2021-06-30 07:14:04 +02:00
package stew
import (
2021-07-01 07:29:21 +02:00
2021-06-30 07:14:04 +02:00
func messageSlide ( app * tview . Application ) tview . Primitive {
type pageMessage struct {
flex * tview . Flex
msgInputForm * tview . Form
msgOutputForm * tview . TextView
logForm * tview . TextView
p := pageMessage { }
app = tview . NewApplication ( )
p . msgInputForm = tview . NewForm ( )
p . msgInputForm . SetBorder ( true ) . SetTitle ( "Request values" ) . SetTitleAlign ( tview . AlignLeft )
p . msgOutputForm = tview . NewTextView ( )
p . msgOutputForm . SetBorder ( true ) . SetTitle ( "Message output" ) . SetTitleAlign ( tview . AlignLeft )
p . msgOutputForm . SetChangedFunc ( func ( ) {
// Will cause the log window to be redrawn as soon as
// new output are detected.
app . Draw ( )
} )
p . logForm = tview . NewTextView ( )
p . logForm . SetBorder ( true ) . SetTitle ( "Log/Status" ) . SetTitleAlign ( tview . AlignLeft )
p . logForm . SetChangedFunc ( func ( ) {
// Will cause the log window to be redrawn as soon as
// new output are detected.
app . Draw ( )
} )
// Create a flex layout.
// First create the outer flex layout.
p . flex = tview . NewFlex ( ) . SetDirection ( tview . FlexRow ) .
// Add the top windows with columns.
AddItem ( tview . NewFlex ( ) . SetDirection ( tview . FlexColumn ) .
AddItem ( p . msgInputForm , 0 , 10 , false ) .
AddItem ( p . msgOutputForm , 0 , 10 , false ) ,
0 , 10 , false ) .
// Add the bottom log window.
AddItem ( tview . NewFlex ( ) .
AddItem ( p . logForm , 0 , 2 , false ) ,
0 , 2 , false )
// Check that the message struct used within stew are up to date, and
// consistent with the fields used in the main Steward message file.
// If it throws an error here we need to update the msg struct type,
// or add a case for the field to except.
err := compareMsgAndMessage ( )
if err != nil {
log . Printf ( "%v\n" , err )
os . Exit ( 1 )
m := msg { }
// Loop trough all the fields of the Message struct, and create
// a an input field or dropdown selector for each field.
// If a field of the struct is not defined below, it will be
// created a "no defenition" element, so it we can easily spot
// Message fields who miss an item in the form.
// INFO: The reason that reflect are being used here is to have
// a simple way of detecting that we are creating form fields
// for all the fields in the struct. If we have forgot'en one
// it will create a "no case" field in the console, to easily
// detect that a struct field are missing a defenition below.
mRefVal := reflect . ValueOf ( m )
for i := 0 ; i < mRefVal . NumField ( ) ; i ++ {
var err error
values := [ ] string { "1" , "2" }
fieldName := mRefVal . Type ( ) . Field ( i ) . Name
switch fieldName {
case "ToNode" :
// Get nodes from file.
values , err = getNodeNames ( "nodeslist.cfg" )
if err != nil {
// TODO: Handle error here, exit ?
return nil
item := tview . NewDropDown ( )
item . SetLabelColor ( tcell . ColorIndianRed )
item . SetLabel ( fieldName ) . SetOptions ( values , nil )
p . msgInputForm . AddFormItem ( item )
//c.msgForm.AddDropDown(mRefVal.Type().Field(i).Name, values, 0, nil).SetItemPadding(1)
case "ID" :
// This value is automatically assigned by steward.
case "Data" :
value := ` "bash","-c","..." `
p . msgInputForm . AddInputField ( fieldName , value , 30 , nil , nil )
case "Method" :
var m steward . Method
ma := m . GetMethodsAvailable ( )
values := [ ] string { }
for k := range ma . Methodhandlers {
values = append ( values , string ( k ) )
p . msgInputForm . AddDropDown ( fieldName , values , 0 , nil ) . SetItemPadding ( 1 )
case "ReplyMethod" :
var m steward . Method
rm := m . GetReplyMethods ( )
values := [ ] string { }
for _ , k := range rm {
values = append ( values , string ( k ) )
p . msgInputForm . AddDropDown ( fieldName , values , 0 , nil ) . SetItemPadding ( 1 )
case "ACKTimeout" :
value := 30
p . msgInputForm . AddInputField ( fieldName , fmt . Sprintf ( "%d" , value ) , 30 , validateInteger , nil )
case "Retries" :
value := 1
p . msgInputForm . AddInputField ( fieldName , fmt . Sprintf ( "%d" , value ) , 30 , validateInteger , nil )
case "ReplyACKTimeout" :
value := 30
p . msgInputForm . AddInputField ( fieldName , fmt . Sprintf ( "%d" , value ) , 30 , validateInteger , nil )
case "ReplyRetries" :
value := 1
p . msgInputForm . AddInputField ( fieldName , fmt . Sprintf ( "%d" , value ) , 30 , validateInteger , nil )
case "MethodTimeout" :
value := 120
p . msgInputForm . AddInputField ( fieldName , fmt . Sprintf ( "%d" , value ) , 30 , validateInteger , nil )
case "Directory" :
value := "/some-dir/"
p . msgInputForm . AddInputField ( fieldName , value , 30 , nil , nil )
2021-08-24 14:05:44 +02:00
case "FileName" :
2021-06-30 07:14:04 +02:00
value := ".log"
p . msgInputForm . AddInputField ( fieldName , value , 30 , nil , nil )
case "Operation" :
// Prepare the selectedFunc that will be triggered for the operations
// when a field in the dropdown is selected.
// This selectedFunc will generate the sub fields of the selected
// operation, and will also remove any previously drawn operation
// sub fields from the current form.
values := [ ] string { "ps" , "startProc" , "stopProc" }
selectedFunc := func ( option string , optionIndex int ) {
// Prepare the map structure that knows what tview items the
// operation should contain.
// Then we can pick from this map later, to know what fields
// to draw, and also which fields to delete if another operation
// is selected from the dropdown.
type formItem struct {
label string
formItem tview . FormItem
operationFormItems := map [ string ] [ ] formItem { }
operationFormItems [ "ps" ] = nil
operationFormItems [ "startProc" ] = func ( ) [ ] formItem {
formItems := [ ] formItem { }
// Get values values to be used for the "Method" dropdown.
var m steward . Method
ma := m . GetMethodsAvailable ( )
values := [ ] string { }
for k := range ma . Methodhandlers {
values = append ( values , string ( k ) )
// Create the individual form items, and append them to the
// formItems slice to be drawn later.
label := "startProc Method"
item := tview . NewDropDown ( )
item . SetLabel ( label ) . SetOptions ( values , nil ) . SetLabelWidth ( 25 )
formItems = append ( formItems , formItem { label : label , formItem : item } )
label := "startProc AllowedNodes"
item := tview . NewInputField ( )
item . SetLabel ( label ) . SetFieldWidth ( 30 ) . SetLabelWidth ( 25 )
formItems = append ( formItems , formItem { label : label , formItem : item } )
return formItems
} ( )
operationFormItems [ "stopProc" ] = func ( ) [ ] formItem {
formItems := [ ] formItem { }
// RecevingNode node `json:"receivingNode"`
// Method Method `json:"method"`
// Kind processKind `json:"kind"`
// ID int `json:"id"`
// Get nodes from file.
values , err = getNodeNames ( "nodeslist.cfg" )
if err != nil {
fmt . Fprintf ( p . logForm , "%v: error: unable to get nodes\n" , time . Now ( ) . Format ( "Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006" ) )
return nil
label := "stopProc ToNode"
item := tview . NewDropDown ( )
item . SetLabel ( label ) . SetOptions ( values , nil ) . SetLabelWidth ( 25 )
formItems = append ( formItems , formItem { label : label , formItem : item } )
// Get values values to be used for the "Method" dropdown.
var m steward . Method
ma := m . GetMethodsAvailable ( )
values := [ ] string { }
for k := range ma . Methodhandlers {
values = append ( values , string ( k ) )
// Create the individual form items, and append them to the
// formItems slice.
label := "stopProc Method"
item := tview . NewDropDown ( )
item . SetLabel ( label ) . SetOptions ( values , nil ) . SetLabelWidth ( 25 )
formItems = append ( formItems , formItem { label : label , formItem : item } )
processKind := [ ] string { "publisher" , "subscriber" }
label := "stopProc processKind"
item := tview . NewDropDown ( )
item . SetLabel ( label ) . SetOptions ( processKind , nil ) . SetLabelWidth ( 25 )
formItems = append ( formItems , formItem { label : label , formItem : item } )
label := "stopProc ID"
item := tview . NewInputField ( )
item . SetLabel ( label ) . SetFieldWidth ( 30 ) . SetLabelWidth ( 25 )
formItems = append ( formItems , formItem { label : label , formItem : item } )
return formItems
} ( )
itemDraw := func ( label string ) {
// Delete previously drawn sub operation form items.
for _ , vSlice := range operationFormItems {
for _ , v := range vSlice {
i := p . msgInputForm . GetFormItemIndex ( v . label )
if i > - 1 {
p . msgInputForm . RemoveFormItem ( i )
// Get and draw the form items to the form.
formItems := operationFormItems [ label ]
for _ , v := range formItems {
p . msgInputForm . AddFormItem ( v . formItem )
switch option {
case "ps" :
itemDraw ( "ps" )
case "startProc" :
itemDraw ( "startProc" )
case "stopProc" :
itemDraw ( "stopProc" )
default :
fmt . Fprintf ( p . logForm , "%v: error: missing menu item for %v\n" , time . Now ( ) . Format ( "Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006" ) , option )
p . msgInputForm . AddDropDown ( fieldName , values , 0 , selectedFunc ) . SetItemPadding ( 1 )
default :
// Add a no definition fields to the form if a a field within the
// struct were missing an action above, so we can easily detect
// if there is missing a case action for one of the struct fields.
p . msgInputForm . AddDropDown ( "error: no case for: " + fieldName , values , 0 , nil ) . SetItemPadding ( 1 )
// Add Buttons below the message fields. Like Generate and Exit.
p . msgInputForm .
// Add a generate button, which when pressed will loop through all the
// message form items, and if found fill the value into a msg struct,
// and at last write it to a file.
// TODO: Should also add a write directly to socket here.
AddButton ( "generate to console" , func ( ) {
// ---
opCmdStartProc := steward . OpCmdStartProc { }
opCmdStopProc := steward . OpCmdStopProc { }
// ---
// fh, err := os.Create("message.json")
// if err != nil {
// log.Fatalf("error: failed to create test.log file: %v\n", err)
// }
// defer fh.Close()
p . msgOutputForm . Clear ( )
fh := p . msgOutputForm
m := msg { }
// Loop trough all the form fields
for i := 0 ; i < p . msgInputForm . GetFormItemCount ( ) ; i ++ {
fi := p . msgInputForm . GetFormItem ( i )
label , value := getLabelAndValue ( fi )
switch label {
case "ToNode" :
if value == "" {
fmt . Fprintf ( p . logForm , "%v : error: missing ToNode \n" , time . Now ( ) . Format ( "Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006" ) )
m . ToNode = steward . Node ( value )
case "Data" :
// Split the comma separated string into a
// and remove the start and end ampersand.
sp := strings . Split ( value , "," )
var data [ ] string
for _ , v := range sp {
// Check if format is correct, return if not.
pre := strings . HasPrefix ( v , "\"" )
suf := strings . HasSuffix ( v , "\"" )
if ! pre || ! suf {
fmt . Fprintf ( p . logForm , "%v : error: missing or malformed format for command, should be \"cmd\",\"arg1\",\"arg2\" ...\n" , time . Now ( ) . Format ( "Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006" ) )
// Remove leading and ending ampersand.
v = v [ 1 : ]
v = strings . TrimSuffix ( v , "\"" )
data = append ( data , v )
m . Data = data
case "Method" :
m . Method = steward . Method ( value )
case "ReplyMethod" :
m . ReplyMethod = steward . Method ( value )
case "ACKTimeout" :
v , _ := strconv . Atoi ( value )
m . ACKTimeout = v
case "Retries" :
v , _ := strconv . Atoi ( value )
m . Retries = v
case "ReplyACKTimeout" :
v , _ := strconv . Atoi ( value )
m . ReplyACKTimeout = v
case "ReplyRetries" :
v , _ := strconv . Atoi ( value )
m . ReplyRetries = v
case "MethodTimeout" :
v , _ := strconv . Atoi ( value )
m . MethodTimeout = v
case "Directory" :
m . Directory = value
2021-08-24 14:05:44 +02:00
case "FileName" :
m . FileName = value
2021-06-30 07:14:04 +02:00
case "Operation" :
// We need to check what type of operation it is, and pick
// the correct struct type, and fill it with values
switch value {
case "ps" :
case "startProc" :
m . Operation = & opCmdStartProc
case "stopProc" :
m . Operation = & opCmdStopProc
default :
m . Operation = nil
case "startProc Method" :
if value == "" {
fmt . Fprintf ( p . logForm , "%v : error: missing startProc Method\n" , time . Now ( ) . Format ( "Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006" ) )
opCmdStartProc . Method = steward . Method ( value )
case "startProc AllowedNodes" :
// Split the comma separated string into a
// and remove the start and end ampersand.
sp := strings . Split ( value , "," )
var allowedNodes [ ] steward . Node
for _ , v := range sp {
// Check if format is correct, return if not.
pre := strings . HasPrefix ( v , "\"" ) || ! strings . HasPrefix ( v , "," ) || ! strings . HasPrefix ( v , "\"," ) || ! strings . HasPrefix ( v , ",\"" )
suf := strings . HasSuffix ( v , "\"" )
if ! pre || ! suf {
fmt . Fprintf ( p . logForm , "%v : error: malformed format for command, should be \"cmd\",\"arg1\",\"arg2\" ...\n" , time . Now ( ) . Format ( "Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006" ) )
// Remove leading and ending ampersand.
v = v [ 1 : ]
v = strings . TrimSuffix ( v , "\"" )
allowedNodes = append ( allowedNodes , steward . Node ( v ) )
opCmdStartProc . AllowedNodes = allowedNodes
default :
fmt . Fprintf ( p . logForm , "%v : error: did not find case defenition for how to handle the \"%v\" within the switch statement\n" , time . Now ( ) . Format ( "Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006" ) , label )
msgs := [ ] msg { }
msgs = append ( msgs , m )
msgsIndented , err := json . MarshalIndent ( msgs , "" , " " )
if err != nil {
fmt . Fprintf ( p . logForm , "%v : error: jsonIndent failed: %v\n" , time . Now ( ) . Format ( "Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006" ) , err )
_ , err = fh . Write ( msgsIndented )
if err != nil {
fmt . Fprintf ( p . logForm , "%v : error: write to fh failed: %v\n" , time . Now ( ) . Format ( "Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006" ) , err )
} ) .
// Add exit button.
AddButton ( "exit" , func ( ) {
app . Stop ( )
} )
app . SetFocus ( p . msgInputForm )
return p . flex
2021-07-01 07:29:21 +02:00
// Check and compare all the fields of the main message struct
// used in Steward, and the message struct used in Stew that they are
// equal.
// If they are not equal an error will be returned to the user with
// the name of the field that was missing in the Stew message struct.
// Some of the fields in the Steward Message struct are used by the
// system for control, and not needed when creating an initial message
// template, and we can add case statements for those fields below
// that we do not wan't to check.
func compareMsgAndMessage ( ) error {
stewardMessage := steward . Message { }
stewMsg := msg { }
stewardRefVal := reflect . ValueOf ( stewardMessage )
stewRefVal := reflect . ValueOf ( stewMsg )
// Loop trough all the fields of the Message struct.
for i := 0 ; i < stewardRefVal . NumField ( ) ; i ++ {
found := false
for ii := 0 ; ii < stewRefVal . NumField ( ) ; ii ++ {
if stewardRefVal . Type ( ) . Field ( i ) . Name == stewRefVal . Type ( ) . Field ( ii ) . Name {
found = true
// Case statements for the fields we don't care about for
// the message template.
if ! found {
switch stewardRefVal . Type ( ) . Field ( i ) . Name {
case "ID" :
// Not used in message template.
case "FromNode" :
// Not used in message template.
case "PreviousMessage" :
// Not used in message template.
case "done" :
// Not used in message template.
default :
return fmt . Errorf ( "error: %v within the steward Message struct were not found in the stew msg struct" , stewardRefVal . Type ( ) . Field ( i ) . Name )
return nil
// Will return the Label And the text Value of an input or dropdown form field.
func getLabelAndValue ( fi tview . FormItem ) ( string , string ) {
var label string
var value string
switch v := fi . ( type ) {
case * tview . InputField :
value = v . GetText ( )
label = v . GetLabel ( )
case * tview . DropDown :
label = v . GetLabel ( )
_ , value = v . GetCurrentOption ( )
return label , value
// Check if number is int.
func validateInteger ( text string , ch rune ) bool {
if text == "-" {
return true
_ , err := strconv . Atoi ( text )
return err == nil
// getNodes will load all the node names from a file, and return a slice of
// string values, each representing a unique node.
func getNodeNames ( filePath string ) ( [ ] string , error ) {
fh , err := os . Open ( filePath )
if err != nil {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "error: unable to open node file: %v" , err )
defer fh . Close ( )
nodes := [ ] string { }
scanner := bufio . NewScanner ( fh )
for scanner . Scan ( ) {
node := scanner . Text ( )
nodes = append ( nodes , node )
return nodes , nil
// -----------------------
// Creating a copy of the real Message struct here to use within the
// field specification, but without the control kind of fields from
// the original to avoid changing them to pointer values in the main
// struct which would be needed when json marshaling to omit those
// empty fields.
type msg struct {
// The node to send the message to
ToNode steward . Node ` json:"toNode" yaml:"toNode" `
// The actual data in the message
Data [ ] string ` json:"data" yaml:"data" `
// Method, what is this message doing, etc. CLI, syslog, etc.
Method steward . Method ` json:"method" yaml:"method" `
// ReplyMethod, is the method to use for the reply message.
// By default the reply method will be set to log to file, but
// you can override it setting your own here.
ReplyMethod steward . Method ` json:"replyMethod" yaml:"replyMethod" `
// From what node the message originated
ACKTimeout int ` json:"ACKTimeout" yaml:"ACKTimeout" `
// Resend retries
Retries int ` json:"retries" yaml:"retries" `
// The ACK timeout of the new message created via a request event.
ReplyACKTimeout int ` json:"replyACKTimeout" yaml:"replyACKTimeout" `
// The retries of the new message created via a request event.
ReplyRetries int ` json:"replyRetries" yaml:"replyRetries" `
// Timeout for long a process should be allowed to operate
MethodTimeout int ` json:"methodTimeout" yaml:"methodTimeout" `
// Directory is a string that can be used to create the
//directory structure when saving the result of some method.
// For example "syslog","metrics", or "metrics/mysensor"
// The type is typically used in the handler of a method.
Directory string ` json:"directory" yaml:"directory" `
2021-08-24 14:05:44 +02:00
// FileName is used to be able to set a wanted extension
2021-07-01 07:29:21 +02:00
// on a file being saved as the result of data being handled
// by a method handler.
2021-08-24 14:05:44 +02:00
FileName string ` json:"fileName" yaml:"fileName" `
2021-07-01 07:29:21 +02:00
// operation are used to give an opCmd and opArg's.
Operation interface { } ` json:"operation,omitempty" `