implemented reading and embedding the content of a local file with {{CTRL_FILE}}
fixed error with not found filename in copy test, remove debug logs
seedfile: removed deletion, and changed file permissions to 600
created flags for profiling
renamed startup.subscriber to startup.startProcess
created a separate method for helloPublisher
removed processKind, og removed not needed file check in copy request
removed sams from channels
removed publisher channel on subject, and messages to publish are now directly published from the newMessagesCh
removed no longer needed compression and serialization flags.
all messaging are using zstd for compression, and cbor for serializing
added functions for handling cbor serializing and zstd compression, and swapped out json marshaling of jetstream message data with cbor and zstd
added flag for max jetstream messages to keep on broker per subject
removed example for no longer existing relay messages
cleaned up comments
Removed some remaings after REQToFileNACK
Implemented env variables for all flags, and removed config flag. Also added use of .env file.
removed configuration as input argument from all the loggers
replaced logging of new messages in read folder with a logDebug so we don't send those messages to the error kernel
updated references
removed tui client
removed ringbuffer persist store
removed ringbuffer
enabled audit logging
moved audit logging to message readers
disabled goreleaser
update readme, cbor, zstd
removed request type ping and pong
update readme
testing with cmd.WaitDelay for clicommand
fixed readme
removed ringbuffer flag
default serialization set to cbor, default compression set to zstd, fixed race,
removed event type ack and nack, also removed from subject. Fixed file stat error for copy log file
removed remaining elements of the event type
removed comments
renamed toRingbufferCh to samToSendCh
renamed directSAMSCh ro samSendLocalCh
removed handler interface
agpl3 license