCKET", c.EnableSocket).(bool), "true/false, for enabling the creation of ctrl.sock file") flag.BoolVar(&c.EnableSignatureCheck, "enableSignatureCheck", CheckEnv("ENABLE_SIGNATURE_CHECK", c.EnableSignatureCheck).(bool), "true/false *TESTING* enable signature checking.") flag.BoolVar(&c.EnableAclCheck, "enableAclCheck", CheckEnv("ENABLE_ACL_CHECK", c.EnableAclCheck).(bool), "true/false *TESTING* enable Acl checking.") flag.BoolVar(&c.StartProcesses.IsCentralAuth, "isCentralAuth", CheckEnv("IS_CENTRAL_AUTH", c.StartProcesses.IsCentralAuth).(bool), "true/false, *TESTING* is this the central auth server") flag.BoolVar(&c.EnableDebug, "enableDebug", CheckEnv("ENABLE_DEBUG", c.EnableDebug).(bool), "true/false, will enable debug logging so all messages sent to the errorKernel will also be printed to STDERR") flag.StringVar(&c.LogLevel, "logLevel", CheckEnv("LOG_LEVEL", c.LogLevel).(string), "error/info/warning/debug/none") flag.BoolVar(&c.LogConsoleTimestamps, "LogConsoleTimestamps", CheckEnv("LOG_CONSOLE_TIMESTAMPS", c.LogConsoleTimestamps).(bool), "true/false for enabling or disabling timestamps when printing errors and information to stderr") flag.IntVar(&c.KeepPublishersAliveFor, "keepPublishersAliveFor", CheckEnv("KEEP_PUBLISHERS_ALIVE_FOR", c.KeepPublishersAliveFor).(int), "The amount of time we allow a publisher to stay alive without receiving any messages to publish") // Start of Request publishers/subscribers flag.IntVar(&c.StartProcesses.StartPubHello, "startPubHello", CheckEnv("START_PUB_HELLO", c.StartProcesses.StartPubHello).(int), "Make the current node send hello messages to central at given interval in seconds") flag.BoolVar(&c.StartProcesses.EnableKeyUpdates, "EnableKeyUpdates", CheckEnv("ENABLE_KEY_UPDATES", c.StartProcesses.EnableKeyUpdates).(bool), "true/false") flag.BoolVar(&c.StartProcesses.EnableAclUpdates, "EnableAclUpdates", CheckEnv("ENABLE_ACL_UPDATES", c.StartProcesses.EnableAclUpdates).(bool), "true/false") flag.BoolVar(&c.StartProcesses.IsCentralErrorLogger, "isCentralErrorLogger", CheckEnv("IS_CENTRAL_ERROR_LOGGER", c.StartProcesses.IsCentralErrorLogger).(bool), "true/false") flag.BoolVar(&c.StartProcesses.StartSubHello, "startSubHello", CheckEnv("START_SUB_HELLO", c.StartProcesses.StartSubHello).(bool), "true/false") flag.BoolVar(&c.StartProcesses.StartSubFileAppend, "startSubFileAppend", CheckEnv("START_SUB_FILE_APPEND", c.StartProcesses.StartSubFileAppend).(bool), "true/false") flag.BoolVar(&c.StartProcesses.StartSubFile, "startSubFile", CheckEnv("START_SUB_FILE", c.StartProcesses.StartSubFile).(bool), "true/false") flag.BoolVar(&c.StartProcesses.StartSubCopySrc, "startSubCopySrc", CheckEnv("START_SUB_COPY_SRC", c.StartProcesses.StartSubCopySrc).(bool), "true/false") flag.BoolVar(&c.StartProcesses.StartSubCopyDst, "startSubCopyDst", CheckEnv("START_SUB_COPY_DST", c.StartProcesses.StartSubCopyDst).(bool), "true/false") flag.BoolVar(&c.StartProcesses.StartSubCliCommand, "startSubCliCommand", CheckEnv("START_SUB_CLI_COMMAND", c.StartProcesses.StartSubCliCommand).(bool), "true/false") flag.BoolVar(&c.StartProcesses.StartSubConsole, "startSubConsole", CheckEnv("START_SUB_CONSOLE", c.StartProcesses.StartSubConsole).(bool), "true/false") flag.BoolVar(&c.StartProcesses.StartSubHttpGet, "startSubHttpGet", CheckEnv("START_SUB_HTTP_GET", c.StartProcesses.StartSubHttpGet).(bool), "true/false") flag.BoolVar(&c.StartProcesses.StartSubTailFile, "startSubTailFile", CheckEnv("START_SUB_TAIL_FILE", c.StartProcesses.StartSubTailFile).(bool), "true/false") flag.BoolVar(&c.StartProcesses.StartSubCliCommandCont, "startSubCliCommandCont", CheckEnv("START_SUB_CLI_COMMAND_CONT", c.StartProcesses.StartSubCliCommandCont).(bool), "true/false") // Check that mandatory flag values have been set. switch { case c.NodeName == "": log.Fatalf("error: the nodeName config option or flag cannot be empty, check -help\n") case c.CentralNodeName == "": log.Fatalf("error: the centralNodeName config option or flag cannot be empty, check -help\n") } flag.Parse() return &c } // Get a Configuration struct with the default values set. func newConfigurationDefaults() Configuration { c := Configuration{ ConfigFolder: "./etc/", SocketFolder: "./tmp", ReadFolder: "./readfolder", EnableReadFolder: true, TCPListener: "", HTTPListener: "", DatabaseFolder: "./var/lib", NodeName: "", BrokerAddress: "", NatsConnOptTimeout: 20, NatsConnectRetryInterval: 10, NatsReconnectJitter: 100, NatsReconnectJitterTLS: 1, KeysUpdateInterval: 60, AclUpdateInterval: 60, ProfilingPort: "", PromHostAndPort: "", DefaultMessageTimeout: 10, DefaultMessageRetries: 1, DefaultMethodTimeout: 10, SubscribersDataFolder: "./data", CentralNodeName: "central", RootCAPath: "", NkeySeedFile: "", NkeyFromED25519SSHKeyFile: "", NkeySeed: "", ExposeDataFolder: "", ErrorMessageTimeout: 60, ErrorMessageRetries: 10, SetBlockProfileRate: 0, EnableSocket: true, EnableSignatureCheck: false, EnableAclCheck: false, EnableDebug: false, LogLevel: "debug", LogConsoleTimestamps: false, KeepPublishersAliveFor: 10, StartProcesses: StartProcesses{ StartPubHello: 30, EnableKeyUpdates: false, EnableAclUpdates: false, IsCentralErrorLogger: false, StartSubHello: true, StartSubFileAppend: true, StartSubFile: true, StartSubCopySrc: true, StartSubCopyDst: true, StartSubCliCommand: true, StartSubConsole: true, StartSubHttpGet: true, StartSubTailFile: true, StartSubCliCommandCont: true, IsCentralAuth: false, }, } return c } func CheckEnv[T any](key string, v T) any { val, ok := os.LookupEnv(key) if !ok { return v } switch any(v).(type) { case int: n, err := strconv.Atoi(val) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("error: failed to convert env to int: %v\n", n) } return n case string: return val case bool: switch { case val == "true" || val == "1": return true case val == "false" || val == "0" || val == "": return true } } return nil }