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mirror of https://github.com/postmannen/ctrl.git synced 2025-03-05 06:46:48 +00:00

added table tests for reqeusts

This commit is contained in:
postmannen 2022-05-22 15:56:54 +02:00
parent 4f09dd406d
commit 090a253c94
3 changed files with 92 additions and 120 deletions

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@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ func (m methodREQTest) getKind() Event {
// handler to be used as a reply method when testing requests.
// We can then within the test listen on the testCh for received
// data and validate it.
// If not test is listening the data will be dropped.
// If no test is listening the data will be dropped.
func (m methodREQTest) handler(proc process, message Message, node string) ([]byte, error) {
go func() {

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package steward
import (
@ -19,35 +19,18 @@ func newServerForTesting(t *testing.T) *server {
// tempdir := t.TempDir()
// Create the config to run a steward instance.
tempdir := "./tmp"
conf := &Configuration{
SocketFolder: filepath.Join(tempdir, "tmp"),
DatabaseFolder: filepath.Join(tempdir, "var/lib"),
//SubscribersDataFolder: filepath.Join(tempdir, "data"),
SubscribersDataFolder: "./tmp/",
ConfigFolder: "./tmp/etc",
BrokerAddress: "",
PromHostAndPort: ":2112",
NodeName: "central",
CentralNodeName: "central",
DefaultMessageRetries: 1,
DefaultMessageTimeout: 3,
EnableSocket: true,
// AllowEmptySignature: true,
EnableDebug: true,
//tempdir := "./tmp"
conf := newConfigurationDefaults()
conf.BrokerAddress = ""
conf.NodeName = "central"
conf.CentralNodeName = "central"
conf.ConfigFolder = "tmp"
conf.SubscribersDataFolder = "tmp"
conf.SocketFolder = "tmp"
conf.SubscribersDataFolder = "tmp"
conf.DatabaseFolder = "tmp"
StartSubREQCliCommand: true,
StartSubREQCliCommandCont: true,
StartSubREQToConsole: true,
StartSubREQToFileAppend: true,
StartSubREQToFile: true,
StartSubREQHello: true,
StartSubREQErrorLog: true,
StartSubREQHttpGet: true,
StartSubREQTailFile: true,
// StartSubREQToSocket: flagNodeSlice{OK: true, Values: []Node{"*"}},
stewardServer, err := NewServer(conf, "test")
stewardServer, err := NewServer(&conf, "test")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf(" * failed: could not start the Steward instance %v\n", err)
@ -72,9 +55,15 @@ func newNatsServerForTesting(t *testing.T) *natsserver.Server {
func TestRequest(t *testing.T) {
type containsOrEquals int
const contains containsOrEquals = 1
const equals containsOrEquals = 2
type test struct {
info string
message Message
want []byte
ns := newNatsServerForTesting(t)
@ -87,20 +76,70 @@ func TestRequest(t *testing.T) {
defer srv.Stop()
// Web server for testing.
h := func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Write([]byte("web page content"))
http.HandleFunc("/", h)
go func() {
http.ListenAndServe(":10080", nil)
tests := []test{
{message: Message{
ToNode: "central",
FromNode: "central",
Method: REQCliCommand,
MethodArgs: []string{"bash", "-c", "echo apekatt"},
MethodTimeout: 5,
ReplyMethod: REQTest,
}, want: []byte("apekatt"),
info: "REQCliCommand test gris",
message: Message{
ToNode: "central",
FromNode: "central",
Method: REQCliCommand,
MethodArgs: []string{"bash", "-c", "echo gris"},
MethodTimeout: 5,
ReplyMethod: REQTest,
}, want: []byte("gris"),
containsOrEquals: equals,
info: "REQCliCommand test sau",
message: Message{
ToNode: "central",
FromNode: "central",
Method: REQCliCommand,
MethodArgs: []string{"bash", "-c", "echo sau"},
MethodTimeout: 5,
ReplyMethod: REQTest,
}, want: []byte("sau"),
containsOrEquals: equals,
info: "REQHttpGet test edgeos.raalabs.tech",
message: Message{
ToNode: "central",
FromNode: "central",
Method: REQHttpGet,
MethodArgs: []string{"http://localhost:10080"},
MethodTimeout: 5,
ReplyMethod: REQTest,
}, want: []byte("web page content"),
containsOrEquals: contains,
info: "REQOpProcessList test",
message: Message{
ToNode: "central",
FromNode: "central",
Method: REQOpProcessList,
MethodArgs: []string{},
MethodTimeout: 5,
ReplyMethod: REQTest,
}, want: []byte("central.REQHttpGet.EventACK"),
containsOrEquals: contains,
for _, tt := range tests {
sam, err := newSubjectAndMessage(tt.message)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("newSubjectAndMessage failed: %v\n", err)
@ -109,12 +148,24 @@ func TestRequest(t *testing.T) {
srv.toRingBufferCh <- []subjectAndMessage{sam}
result := <-srv.errorKernel.testCh
resStr := string(result)
resStr = strings.TrimSuffix(resStr, "\n")
result = []byte(resStr)
if !bytes.Equal(result, tt.want) {
t.Fatalf("\n **** want: %v, got: %v\n", tt.want, result)
switch tt.containsOrEquals {
case equals:
if !bytes.Equal(result, tt.want) {
t.Fatalf(" \U0001F631 [FAILED] :%v : want: %v, got: %v\n", tt.info, string(tt.want), string(result))
t.Logf(" \U0001f600 [SUCCESS] : %v\n", tt.info)
case contains:
if !strings.Contains(string(result), string(tt.want)) {
t.Fatalf(" \U0001F631 [FAILED] :%v : want: %v, got: %v\n", tt.info, string(tt.want), string(result))
t.Logf(" \U0001f600 [SUCCESS] : %v\n", tt.info)

View file

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import (
@ -66,7 +65,6 @@ func TestStewardServer(t *testing.T) {
StartSubREQToFile: true,
StartSubREQHello: true,
StartSubREQErrorLog: true,
StartSubREQHttpGet: true,
StartSubREQTailFile: true,
// StartSubREQToSocket: flagNodeSlice{OK: true, Values: []Node{"*"}},
@ -84,7 +82,6 @@ func TestStewardServer(t *testing.T) {
// Specify all the test funcs to run in the slice.
funcs := []testFunc{
// checkREQToConsoleTest(conf, t), NB: No tests will be made for console ouput.
@ -92,16 +89,9 @@ func TestStewardServer(t *testing.T) {
// checkREQToFileTest(conf, t), NB: Already tested via others
// checkREQPingTest(conf, t)
// checkREQPongTest(conf, t)
// checkREQToSocketTest(conf, t)
// checkREQRelay
for _, f := range funcs {
@ -120,36 +110,6 @@ func TestStewardServer(t *testing.T) {
// Check REQ types
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Testing op (operator) Commands.
func checkREQOpProcessListTest(stewardServer *server, conf *Configuration, t *testing.T) error {
m := `[
"fileName": "fileName.result",
"toNode": "central",
"data": [],
"MethodTimeout": 7
writeToSocketTest(conf, m, t)
resultFile := filepath.Join(conf.SubscribersDataFolder, "opCommand", "central", "fileName.result")
_, err := findStringInFileTest("central.REQHttpGet.CommandACK", resultFile, conf, t)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(" \U0001F631 [FAILED] : checkREQOpProcessListTest: %v", err)
t.Logf(" \U0001f600 [SUCCESS] : checkREQOpCommandTest\n")
return nil
// Sending of CLI Commands.
func checkREQCliCommandTest(stewardServer *server, conf *Configuration, t *testing.T) error {
m := `[
@ -250,45 +210,6 @@ func checkREQErrorLogTest(stewardServer *server, conf *Configuration, t *testing
return nil
// Check http get method.
func checkREQHttpGetTest(stewardServer *server, conf *Configuration, t *testing.T) error {
// Web server for testing.
h := func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Write([]byte("web page content"))
http.HandleFunc("/", h)
go func() {
http.ListenAndServe(":10080", nil)
m := `[
"directory": "httpget",
"toNode": "central",
"methodArgs": [""],
"method": "REQHttpGet",
"methodTimeout": 5
writeToSocketTest(conf, m, t)
resultFile := filepath.Join(conf.SubscribersDataFolder, "httpget", "central", "fileName.result")
_, err := findStringInFileTest("web page content", resultFile, conf, t)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(" \U0001F631 [FAILED] : checkREQHttpGetTest: %v", err)
t.Logf(" \U0001f600 [SUCCESS] : checkREQHttpGetTest\n")
return nil
// Check the tailing of files type.
func checkREQTailFileTest(stewardServer *server, conf *Configuration, t *testing.T) error {
// Create a file with some content.